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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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this website's imageboard software honestly sucks ass
>terrible design overall
>loading a new page takes a considerable amount of time to adjust while loading different elements and stuff
>lots of little bugs here and there
>bunch of random dumb features probably kept in through the constant forking that it's built on
it should either be comprehensively fixed somehow or replaced entirely
pic unrelated


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That's just like, your opinion, man.



IT specialist and cooder here
where can i contribute to the development of this site



Quote preview, backlinks, quick reply, thread updater, thread watcher, image expansion, image hover, unmute WebM, hide thumbnails, embed YouTube links; We have all of these and site search. (Thread watcher is called watchlist). The only feature we don't have is "Inline quote links".

The design is fairly intuitive to anyone that isn't a newfag and if you lurk and read the FAQ, even that isn't a big issue.
Bugs exist on every site, they're minor and as a bug tester it's not critical or major.
>random dumb features
Fuck off, first y'all complain that there aren't enough features, and now there are too many features for you.
"Just destroy the entire site and start from scratch!" - totally-not-a-wrecker
>loading a new page takes a considerable amount of time to adjust while loading different elements and stuff
My internet is literal ethernet cable shit, slow as fuck and loads pages instantly, this is something on your end, not the site. Clean up your cookies and remove unnecessary extensions.


>Inline quote links
That would be really good.


>Fuck off, first y'all complain that there aren't enough features, and now there are too many features for you.
>Clean up your cookies and remove unnecessary extensions.
i browse this website on incognito mode so cookies and extensions aren't a factor


>if you lurk and read the FAQ
As the author of the FAQ, I have expressed my own concerns that it is lacking, as I wrote it with prior vichan users in mind. I am hoping to replace it with a more in-depth guide that introduces useful features to people who don't look around on their own.
Also, criticism is very useful and different users have different valid opinions. Please don't be dismissive of complaints because the site is fine for your use-case.

We are aware of some bugs (see issue tracker at https://git.leftypol.org/leftypol/leftypol/issues ) but I would like you to list some as we may be so used to some we've basically forgotten they're there.

You are completely right that vichan AND the lainchan fork are hacks on hacks. NNTPchan stuff is there, random hacks, all kinds of stuff. If we weren't always too busy and the other IB softwares were more mature, we probably would have picked them. I welcome attempts to fix it; I've been too busy with other tasks, IRL and site moderation to touch much of the non-critical backlog.

pls gib pull requests on the git
Also, the /tech/ sticky is great for discussing code before actually writing it, in case there's a reason it hasn't been done. Additionally, if you are fine with Matrix chat you can add us for faster feedback.


>incognito mode so cookies and extensions aren't a factor
>He thinks incognito mode doesn't factor in Cookies or extensions


>As the author of the FAQ, I have expressed my own concerns that it is lacking
As a user that has been on this site and numerous other chans, and do bug testing as a free-lance job, this site is by far one of the least problematic and easiest to use, far outstripping (in my opinion) even the current reddit and 4chan updates in many regards. It's perfectly adequate for basic posting and perusal.


> Please don't be dismissive of complaints because the site is fine for your use-case
I'm not trying to be dismissive, leftych*n shitposters constantly try to talk crp about the site and it's kinda tiresome from the perspective of person that has seen truly terrible sites and site design.

If there IS something that the site could fix it's the board listing at the top, use 4chan's system and have a separate bar there so it's more visible and thus more accessible and attractive.


>I'm not trying to be dismissive, leftych*n shitposters constantly try to talk crp about the site and it's kinda tiresome from the perspective of person that has seen truly terrible sites and site design.
That's true. That said, I would like to see it further improved. The layout as it is now wasn't really ever designed or cohesive, people sticking addons wherever they felt best.
I'm not involved in it, but what are your thoughts on cabalchan?
>board listing at the top, use 4chan's system and have a separate bar
So basically the same except the boards on one bar, then the options and settings on a second bar? I think that's a good idea. This has the additional bonus of reducing the amount of movement as the site loads the JS addons.

Also just as a heads up, I think I can now make fixing the silly double-loading image uploader a priority. It's probably the most obvious critical issue.


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how do u like the look of this https://web.archive.org/web/20190623213915/http://haibane.ru/
it was the demo board for this https://github.com/ahushh/monaba
uses haskell tho so might be a pain for contributing. could rewrite it in php or perl or something tho
it should be built with easy maintenance and feature addition as well as safety in mind of course


also it's based off of wakaba (ultimately based off of futaba/2chan)


>could rewrite it in
A long road to go down, I wouldn't bother. Especially into a PoS like PHP. Hotwheels (of vichan) even has a rant letter to PHP devs in the vichan wiki.


python + flask?


>So basically the same except the boards on one bar, then the options and settings on a second bar
Yeah essentially, Maybe make the top bar a different color so that it stands out too.
It's got a decent front page design, (kinda 2008ish in a nostalgic way) but the actual system of scrolling is too much like a phone-version of a blog site to be used in regards to something like /leftypol/. Even for phoneposters it's not very intuitive to use and so despite some innovative ideas in formatting, is overall poor for a forum.
>ayout as it is now wasn't really ever designed or cohesive, people sticking addons wherever they felt best.
I guess so. The site developers could formulate a more united (yet still modular) system and try create new CSS for testers to upload into the [Options] and check out before creating a major update to the site.


