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Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



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>Needing to send NATO troops to break a "stalemate" that is costing Ukraine hugely to up hold looks good for NATO
>Russia started off with Crimea and DPR/LPR territories and now has slightly more than that despite so many Ukrainian counter-offensyivs and "decisive" battles
You shouldn't have that name you've given yourself lmao


Already answered your third point but you refuse to read replies.


>Nobody thought Qing China was the 2nd greatest military on Earth at the time that they went to war against the British Empire.

I still don't know where that idea comes from and appears to be part of that Western discourse where Russia is both simultaneous and weak. The point seems to be arguing that Russia is failing to meet goals that the West set, such as occupying all of Ukraine. NATO members collectively account for a supermajority of world military spending and it was assumed that unlike the Cold War, Russia is far more inferior to the alliance.

The confrontation with Iran, Russia, and China isn't producing the results the West expected. Israel going for a greater Israel one state solution is undermining its place in the world and relationship to the West while Iran and Hezbollah proved they can strike Israel without much pushback so far. Israel's campaign in Gaza is a genocidal abyss going nowhere and probably impossible to complete. Ukraine is just a disaster, Russia is consolidating its place in the world while Ukraine is committed to a slow motion loss the West cannot alleviate without intervention that complicates its overextension. China divides the US and Europe, divides Taiwan, and relies on island chain containment that isn't tenable as the world economically rebalances.


Fact Check Check
><Ukraine: Russia possesses less territory now than at the start of the war.
Irrelevant. The war was not about possessing territory, and much of that territory was never intended to be kept. The initial incursion was intended to force a political settlement on terms acceptable to Russia, not to keep all the territory initially occupied. Then the West and Ukraine decided to go full war instead of accept Russia's terms, so from there it became a war of attrition, which Russia is winning and has been for some time now.
><Currently stalemate
it's not currently a stalemate. One side is advancing, the other retreating. One side has growing manpower deficiencies, the other has increasing numbers. One side is no longer able to keep the lights on. One side is growing weaker each day, the other stronger. That's not a stalemate. It's a trajectory where one side loses, even if the lines aren't moving quickly right now.
>leading to possible NATO victory and re-conquest of Ukraine depending on whether NATO decides to throw their forces in.
NATO throwing in their forces will not lead to a NATO victory. At best it will lead to a stalemate, and at worst a defeat or nuclear war.


<Yemen: They set up a different shipping route and went around instead.
At huge increase in costs and blow to the prestige of Western naval capability.

<They only lose in the court of world opinion which they weren't winning decades ago anyways.

The latest Gaza war has been an absolute disaster politically for the Zionist occupation, a fact which their own lobbying groups admit. It actually seems possible that Israel will go the way of its former allies Rhodesia and Apartheid South Africa in the near future.

<Russia possesses less territory now than at the start of the war.

Lmao. The absolute cope. The start of the war was 24 February 2022 and Russia absolutely controls more territory now. Shortening lines after the shift to an attrition strategy was absolutely the correct strategy even according to Western think tanks.


It will unironically get to the point where NATO claims victory because while Biden has fallen down stairs, Putin had fallen down stairs AND shat himself on the way down (according to anonymous sources), thus Putin's legacy was still ruined and that's what the Ukraine war was all about!


there are now EU countries recognizing palestine lmao


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>They set up a different shipping route and went around instead.
what a hilarious and very stupid cope. The west got kicked out of one of the most important shipping lanes in the world. The whole point of the suez canal is to avoid "just going around instead". >>596960


Nothing a few genocidal sanctions coudn't fix!


Yeah getting pushed back to thevfucking 18th century is a “stalemate” lmao


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Anyone who thinks NATO can “put their full force in” and win in Ukraine is a fucking retard. NATO will never conscript people for Ukraine, their societies would fall apart. Their entire standing armies combined would be depleted after one year of fighting of Ukraine War intensity. Their Air Forces could make a difference initially, but in (dare I say it) two weeks, their Air Forces would be so depleted that it would take multiple decades for them to recover with their pathetic deindustrialized societies. NATO has given everything it can and still failed against a retarded child wearing his fathers army uniform


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SMO to Nazify Mexico coming soon?




