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Long overdue but it's here now.
(from dev team)
>>743292>We believe that conflicts between genders, races, sexualities, and so on are distractions from the wider class struggle that are intentionally fanned by the ruling class.maybe but they're definitely not sponsoring anti-oppression politics in any meaningful way, despite what /pol/ infographic-tier clickbait "sources" say
>This does not mean that oppression based on personal characteristics does not exist, but that it should be approached from an egalitarian perspective which is not personally accusatory and does not assign ‘victim’ and ‘oppressor’ groups.race isn't based on personal characteristics, tons of white-skinned people used to be classified as un-white and still are to this day. race is a social phenomenon
>The rights of individuals to live according to their own wishes is a fundamental part of leftism.don't even know what this means, is it a freeze peach type thing?
>>743292>>743259no! Enforce the anti-idpol rule.
I mean look at this shit >>743146 >>743075 >>743052 >>743251 >>743291
>>742930Hadn't thought of it in the past year. It feels like it would have approximately one user, so it hasn't been high up on the oversized TODO list, despite being a good move. Plus, we don't have any experience setting up eepsites so it would take some time to ensure it's secure (a quick read suggested we should use our main web server software rather than Caddy, thoughts?)
If there's interest from multiple users, it might get bumped up the priority list.
In fact, I should make a physical, public priority list to see what changes are actually wanted by users.
>>743303>The rights of individuals to live according to their own wishes is a fundamental part of leftism.This sentence is so liberal and so fucking retarded that it is nearly impossible to unpack.
>rightslib shit
>individualslib shit
>own wisheslib shit
>fundamental part of leftism>fundamental part>of leftism>leftismI wasn't aware "leftism" was a theory current that has fundamental parts to it. You retard mods think that cleaning shit off of an imageboard is the same as reading theory. It is obvious whoever wrote that shit is an idiot who doesn't understand the fundamental of Marxism. There are no Robinson Crusoe "individuals", people are socially determined, you literally wouldn't be you without society. Rights don't exist, read Marx. There is no such thing as free will, there are no "own" wishes. "Leftism" is an ambiguous term that includes liberals half the time it is used, how can anything be a "fundamental part of it", especially the fucking lib shit.
F, see me after class janny
>>743999nice trips
What if I told you we put that in there as a joke?
Personally I think the sentence didn't exactly turn out well, however this is not a marxist board.
>>750037hey I know what….. happened ;w;. and I want to say I'm sorry. I just went into a paranoid frenzy because I know enough about computers to know what they could potentially trace back to me, control, put on and manipulate, and I mind just went racing in all these different directions and I didn't know what to do. Needless to say I am not careful and I knew that. and I didn't know what would happen, and I guess you now know why that is based on what I saw. I'm sure you meant that whole shubang to be come enlightening experience but all it really did was scare me. I know it wasn't your fault but guess…. you gotta look at material reality lol.
Thanks for the hug either way.
>>833383>>833386Wait hol up…
Sorry for samefagging, but why did no one even reply to or notice the GET?
>>833387Because no-one cares and this is the wrong thread.
>>833322This proposal may be of interest:
>>>/meta/17253 I understand that I am ban-evading, but it is for a reason. Moderation team has completely failed to provide any sort of response on their decision to make Ukraine general a complete and total echo-chamber that is all-but r/anarchism just pro-Russia.
>>>/meta/15632 Which is supposed to be a place for feedback regarding bans has been silent for about a month when it comes to any official responses bearing ##mod stickers, despite many complaints over low-effort description bans over being anti-Russia, all labeled as "glow" or "nazi" or "pol" or "nato shill".
I am posting this here in hopes that just maybe mods will finally give any sort of answer instead, and also hoping that maybe some anons who aren't /meta/ watching autists will also see this. If jannies want to ban me for this, so be it, go ahead. You'll only be banning a terminally online loonatic that is no different from yours truly.
>>878167>russophobianot real
>I hope you live just long enough to see Russia steamroll your Nazi enclave that you call a nation and be brought back into the fold as an SSRweird fanfiction
>>1005527Tbf it was get
Z, the duality of /leftypol/ and wot nhat…
>>1016896Hello where is the proofs?
Cite me one instance of someone posting "kill da jews" without that poster being a /pol/ brigader who gets banned an hour later.
>>1018877lol alright then I'll do that, see if you do anything.
