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599 posts and 108 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Can /LGBT/ please be its own board instead of being reduced to an obscure thread in siberia? It's pathetic how 4chvds actually gives queerfolk more representation in this regard


I used against a zionist troll on siberia yesterday

A few days ago I used against a troll who called queerfolk bourgeois decadence who should be forcefully put into camps

Jannies didn't do shit about either


Man that is not happening bruv, they don't have the money to do it. Every board costs lots of money to be maintained, and adding more will just add into the costs.


assuming this isn't bait: unless you can demonstrate it'd be fast enough to be a viable board (for example because a lot of people want to leave 4/lgbt/ or because another site is collapsing and a bunch of people would come here if you made a replacement) this is a horrible idea. basically every new board has fallen flat on its ass. there's never a plan to actually build a viable board out of it - just because you build it doesn't mean anyone will come - and the end result is that this site is /leftypol/, /siberia/, /meta/, and dead-dead-dead.

making a specific board could be actively harmful: because there's a specific board, you'll find that any lgbt topics on the boards people actually use will be moved to the dead /lgbt/ board to wither and die because that's now where they "belong".


>hey can you kill this general thread by segregating discussion?
please don't.


>Might just become discount 4chvdcels at this point
wow i wonder where the site name comes from??/?


It was called bunkerchan bf tho


You are on Bunkerchan


Yeah but the board name was bunkerchan not leftypol




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>Literal "So much for the tolerant left" rhetoric and lobbying for imitating 4chin
This feels like a /pol/ troll post, or maybe leftych*n is false-reporting
The LGBT thread is a General, there have been 11. This has been stated before, but an entire board for this is pointless, for the same reason we don't have individual boards for books, comics, movies etc, and have them lumped under /hobby/. A board like that is
A) Asking for idpol garbage and liberals raids
B) Literal /pol/ bait. I for one enjoy having a site where 90% of the users aren't atrocious /pol/fags

Also /lgbt/ is one of the most toxic boards on the internetz and is basically gay /b/. We already have /siberia/ and outside of the General I mentioned there is nothing stopping people from making individual random topics. Such as >>590617

>Inb4 muh red fash or class reductionist or red-brown or le tankies!

This concern tolling about "muh nazis and chinlets" reeks of reddit snowflake behaviour - we don't hide and run-away from /pol/shitters, we engage and destroy their arguments. That's why mods will allow such threads to stay up for a while, to let the local user-base tear it apart before anchoring it, in part because pic rel. Why? Because we're not sensitive babies that need to be coddled by the mods 24/7. Don't wanna engage bait? Hiding and ignoring does a whole lot more than complaining, since a response is literally what is wanted with those threads.


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Are you the the one that made that thread complaining about 'le trump supporters' and then provided little evidence about it? I'd wager the same for the other accusations.

>a zionist troll on siberia
<Wow a shitpost on si/b/eria is a shitpost!
It's lefty POL as in Leftist Politically INCORRECT. Stop trying to make this place an echo-chamber. We're not a hug-box, we're an anonymous, image-posting adult discussion forum that is leftist but with the caveat of permitting other people, so long as they follow the already strict rules.


more liberals raiding the site would actually be good, as a group they have the highest possibility for conversion into regular posters at which point - even without coherent ideological education or such - the simple mechanics of acclimatising to a site's culture will drag them towards the same positions as the median leftypol poster. (i.e. "left") the real problem with an /lgbt/ board is not that it would attract raids, but that it would attract nobody while harming the line of discussion it was originally intended to harm.

also: while i'm not opposed to leaving bait up for a little while so that people can counter it, the idea thats that /pol/ can actually be destroyed by argument, that not wanting the political equivalent of spam is "running away" or "snowflake behaviour", or that moderators maintaining the board's quality are "coddling" the userbase reflect an underlying ideology that is unhelpful and at odds with empirical experience.
furthermore there's a borderline-contradiction between your image and your final line: hide and engage bait because they only want engagement, but engage bait because to fail to do so gives the impression the ideas are accepted.

the idea that "pol" should be considered an acronym for "politically incorrect" and not just "politics" is one of the dumber ones out there. it's an artefact title based on a retarded stock phrase.
(and i say this as someone broadly supportive of letting people with contentious foreign policy views argue. i would say that the current opinion of the site is positive to letting nazis post so they can be argued with, positive about letting capitalists/ancaps/etc post so that they can be argued with, but more afraid of letting pro-NATO/West foreign policy types post under the same terms.)