Damn. Man of the people!


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Yes…ha ha ha…YES


I see Cuba is a potential missile depot as well? Cuban Missile Crisis Act 2 the revenge?


Based story in case anyone missed it. Mobiks stole a fascist army truck and headed straight for Hungary where they’ve been given safe haven


well the us government has been taking a fascist immigration stance on the southern border and bloomberg released a documentary (haven't watched it) about how mexico is le authoritarian now and we need to deploy a few democracy troops to save the vvest. i'm not saying amerikkka is planning to invade but they're definitely pissed that mexico is breaking with neoliberal hegemony and are trying to drum up the same kind of racism as with the chinese


Cucktin would never.
I don't believe it until I see it.


Did they really?
Mexico is going back to their Estrada doctrine, and at least AMLO and evidently Sheinbaum is aware that they have to maintain a relatively low profile on the international stage to advance the national project.

Meanwhile, the US is proposing to invade Mexico. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/03/us/politics/trump-mexico-cartels-republican.html
Doubtful they will do it, but if they do, it will seriously escalate the world war.


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>More importantly, Russia's success with a state model afforded by its more communitarian culture allowed it to build a middle class, overcome oligarchic despotism, and reconcile that middle class with an alternative to liberalism

The "middle class" (by which you inevitably mean petite bourgeoisie) is absolute cancer and a big reason for why capitalist states are so reactionary. The middle stratum is objectively the most pro-Western and pro-capitalist in their psychological outlook. Which is why you saw a huge chunk of the Russian middle class immediately flee to Georgia as soon as the war started because they didn't want to fight for Russia.

Yet again Belarus and Lukashenko are light years ahead of Russia in cultural superiority and systemic analysis.

Exterminate the petite bourgeoisie and capitalism disappears.


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ideology surpasses all chvddie


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>Exterminate the petite bourgeoisie and capitalism disappears.
Then you're left with a managerial bourgeoisie who is even more petty and cunty when they have no personal gain from it, only symbols made from the letting of workers' blood.
Disgorge and neutralize "leader-follower" classism before doing anything, so that leadership classes can't reform.


putin has one billion clones


How can I access RT when the EU has blocked it? I want to watch live too


Set your DNS servers to https://quad9.net/
They have detailed tutorials on how to accomplish that.


it could be you. it could be me. everyone could be putler.


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global superpower azerbaijan, checks out


Seriously wtf did Azerbaijan do


They probably are just retarded yuros who confused Azerbaijan and Iran


I followed instructions and doesn't work.
Is there any other way?
I'm not tech savvy and hate computers


I don't disagree at all. I of course think cannibalizing the middle to create a concentrated top to be expropriated by a mass-based bottom is the future.


They have livestreams on Rumble and Odysee


they supported New Caledonia independence. this was because marcon was supporting Armenia


Thankfully, squeezing the petite bourgeois out of owning capital and property is the plan for the bourgeoisie as well lmao


Fuck this gay Earth


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The Russian Endgame in Ukraine and European Resistance to “Right Wing” Advances: A Thought Experiment



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You've heard of training conscripts at the front creating apprentices of war, but now get ready for early onset arthritis creating the bravest soldiers.


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>Exterminate the petite bourgeoisie and capitalism disappears.

Exterminate petit bourgeois and the threat of fascism disappears, since they provide the ideological base of fascism (along with veterans in imperialist countries, and certain strata of lumpen). But you do not get rid of capitalism. Capitalism can only be gotten rid of by the revolutionary victory of the proletariat, the the establishment of a proletarian dictatorship, and the establishment of socialism.


holy cope


If you don’t have a dictatorship of the proletariat, how do you get rid of the petit bourgeoisie you tard? Only the higher capitalists can do that under capitalism, and that won’t do away with fascism. Fascism is when those two stop fighting so they can team up against socialism.


Anyone who cheerleads this war on should be sent to fight in it



Prick was a British officer so of course his instinct is to order men to charge at the machine guns and then canonise them as lions once the inevitable happens. Literally anything he says or genuinely thinks about war naturally precludes his own participation.



The Suez canal is not even important. Right?


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