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/anime/ - Anime

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 [Last 50 Posts]

General Thread discussing, analyzing and criticizing anime from the meta perspective of Capitalism, Media Culture (Industry) and Socio-Economics & Politics.
No shitflinging, drama, bad faith or baiting posts (e.g. "Trap is transphobic" or "Muh shounen trash" or "(all) Anime is misogynistic"). Keep it cool comrades.

Animation: Treatment of Animators Thread >>617
Leftist Anime Content: Communist Anime Thread >>1417 Communist Anime Girls Thread >>964 Miyazaki Thread >>469
Anime Hot Takes >>1993 so-bad-it's-good animu >>2551
Sources and Questions: Questions and Answers >>4229
E-celebs/Social Media: Ani-tube >>3128 V-tubers >>3388
Story Ideas: /WYOA/: write your own anime thread >>4263
Shounen complaint thread >>3200
Weeb-Otaku-/jp/ thread: /weaboo/ >>4715

Basic topics and questions:
>Is anime bad/stupid/boring or good/smart/interesting?
>Is anime inherently a reactionary/capitalist product or can it be a communist or pro-communist one?
>What Tropes and archetypes are good or bad?
>Will anime be produced under socialism? Could Japan have produced anime if it had become a Soviet State in the Cold War? How would anime look like or differ under socialism?
>Why are nearly all weebs and otaku right-wing or radlibs? Why are they so cringe and self-entitled?


>>Why are nearly all weebs and otaku right-wing or radlibs? Why are they so cringe and self-entitled?
Every time I encounter someone with animu girl profile pic on any non-anonymous site, there's a good 90% chance that it's gonna spout right wing talking points or "so cute uwu" and be into liberal virtue signaling. What is it about weebshit that attracts them? Or is it weebshit that turns them into this? Also they almost always are linked to cumbrain coomer content. They are also quit ignorant of the industry and Japan itself and seem to consider it some fantasy wonderland. They also behave as if they are special and unique for consooming stuff, as if they think they're part of a counter-culture and aren't mainstream as fuck at this point and cringe. Back in the day there were times when you could only watch fan subs and you were almost forced to learn Japanese if you wanted to consume Japanese media then.


Thought the CIA had a special folder of anime reaction pics, apparently it's just shit like (◕‿◕✿), extremely disappointing. As always, it appears proxy forces are the only ones with "taste": https://technology.inquirer.net/68738/osama-gamer-list-bin-ladens-video-games-hard-drive
>If only the CIA agents were being forced to gulp down estrogen pills to infiltrate anime imageboards LARPing as "cuteboy trap" fags.

Anyone have more concrete info on glowuyghur animefags?


Anime is the most aggressive escapism there is, being a weeb is purposefully not looking at the real world. That's why all anime avatars you see online are so retarded.


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First, "weeb" used to mean "obnoxious anime fan who thinks Japan is the greatest and claims to know all about Japan only from watching anime but actually has an offensively poor understanding of Japanese culture" especially if said anime fanboy/fangirl uses random, non-sensical Japanese words and phrases while speaking another language just to sound Japanese.

Liking anime isn't bad in itself, and it also doesn't make you a weeb. It's just that anime is popular so it's not weird to talk about it in public anymore. Unfortunately the word "weeaboo" AKA "weeb" has lost its original meaning and now replaced "otaku" as a descriptor for any person who likes anime or manga-style art to any extent. It's retarded to try to insult someone for being a "weeb" in this sense, when most people like at least one piece of media with a manga art style.

Second, a lot of millennials and zoomers grew up watching anime (that does not necessarily make them actual weebs either). A lot of said millennials and zoomers are also rightoids and liberals, not only leftists.
Pic is sarcastic


Forgot to add: You've noticed those same weebs will get mad when they see a normal looking woman in any other media, if you think about it said character looks like a real woman you'd find on the street and that what offends those weebs, they relinquish of the very image of anything outside their fantasy.


>Anime is the most aggressive escapism there is
I'd say vidya and cartoons are similar judging by the Youtube chanels built on just those topics.
>if you think about it said character looks like a real woman you'd find on the street and that what offends those weebs, they relinquish of the very image of anything outside their fantasy.
So they're incels (that does explain the 2D > 3Dpd shit).


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does anime turn people into degenerates or are degenerates instinctually attracted to anime? half-serious question


Thanks for the repost


no prob


>Is anime inherently capitalist
In the sense that all non-independent media produced in capitalist countries is capitalist, yes, but it's up in the air whether that's a useful sense of the term. It is a commodity produced under capitalism. All that tells us is that there is a market for it under capitalist relations. Anime has no essence that could be described as more capitalist or socialist. It's literally culture and therefore part of the superstructure that is being determined by the base. Even if anime exists today in a hyper-commercialized context that doesn't mean that this is the only way it can be expressed.
>is it being a bad comrade to watch anime?
No and anyone who tells you otherwise is a wanker. But we ought to be smart consumers and try our best to identify the potential problems and propagandistic aspects even in media we enjoy.

TL;DR: On the list of things that are unethical to consume because of capitalism, anime or any motion picture, is probably low on that list. Just be smart and don't fall for any propaganda.


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>implying that modern anime isn't directly influenced and targeting American markets.
>implying that modern anime isn't a product of US control of Japan
>implying that enjoying media without going into its ideological ramifications is impossible.
<This assumption that all animation produced in Japan is basically the same reveals critics of anime as ridiculously ethnocentric.
I think that those /co/fags and liblefts that tar anime as being nationalist when most American movies and almost all capeshit are just as nationalist are fucking hilarious hypocrites. Typically "the Left" when going after an anime due to its ideological ramifications also tends to hate on the anime itself because it doesn't fit their ideological morals. Most Americans also don't realize just how nationalistic their own film industry is. They don't notice because it like any propaganda that works has been drilled into them since long ago.

The military is involved in Hollywood; it's literally their propaganda arm. The military and CIA both have offices devoted specifically to "consultation" where they review scripts, nixing the ones that they don't like and funding the ones that they do. Trumbo is a great film that covers this. See >>>/hobby/13010 and >>>/hobby/10316

Hollywood is also known for their ability to rent military equipment to Hollywood on the cheap. The film "Captain Marvel" had airforce adverts running before the screening. Superheroes are the ultimate Randian wetdream. Ubermenschen dealing out justice where the government fails to show results. Not that the medium is reactionary as a whole. The "British Invasion" created a space for nominally more liberal, even leftwing publication. That's excluding the machismo of US military in the Bayformers series.


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This is not to say that Japan is clean of this shit either.
There was a fascinating article by Eiji Ōtsuka (pdf) that was translated and published by Thomas Lamarre in Mechademia a couple years ago called "An Unholy Alliance of Eisenstein and Disney: The Fascist Origins of Otaku Culture". It basically showed how Japan's animation industry has roots in Showa fascist recuperation of Constructivist film theory (imported from the Soviet Union) to create Disney-like propaganda films. These circumstances are very unique as far as state propaganda goes and the advent of the "Cool Japan" reignited discussion of this. An unfortunately common "leftist" (I would say, liberal) interpretation tends to frame all anime as fascist (or at the very least, reactionary) but this is usually just cope meant to explain away all of the anime avis in their mentions who're unironically spewing fascist talking points. Neither are particularly interested in the industry, its history, nor its workers' struggles. Rather, they're just looking for something to complain about.

I vividly remember seeing photos of anime girls painted on the sides of attack helicopters a couple years ago. But it goes deeper than that. The JSDF under Abe leaned heavily into anime for recruitment. Of course Militarism in anime predates the Abe administration by decades; academics have been talking about its influence in mecha anime in particular for a long time.
The "soft power" of Japan's cultural output is all they're really allowed to have on the world stage, so anime is their go-to influence (such as GATE >>1658 ). With Shinzo Abe's resignation and plan to complete his grandfather's dream of expanding the JSDF foiled due to Ulcerative colitis, I assume this will remain unchanged for many more years to come.