>>1022825It's a lot more than that. You can get away with calling the Jews responsible for communism.
>>1022825Here is someone calling a Poolish a Jew based on how she looks. Also Russophobia and anti-Semitism
>>1022930And this one spreads the Jewish bankers myth.
>>1023086Both posts are older than an hour and still there. I also reported them already. And it's just the tip of the Iceberg.
>>1045270just sounded like a run of the mill schizopost
what even are you talking about?
>>1045273>what even are you talking about?What part of this post exactly were you unable to understand?
"they really hate my darling brie.
So from day one, year zero, the 2016 bernie campaign, the level of pure liberal rage against brie has been surprising and remarkable. The bitter rage expressed about her by black and white liberals has far outweighed anything expressed about her on the right.
Reddit has a constant, hardcore cohort that will reliably comment negatively on every episode of the pod. Sure, the Virgil catfishing and subsequent collapse didn't help, but the pattern of constant comments is remarkable.
I had put it down to khive or ctr types, probably well funded, picking on an obvious scapegoat to improve their ladies' chances.
Then, in the space of a couple of weeks, masongate gets exposed and brie has grayzone-associated journalists on her pod to explain the reporting.
Then ben norton appears on the pod.
Now I hear that Bad Faith has a parody pod, whose reach will no doubt be heavily amplified.
If you were brie, considering the history of state action against black left figures and the masongate revelations of open season on anything grayzone related, what message would you take from the timing of the appearance of this parody pod?"
>>1046479all of it
this place is to talk about politics not cheese
if you want to talk about cheese, you have to connect it to politics
>>1046504>CHEESE POLITICSWhy can't I stop laughing
have I truly been defeated by the internet
>>1064997By melting down and just namecalling for one
libs have to be better behaved here same as nazis
you're just butthurt that I disrupted your red-brown circlejerk
post proofs that I hold a liberal position
>>1065000>By melting down and just namecalling for oneand butthurt red-browns weren't namecalling lol?
you namecalled me a "lib" in the same post lmao
>>1065003There are still posts of yours in the thread.
Basically it always makes me wonder how hard can it be to act like a normal person
>>1065004That is a fact
>>1065000also, if you're a mod, please use a mod tag
what is the position of mode team on this situation? what rules did I break?
>>1065006I told you in so many words but
7) Reactionism and liberalism, or any other kind of non-leftist positions are not banned in itself, as we will endeavour to allow and encourage people of other political philosophies to explore leftism through /leftypol/ so long as they follow the rules contained herein. However, non-leftist users are ultimately to be considered ‘guests’ and thus will be removed if they prove a nuisance or disrupt the normal functioning of the site. Low-effort raiders will be banned.Opening posts with liberalism or reactionary topics will be treated with far more scrutiny to prevent them filling the catalog.
>>1065005>There are still posts of yours in the deleted multiple of my posts without reasons
>Basically it always makes me wonder how hard can it be to act like a normal personhow hard it is not to call someone a "lib"?
>That is a factno, it's your opinion
post proofs where I espouse liberal position
>>1065007>Reactionism and liberalismso being against capitalist world war is liberalism and reactionism? this is some OldBO levels of retardation
>any other kind of non-leftist positionshow are my positions non-leftist? is supporting world war a leftist position?
I am more leftist than any of you lol
>>1065013epic answer jannie
enjoy your circlejerk shithole
>>1065014There is so many places where you can enjoy your milquetoast position (and nothing else)
so this accusation in particular is just very silly
basically the wrong way round
>>1262903Because Stalin betrayed the revolution. There was one socialist republic that had worker's councils in every industry and workplace. One that did not betray the revolution but took the correct path in a world dominated by American-style capitalism and Soviet-style state capitalism. Yugoslavia also created the Non-Aligned Movement which was
JUNGLE GANG before there even was a jungle gang. A real trailblazing country, hated by the two power blocks because they ain't us.
>>1264191>>1264191>Yugoslavia's entire structure was based purely on being funded by the WestLiterally the same argument Croatian nationalists and Ustashe use to say that Yugoslavia was supposed to be destroyed and subsequently replaced by neoliberal states.
>to act as controlled opposition against the SovietsSoviet Union took loans from the West too, they were Western puppets all along!