I have another suggestion. On most chans if you select a text (highlight), click-hold & drag to a textbox it copies/moves text. For some reason leftypol.org doesn't do that, even though it had been a comfortable feature of Bunkerchan and basically every other chan. It's not a big issue but it'd be nice to have.


I believe it's a default browser feature that is being blocked by the drag/drop file uploader that received dragging and dropping images (which can be disabled in Options by unchecking 'Drag and drop file selection', but of course that removes a potentially useful feature so this isn't really a solution).


Works fine in my browser? Maybe deactivate javascript.


It's a bit extreme of a solution, I'd suggest >>14809 instead.


The thing is Drag and Drop functions on the rest of the chans I tried this out on, only here it fails (for selected text, not images)


Thank you. This issue should now be fixed (may require a force-reload to replace the cached JavaScript files, shift+refresh on Firefox).


Embedding error.


just a tip you could add lazy loading on the image thumbnails in threads. all you have to do is add the loading="lazy" attribute to img tags. browsers that don't support it will just ignore the attribute. i don't recommend putting it in a board's index.html though, i don't like waiting for that half-second for images to load when scrolling down, but i can tolerate it just on thread pages because they are what can potentially have hundreds of images due to image dumps.

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Performance/Lazy_loading (no one actually reads mozilla docs, it's like trying to learn math from wikipedia)


Like you hinted at, the issue is waiting that half-second for images to load when scrolling. I feel like that would be too annoying for typical users. On the other hand, it has great benefits. I'm not sure which way to go on the issue.


Personally I think I would rather not wait, bandwidth is pretty cheap after all and loading some thumbnails isn't gonna make a big difference for most


TBH I never had this issue of image loading time (and my internet is shoddy as hell), but lazy loading may be a good idea to consider.


>I'm not sure which way to go on the issue.
just test it, and only in threads. enable it for a couple days, try scrolling through image dump threads like https://leftypol.org/siberia/res/110135.html and see how it is. that giant thread (fresh cache / force refresh) should load quicker overall with lazy-loading. maybe half-second is an exaggeration, my guess is the delay for loading images is based on latency, so if it takes 150ms to ping this site that's how long it'll take.


wtf this shithole doesn't have round borders, gradients and minimalist design!!! it doesnt run on nodejs!!!!!! ITS SHIT!


i think nodejs is garbage too


I'm honestly amazed how popular NodeJS is, even in industry settings. Who approves this and why?


code monkeys need to unionize. too much of tech is in the hands of batshit managers. unprofitable vanity firms that're pet projects of some billionaire that constantly injects it with capital to keep it "running" should be shuttered, etc



LainchanJP is the superior looking built-in theme and it should be turned on by default. It has the most legible font and color scheme, and the centered content layout looks well on most screens. It is overall very aesthetically pleasing.


the classic, default 4 themes in wakaba
https://4-ch.net/img/ (nsfw)


still broken


what javascript does to a mf


also >>>/tech/12724


For fucks sake, there's a reason we didn't move those threads before.
And no, it's not javascript that's the problem, that's just HTML. It was the rushed migration method used to import posts.


what's going on with this https://git.leftypol.org/leftypol/leftypol_vichan
also personally i think you should just drop PHP and vichan in general and return to simple CGI, like with http://haserl.sourceforge.net/manpage.html


There are some more details at >>>/tech/13157

I'm not making a new imageboard from scratch. I don't have the time nor motivation.


making a CGI imageboard is simple as hell tho


can't be much worse than maintaining vichan, either


Maintaining vichan isn't bad. The main bad thing is that it's only semi-maintained by others, and rolling my own solution is far worse on that front.
You haven't explained the benefits of moving away from vichan. I don't have the time nor experience to port, let alone remake, the features we want from vichan to a new language.
If you want a simple as hell imageboard, go make one. If your answer is no, then why expect me to say yes.

I'd sooner jump to jschan or something than roll my own imageboard, for something this size. If this was a 20 user site, then I might think differently.


well if you don't wanna


>and the centered content layout looks well on most screens
Go back, zoomer!


Fuck it let's (re)make flat file database textboards.


It's less about 'want', more about effort, feasibility and safety.


CGI can link with relational databases/SQL
tbh i've always found PHP stuff to be really opaque
i might work on one myself and share it here or the /tech/ sticky sometime in case anyone's interested


PHP fucking blows.


It would be a fun experiment if you have nothing else to do.
If you do make a public imageboard, do us a favor and don't just make generic boards (le /b/ and /pol/) like the literal hundreds of tiny imageboards.


previous attempts have been made to replace the imageboard software, however channers nowdays like to stick with the same old one. see: >>>/tech/11160


vichan is only the supreme codebase cuz it's maintained by an active (semi-active now i guess) group and also it comes with good configs straight out of the box, which is better for people that just wanna deploy quickly and don't really care about the software that they use for some reason. apathy is a cancer that goes up to even the highest sysadmin levels nowadays i guess
i think a big addition could be support for SSH tunneling, and other P2P-supportive configs


>for SSH tunneling, and other P2P-supportive configs
What would these be useful for?


admin stuff


to see user cleartext IPs without them being hashed by the board software.


you could post a small guide for setting it up, maybe link this: https://geti2p.net/en/faq


Unique IPs: 17

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