Hayao Miazaki is everyone's go-to example of criticism of Japanese militarism and it's results; by the late 90s we clearly see fewer instances of graphic violence and sexual themes in his films, coinciding with discussions caused by the Heisei era's Otaku Killer Case and . It's dismissive to call it all "facist natalist propaganda" as Japan's government didn't really start to seriously help fund productions until the turn of the millennium. You're ignoring the years of left wing influence on anime/manga, as well as its many nuances (which would likely be deemed politically incorrect by western audiences anyway). A lot of this has to do with the language barrier, too; I don't wanna say it can't be helped, but most people who so quick to dismiss a whole industry's output like this aren't normally interested.


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>The military is involved in Hollywood
Also the reason the military isn't slapping Marvel characters onto their choppers (outside of them being real people and not cartoons) is because the old tradition of Military art is kinda less common and more for meme value today (pic related) and the Marvel films are blatant enough for the purpose. They (U.S. Armed Forces) focus more on video games than movies; they even have their own video game called America's Army and their USArmy ESports team. Though they have been going after anime recently too as seen in the numerous Netflix "animes" coming out and more https://archive.ph/vB6oo


But why do so many youth these days prefer the East though, it must be asked? It's not a bad thing obviously, but it's something to wonder about, is it because the cultural products there are "better", or is it just because of this sort of exoticization of "over there"? Or is this exaggerated all out of proportion because otaku are yet to exit niche subculture even now?

It's not the samurai that really get them, at least not truly because otherwise the films of Akira Kurosawa would be much more in the forefront of discussion by japanophiles and other /jp/ lurkers. It's not vidya either, despite the popularity most Japanese videogames are functionally and popularity wise no more or less popular than Western content. This leaves us with anime and travel vlogs going over tourist attractions.


It just has a lot to offer in niche interests. Like really outdated tech? Japanese businessmen depend on it literally still using fax machines and pagers and retro computers in 2021. Like ultra futuristic tech? The country innovates. Like videogames? They make lots. Like horror films? They specialize in them at least when it comes to supernatural horror. Like trains? They have tons of different trains old and new. Like food? They have lots of unusual cuisine. Like traditionalist clothing? They got that. Like street wear? They got that. Like cute things? Japan is obsessed with cuteness. You get the idea. Basically anyone that feels alienated where they live thinks Japan would be fun to visit maybe even live in or wish their country was a little more like it. Japan has a sort of mind your own business kind of culture while the west is more about intervening in people's private lives and public behaviours. Not that I think it's perfect they have a fucked up work culture and work conditions and I find them too collectivist in the confirmist sense culturally.


>Japanese businessmen depend on it literally still using fax machines
<fax machines
I use that shit plenty, fax machines are great.

but yeah you make a good point, it's an excessive case of "The grass is greener over there"


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I'm not that big into anime but i was wondering
Why haven't animefans done anything to keep rightwing cucks from shitting up their community?
If they truly didn't care about politics then why do they let the rightoidz force their politics into every facet of their groups?
You'd think they'd be very adamant about keeping that from giving them a bad name


The problem is the internet is dying turning into a corporate plaything and stopped being a community matter that can be controlled like it would have in the earlier 2000s.


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>Why haven't animefans done anything to keep rightwing cucks from shitting up their community?
The same reason most real leftists (in the West) are outside or lurk on obscure sites like this - having a nuanced understanding coms with complicated conceptualizations (the above posts or /edu/ are good examples) and this means that people generally don't care enough to listen, loud and simple ideas are easier to digest and so more attractive, this is how the right-wing remains popular despite being functionally horrible, it's also the reason the Bolsheviks started their movement on simple terms of "Land, Peace and Bread" rather than lengthy spouting of Marxist dialectics; they left that for post-revolution.
Additionally the liberals are the face of what most people consider leftist, despite them not being leftist at all, and liberal takes on anime are cringe as fuck; it's either LARPing as cute animu girls or screeching about big boobs being sexist (and not capitalism being it's usual self again).


>Anime is reactionary for re inforcing and capitalizing on the concept of Moe and Manime. Slice of Life and the Shonen genres are guilty of this the most
The fact that moe/manime/shonen series often are garbage and might be full of sexist cliches doesn't mean that they're inherently reactionary for having a certain storytelling or visual style. Every genre in every media has tropes and trends. It doesn't make everything reactionary. Reactionary isn't a synonym for "things I don't like". It's not progressive to find sexism in harmless gags and humor or purposeful extreme machoism. It isn't realistic, nor meant to be because it's specifically a massive exaggeration for the sake of humor and enjoyment. Nobody thinks Dragon Ball Z is a complex intelligent show, or that the tits on a hot anime grill have deeper meaning.
>reactionary gender roles in conservative imperialist Japan
Traditional isn't a synonym for Reactionary either. Reactionary means to use government policy to force things to go back which makes it other side of progressive which is government policy to go forward. The terms are relative to what the past and present of any given country is. What government policy is working to backtrack Japanese culture when it comes to gender roles? They are moving forward not backward although slowly compared to some countries which is conservative not reactionary. As for it enforcing, no that all depends, because it's not all like that and just portraying something isn't same as enforcing it. Enforcing would more be actually making it portrayed favourable for everyone overall in it's narrative rather than it merely existing.

It's unfair to write off "anime culture" as a totally reactionary one, because the presence of regressive things in works that are of this medium does not preclude the possibility of productions that accelerate in a progressive direction. For example, a good number of older anime even today bring excellent themes which are antiwar and anti-imperialist, and they often put the progressively disguised but nonetheless imperialist movie productions of the Anglo nations to shame. And, to provide another instance, even while supposedly circumscribed by conceptions of gender roles, plenty of shoujo manga find ways to give resistance against the aforementioned expected roles that don't involve generic liberal takes. Tit's n' ass are fanservice, for low-brow enjoyment, if you don't like that, don't watch it. And don't claim that it's defended, when weebs call out pointless fanservice for being shit constantly - Mari Makinami is a great example of "tits and ass" that people disliked because it was a shitty insert for fanservice and bad plot shoe-ins.

"Otaku culture" today does have one serious drawback that could limit its usefulness in its current form to the Left, and that is its hyperconsumeristic nature. In light of the radical leftist histories of figures in the industry and the statements from previous paragraph that means that any mainstream manifestation of progressive themes risk recuperation under the current capitalist system. But that's again not particular exactly to only anime and otaku shit, although there admittedly aren't many other subcultures as consumption obsessed as this one.

TL;DR: Reactionary, traditional, and conservative all mean different things. They can overlap, but not always. A culture can't be reactionary unless it is a reaction to change in culture. Also progressive doesn't mean a specific narrow thing being good. In the past progressives were all for eugenics for example because they thought that was totally progressive to breed people into being healthier and fitter and stronger and smarter. Anime is not inherently reactionary and the problems lie in individual shows and people. It's not progressive to find sexism in harmless gags and humor or purposeful extreme machoism. It isn't realistic, nor meant to be because it's specifically a massive exaggeration for the sake of humor and enjoyment. You can criticize it for being low effort but that's not the same thing, heck there are plenty of awful shit and dumb tropes in anime but they aren't reactionary or need to be reactionary to be criticized.


A recent article on this 'shocking' fact of US movie censorship and funding by the military that I found very informative:
(It's all archived on archive.is or wayback for the pdfs).
The article goes really into depth on several films and their producers, directors, actors etc. and the sheer involvement of the US Army in trying to hype up their forces. They also go into gaming, streaming and sports funding of the US military and the effort it goes into making itself look good. I also very much suggest clicking on the links and other articles as they contain a myriad of information that keeps spreading and spreading like an hegemonic octopus of capitalist militarism.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_influence_on_public_opinion >>>/edu/8394

A couple months ago the US military released an animated recruitment ad that featured a lesbian soldier from lesbian (petite bourg) parents that lived the American Dream but she sought more and signed up into the army doing cool athletics (all animated of course) and it's just so cool and empowering gurlz, RLY! And obviously people had been fast to point out A) The impotence compared to Russian and Chinese military recruitment videos
B) The obvious animu inspiration (or more accurately ripping off the aesthetic of the lame yuri-baiting She-Ra reboot… >>>/hobby/7671 that ripped off Magical Girl anime).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfe6d6MzeLM&ab_channel=CensoredNewsNow (comparison of the 3 ads one after the other).