>and once the Soviets were destroyed the funding dried up and the IMF called it in. >funding dried upIn 1991, Yugoslavia's debt was less than 15% of its GDP. The states that replaced it have debts five times as large, each, totaling 70-80% of their GDP. You're right, Stalinist, free market economies based on tourism, selling off of state assets and industry, and import of everything beat regulated/planned economies manufacturing goods, developing industry and export! Thanks for that insight.
>Anyone praising Yugoslavia is brain dead. Anyone hating Yugoslavia is a nationalist and/or fascist.
>all other blame can be laid squarely on the Yugoslavians themselves.<Communism is about suffering, and not listening to corrupting rock music, not leaving the country and living in soulless commie blocks. Any people who desire anything but barrack communism deserve to be destroyed!Seethe and cope, Stalincuck. You're just jealous a socialist state existed that wasn't Marxist-Leninist and didn't suck Soviet cock but blazed their own path. If you admit they were successful, then your claim that M-L is the only way falls apart.
>>1264228>Soviet loansPretty much nonexistent until Gorbachev. The USSR never once failed to repay whatever loans they did take out until Gorbachev deliberately took on all the loans he could in order to destroy the economy (sound familiar?)
>Yugoslavia stronk!Is that why it consistently had an unemployment rate worse than other capitalist and socialist states of that same era? It doesn't take a genius to see high unemployment + huge trade deficit + huge foreign debt that can't be repaid = unsustainable economic model.
>>1264275>high unemploymentIt was below 8% all throughout the 60s and 70s. Bourgeois economists count people working abroad as "unemployed". Yet Croatia has 25% of it's population working abroad, but no one says their unemployment is over 30%.
>huge trade deficit $3 Billion in 1989 is hardly "huge". What's the trade deficit of ex-Yugoslav countries?
>huge foreign debt As I said before, it was less than 15% of GDP at its peak in 1991, hovering at ~5-10% for rest of the time. Why aren't ex-Yugoslav countries collapsing from debt when it's 80% of their GDP?
>unsustainable economic modelYou're right, tankie, neoliberalism is so much better.
Soviet Union also collapsed, Marxism-Leninism is an unsustainable model and failed project.
>>1298364Who are you talking to?
You there's a report feature, right?
>>1462852Let's try to get away from all this magical thinking and mystification
A revolutionary organization isn't all that different from any other organization
Chat shit get banged
>Those who oppose vaccination (something even anarchists do)yes, retarded
>or those schizos who think COVID is a hoaxI dont see a difference in either of those groups and neither should you
>>1491755>its undeniableSauce plox.
>COVID isn't a hoaxSauce plox.
If you're suggesting that billionaires do not conspire with politicians but instead got rich because they're real smart and hard-working then wtf are you even doing here?
>>1491884>I dont see a difference in either of those groups and neither should youThere are plenty of people who believe in one but not in the other, the only thing in common is that they didn't learn enough yet.
Now get your stupid moron shill ass back to reddit. >>1491928
>Sauce plox.I worked in a hospital during covid
>Sauce plox.see above
>There are plenty of people who believe in one but not in the other, the only thing in common is that they didn't learn enough yet.kill yourself
>>1493234TheThingNoticer has been posting here for years, just reply with a jimmy neutron meme and carry on
And what happened to the (((scare brackets))) filter?
>>1510332Where else is he supposed to go
This is his home now
>>1510280>ban radlibsBased.
>ban anti-stalinistsCringe.
Sup comrades.
regarding to the mod who asked this am this am not this the thing I posted is reagarding a puerto rican guy some time ago shitting the thread, I reported him, and another one cheerng him up, and was banned for some half a day, despite I cordially appealed the ban.
I post daily there, in that thread. In /usapol/ and /Chna/, in /ukraine/ some would know me as kinoposter, but I am lazy now to post in depth descriptions anymore (even changing the title), so rather just post the video and a short note.
Also, one of the
chavistanon>>1548704Cool…. well you have to decide if you are interested in attracting regular people to the website or if you want to continue to explicitly only court 'channers'… Personally i think your idea is a loosing streak as 'channers' basically don't exist anymore it is not 2006 and has not been for a long time..
>>1548915You accidentally posted in the wrong thread anon.
>>1592609lmao newfag, those threads are cyclic.
That means when a post above 500 is made, the oldest is deleted. That's why they're all permanently around 500 and the OP is 3 years ago
possibly older: that date is the one given to threads made via the botched bunkerchan-> migrationSomeone in the matrix chat get the staff to decide on either replacing the thumbnail files in the OG thread, or sinking it and canonizing the new thread. I demand a one china-thread policy!