You can change the name to literraly anything else except "Anonymous"


Nay. The issue is manpower


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Thank you glowboi, I had a blast


lol lmao
Tell your handlers to rework the whole bit from the ground up.


> the idea thats that /pol/ can actually be destroyed by argument, that not wanting the political equivalent of spam is "running away" or "snowflake behaviour", or that moderators maintaining the board's quality are "coddling" the userbase reflect an underlying ideology that is unhelpful and at odds with empirical experience.
The underlying assumption is liberalism and working backwards from your conclusion. "They may not play fair but we can give them a chance". It is liberalism, plain and simple. You don't discuss with nazis you destroy them.


The fuck are you talking about?

Glad to make you laugh m8, cheers! Good luck with fixing the archived threads BTW.


Sorry this kinda became long even after editing. Sage for partial offtopic
>more liberals raiding the site would actually be good
I've said this too many times over the years. No they wouldn't. When reddit kicked its radical liberals out and Chapo came to us, the board was flooded by liberals with subversive takes, sounding leftist but pushing liberalism while attacking any opposition with "muh red brown/tankie/class-reductionist". For months we had awful threads gaslighting users and making the site an infighting shitshow. They're far LESS likely to change or acclimate 'cause liberalism is a subversive fascism and the enemy of leftism, meant to infiltrate and destroy from within, not by direct confrontation. A 5th Column if you will, and such a 5th Column is far more dangerous to the left than easily identifiable fascists intruding here.
>moderators maintaining the board's quality are "coddling" the userbase reflect an underlying ideology that is unhelpful and at odds with empirical experience.
See the video in >>590634 The userbase gives bad takes a retort and made these people leave, without the need for mods to ban excessively and rightly so. Simultaneously it allows people to actually have debates and discuss subjects with opponents while also learning to not get offended about the rants of an anonymous person on an obscure site, which is helpful in making a more coherent and nuanced understanding of socialism and a more hardened person; You need to know it well enough to actually be able to justify it in debate against people that hate it, 'cause these same arguments are what we must use to justify it to the proletarians who are not yet class conscious. It's why I made the /edu/ debunk thread too, so as to coherently address common myths and misconceptions. Also privately I have fun tearing apart Nazi myths and lies.

The mods have enough on their plates as is, and dealing with ACTUAL spam of CP and gore and soy, and addressing blatant rubbish is what they should do. We're an anonymous political imageboard, if a person can't handle some mean words and opposition, then this is the wrong place for that.

And while NTA but I'll address the following too:
>the idea that "pol" should be considered an acronym for "politically incorrect" and not just "politics" is one of the dumber ones
It's literally the name's origin, assigned to what Moot wanted to make as a containment board for politics, still following 4chan's idea of freezepeech. It was parody of the hot buzzword of the time; Politically Correct, ergo Politically INCorrect. The beginnings of leftypol came from /pol/ boards as we got tired of under-age posters raiding threads about communism, thus Old BO made /leftypol/ as the leftist alternative, and the rest is history (well there's some other stuff with bunkerchan, but you get my gist).

>more afraid of letting pro-NATO/West foreign policy types post under the same terms.

Not afraid, it's just tedious and annoying, 'cause you can't ignore literal Glowies or they'll start Consensus Cracking or use other COINTEL methods, yet taking apart their arguments is an exercise in repetition that gets tiresome (which is another COINTEL tactic - to grind down subversive groups by spamming bad faith takes until they grow tired and unmotivated, allowing them the chance to infiltrate and post diversionary crap.
With /pol/ you can either engage and have fun pissing them off while educating everyone ITT, OR hide and ignore, starving them for attention and forcing them to try harder, leading to breaking the rules and getting banned. /pol/fags also change tactics, adapted and pushed new areas that force users to discuss and understand their ideology and its history. What use is it to be a "socialist" when some fag like Ben Shapiro can "tear socialism apart with facts and logic"? Every one of his political debates have been retarded 'cause these self-proclaimed 'socialists' that opposed him understood it no better than he did, and had no response, despite half of leftypol being able to give his 'questions' proper retorts that would likely change viewers' minds; hell I've done this IRL and gotten people to do an about-face turn about socialism and Shapiro by debunking him point by point. There was a skinhead I knew; had a fight with him for talking shit. Afterwards we debated and I explained to him what was wrong with fascism and why his ideas of socialism were myths, exposing the contradictions and truth. The dude did a complete 180 and became an active socialist opposing nazi-shit.