>2nd pic
>blaming based 80 - 90's anime


Are you back again spammer? Regardless it's not blaming anything - 80s-90s anime are the inspiration…. but they project their idpol and idiocy onto it, coming off as the liberal versions of weeb lolcows


the she-ra reboot wasn't bad


>when something I don't like draws inspiration from something I like, it's a rip-off
No way, are you the autist in that Steven Universe thread from back in Bunkerchan? The one who kept screeching about muh CalArts?


>Everyone that points out problems is the same person
Are you the autist that tried to defend beanface Cal Arts? Also funny but you're posting is distinct by the fact that you say "U-ur dat autist" to anyone that calls you out, lel. I have to ask are you the Spinel-fag?
>something I don't like draws inspiration from something I like, it's a rip-off
No, it's a ripoff if it just blatantly imitates something and has little to do with the original source material as a reboot.
Since you brought up Steven Booneyverse I suggest you read the effort post on Revolutionary Girl Utena in that thread because it's statements are very applicable to She-Ra. >>>/hobby/3758

>not [that] bad
Compared to some cartoons of the past 5 years, no. But it isn't that good either and it's got too much liberalism in its monarchist fantasy.
Regardless you're digressing from the main point - that the US CIA controlled industry is using every blatant manipulation it can to ideologically and culturally impact people. This isn't a discussion about "muh She-ra" I'm just pointing out an example. On that note a good anime-inspired but clearly independent work is Avatar the Last Airbender - that is something I'd call one of the best cartoons made. It's sequel is one of the most disappointing and for the same reasons as She-ra >>>/hobby/2562 it inserted needless liberalism and got indolent in its story-telling and later it's animation.


Nah, the She Ra reboot wasn't bad. Not as good as the He-man reboot though.


No you fucking idiot, I'm not the only person on the whole site who finds you extremely annoying, and I certainly wasn't the only person in the Steven Universe thread watching you sperg out about le beanface. And no, I'm not Spinelfag either. You might have Asperger's.
I don't see how the fuck She-Ra is a rip-off. It seems that it's just inpired a lot by magical girl anime and uses a lot of the common tropes. That's not a rip-off.


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>that finds you
<everyone I dislike is the same person
Get over yourself and take meds. I've posted ~10-15 posts in the entire SU thread over the past 2 years.
>I certainly wasn't the only person in the Steven Universe thread watching you sperg out about le beanface
<PEOPLE discussing animation style and arguing over its merits is "sperging out"
Are you actually retarded or you think that everyone pointing out that stupid style is the same person? Are you mentally ill or just stupid? These are boards dedicated to media topics, it's the POINT to argue and discuss, no?
>inb4 muh IP count
The site only counts IPs from before the split, so even if a thread had 100 posters, if nobody posted after the split you'd see 1 recorded IP, the OP's.
>I'm not Spinelfag either
See that's the difference, I asked if you are, you just make up accusations
>I don't see how the fuck She-Ra is a rip-off.
<inpired a lot by magical girl anime and uses a lot of the common tropes
Because it's unoriginal. This is like saying Darling in the Franxx is just "inspired" by Evangelion… the similarities to it are so damn close that the differences are nigh irrelevant. Hell ORIGINAL She-Ra predates the Mahou Shoujo of Sailor Moon and it shared tropes but as link related points out, they're not directly related.
They literally pull iconic scenes from Sailor Moon and Utena in She-Ra. If the show hadn't been such a mess over-all I don't think I'd care, Utena is a brilliant show and Sailor Moon is a classic 90s anime, but instead I feel like I'm bootlegging a better show. What do people get out of reboot She-ra? Magical Girl Adventures? There are better ones that it's based on. A Western /co/ instead of anime? Again there are better ones (Ex: ATLA) or the original. For lesbian bait? There are much better and more poignant things than the edgy libshit here. The fact that the best scenes in She-Ra ripoff iconic moments of other Magical Girl Shows indicates that there is no point to it. I might just as well read fanfiction.

The pandering to "le animu style" is obvious and acknowledged in modern non-beanface cartoons. That's literally all media outlets on anime and cartoons talk about in relation to that shit.

If you wanna get to the point - I dislike the She-Ra reboot, it's annoying and poorly done…. But I can't just say that, because peopl online jump down your throat if you dare to state an opinion unelaborated. Thus lengthy replies that you call "sperging out" The fact that others also reply at length or post at length like this is indicative of that.

>Not as good as the He-man reboot though
Lel, that's a good one. the animation is top-notch but I'm kinda meh about it's plot


If the Soviets or other communists had made Japan also communist, how would anime be like nowadays? Would socialist realism be the aesthetic of slice of life? Would it be possible even for otaku culture to exist, in that case, without the constant urge to promote hyperconsumption? The reason Otakuism is so unhealthy is people's deep obsessions about various subcultures nowadays come from the state of postmodernity and a sort of "alienated from society" mentality, as consumerist identities replace identities based around more intrinsic personal and action-based aspects.

In my opinion Otaku as hyperconsumers wouldn't exist, but they would exist as fans, that's for sure. Anime wouldn't have pantyshots and all that jazz, but eroticism and the subversive female power are deeply ingrained in Japanese culture, so I guess we'd still have some titties. Who said that eroticism (not pornography) and socialism aren't compatible? Look at the collaborations of the USSR and Japanimation they made a few anime together and several more were approved for sale in the USSR. Basically stuff from the 80s was pretty approved by leftists. >>3735 In the USSR and former states there are a large community of LOTR fans who wrote essentially fanfictions and apocryphal sequels. In the USSR we still had 'fandoms' they just didn't have internet on which to organize, Высоцкий and many other musicians, actors and cultural figures (including fictional ones such as those of the Three Musketeers) were what people liked.

TL;DR: IMO Under socialism fandoms will still exist but be more healthy in their attitudes.


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>>Is anime inherently a reactionary/capitalist product or can it be a communist or pro-communist one?
Anime is not inherently capitalist as it is not as profitable as other industries. Animators work in poor conditions because they want to be animators, not beause it will make them money. They could seriously work elsewhere with better working conditions and the same level of qualifications. There have also been anime projects which stray from capitalist models.
>>Will anime be produced under socialism? Could Japan have produced anime if it had become a Soviet State in the Cold War? How would anime look like or differ under socialism?
Anime under socialism would be higher quality as producers would not use it for profit so animators would be free to pursue their own anime projects. This would mean less anime though. Under a soviet regime there would surely have been animation from Japan, but depending on when the revolution happened it might be very different.
>>Why are nearly all weebs and otaku right-wing or radlibs? Why are they so cringe and self-entitled?
I feel like there is a very strong left-wing culture among weebs just as much as there is a right-wing culture. That might be just from my experiences though.



Short and to the point, nice.


the pic you posted is an obvious homage/reference, though. Again, not plagiarism.


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Even Steven Universe, as much as I loathe it, actually did references to Mahou Shoujo and other anime that didn't just rip-off scenes, there's a difference. It's also the reason I respect RWBY, despite it's massive flaws; it does references but stays original.
This excuse is abused; it's not an Homage if the entire scene, it's context and preluding interactions are basically the same - that's plagiarism - You could only get more similar by literally tracing the figures. The biggest difference of Nu-Ra to prior Magical Girl content is the Zoomer-humor and lumpy-sandbag body designs.
This is a primary reason people dislike High Guardian Spice >>11233 it's formulaic and too similar.