>>1592482Funnily enough I researched this for a post a few weeks ago, picrel >>1595102>>1595097you have to answer the prompt to make new threads. Part of an attempt to minimize automated spam.
The answer to your question is that you can't. They have to do 95+% of the work. You can at best be there to facilitate the process. Part of that is agitating and letting people know concepts and shit like that, and know that you're a point of contact for leftist stuff. But they won't be radicalized by merely knowing concepts or whatever.
>>762749That's not how the mandate works, anon. The mod would actually have to embody the will of heaven and be a good Confucian junzi and it is the people who either recognize his communion with heaven or they don't and he doesn't get the position.
>>767549Rules are legalist and nobody is bound to follow them. If you make rules people will just disobey them. As Confucius said, a good site admin is like the wind and the users are like grass. The wind blows and the grass sways in the breeze. There are no need for rules or the b&hammer. The desire to post gore and CP must be bred out of posters first. How? By restraining the self and practicing the rites and promoting great learning and attainment of virtue!
>>1690432Schizoposters are baby-brains who think that jumping to conclusions based on vibes and covering up their lack of intellect with a bunch of word salad is cool and edgy
It's dumb and sad and they should read a book
>>1695063No, the point is not that we shouldn't have new technologies, but that you're advancing only the power of the few without doing anything about the inherently exploitative system, which ensures that the new technologies will only accumulate problems in the future.
An example of this is the "Green Revolution" which drastically increased the amount of food produced and lowered starvation via genetically-modified seeds and fertilizers. Thanks to the nature of capitalism, however, these wonderful technologies ended up being extremely overused to maintain profit resulting in people getting hundreds of new cancers due to overabundance of chemical fertilizers in living environment, destruction of smallholding farmers who are unable to survive in the now capital-intensive agro industry resulting in the massive migration of tens of millions of peasants to the cities (creating slums, criminality and diseases everywhere) and the creation of a powerful agro-chemical lobby that is doing their best to pump up as many unhealthy food to the masses as possible. This is what technological advancement under capitalism looks like
>>1697063Obviously, but nuclear is a perfectly viable solution for Germany and yet they burn coal thanks to Grüne and it only makes sense if you adapt this
>>1695063 logic.
>>1697904Greens opposing nuclear power has nothing to do with le Wakanda and more as a backlash against the nuclear war paranoia caused by the Cold War. What the tweet you screen captured is saying isn't that we shouldn't adopt nuclear power but that nuclear power only addressed the clean energy part of the equation and not the other dimensions, such as the overconsumption and drive for profit part.
If we transition to full nuclear power under capitalism, for example, we would eventually reached a point where everyone is just building one gazillion nuclear plant to boost the economy and provide cheap energy for endless industrial growth-just like what we are doing with coal plants right now. This will not only drastically magnifiy the risk of a nuclear accident, but will also lead countries to go to war over diminishing resources like Uranium; wars between countries with crap ton of radioactive materials (that can easily be enriched for war purposes) in them. Have you ever think about this scenario?
>>1739209>Isn't it supposed to be an anarchic free speech site for leftists?No actually, check rule 15, it's old 4chan rules, just because you can post anything doesn't mean you have a guarantee it won't be taken down, I can say "EVA was dogshit" and get a ban for that and have my post removed like on old cuckchan because janny said "This post violates the stated mission of /leftypol/."
Come to think of it I don't think I remember a single iteration of /leftypol/ that
wasn't a "rulecuck" rigid board on the level of /a/ or 8/v/, where certain things and discussions got you kicked off.
Also common misconception, a board by itself is not anarchic, websites are. I.e designated loli/jb boards on 8, or loli being allowed on cuck/b/ or /ic/.
>>1739209>Why does this site censor criticism of Jews?It doesn't. Check this book out.
It does censor racist conspiracy theories, mindless nationalism and other reactionary crap, because it's off-topic junk.
>anarchic free speech siteNever was, and for that matter, most imageboards aren't. Even 4chan /b/ wasn't 'free speech', despite the lolbert mythology of it. Mods there even censored each other, and that was part of the fun.
I see this (argument) posted all the time to which I say my ideology is not "Always do the opposite of what the bourgeoisie do no matter what." Not even the Nazi's did that, that's like actually how a child views the world.