In short, /pol/-shitters are very obvious most times and are a 'safe' way of preventing echo-chamber on the site. They break the rules too easily 'cause they're used to 4chan and get banned if they push too far, and before that point they provide an essential unifying enemy for the board. Liberals and NAFO are like a disease by comparison, infesting the site from within and much harder to recover from compared to the superficial, metaphorical bruises /pol/ leaves (and we give back).


PS: Obviously blatant bait should be deleted unless its a satirical joke or a shitpost in sibera.


>See the video in
Was a different time. It's time we break with /pol/.


>Was a different time.
Not really IMO
>It's time we break with /pol/


False nostalgia. It's like Christmas as a child versus as an adult.


Why have we banned Tor users from making new threads, uploading photos? I just tried to make a new thread and it failed.


Only applies to some boards


>Only applies to some boards
nta don't people deserve a policy statement or something if this is happening?

also, are threads like this >>>/leftypol/1832728 something we want on /leftypol/? a clone of it with the same picrels appeared a few days ago


No, it really isn't, because it hasn't changed significantly. We dunked on /pol/ and we continue to do so.


>Devs are on the case.
As another user of the archives, do we have a possible ETA? No rush just wondering since I checked on an old fit thread in the archive, noticed the issue and upon coming here and CTRL + Fing, found that someone had already mentioned the code being messed up ITT.


Could the mods address/respond to this please?


another thread just appeared >>>/leftypol/1832877 wtf are they?


And what's the point of dunking on your retarded drunk uncle?
Did the first, had to search for the conspiracy thread.


>what's the point of dunking on your retarded drunk uncle?
More like the retarded drunk neighbor. And its funny to see them try and pick a fight only to end up making a fool of themselves. Besides as I explained in >>590642 it lets us sharpen our arguments and understanding of socialism.

>Did the first, had to search for the conspiracy thread.

Thanks for moving that one, no big rush on the DBZ one, just asking.


You can discuss with nazis if you want to, you just have to be doing it for your own amusement rather than for their salvation.

However much you try to frame it as avoiding tedium, I'm going to read it as fear. You aren't sufficiently confident that the site can hold its own against liberals - you imagine that they might actually "subvert" something. You imagine that infighting on a website is something to be feared, rather than something to be managed in pursuit of the most interesting discussion possible. You've said that arguing with Nazis helps refine arguments for socialism - great - but the ability to argue for socialism contra social-democracy has fallen off a cliff since all the socdems, keynesians, and other boring-but-nice little weirdos have fucked off - and I'll tell you, it's not because they all saw the light of Marxism-Leninism. This board's peak came when it was a massive shitshow of people using flags to show their ideology and arguing against one another! The more ideologically conformist it has become, the more tedious it has become. Like with 4chan, I find my thought process often runs: Novel thread idea > imagine what the replies will be like > don't bother.
It'd be one thing if I suspect 20 people were each going to call me an idiot and misunderstand my post in different ways - if I was told to kill myself by MLs, Maoists, Bookchinites, Anarchists, the odd ancap, a social democrat, a technocrat and a fucking Narodnik, that would be interesting, but that's not the board we have today.
r.e. video: I'm all for leaving a basic nazi thread up to argue with for fun. It's on more sensitive idpol topics, or when a thread that was actively discussing something else starts to be derailed that it's time to step in.
Your potted history of the term politically incorrect obscures more than it reveals: Bill Maher hosted a show by that name from 1993-2002. He didn't originate it, but Moot wasn't subverting some notion of political correctness with the name - "political correctness" was already a right-wing boogyman and had been for decades. I know plenty about imageboard history: I just don't respect it. If I could have a year zero I would.