A proper Homage (for example) is Quint's Obsession in Jaws, paralleling Captain Ahab in Moby Dick. It's not directly 1:1 and so not a ripoff unlike something like Orca that did scenes from Jaws but using Ice Floes and lacking the originality of the Shark original.
In media if a scene is directly similar to almost all details, it's either a parody or a ripoff.

Regardless I addressed this and more, the pic is just an example of the unoriginality of Rhee-ra.


>it's not an Homage if the entire scene, it's context and preluding interactions are basically the same - that's plagiarism - You could only get more similar by literally tracing the figures.
Okay, if that's true, then it's definitely plagiarism, though I still think She-Ra is pretty open about its magical girl inspirations for that to be "intentional" plagiarism.


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In this case it's definitely true, people gushed about it. The only differences is that they had Adora and Catra go back and forth at RPing Anthy and Utena:
In "Save the Cat" Adora/Utena goes to the "The Castle where Eternity Dwells/ Castle in the Sky" which is Horde Prime's ship to get Catra/Anthy out of this brainwashed toxic loop she is in. skip to her becoming She-Ra again and that is pretty much a direct shot from later in the Utena series where the sword is in her right hand and Anthy/Catra is held just like that in the left.
The pic I posted is one of the reverses; Adora being trapped/enslaved to Destiny much like Anthy had no volition of her own. Her wants and needs are swept aside for everyone else. Catra/Utena says she's not going to let her keep doing this alone, like Utena.
On paper this is a fine homage, but the execution is important, and copying it just feels cheap, since the rest of the writing is more like Sailor Moon's filler episodes than Utena.

>She-Ra is pretty open about its magical girl inspirations for that to be "intentional" plagiarism

This is also true, but frankly that really isn't my main point of contention, it's the unoriginality combined with the modern "humor", shapeless, tumblr-type artstyle and liberal idpol inserted that just aggravate me. Utena never hid it's Yuri but simultaneously made it gracious and beautiful - art instead of cheap drama - and so even as a straight person it didn't bother me in the slightest.
I also dislike it because it' not JUST a Magical Girl Series but a Reboot of an existing series (by a person that hadn't even been around during She-Ra) and it just felt lame. it's not even the gay stuff, that's normal, it's the hyperfocus on that and only that, ALL the girls are Lesbian Caricatures and the only male protagonist is a pathetic stereotypical soyboy. The original Bow had been a beefy yet flamboyant man and gay or not seemed like a good fellow and supporting character, the new Boiw has the character of a moist noodle.
Link related kinda explains it at length and from a female perspective: https://theladyfromplanetx.wordpress.com/2018/07/22/im-a-woman-and-i-dont-like-the-new-she-ra/


>This excuse is abused; it's not an Homage if the entire scene, it's context and preluding interactions are basically the same - that's plagiarism

You are literally retarded my dude


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>reddit spacing
>ad hominum
>clearly not reading
Opinion discarded



You are literally a retard my guy


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Why do otaku worship capitalism?
There's no other consumer like otaku consumer. He's totally invested in willingly getting exploited. His life entirely revolves around buying garbage escapist crap. He completely internalised the logic of capitalist market and otaku media espouses similar morals too.
The false consciousness is too strong with otaku


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>Why do otaku worship capitalism?
Because they are a result of Capitalism, its alienating effect on people and hyperconsumerism promotion.
Article on hyperconsumerism: https://archive.ph/yjckq
Speaking of Hyper consumerism and the article, lolberts began coping and seething about "muh Vuvzuela" and "muh Yeltsin at Supermarket" garbage: https://archive.md/c4XFr

>like otaku consumer.

Capeshit? /co/fags? There are numerous examples of comparable consumption and exploitation.


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Can otaku culture exist as we know it under communism?
Will anime be produced by the state to promote the state propaganda?
What about comiket? Will it be made illegal because it's just market exchange? Will artists be allowed to work on commissions?
What about degenerate shit in otaku media? Will it be banned because it affects communist ethics and productivity? Will lolicon content be legal?


What about vtubers?
Considering how most shit in otaku industry is based on exploiting alienated individuals by offering them escapism, will it exist in communism?


Otaku culture is ultimately defining your lifestyle by consumption so one would hope not


>Considering how most shit in otaku industry is based on exploiting alienated individuals by offering them escapism
This is why I don't think otaku culture can survive into communism. There will be art forms like anime, manga, eroge but they won't pander to otaku sensibilities.


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>Can otaku culture exist as we know it under communism?
>Will anime be produced by the state to promote the state propaganda?
USSR made a lot of cartoons, not just propaganda.
>What about comiket? Will it be made illegal because it's just market exchange?
I don't see why it should be banned as long as what artists make is legal.
>What about degenerate shit in otaku media? Will it be banned because it affects communist ethics and productivity? Will lolicon content be legal?
Definitely banned

Daily reminder that Comrade Sumipe will lead us through the shining path of communism, purging anime and manga of their reactonary elements.


>I don't see why it should be banned as long as what artists make is legal.
It's a kind of capitalist market.
It was illegal to sell your art in such markets even in USSR


Making fanworks for profit is illegal in Japan too, doujin are extremely cheap because they price covers the cost of printing with no profit to the artist. Original works are of course more expensive because the artist wants to make a profit.
We might want to get rid of the market part of comiket but I can't see why it should be banned outright.


>Can otaku culture exist as we know it under communism?
Nothing we know will stay as we know it in communism.
>Will anime be produced by the state
Are you a libertarian or something? Retarded question, anime will be produced by anime studios.
>What about comiket?
>Will artists be allowed to work on commissions?
If we're talking communism why would artists need to sell their shit?
If we're talking lower stage artists would be paid to release their work for free.

>What about degenerate shit in otaku media?

I imagine the majority of people wouldn't agree to give up their labor time over for production of pornography so that's something artists will have to do in their free time.

>Will lolicon content be legal?

I don't care about legality but the real question is how workers having a say in production will affect it.
Will typography workers agree to print child rape manga if not for money? Will data center workers have scruples on pulling the plug on a server they know is hosting child rape manga if not for money? Who knows, who knows.

Unlike anime that requires team effort, there's not much you need to do vtuber stuff, all can be done by single person with internet connection. Not something that should be heavily policed unless the person is talking nazi shit or straight up misinformation.


The conditions of emergence of Otaku culture are deeply linked to capitalism, a radically different society would produce something different. However, some elements of otaku culture would survuive and be implemented into the new cultural landscape, like cultural concepts and artistic work produced under slavery and feudalism made it to our contemporary culture


>Retarded question, anime will be produced by anime studios.
But there'll be no private anime studios. It'll be owned by the state.


Yeah, you are a libertarian.


Or maybe he's just confusing socialism with communism


No one knows what communism will look like. But everyone on this site ask for the state to take control of everything.


>everything that's not privately owned is owned by the state
>communism is when government does things
Can you not?


In every socialist state it's the government that does everything.
>but it's not communism
Show me a country with communism then.


See George Lucas' interview with Charlie Rose; he discusses his inspirations from Soviet Sci-Fi and the freedom of art they had in comparison to himself and the rest of Hollywood.


V-tubers are a direct result of escapism and so have no reason to exist in socialism outside of very niche and specific content. See >>11250


"Government" is a very specific thing that has specific functions and the bus I'm riding isn't a "government bus" just because transport in my city is publicly funded.


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Have you ever noticed in like the anime sphere or whatever the fuck you tend to have people dunking on mangaka for writing their shit such as with the dudes who wrote HxH getting clowned on for not being a slave to shonen magazines and shit or hell even when Berzerk was around it was getting shit on for the delays. I find that to be kind of fucked up in a way and I Mostly see this on 4chan but I can't help but think "Why the fuck should the author be a slave to their own franchise." Even if it's disappointing that a series just stops or didn't really continue on, I think it's more fucked up to demand that an author work, despite the fact that most of these assholes don't even pay for their shit, like I'm pro-piracy and shit but if you want free shit, then you don't get a right to bitch about how the author isn't doing shit for you y'know? But that is kind of a tangant. I just think that nerddom in general is kind of anti-worker.