Yes the current capitalist meta is absorb everyone into it, regardless of race, religion, or orientation, and to a lesser extent indoctrinate them into thinking capitalism isn't the problem, white supremacy or the west or some bullshit is, but capitalism with black owned and lgbt owned characteristics is somehow based, but I'm not about to oppose literally everyone else on the planet but me just because they do.
Just 99% of them who refuse to renounce capitalism when at gunpoint. We will need to kill 99% of the population eventually most likely but it will both include white people, and likely not maximize all groups of any religious or ethnic group much less certain orientations of whom never got much attention from old regimes like the Nazi's that you probably jerk off to anyway comparatively to jews.
Not that they won't be forced to evolve on some level post revolution, orthodox interpretations and practices will be banned, and not just for jews or Islam, I can't stand modern Christians anymore either, if they talk about the word of God even once just shoot them. I see what you're trying to say but trust me it'll go both ways and not be particularly against any one group as long as they behave themselves.
>>1748963/siberia/ isn't for (political) threads too shit for /leftypol/ in any case.
>see if I’ve been bannedNot yet. I predict it will be the case soon.
>>1760641Because it's fun. Hide threads and filter flags you don't want to see.
Or just use a site which isn't a /pol/ split.
I am this close to giving up on English / global internets. It’s 50% idiots (including those on the left), 50% guys in Meade who couldn’t cut it and got assigned to influence ops instead.
>>1765035>There is a time for everything,> and a season for every activity under the heavens:> a time to be born and a time to die,> a time to plant and a time to uproot,> a time to kill and a time to heal,> a time to tear down and a time to build,> a time to weep and a time to laugh,> a time to mourn and a time to dance,> a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,> a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,> a time to search and a time to give up,> a time to keep and a time to throw away,> a time to tear and a time to mend,> a time to be silent and a time to speak,> a time to love and a time to hate,> a time for war and a time for peace.Ecclesiastes 3 NIV
>>1785282The who
The what (russian)
Red Khmers' brochure "democratic Cambodia moves forward"
Immediately after the seizure of political power, the working class assumed technical power. A new generation of workers and working women is being born, consisting of young people, fighters of the Revolutionary Army, people from the peasant poor and the middle classes. They are endowed with a deep love for the people, the Motherland and the Revolution, and a high spirit of collectivism. They are armed with a revolutionary position of independence, sovereignty and independence, tempered over five years of the people's national liberation war. At the current stage of the revolution, they put their collectivism, their perseverance, their enthusiasm and their creative spirit in the service of national defense and creation.
While the communes of agricultural production are mobilizing all their efforts to solve the water problem, to modernize and develop agriculture, workers' collective trade unions are concentrating their efforts on repairing damaged factories, restoring factories completely destroyed by the war and increasing industrial production. This production is put at the service of modernizing agriculture, improving the living conditions of the workers and peasants, and strengthening national independence and sovereignty.
Under the neocolonial regime, before liberation, factories were equipped with imported equipment, and spare parts and raw materials depended on foreigners. The machines were rarely operated by citizens. Now a new generation of workers in Democratic Kampuchea has fully taken over the operation of all factories, which from now on supplied spare parts, as well as raw materials produced in the country. At the same time, under the slogan "Do everything possible to quickly increase the quantity and quality of products while spending less", workers' unions have built new factories, restored and improved existing equipment and introduced new production methods that increase productivity while reducing cost.
>>1837946Bringing up the issue on feudalism is more an interesting point though because most of the people who use the term are already critical of capitalism.
The differentiation between a rentier and a profit-driven surplus extraction economy is actually pretty important.
You know, I'm so happy you're still here. Back when I was a mod on the board on 8chan, I thought this community was a bit insufferable. Mainly because I had to see and deal with all of the other 8chan bullshit. But I also saw Leftypol actually accomplish things through a coordinated effort, I saw the meme that originated on that fucking board pop up all over the fucking internet. And at the time I didn't think of it as significant. As time has gone on I have seen the wider effects of culturally spreading leftists and egalitarian ideas, and I'm not sure if leftypol is a symptom or a direct cultural contributor to these ideas but I see the need for this space to exist. Well, not just this space, but others like it. I think the world would be worse off without all of you, well most of you. I'm happy to have contributed to the existence of leftypol on 8chan, despite the mental strain and doxing from pol. And seeing this place continue, I hope to see more from it in the physical world.