Now here's my angle: It doesn't matter if glowies come in because they can't subvert the basic dynamics of a site like this any more than they can subvert gravity. Fundamentally, the gravity of the site will always lean towards posturing as a "Tankie". This is what the average user already does - they're not well read, they're not performing serious analysis, they're pushing a vague vibe, same as everywhere else. That they're slightly better read is more or less a coincidence. In an era of ideological diversity this board might've pushed people to read to advance their argument against other flagposters, but nowadays you can just bluff.
There is always a tendency towards contrarianism on an anonymous board like this, and if the mainstream of imageboards is naziism and the mainstream of other sites is liberalism, that leaves a pretty clear corner to carve out for draping yourself in the flag of the Eastern Bloc. Liberalism is particularly vulnerable on an imageboard because a big part of its strength is posturing as a reasonable adult, but nobody wants to be a reasonable adult on an imageboard - telling someone you'll gulag them on Twitter makes you look silly, you and 20 people saying they'll do it on an imageboard makes their thread look silly. Other left ideologies simply don't have the aesthetic or historical clout - you cannot post pictures of Anarchist fighter jets, or discuss what Bookchin did for Opera, or listen to any good Post-Keynesian party songs. If you aren't confident of dominating the board with a home-field advantage this big, something is terribly wrong. If this site can't dogpile and tear-apart NAFO types or Democrats the way it does Nazis, it's already terminally ill. I don't seriously believe that it is - but I do believe the cure lies in bringing in some actual dissent, I believe the cure is in trying to actually grow the userbase rather than wait for it all to slowly bleed away. If they're all idiots, fine: It's no fun in the NKVD when you've got nobody to liquidate. It's no fun discussing foreign policy with people who'll only report to you that there's been another crushing victory for multipolarism after the Empire of Japan's crushing victory down at Iwo Jima. It's no fun, and that's the problem.

(If you'd like to keep going with this, feel free to make a thread.)


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>However much you try to frame it as avoiding tedium, I'm going to read it as fear.
In other words you don't actually care about what others think, just what fits your view of this.
> you imagine that they might actually "subvert" something
I don't, it was visibly obvious.
>You imagine that infighting on a website is something to be feared, rather than something to be managed in pursuit of the most interesting discussion possible
Does left unity ring a bell? We argue already as is, there's no point in throwing in a volatile catalyst to destabilize things and make every conversation a bitch-fest in the making, that's literally the opposite of helpful.
> the ability to argue for socialism contra social-democracy has fallen off a cliff since all the socdems, keynesians
I'm not talking about petty welfare capitalists, as those people argue through economics, which is still something to debate, I'm specifically talking about liberals that promote idpol bait, because such topics are polarizing and its very easy to make an OP with a snide attack on the site's users, then scream "bigot" when people rightfully attempt to debunk such rhetoric. It happens Every. Single. Time. It doesn't contribute to arguments or theory, because it always devolves into circular arguments and denial and ends up as just people flinging shit and ad hominum and generally lowering the level of board discussion to the levels of 4chan (ironically).
>The more ideologically conformist it has become
It's not conformist - people are constantly debating, arguing and discussing. People complain about shit like "muh Dengists" or "Muh ziggers" and ignore that those threads have heated discussions about socio-economic and political positions regarding those topics, and while there are some generally accepted positions, the details are gone over back and forth constantly.
>Bill Maher hosted a show by that name from 1993-2002
Yes I know, but /pol/ was created in 2011 as a replacement for /news/ and /n/ a decade after Maher's show and right when the SJW vs Alt-Right shitfest was developing and when the term politically correct began being thrown around a lot, which is why politically INcorrect was the response.
>already a right-wing boogyman
Huh? Political correctness is literally a liberal spook, it's performative nonsense no different from any other appeasement tactic.
>It doesn't matter if glowies come in because they can't subvert the basic dynamics of a site like this any more than they can subvert gravity
That is a statement that fucking glows because they can and have done such things. What the fuck do you think COINTEL PRO is for?
>nobody wants to be a reasonable adult on an imageboard
Well that and also liberalism is only POSTURING, and have legs of clay
>If you aren't confident of dominating the board with a home-field advantage this big
That's not it, we've fended it off multiple times, the point is that it gets tiresome in a way that bashing nazis isn't. The Nazi is either comedically inept and so a source of humor, or actually comes up with new material that forces people to learn. There's a Gay Nazi flag poster who is a nazi, and while they're told to fuck off for some takes, they also provide actual discussion that forces users to either respond properly and THINK or expose themselves as ignoramuses.
With liberals and glowies, it's always the same tired shit, the same fallacious methods of deflecting arguments, ignoring or dismissing proof and then repeating debunked or unproven claims, ad infinitum/ad nauseum. It's boring, it doesn't make me question my understanding of socialism, it just makes me want to reach through the screen and make them take their meds. It's like arguing with an alzheimer's patient with paranoid schizophrenia; They sound coherent initially to those unable to read between the initial lines, and when they're exposed and forced to face reality, they instead retract and start looping the same shit, leaving the only response being to not respond. But the problem is not responding results in such retarded ideas being allowed to be read and take root unchallenged, resulting in consensus cracking.
>Grow the userbase
I agree, but it's not something to rush into.
>It's no fun in the NKVD when you've got nobody to liquidate. It's no fun discussing foreign policy with people who'll only report to you that there's been another crushing victory for multipolarism after the Empire of Japan's crushing victory down at Iwo Jima. It's no fun, and that's the problem.
LOL, for someone stating that you don't respect imageboard history, you sure are promoting a fairly oldschool concept of leftypol. I agree.