Please go to the animator thread and repost that discusses this topic in detail. OR post this rather meta topic in ANIMETA.


Yeah, I've noticed. I guess when munching down on media is all your life revolves around (definitely the case for nearly everyone on /a/) you start feeling extremely entitled. Let the world go to hell but I shall always have my tea. Of course the culture industries actively encourage this kind of rabid engagement that nerds practice. This is the whole point of consumerism, turn products into a fundamental emotional need


>I'm pro-piracy and shit but if you want free shit, then you don't get a right to bitch
you arent pro-piracy then


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This wouldn't be a problem if any popular series is artificially made longer because the editor wants more sales (until it no longer is popular and gets axed and can't even get a natural, non-abrupt end).


Fuck, I've been guilty of this quite a few times. At least I find solace knowing the author will never ever read anything I have posted about him on the net


> if you want free shit, then you don't get a right to bitch about how the author isn't doing shit for you
True, although that doesn't mean legitimate criticism can't be made of an author. The author of Nagatoro started as a free WN and that's cool, but I can still point out the blatant toxicity of many interactions in it.


Nah I think OP is specifically talking about complaining that an author isn't working on making more chapters


Ah, yeah that is cunty.


>when Berzerk was around it was getting shit on for the delays
And it deserved it, the author strung people around for years until he finally died before finishing the damn story. Biggest tease in storytelling history.


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>author strung people around for years until he finally died before finishing the damn story
<Biggest tease in storytelling history.
You better be japing.


He was too good for this rotten world.


Honestly it would have been better if he let the assistants do all the art if he didn't push himself so hard, but you know what I can't really fault him. It's the industry being the way it is. He died doing what he loved.


>if he let the assistants do all the art if he didn't push himself so hard
He did near the end and it shows in the art style changing a bit.


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>The Nazis fled to South America because they knew it'd be impossible to find a trace of them among the mass searches for "SS" by Brazilian Dragon Ball Z fans




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a half serious proposal:

On the topic of otaku stuff and communism, Cuba's online encyclopedia has a section for anime, but although there are a fair number of articles present, it seems to be sparse in the content of said articles. Maybe we can help fill it out a little? China has some online encyclopedias and dedicated anime ones also, but they already have a lot of anime fans and otaku, so likely not as much help is necessary, although it'd be good to gather information from everyone's encyclopedias to mutually improve.

This sort of work'd count technically as actual practice, and our otaku autism might be useful for once.


What sort of information would we add to it?


This is pretty cool and a good idea, kinda like leftypedia. >>14174 brings up a good point, what should be added? Plot summaries? Leftist analyses etc?


That honestly was sort of a half-joke, but yeah it could be done.

Basic data that hasn't been filled in like author information and episode intros, multimedia such as topic-relevant pictures to enrich the pages, little corrections here and there, and if more ambitious whatever pages the Portal has on the to-do list could be a few simple tasks? There are probably guidelines over there available to follow and random menial duties to complete if these aren't suitable.

>leftist analysis

Addition of "leftist anime analysis", even though obviously the meme of "neutral nonpartisan objectivity" is a delusion, is not that good of an idea in this situation because the "environment of an encyclopedia" bestows an aura of objectivity, even if illusory, and to grant that upon some capitalist countries' imageboard shitposters' opinions or even a more prestigious source is undesirable. Leftists probably cannot even agree on what our takes on the Gone with the Wind franchise should be. And to try too hard to frame popular media, from the currently majority bourgeois culture industry, into "leftist analysis" comes off somewhat liberal and immature in a way. Again, this should just be predominantly very ordinary work, like summaries of episodes or spinoffs and such.
Plus the administrators might suspect vandalism and haul out the bans.


>excessive amounts of pornography
>rainbow haired characters with the goofiest hairstyles in existence
>dogwater attention to facial anatomy
>character designs thatre either overglorified BDSM gear or look so out of place you’d assume it’s your ingame avatar in a cutscene during an important moment in an RPG

Tell me again why someone new to anime should join the community and assume this industry is fucking dead


you shouldn't get into anime you should just fuck off instead


Do you have an argument
Because what I’m hearing is “I know your right but because I have nothing to say I’ll insult you than confront my dying community and the industries god awful practices”


try cartoons


literally none of this is exclusive to "current" anime lol


op is a faggot


What the fuck is the difference honestly?


You kind of have to dig for it these days but there are occasionally gems.
What are you into?


Most contemporary media in general is pretty awful.


Anime that don’t contain the above problems or grown ass women that sound like toddlers


>Ping Pong
>Flowers of Evil
>Tatami Galaxy

OP, it is with a heavy heart I must say that u r mr gay


>Tell me again why someone new to anime should join the community
if they are like you i'd rather not


>>excessive amounts of pornography


I watched that in junior HS, it wasnt very captivating, guess I wasn't ready for it yet.




it's about office politics, geopolitics, starting a career and young adulthood, and the fallout of unrealistic dreams colliding with reality

it's seinen, targeted at college student and older males, not really something most teenagers would be into

OP's problem is that he watches shonen for middle schoolers and gets mad that they aren't seinen when he should just google seinen anime


>first point
Not true. Anime is way too toned down in order to make it on TV. Anime is almost always censored compared to its source material.
>goofy hairstyles
and that's a good thing, unfortunately looking at YGO for example they've toned this down as well
What does that mean?
>character designs that are overdesigned
Not enough if you ask me.

>why should you join the community

You shouldn't. You should have friends. You shouldn't take a single element in life and 'join' it. Read books, watch movies, shows, go outside, do a plethora of things. This catch-all 'anime' is cringe.


It's just boring. Don't worry man. Just watch what piques your interest. There will always someone with less life experience telling you how amazing a certain anime is. That doesn't mean it isn't a valid opinion to hold that it's boring.


>What does that mean?
I assume OP means those eyes animated on top of the hair or the general trend of less defined facial features.


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So OP is complaining that anime goes for stylistic choices that are often cheaper than more costly? Animation should be over the top fantastical, for realism you might as-well hire real actors.


meant to reply to >>15369

Anime is all about having perspective. Know what it is and what it isn't. OP blaming an anime for using color is stupid.


another fucking recommendation thread (dont pretend that isnt what you wanted faggot)


Yeah. I think anyone that started recing things should be banned. I don't think he wanted them honestly.


>>excessive amounts of pornography
>>rainbow haired characters with the goofiest hairstyles in existence
>>dogwater attention to facial anatomy
>>character designs thatre either overglorified BDSM gear or look so out of place you’d assume it’s your ingame avatar in a cutscene during an important moment in an RPG
All these sound like good things.


No no no no no! You have to be a social conservatism or else you're a le redditora man!!!!


my favorite genre of High Internet Intellectualism is when someone complains in broad strokes about media and accidentally reveals they’ve only been consuming content made for teenagers


Apply yourself. OP is wrong but not because of your sudden broad generalizations.


>sudden broad generalizations


>Comrade Sumipe
Who is she? She's a real looker.


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Deleuze spoke that the great fictional classical narratives in cinema were finished and that now we have a world of incredible possibilities for experimentation with formal elements and affective tones without narrative closures, while anime became a mix and match machine of moe characters and tropes.

There has been a turn towards the predominance of small narratives and the moe-based consumption of characters in the production of anime as well as reception since the 90s (notably from Evangelion) onwards. This is the reason why Azuma Hiroki called it the new "database consumption" of otaku, being the industry a factory of simulacra and moe tropes. It is seen in the prevalence in contemporary anime of animation techniques that prioritize the exaggerated effects of relatively immobilized images over the realistic movement based on action (Disney's animation style). This approach in affection is properly exemplified in Chobits, and many other popular romcom and harem anime.

