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Remember!!: R.I.P. Russell Bentley


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



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Think about the importance these events take in defining the the global political, social, and economic reality.

Then think about the average interest a westener has or will invest themselves in these events; between the credit payments they must make on their car, choosing what to have for dinner, or where to go on holiday.

The system produces an individual whose sole function is to consume commodities, of which international news is a contending part.


There is no excuse anymore. I can accept if someone genuinely believed Saddam Hussein was a threat to the West and then did a mea culpa, but for millions of people to believe that, and then to go on to believe Qaddafi was a threat, and then go on to believe Assad was a threat, and then go on to believe Xi is a threat, etc. is ridiculous. At some point people have to take personal responsibility for constantly buying into lies nonstop and the average Westoid would rather commit suicide than admit he has ever been wrong. The Marxists attempt to gaslight us into believing that these are all pure workers at heart when I know (to list one example) someone living in a 400sqm apartment who has told me before that he wants to fucking BOMB IRAN just based off the retarded media he reads, even though he himself is living in a shithole with not much income or savings. The majority of people in the West have no morality, no decency, no common sense, and no innocence. It's time to drop the socialist pretense that everyone is a single re-education session away from agreeing with Lenin.


Nah, people who fight for imaginary friends deserve death.


>people have to take personal responsibility

Again, the system produces an individual who is by design devoid of this. Welcome to the West.


>fascist redditor spitting up liberal shibboleths
Every single time


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Welcome to bourgeois consciousness. Shit's wild, and not just in politics. Everything is in a bizarro world, from sex and culture to physics and programming.


My uygha, this has been the case since the second international, and WW1, when every western leftist movement threw up class struggle in favor the Sacred Union and nationalism. The Imperial core is well crafted, and you're not going to see it tear itself appart when it is still in a state of domination.


I have good news, it's already not. uyghas killed their own militaries. They lost to this pathetic bourgeois-ran scrap of the USSR alone. They're also losing control all over the world. The multipolar world is already here.


How is this more evil than the middles that drop in from a hundred kilometres away and blast people apart, or incendiaries which are only crimes in specific circumstances


Because >>596348 is a bourgeois statist troll and improvised weapons offend his god.


Either this is bait or you've never read Marx.

The mode of subjectivity capitalism produces in the west is defined by the contingency of political being; the system produces consumers, alienated from the products of their labour. Commodities are the atom of this social fabric, structured by a division of wealth which serves simply to protect the social relations which uphold this.

You're right to label me a fascist, I am a citizen of said society. The only problem is that you need to look in the mirror.


Damn its almost though you need effective tactics and constant promotion of your world-outlook instead of just sitting around expecting reality to just hand you victory!


We dont support Mechanist philosophy around here, go wash your brain out.


>The Marxists attempt to gaslight us into believing that these are all pure workers at heart
And this is how worker worship leads people away from communism.

Calm down, son.


will russia have any trouble holding ukraine after it's taken it?


But the point is to change it, not reproduce the machinery of class.

All ethical statements are false. I'm here and I don't. Your feelings do not exempt you from demystification.


A missile like your describing doesn't provide the opportunities to toy with the target like it's a perverted video game or something. Seeing men ddesperately try to avoid fpv drones piloted remotely with an xbox controller hits different. idk it's not going to stop happening.


No. All the worst Nazis will be either dead or have fled to the EU. The Ukrainians that remain will be the envy of the ones that fled to Europe which will be trapped in prostitution and other heavily exploited fields to "pay back" nato "generosity". Russia will rebuild the country and Ukraine will enjoy the benefits of trade with the East while the rest of Europe crumbles under the weight of the US.


Change inside of the imperial core is beholden to change in the periphery. The more the peoples of the periphery unschackle themselves and uproot their systems that enable western explotation of their countries, the less resources and wealth will flow to the west, whic in turn means the western ruling classes will have less and less to maintain their control of mass media, police states etc., making it far harder for them to fill in the cracks, untill all those cracks eventually tear up the system.


Stop babbling no one said anything about ethics. Consciousness and ideas are a fundmental & important part of dialectical materialism, they are literally how we perceve and understand reality itself. Trying to belttle them leads the dead-end of mechanical materialism.


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This is a silly third worldist fantasy the world doesnt work like that, countries that have a revolution dont suddenly disappear from the world economy. Stop being so naive.


>The Marxists attempt to gaslight us into believing that these are all pure workers at heart


Lol on the money.


Saved but aren't you allowed to think lumpen are kinda stupid


>It's time to drop the socialist pretense that everyone is a single re-education session away from agreeing with Lenin
Literally nobody says that. Every Marxist knows there are people who cant be helped and don't wanna be helped or are conscious enemies for whatever reason. The point is to give people the opportunity to change. If they wanna stay retarded thats their problem.


The party is wrong, the workers are stupid, there are not enough prison camps, let's bomb Washington.


I was going to write a post about how functionally western society produces individuals who are not only complicit in their own domination, but essentially asset holders in the future success of their bourgeois masters.

But what's the point.


Everyone IS a single re-education session away from agreeing with Lenin, that's the fucking tragedy of our situation


>no one said anything about ethics
An ethical statement makes claim on behalf of an ethic. "We don't support x" is an ethical statement. Any Marxist in opposition to the ruthless criticism of every mystery is a liar.
I'm actually more of a New Materialist anyway.
>Trying to belttle them leads the dead-end of mechanical materialism
I'm not belittling them; I'm belittling yours. Piety is idiocy.


>I'm American and I need to feel better than someone
Lumpen theory's real function, everyone


We are better than everyone


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The new superweapon is about to drop!


