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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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This is a thread to discuss the moderation of this website. Jannies can move it to /meta/, if it belongs there.

what do we do to curb behaviour in pic related?
62 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


haha naw wow is the account I made when I lost my password


wut? ah fuckin hell I can never keep track


This is literally schizo, like not just as an adhom. Why would an imageboard janny be a literal glowy connected to matrix? Also the fact you mention we are hosted in America raises some alarm bells as to a certain party that had tried mass flagging our host.





>Not if the conversation not going your way entails breaking rules.
What rule did it break? Even moody said it was by mistake, so no rules broken.
>My way would include a worthwhile discussion that doesn't break the rules and derail.
The thread was about the Canadian truckers. I posted a news article that said Trudeau is invoking the Emergencies Act, then we talked about truckers in the trucker thread. How do you derail something by staying on topic?
>I'd want to know what rules I broke if somebody banned me and if it turns out the ban was an error I'd be satisfied if it got overturned on appeal.
I wasn't banned for an one-off post or stupid OP in /siberia/. I was banned and my post deleted in the middle of a conversation with the janny. I actually wrote out a response to three different anons (one of whom was the janny), but then when I tried posting it I saw I was banned.
>defending the honor of some reactionary idiots.
Where did I do that? By saying they're either fascists or dumb boomers from Facebook? Unless you think that being a dunb fb boomer is honorable?


>Why would an imageboard janny be a literal glowy connected to matrix?
I'm saying you guys are a group of ignorant radlibs who don't know the extent of your own succeptiblility to bourgeois hegemony and thus have been had by the US state department; both materially (matrix and not xmpp, US host and not non-US host) and culturally (furfag having free range of turning this site reformist and porn-pushing with selective mod bumplocks, bans, degeneration).
>Also the fact you mention we are hosted in America raises some alarm bells as to a certain party that had tried mass flagging our host.
Uygha geo/host is public information, literally anyone that gets triggered by the communist content of leftypol, especially in the anglophone part of the world you're hosted from, could be responsible for these flags. All you need is the ability to write "site geolocation" into a search engine and copy-paste the url into it to know you're hosting from the US. It was not me who flagged as I am hoping that principled communists have the time to take over before this site goes down.


Post the information you claim to have about geo location. You're an ignorant retard, but now I'm curious.


>I'm saying you guys are a group of ignorant radlibs who don't know the extent of your own succeptiblility to bourgeois hegemony and thus have been had by the US state department; both materially (matrix and not xmpp, US host and not non-US host) and culturally (furfag having free range of turning this site reformist and porn-pushing with selective mod bumplocks, bans, degeneration).
Where did you pay for server space somewhere else? I scrolled up and couldn't find this information. I also looked for any effort in implementing alternatives, I couldn't find any.

Could you link to the post where you outline any effort you have done into doing things differently and not just whine like an entitled burger?


>ur tard
>big plz post the information you claim to have about geo location!!
And you have the tech literacy of a prepubescent.
>Location information : leftypol.org
>Country Code
>Country Name


The site you are brigading from literally has a fbi.gov server.
>All you need is the ability to write "site geolocation" into a search engine and copy-paste the url into it to know you're hosting from the US
So you did that yourself? Otherwise I am wondering where you got that line from.
>The mods/admins also keep blowing off concerns about leftypol being hosted in the US


*disc ord


>Where did you pay for server space somewhere else? I scrolled up and couldn't find this information. I also looked for any effort in implementing alternatives, I couldn't find any.
>Could you link to the post where you outline any effort you have done into doing things differently and not just whine
Oh your behavior have caused me to start hatching plans alright. I think even starting over with a single /leftypol/ board could do it for most anons. As long as the foundation makes sense and the moderation is limited and consistent to communist principles.
>like an entitled burger
Pure projection. The majority of the current staff is anglo, most burger and politically anarchist, radlib as well as revisionist. The bar is as low as /r/socialism.


And how is this information obtained?
I think you're about to seriously expose yourself as a fucking retard.


So you admit you're a wrecker and are planning on trying to split the community.
>The majority of the current staff is anglo
A factual lie. So a wrecker and a liar. Nice.


leftychan is just a carbon copy of all the problems of leftypol.org but with less users and fbi.gov integration. I am not "representing" them, and additionally - you people having frozen in time, not able to self-improve out of your deviationist direction since that conflict is your own fault. You can't blame the leftychan boogeyman forever. Eventually it just becomes so stale and pathetic. Read Marx, Engels and Lenin instead and stop turning this entire community rightward and dwindling with each stupid "mod policy improvement" (going soft on IDpol, censoring anti-revisionism while fostering capitalist roaders, being responsible for Haz, turning the sad sacks of shit over on the failed /siberia/ board into coom-addicts).