This idea of ​​"database consumption" also occurs in the practice of choosing not to translate certain words (senpai, etc.), not only because of the ubiquity, but also because the (fan)translators understood them at some level as addresses in the "database" instead of natural words. Taking again the example of "senpai", this term almost has a completely different connotation than just say "teacher" due to the tropes that are ubiquitous in moe culture.


Do Japanese teens want to get away from their society that badly, or are the LN writers simply too lazy to do stories that aren't isekai? Have consumers not gotten bored? Is anime gonna get less popular paradoxically as it becomes more mainstream?


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>Do Japanese teens want to get away from their society that badly
<or are the LN writers simply too lazy to do stories that aren't isekai
Both. Isekai can be good but it lends itself to shitty cheap and no-effort 'writing' and its popular because people seek to escape their reality, especially in the socially repressive capitalist society that Japan has.
>Have consumers not gotten bored
They liked [X] product and so after they finish it, they want more of the same, trying to recapture the excitement of the first time they read such a story, that's the reason many popular Isekai play on some kind of twist like Konosuba or Shield Hero.
>Is anime gonna get less popular paradoxically as it becomes more mainstream
Being mainstream makes it have more general of an audience, but the Isekai trend is going to die down as the consumer market gets oversaturated and people become tired of no-effort schlock.


I hate isekai as much as the next person but in the west you never see the few good niche isekai getting translated.


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There's certainly something to be said about Hollywood and superhero shit and their infantile impact on people, but some of this shit is kinda going to the extreme other end out of pure contrarianism.


Mf quoted Phil Greaves


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would anime have still existed if ww2 never happened or if the cold war ended with a red triumph?


Technically, anime did exist before WWII. What happened after it is that modern anime essentially started getting influence from US cartoons (Osamu Tezuka's works), so I think it would still have existed if WWII never happened (but depending on US-Japan relations, it could have been the same as real life or a completely different direction, IDK).
I think it would still exist if the Cold War ended in a Soviet victory, the anime industry would be far healthier for its workers and the negative influences capitalism has on the industry would be absent.


if the cold war ended with a red triumph it would definetly still be a thing, but if ww2 didn't happen i think the industry wouldn't be as large and i don't think we would really have a lot of anime


1. The military would still commission recruitment shows in which soldiers are little girls.

2. The state would still need anti-history indoctrination shows. For example:

2a. During Sengoku the population came to rightly perceive roaming samurai and most warrior monks as demons who robbed, raped and murdered as they pleased. This evolved into a general and correct opinion that those whose profession is war are repugnant scum. Demon hunter became a respected line of work for women whose job was to gain the demons' trust and slit their throats. No demon could fall asleep in a village, drunk after a rape session, and expect to live until dawn, so they needed to sleep in places such as caves. The state became desperate to reverse the soldiers = repugnant scum perception, not unlike European rulers with their knights. The pretense of respect could only be restored with a reign of terror, so you get things like rudeness (shitsurei – lack of bow) to a samurai being punishable by death on the spot. You also get shows like Inuyasha in which the roaming samurai and the warrior monk, the actual demons, are presented as being defenders of the people and fighting alongside the demon hunter women against fictional demons.

2b. For more than a decade after Tokugawa won at Sekigahara and restored the feudal system, Osaka/Naniwa remained a thorn in his side. The resistence Osaka put up during the winter and summer campaigns, against impossible odds and a foregone conclusion, created a general perception that daring to oppose the might of the state is true bravery and abject obedience to the state is cowardice. No state can afford to allow this perception to persist. The state needs to present abject obedience to authority as doubleplusgood and defiance of authority as abhorrent. So Japan went on a 400-year anti-Osaka campaign. This is how you get the anime trope whereby most characters from or named Osaka must be presented as dumb, lazy and useless.


>You also get shows like Inuyasha in which the roaming samurai and the warrior monk, the actual demons, are presented as being defenders of the people and fighting alongside the demon hunter women against fictional demons.
I don't think you've actually seen/read Inuyasha. The samurai are portrayed as pretty thuggish scum in it.


This is in relation to >>15348



The anime industry as we know it grew out of a confluence of Imperial Japanese interest to make Disney-like propaganda films, informed by imported film theory from the Soviet Union which had taken root after Sergei Eisenstein's visit in the late Taisho and early Showa eras. So in a sense, no it would not have existed had WW2 never happened. Japanese interest in its cultural export dates back to the Meiji era though; us westerners were fucking obsessed with wood block prints after Commodore Perry opened up the country. Japan's first art museums were made back then too. I think in the event of a joint-occupation, we basically would've seen similar, cuter animation of what came out of the eastern bloc.


the last tweet was the only good tweet


no gay
most of the porn is guro or jailbait and not milf porn


Why do anime fans have such low standards when it comes to anime?
lot of them are poorly written garbage with writing that is even worse than your average children's cartoon or anime
Yet they think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread
Is it literally only because it looks pretty?


>Why do anime fans have such low standards when it comes to anime
Because it's become mainstream and computer graphics are much easier to do than the old 2D hand animation as a result Japanese anime series can be practically spammed and the effort into making them is almost zero, especially since very few good western cartoons are being made in the past 5-7 years.
- Have become easy to mass produce, and a glut of cheap Light Novels means that nobody needs to bother hiring full-time writers
- High demand means that people are going to eat up even shitty products en masse
- lack of competition by Western studios in terms of animated series (and movies TBH) means they dominate the market.
>Is it literally only because it looks pretty
IMO it doesn't even look all that pretty anymore, not like in the earlier decades, but yes, the cutesy big-eye moe-shit is attractive to terminally infantile and/or terminally online NEETs that are steadily becoming the majority of the First World (i.e. areas of significant US influence).
>they think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread
Because they have shit taste and anything to escape from their pointless reality is better than trying to self-actuate or do anything of meaning in their lives.


>most of the porn is guro
I wish that were true, there's very little animated guro


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You judge me for wanting to watch fictional characters die yet you want to watch me die. Curious!


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Reap what you sow /d/eviant.


I'm actually going to live until I'm 90 and I'll be watching little girls get split in half by chainsaws all the while


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Sick fuck


this is fucking bullshit lol. pre-tezuka manga still had western influence


would japan make cartoons if ww2 never happened? damn bro i dont know


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not to start a flamewar or anything, but I blame moeshit for making lookism more acceptable among otakus


I read that as Einstien, for a second I thought he invented weebs.



thank god for scihub


pirate all of thomas lamarre's books why don't you seriously do it they're good


Short answer, yes. All of the groundwork existed by then already in both print and theatre. The earliest known manga type art is at a temple I've been to, and much of early manga and anime were successors to rather snide political commentary, much of which is no longer available to inspect because it was intentionally transitory.


This isn't true at all, unless you only consider the graphical style anime and manga, which simply isn't the case.


This paper is laughable unless your idea of these mediums is limited to only what was inspired by Dinsey, when the production culture in Japan was already in place, very political and looking for an outlet when longer form print publications and eventually practical animation became possible.


soviet animation is better in a lot of ways, certainly more willing to experiment



Suur Tõll (1980)


>unless you only consider the graphical style anime and manga


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Interesting article and a nice reminder that the modern manga was pretty much invented by "commies", especially the circle around Tezuka.


<Rintaro also asked Masao Adachi —who also came from Nihon University— to work on the script, but he replied: “Moomin is too reactionary, I won’t work on it”. Adachi later joined the Japanese Red Army.



The direct quotes from Rintaro are great but I'm wary of this quote from the person who put them together in this article: "In the movie, probably to portray a nostalgic world, the revolutionary leader of the armed uprising had a portrait of Che Guevara, showing the essence of the anti-establishment movement."

This doesn't really acknowledge the socialist revolutionaries in the film were portrayed as pawns of the fascist leadership, tricked into seeing the robots as enemies/tools of "the man", & literally massacring sentient beings & fellow workers. Otomo's still leftist but "nostalgic" isn't the best way to describe that group's portrayal.