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>"We don't support x" is an ethical statement


This was true up to a point but that required investing back into their own populace. At this point it's really not anymore.


This is just theorizing our own failure, even if it's true we still have to overcome it and break through.


Does that confirm NATO pilots in open combat by next month? Because the Ukrainian pilots aren’t done training yet.


That sudden change in behaviour when the Swede sees Zionist entitiy food, unreal.


Ethical statement, moral statement, same thing
< Moral statements are prescriptive statements uttered within an interpersonal context. If they are descriptive of anything, they are descriptive of socially defined norms or ideals.


It still holds true, it just seems to be the inverse.

Wealth speculation in the financial markets and with cryptocurrencies is seen as a way to buy one's way to a good life, and is not only encouraged but advertised to workers.

Property ownership used to simply be the purchase of a commodity; today that commodity is the focus of speculation, and in the process has converted all who possess homes into asset owners.

What's extremely funny about this is it's a clear generational divide which tends to be quoted endlessly as source of derrision for boomers. The wage gap from 70 years ago has accelerated and torn apart with it the system of goods that once secured a general system of prosperity.

Home ownership essentially becomes a pledge to capitalist society due to the individual's investment in their own speculative appreciation; there is a salience between the best outcome for the individual and that of capital.

For example, someone made a post on this site the other day about how homelessness in California could be solved through mass-construction works and alloting the homeless access to single family houses.

Imagine the resistance tax-paying home owners would put up upon finding out that the federal governemnt was essentially going to destroy their property bubble. (Imagine the resistance businesses would put up. Imagine the resistance lobbyists, senators, and financial corporations would put up).

Imagine the outrage individual home owners would feel upon learning that they are shackled with 40-50 year mortgages, having worked and earned their way through the system (sucking up like bottom feeders), when now not only the indigent, but the drug addicted schizophrenics who cannot hold down a simple retail job, are about to be donated houses free of charge off the dime of the tax payer.

Home ownership is simply one of the most literal forms through which you can observe the ingratiation of the worker into the capitalist system and the bundle of privileges it grants them.

I will never tire of this: You can walk into a coffee shop, the bigger the corporation the better, and endless streams of people will arrive to buy their coffee. You can walk into a supermarket and make your way to the checkout with your basket. You can go to a restaurant and place your order with the hostess.

All of these service sector staff, every single one, is incumbent to the wage system. The exploitation of their labour is not only generalized, but entirely on display for the world to view. The profit model of the very busienss you are in is predicated on what is essentially a form of slavery. Even more, the logic to which capitalist businesses are naturalised is that profit is the order of the world, as though they had developed some copernican understanding through their use of 'sensible business practices'.

And nobody bats an eye. Nobody questions why we must use money to obtain these commodities, or even questions the very form they take as commodities themselves.

Even those who have worked in the service sector and know how grueling it is consent to this. And yet right before their very eyes, the magic of the valorization of capital unfolds.





People who are attracted to communism, because they think workers are big chungus heckin wholesome, and "wouldn't it be just a amazing, if they were in charge?" are always in for a rude awakening and never last.

Mention that propaganda and false consciousness is a two-person job in the information age, and they start sputtering about "individualist ideology".


You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.


Sounds like you're just looking for reasons to give up.


I'm just continually amazed by what the system produces.

The very form taken by the social relations among workers is one entirely dominated by the division of wealth; either through its immediate formal sense of asset possession, or its informal sense, which would be described by Bourdieu as the crystalized forms of social and political capital.

Living in this world feels like being in a circus.

Climate change is set to reach at a minimum 3 degrees by 2100, yet today the most popular sort of cars are SUVs with some of the worst gas milage ratios.

Nursing homes are staffed by corporations at levels that are well below what is necessary at the cheapest wage possible, yet the aging population is going to grow exponentially by 2050.

Food is designed to be deliberately un-nutritious; healthy alternatives free of pesticides (and likely PFAs chemicals) come at twice, if not three times the cost.

Again, the system produces a form of individuality in which one need never take stock of the social political issues of the day because they are delegated through a type of specialisation. The idea that protesting accomplishes anything is laughable when 100 years ago labour organization threatened to swallow the world and turn it into one dominated by socialist states.


>Imagine the outrage individual home owners would feel upon learning that they are shackled with 40-50 year mortgages, having worked and earned their way through the system (sucking up like bottom feeders), when now not only the indigent, but the drug addicted schizophrenics who cannot hold down a simple retail job, are about to be donated houses free of charge off the dime of the tax payer
wtf are you talking about. in your own little bubble I can tell


Well, as far as America goes, he's right. They have more houses without people than people without houses. And "affordable housing" will never, ever be recieved positively.


It doesn't really hold true if you go on to describe how it's actually a dual system predicated on a denial of that very prosperity based loyalty


No, it does. Poverty functions as a grinding mill over which workers are dangled.

Only a certain percentage of the population ever achieves the median wage and it is through the system of ingratiation that they must work to achieve this. Downward social mobility is essentially a real threat of a descent into hell.

Service sector employment is the bottom rung of this, next only to companies operating through illegal employment. Wage raises are kept to a minimum as a deliberate means to control staff. Access to this employment requires only citizenship, which is nothing more than a certificate to the general body of labour which is available.

The logic that results is one which emphaises individual success, when conversely one's achievements are entirely dependent on the social distribution of wealth.

The entire cycle of employment is viewed as a ladder from which one must escape.

Those who make it anywhere near the average income bracket jetison whatever political views they held because there was in no real case any substance to them, because the social invective is one which promotes ascension through the availability of luxuries.

The logic of consumption essentially prevails, at all levels. Because that is literally all capitalism produces: consumers.


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