The struggles of the world continue. As they always have. The means for creating a community worth having in the physical world, as sorely as it sounds, needs a place like this for as open a discussion as possible. Your expressions can and should be free for us all to eventually find ourselves in a world we want to live in rather than retreating to our bunkers for some small semblance of a haven and comradeship. As the world creeps on I am afraid of places like this just disappearing, where we will need to be fully underground like many of our ideological comrades around the globe.
Don't stop being yourself, comrades. Don't stop fighting for the world you want. Dont let leftypol die.
>>1843065>First, I will let you enjoy whatever you like and if it's not near me I do not give a fuck anyway.this is not true, b/c u want to silence those u don't like (such as
>>1842854) and put them down by saying kill yourself, u could've just.. not commented. if u rly believe this u should not comment anythin snarky, but yk this, ur bein coy.
>Second, I had not read it at the time of the first post. dont post retarded comments then
>In the meantime I have read it. w reading
>No, you kill yourself.u first!!!
>>1842854Thank you for the support (and your past service!).
Feel free to hop on matrix if you want
source, chintard?
Now expect the glow and liberals to move in
>>1888888Sexts. Real
Die Lösung hours…
Very well, let's get some
Neue Marx-Lektur in here
>>1912902>I wouldn't trust a web browser client AnonExplain why.
>hexchatit's literally being dropped from Linux Mint due to being unsupported, might as well just recc them Element (Matrix chat software rather than IRC chat software), rather than the IRC bridge, for better compatibility with the Leftypol chat rooms.
>>1918821There is a main general chat Matrix room with an IRC bridge (unless that changed in the past year), but the other dozens of Matrix rooms like /read/, /λ/, etc. aren't bridged to IRC.
If you mean me personally, I don't use that main chat room. Too much noise, I have a life! If I wanted general chat with strangers, I'd use an imageboard.
>>1921272Not sure if this conspiracy you're detailing truly exists, but if you feel some corruption exists amongst the volunteers, feel free to be vetted and behold your criticism on the Matrix chat: my experience, the volunteers are more than happy to assist.
>>1921279see? It's so bad that even mentions of how the mods are literal, admitted putinites are censored and removed.
why do you go to such lengths to protect the far right and violent anti-communists while systematically silencing left wing voices?
>>1921773>see? It's so bad that even mentions of how the mods are literal, admitted putinites are censored and removed.I imagine they removed your comments due to thread derailment. /meta/ would have been a better place for your comment.
>why do you go to such lengths to protect the far right and violent anti-communists while systematically silencing left wing voices?I have no interest in that, I'm very much against the far right and violent anti-communists, as much as I am against thread derailers and any anarchist that types threats that you allege.
>>1921775I'm not a mod.
>>1921841>I imagine they removed your comments due to thread derailment. /meta/ would have been a better place for your comment. As a mixture of fundamentally shit software and frequently careless staff, communication is atrocious and every time a post is deleted, merged, moved, saged or even just banned (because ban reasons also make no sense), users like us are left guessing what happened.
It fucking sucks.
>>1940906shit's opiods
don't take this shit unless you're already an addict
>>1940906Im on some rn, def one of my favorite drugs but
>>1942578 is right it is an opioid. Where would disagree is that you should only take if your a full on addict. As far as I'm concerned the existence of a cheap and legal plant opi means unless your tolerance is alr fucked there really is no reason to mess with scripts or street shit. I really like how the buzz lends itself to just chillin at home or socializing, just an all around feeling of warmth and content. That being said it is still an opioid so you need to treat it with the same respect you would a loaded assault rifle.
>>1943084I always found it funny that Kratom is in the same plant family as coffee, one problem is actually unscrupulous vendors with bad QC that end up selling leaf powder with heavy metal and bacterial contaminants.
>because I grew up with pill-head parentsik mulitple with the same rules for the same reasons. I had a pillhead step parent and popping some pills later in life simultaneously made me more and less sympathetic to there plight. On one hand I now have experienced the same feeling they ruined there life for and almost have a begrudging respect for a fellow geeker. I On the other hand I am now perfectly aware that pills don't just give you magic curse that immediately turns you into an addict and you can in fact experience opioid analegsia or amphetamine stimulation and not revolve your entire life around it, so some of the problem really is user error and in my specific case a complete lack of self-control,accountability,whats most likely clinical narcissism and a complete inability to introspect.
Unique IPs: 230