Akasegawa drew the poster for it https://leftypol.org/anime/res/5156.html


They were tricked but I wouldn't call them pawns.


I mean they were definitely humanized and their actions were understandable, but not justifiable. the leader's "this is how we humans are, all we can do is embrace it and march forward" (or something to that effect) speech runs contrary to the hippie ideals Tezuka stood for but he understood why people were that way still. if you look at Phoenix volume 2 Tezuka acknowledged the human traits that make bad shit happen and was deeply frustrated at how inherent they appear. I think Rintaro & Otomo understood him well. given stuff like the Lod Airport massacre it's imo clear what was being said about regular people dehumanizing one another in the name of "revolution" while the true oppressors just go "lol, lmao". it's part of why I hate it when dedicated anime fans tend to nitpick the Metropolis movie so hard in both Japan & America (though regular filmgoers tend to like it more). the revolutionaries clearly did something horrible but didn't come off as mustache-twirling villains or cartoony idiots; it's great writing. I often feel exactly the way their leader did and justify my own shit behavior that way. it's great cuz it makes you second guess yourself instead of going "UGH" from a safe distance.


There's been a lot of whitewashing of prominent anime and manga authors' involvement on left-wing movements.


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imo the "fuck US influence" people should look positively towards the time when the new left had an impact on anime cuz 1. it wasn't modern trendy "leftism" and, more importantly, 2. that was when creators, while appreciating stuff like disney & fleischer artistically, were politically critical of america instead of tending to lean US-friendly liberal like far too many do now. there was a legit feeling of "they want us to be their imperialism puppets, fuck that"

Tezuka for example fought against the insane restrictions US companies wanted to put on Kimba & Astro Boy's pre-chapter mini-comics are full of "lol these people thought my cartoons were too violent when the Vietnam war was still seen as a good thing, fuck off". now the attitude to localizers seems to be more just "oh well, whatever sells"

(pics are from Fujiko F Fujio and Akatsuka Fujio tho)


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why is anything japanese so extremely sexual? serious question
I'm very progressive, but I find it kind of annoying that every japanese media is gonna have weird kinky shit out of nowhere, regardless of the target audience age. like, wtf i don't wanna jack off when i'm playing megaman, why do they do this, why can't they be normal


Sex sells.


Sorry anon,
Normal ain't real


Try playing Animal Crossing. I've had entire days where I didn't masturbate because Animal Crossing got me in a state of mind far removed from that.


>not looking up porn of every villager on your island


sex is awesome and should be in everything


So why is it not in my life?


well how slutty are you on a scale of 1 to 10 in your day to day life


Because they purposely market this shit to the worst sexual predilections possible because it ensures someone will still buy it.


Marketing: if it can't sell bc of being a shitty product without novelty or imagination, it will sell bc lewds.


Never had Ankha as a villager?


It isn't. You just have been raised in a very prudish culture trained to react this way to open expression of sexuality.


Yes, eastern cultures don't have the emphasis on moral absolutes as the west and semitic religions do, but eroticism is still bad because it arouses inordinate desire and lust which is meant to be dissipated except in an enlightened being were such distinctions between right and wrong have no meaning anymore such as in buddhism.


Yes flashing of loli pantsu is just healthy sexuality(no pedoposting)


Easterners aren't moralfags something is only bad if it causes psychological attachment of somekind which is why Loli is ok for them.


>all japanese media is sexual

No, it just seems that way to you because all you know is specific niche shit that's popular in particular internet subcultures and is meant to appeal to horny dudes aged 13-40


Japan is quite Westernized, but even then to claim that Japan or the Orient somehow don't find "lolicon" or excessive sexualization to be problematic, allegedly unlike the Occidental imperial core, is extremely ridiculous; if one is to be candid the U.S.A. has far more acceptance of hypercommodification and child sexualization than Asia, Africa, or the Middle East. That not everyone shares the "fetishization" of sexuality by overly prudish traditional norms of the West does not entail that the non-Western civilizations embrace bourgeois decadence, degeneracy, and full hedonism as the today's West more and more does. What could be considered "Puritanical" sexual norms were also common for socialist countries and aren't actually contradictory with socially progressive policies, as for instance restriction of prostitution as an industry and pornography was relevant for sexual and gender equality.

**Japanese otaku subculture and otaku-targeted media however often are indeed quite sexualized but usually, if the material
is not directly pornographic, the sexual content is done by more "repressed" ways.**


I doubt you could publish to print a lolicon comic in the west


op here, I said that megaman was horny as a joke, and that made me want to play megaman legends for the first time, and I see this lmao


Whoa! Entire days!


western cartoons is filled with weird, gross fetish shit. They just use more euphemisms for it.


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>; if one is to be candid the U.S.A. has far more acceptance of hypercommodification and child sexualization than Asia,
Lol no. Pretty sure there has never been a pedo incest cartoon subway wrap in the west.


Not to mention real child porn was legal in Japan until a few years ago and they only adopted 18+ for hard-core porn because of America.


All aboard the incest train!


To my recall it wasnt legal to the degree you're suggesting. Just legal to posess but things like production was illegal which it was better before the UN bullied them into submission. Posession being illegal creates a way of just wasting time on many harmless or entirely innocent people diverting resources away from harmful people and creates a legal means of something to plant on people to have political dissidents arrested just like is done with drugs.


toot toot!


theory says Japan is pre freudian


Good for them.
Freud was a mistake.


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majority of anime watchers and buyers are shutin perverted otaku's, so sex sells and they are the only demographic to pander too


When you're an anglo prude anything else seems like an insane perversion.


why are westoids so obsessed with changing anime and japan, just don't fucking watch it if you can't handle panty shots


nobody reads comics/watches cartoons


My normalfag friends sure do.

The japanese and chinese tend to watch a heap of anime.


* The japanese and chinese friends and friends of friends


i should've said american cartoons.


They are invoking a type of western imperialism. Anime is primarily for Japanese people in Japan. Maybe getting some better animation in the west will make them shut the fuck up.


Name me one horny Ozu movie


Because you touch yourself at night.


because japan is a sexually repressed society


t. westoid


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In what year have anime become completely commodified and generic?


I vote for the mid - late 2010s. There are still fun/good anime being made, but the jump in ease of CG means that trash gets mass-produced at exponentially higher rates than in the past.


> nothing happens, but you walk out of it actually learning a lot about its subject matter
Is this supposed to be a negative?


the dose makes the poison


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New tax evasion just dropped


I've noticed there's a tendency in a lot of anime to go for this underdog trope, it's a common story trope in general for a lot of protagonists, however in recent times a lot of anime has made a focus on characters that beat magic and the like through "physical power" and "training" and the like. A recent example being Mashle which sounds like someone watched Black Clover and decided to take the "magicless underdog" concept and make it even more hardcore by not even giving the main character something like an anti-magic sword/powers or the like.

Earlier shonen protagonists like Naruto or early DB/DBZ Goku or Luffy were technically underdogs but that had hidden potential or could train to become much stronger or used technique to overcome their weaknesses and even creative utilization of otherwise weak abilities to beat superior opponents. But this hardcore hobbling of many newer generation shonen protagonists forces the authors to make up convoluted story lines to keep them relevant at all, or resort to One Punch Man-tier "fuck it"s. Maybe I'm thinking about this too hard though.


Japan really likes underdogs and brave losers.


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It really do be that like that but sometimes it do.


>why is there only like one girl in the main party and four dudes?
Reverse harem, duh.

That is true, I guess, it's just kinda getting extreme.



WTF, is this Wrath from Fullmetal Alchemist??


No it's Stalin depicted by Ahriman in 80s anime style, his specialty. The particular image is a memed scene from a Russian film, where Stalin says that line.


Fun fact: Ahriman is the god of evil in Zoroastrianism.


>why is anything japanese so extremely sexual?
Mangakas are horny and the Japanese are less sexually repressed. That's it.