It kind of sounds to me like you are just seething and collating every problem you have with leftypol into some vague boogeyman


I cross-referenced it with checking the prolesphere radio or whatever it was called, which I knew to be hosted in Modova because the sysadmin told us so, and it sure as hell turned out to be correct in this third party service when I searched for it on there.
Keep coping and seething.


Sure, why not, fuck you.


I have no idea why you are still seething months perhaps years after bunkerchan spragga


It probably uses public DNS information which is cloudflare. Congrats, you just discovered cloudflare is hosted in California. Doesn't rule out that leftypol servers might be in the US, just proved you're a silly retard.


I'm also not spragga, just a witness to his obvious technical superiority and fitness in terms of sysadmin capabilities/knowledge vs your and leftychan's lot. All of you are n00bs (to use a technical term) and its embarrassing.
>might, perhaps, maybe, plausibly deniably
Reads like a cuck's way of saying "I don't know how to rent a server in Cheekybreekyia"


>as if Cloudflare MITMing your fucking domain all fucking day wouldn't be a massive self-own
Read the fucking books, and the manuals.


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>Reads like a cuck's way of saying "I don't know how to rent a server in Cheekybreekyia"
>>as if Cloudflare MITMing your fucking domain all fucking day wouldn't be a massive self-own
>Read the fucking books, and the manuals.
Says the person who proved themselves to be technically illiterate in a hilarious self-own.

Start here:

>What is an HTTP header?


You'll figure it out eventually.


why is this anchored? I (op) am not the anon talking about geolocation and I want this thread to be about how mods behave on the board, they should have some sort of distance and try to be objective, especially when they participate in a thread. That's when they should be hesitant to use their "powers" rather than use it as a knee-jerk reaction to something they don't like.

Also, mods should be using their tag when posting in /meta/, and they should keep each other to that. Because now we don't know if a response is an anon or a janny. Sometimes they do say, but not always.


>Also wow is a completely different person to m00dy anyways
<mods don't even know who the other mods are
Great opsec guys, really fills me confidence.

Also put your mod tag on retard, reading through this thread I suspected that jannies were posting anon to defend the one in the OP.


>why is this anchored?
It's answered


It's called security through obscurity :^)


The sycophant with 0 technical literacy and spragga genital sucker should also put a name.
If you're out of ideas "dunce" is a good one.


>The sycophant with 0 technical literacy and spragga genital sucker should also put a name.
No he shouldn't. This is an anonymous imageboard. Only jannies should have to identify themselves in these threads, on this board, because of the potential for conflict of interest.
>If you're out of ideas "dunce" is a good one.
I don't even know what you're trying to say here. Just put on your mod tag, all the other imageboard mods manage to do it. I'm not asking for much here, just what's expected of you.


You sure have a lot rules. Glad you got nothing to say.


All I have asked ITT is that the mods start using mod tags in /meta/, why are you giving me these shitty responses which have nothing to do with what my posts are about?
I feel like I'm talking to a teenager here. Can I please request to talk to a mod that's not in high school?


>high school


Nice poster but I'm no burger. I'm pretty sure most countries (including my own) have high schools, or something that roughly translates to that.


Ok, real answer
It's not enforceable
You and I both know


It wouldn't need to be enforced if we had honest mods who pulled eachother up on these things. This only seems like a recent development within the mid team too, earlier on leftypol.org and bunkerchan mods would always post using mod tags while discussing meta issues. You need to get your shit together is what I'm saying.


I reject the premise. First of, I have always posted in the same way. I just fail to see the need for tagging up.
If you are a real fan you can guess at who I am.


>I just fail to see the need for tagging up.
There is an obvious conflict of interest when moderators are discussing moderation issues. I shouldn't need to explain this.
>If you are a real fan you can guess at who I am.
No idea.


At this point 90% of people posting on this board have a conflict of interests.
There are no neutrals.


Fuck it, why don't you just nuke this board then. It's existence is pointless if you're going to treat everyone who posts here with such an attitude.


your contempt for the users of this website is palpable


There is no need for such loaded questions.


A small subsection at most
More indifference


do you think you're better than the users just because you're a mod?
>getting a god complex from the least amount of authority possible


more loaded questions


I'm being serious. This board is just a waste of time for everyone if you come here with that attitude. It's a waste of time for users because we spend time writing posts and it's a waste of time for you because you're obligated to respond to our posts.


I will take it into consideration.


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>I will take it into consideration.
same energy


projection m80


Incredible thread

Unique IPs: 9

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