>If you'd like to keep going with this

Not really cuz I'm tired and I have work, but make a thread anyway, I'm sure others will chime in. Good night.


Guess who's testing in production again!?


> nta don't people deserve a policy statement or something if this is happening?
> this is happening


…that's what every site with uploadable user content has to deal with, anon




Thoughts on banning this IP, mods?


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Please merge >>>/anime/17031 into the ANIMETA thread >>>/anime/17031, as this interesting but currently dead thread is on Page 24 and is related to the OP.


>cant upload pics even when replying


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"This" as in a statement about which boards or threads tor users can't upload files to. It's kind of ironic because I suggested blocking file uploads as a solution to the node being spammed. This is me reaping I guess.


>>590666 (samefag)
fwiw I just tried to upload files to different threads and the policy seems coherent


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Why is Tor image-posting suddenly removed for siberia? I don't recall a ton of spammers recently.


If you are loaded it would explain your emotional incontinence and other pathologies actually.


>Arguing with Nazis refines the arguments of socialists
Most people aren’t sympathetic to Nazism, they’re sympathetic to liberalism
Most people already see bolshevik style communism as better than Nazism
Few see any type of communism as better than liberalism
You need to refine your arguments against liberals that can actually present compelling arguments to people that aren’t brain poisoned by racism and inceldom
Liberals promote freedom and liberty, Nazis promote race wars, one is far more compelling to the average person than the other


Following up on this; Mods please undo the Tor image posting block. There's no spammers at the moment and it barely hinders spammers who just VPN hop instead.


>n short, /pol/-shitters are very obvious most times and are a 'safe' way of preventing echo-chamber on the site. They break the rules too easily 'cause they're used to 4chan and get banned if they push too far, and before that point they provide an essential unifying enemy for the board. Liberals and NAFO are like a disease by comparison, infesting the site from within and much harder to recover from compared to the superficial, metaphorical bruises /pol/ leaves (and we give back).

Do you have any idea how much time and effort rightwing idpolers spend on trying to influence this site?

And they do effect it by spreading rightwing idpol

what effect does these supposed "NAFO liberals" have? It's a boogeyman you are making up because you are stuck in a (very 2016 :^) ) perspective of assuming there are two poles of le culture war and that the rightwing one or whatever is the weaker one or less supported by and integrated in "the establishment" as opposed to this supposed liberal establishment one that supports or cloaks itself in progressive politics to achieve it's own bourgeois ends. This is fake poitical spectacle bullshit, but for our purposes, the ones that are raiding us as a community since forever are "rightwing idpol" type political actors, be they lumpen proles/basement dwelling antisocial failsons or petty bourgeoisie psychopath car dealership franchise licensees or their haute bourgeoisie nrx benefactors or whatever

the quality of this discussion is nebullous and dumb though anyways tbhdesu. what us a liberal? what is a nafo? etc

Unique IPs: 13

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