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>JQ is basically saying jews are like some 10000 IQ race of master ninja assasins that can just infiltrate and hijack every civilization and institution at whim. Even the Chinese are allegedly controlled through their Jewish Marxism jutsu. Disney-Marvel-Anime ideology.

Does anime autist obsession easily lend partly itself to reactionary and bigoted politics, such as stupid delusions about nefarious Judeobolsheviks', thousand year plots?

Lolicon fascists are dimes to the dozen


>dude weeaboos are all fascists! twitter told me so!
retards love pushing this talking point and exposing themselves as terminally online autists lol fuck off


>why can't they be normal
if youre gonna bring up muh normalcy you cant complain about sexualization rofl


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>Mangakas are horny and the Japanese are more sexually repressed IRL.

>Lolicon fascists are dimes to the dozen
Not untrue but there's just as many liberal weebs with autistic radlib ideology too, who support the same things in the anime "community" from a different side.
>Does anime autist obsession easily lend partly itself to reactionary and bigoted politics
Not really any more than anything else, it's just a result of hyper-consumerist communities primarily made up of burgers and the primary political beliefs of burgers are often similar to Japanese ones (thus people like Attack on Titan, in spite of its fascistic pro-imperial messages).

NTA but your argument is flawed, twitter is not anti-anime, if anything it is the home of many anime autists, as is reddit and 4/a/, primary communities of anime communities in the West.

>if youre gonna bring up muh normalcy you cant complain about sexualization
NTA but how does that make sense?


I know a guy who interviewed Tetsuo Hara at a restaurant and he hit on the waitress. not all manga authors are shut-in otaku.


>No demon could fall asleep in a village, drunk after a rape session, and expect to live until dawn, so they needed to sleep in places such as caves. The state became desperate to reverse the soldiers = repugnant scum perception
This reminds me of an excerpt from Musui's Story: The Autobiography of a Tokugawa Samurai by Katsu Kokichi (Author), Teruko Craig (Translator, Introduction) University of Arizona Press (July 1, 1991)
where he reflects on most of his colleagues being dead as a result of their marauding.


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It's not stopping anytime soon, never mind GATE, the JSDF is trying to bait furry hikkis into enlisting with a femboy kemono mascot now.


idk why people are so insistent that shows they like are "subversions" of a genre except that they're self-conscious about liking genre fiction, and are trying to intellectually justify liking it. it's in the same vein as Whedonesque "did i just shoot fireballs?" dialogue


>Furries and Weebs uniting for the military industrial complex
Wait until you hear about the aeromorph conspiracy


>In 2022 the Japanese government produced an isekai anime movie to promote their territorial claim to the Southern Kuril Islands
>In it, a little girl gets hit by a car and wakes up in 1945, experiencing the Soviet invasion of the islands
>Russian soldiers get portrayed as violent thugs, robbing Japanese residents and in one scene the local girls get their hair cut short and dress like boys in hope of avoiding rape
>Literally TheLiberators.png
>The short is 24 minutes long and is part of many produced materials to promote Japanese territorial claims on the Russian islands
Japan can posture all it likes, but this is like Crimea except even stupider, they can't do jack shit without starting a war between the States and Russia, and it would immediately pull in China and North Korea due to proximity. Funny thing about this is the plot is like a politically driven shadman loli-rape comic. It's pure projection on part of Japan considering all the atrocities they committed during WWII. The part about girls dressing as boys to avoid rape was actually done by Filipino women during the Imperial occupation of the islands and not by Japanese people on the Kurils. More importantly, Japan explicitly renounced its claims over the Kuril Islands in the Treaty of San Francisco and that the modern dispute revolves around nearby islands Japan claims to not be part of the Kuril and thus exempt from the treaty.



Why must "doing something new" always be "subversive", Zambot 3 is as much in dialogue with Mazinger as Gundam, and Mazinger is as much in dialogue with Tetsujin, its almost like being self conscious about other genre fiction is a part of genre fiction


Meant for >>21770


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Akari likes toast, the tears are because she's late from the first day of school!


Why do weebs treat literal who VAs, sound designers, and whatever directors like they're literal superstar celebrities?


this isnt remotely inherent to otaku culture lol


Well the VAs are the closest thing to their waifu being real


Because those who don't like Sumipe are mentally ill fascists.


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> Funny how adult otaku who grew up when Gyaru fashion was big have turned the whole aesthetic into a subgenre of girlfriend fantasy years after it fell out of vogue. It's like if YA writers who were teens during the Bush administration made all their female leads into mall goths.

I like when assholes who earn money doing fucking "anime journalism" make dumb uninformed takes on twitter and get schooled by people who actually know their shit. This ANN shithead is conflating ganguro with all gyaru, thinks gyaru aren't a thing anymore, and thinks nerds don't have the overall fantasy of the popular girl being into their hobbies.


>anime journalism
I would rather my child commit suicide


How can you become an "anime journalist" when you don't know shit about Japan in the first place? I know the standards are incredibly low, but if someone were passionate about anime and Japan, they'd do their own research instead of spouting bullshit like this. It's not 2003 anymore.


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To be fair Ganguro is a subset of Gyaru, but yeah this is a retarded take, I don't even know what the fuck this mall goth analogy was supposed to mean.
Also Gyaru thread >>639


this person is on anime twitter and has somehow missed all the recent fanart and illustrations of anime girls as mall goths out there?


Is that how transracials look like?


literally just a tan and makeup


This is what a race basically is THOUGH. Just a phenotype.


>Media Culture (Industry)
The powerful animation-art generative capability of the current AI/ML tech potentially could ease greatly the burden of tedious work, that's been almost since the beginnings of "modern anime" chronic the issue, in the production of anime if implemented well, and open up the opportunity to create works to normal people who don't have the big funds from sponsors. Have there been any cases of use in the industry yet of such generative technologies at significant level in automation-work and workflows that people might know of? This doesn't seem to be much of the over-expectation from the what the current models are capable of, since the work on the key elements would still likely be done manually while the work that is repetitive would be done by the new, improved computer aided tools.


>Have there been any cases of use in the industry yet of such generative technologies at significant level in automation-work and workflows that people might know of
Not yet, but AI animation work is developing rapidly, and computer programs today permit for a lot of semi-automatic animation for (relative) simplistic stuff like walk animations.


Perhaps Filthy Frank did spit the truth about the problems of weeaboos.


Needs a Dakimura edited under his arm

I gotta say that screenshot made me laugh. In the 90s and early 2000s those kinds of race jokes (and vice versa for white people) were pretty common, and people didn't get offended over it because it was just casual humor. But I digress. But yeah fuck 90% of moeshit.


that second image reminded me of the time MHA triggered a bunch of weaboos because one of their one of the black characters, now i'm laughing to myself.


Lookism was always a thing. IMO moeshit is overblamed.


>le moeshit
Implying that old anime wasn't pretty to look at is absolutely ridiculous to me.


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I think the point is that moeshit took the "cute, kawaii!!!" aesthetic so far, that it became an almost universal style. Almost every anime today has the female characters have almost the same exact faces. Sure the 90s, 80s and 2000s had some similar aesthetics, but characters, series and OVAs still had distinct faces and designs, you could never confuse Bleach with Naruto or One Piece or Dragon Ball and vice versa. In Miyazaki's and Anno's works the characters have similar aesthetics and similar faces to an extent as part of their artistic stylization, but I wouldn't mix up Rei with Asuka or Misato or Nadia, despite similarities. Now people can edit 'moe' anime girls from different series into a single show and nobody would be able to tell the difference. It's not as problematic with male characters but still exists for them too.

TL;DR: Modern anime through the proliferation of the 'Moe' aesthetic has made many characters and anime series too samefaced.
Seriously as a random comparison. The girls in K-On, SAO, Konosuba, Love-Live and I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years all have similar-faced girls. Literally just swap clothes and hair colors.


this is just because theres more anime today than back then

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