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 No.17253[View All]

Let's talk about forced anon.

Why force anon?
Anonymity provides many benefits that other leftist communities don't provide.
>drama reduction
>removal of prejudice in responses, removing many potential causes of fallacious arguments (conscious or otherwise)
Users taking on identities encourages negative behaviors.

There are some potential cases where an identity might be appropriate within a single thread, but users taking board-wide identities are antithetical to the strengths of this site. Their identity serves no purpose but to satisfy the ego.

<b-but muh leftytrash community!

Take it to GETchan, Matrix or just have namefaggotry on /siberia/ only. There are many, many communities purpose-built for those values. This should not be one of them.
55 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


In My case, it's more complicated. I use both a nickname and a flag 'cause there is no "ego-transhumanist" flag. I am an egoist anarchist first but I am also interested in transhumanist ideas unlike some more primitivist/post-civ egoist anarchists (whom I still respect as fellow Stirnerites and post-leftists).


Go to therapy. If you read the second paragraph and identified with it, go to therapy.
No shame in it. I hope you get better.


You know what? I can probably merge with other egoist anarchists by using an egoist anarchist flag. Still would be nifty to have an… ego-transhumanist flag or something. But maybe I will stick out like a sore thumb.

Actually, great idea, anon. The less there is an ability to identify you, the less data the glowies can collect on you. Also, identity is a spook that influences the way you behave.


>Go to therapy
how would that help channers? i think they should be shot, personally


Actually, the fact that this isn't the case here surprises Me. One would think that the key feature of an anonymous image board is being anonymous.


/pol/tards and smooth-brained reactionaries are kicked-out anyway. And even if they aren't, the sheer fact that they're surrounded with Marxists and Stirnerites should make them throw their computer out of the window in horror.


Anything helps. People here are generally ok.
>Also, identity is a spook that influences the way you behave.
Exactly. You're already doing it by identifying as egoist, but whatever.


I mean, Stirnerian egoism will influence My behavior regardless of whether I put on a flag or not. Most people are guided by some humanist morality or a caricature of, say, nihilist stereotypes. Or it can be racial superiority, nationalism or social Darwinism. The point of egoism is that it rejects such things. So the egoist core will be there with Me while everything else may shift around and twist and melt away. Egoism is an anti-ideology. It rots other ideologies like a termite. That's why if you get rid of it, you are bound to adopt some other spooked ideals to replace it because you will have no ability to interact with the world around you whatsoever, leaving you as some kind of a vegetable or something.


To continue. Now, egoist anarchism may be a fixed idea. But. It may as well come from a simple fact that Stirnerites simply do not want to be told what to do. Anarchy as a system is also more flexible because there is noone above you who is giving you orders, thus you can better figure out what's in your best interest yourself. It's also a consensus, I simply support it because most Stirnerites agree on this and I want to extend My power through them and share experience and knowledge with them. It's simply easier to figure out strategies with fellow Uniques when you have a clear direction to move towards.


You know, we can just reduce the flags to the core thinkers (Marxism, Stirnerism, Proudhonism, Hitlerism). That way the flags will still convey from what ideas people are coming from as well as their common interests while not overspecializing and using overly specific flags to identify themselves and thus giving more data to glowies. Also a good way to detect raiding /pol/tards and radlibs. Like, WTF is an atheist flag? Marxists and Stirnerists already intersect with atheism so it's kinda redundant.




I am more Egoist than you merely for the fact that I reject such categorization. There are aspects of Stirner's texts that I have made my own, but just as much as my upbringing, my mistakes, my successes, my work shape the way I think. I don't call myself a follower of begged-for-a-blowjob-once-ism because it is not usually relevant to what I am saying, except now of course. That doesn't mean I don't think about it or the situation in my life that led to that moment aren't signifcant to how I think.

For example, at the beginning of this post, I am saying I am more Egoist than you. After I click submit, that temporary label I ascribed myself for the purpose of this post is gone, and I go back to being an incongruent incohesive mess of mediated identities and immediate being, all mediated by the permanent and unsescapable existence of ideology. "Anti-ideology" is nothing more than "better" ideology, or meta-ideology.

Anyways, you're spooked. You will reject this because you have made "anti-spooking" part of your identity.


If I am anti-spook that does not mean I do not contain spooks. Also, you cannot be more "egoist" than Me. If you've read Stirner, you already know that all people are already egoists, they are just not conscious egoists. Without re-evaluating your beliefs and opinions you do not stop being an egoist. You just become a merely unconscious one. If you are unable to re-evaluate your fixed ideas (be "anti-spook") then nothing stops you from blindly following an idea, by which point you, again, become an unconscious egoist. In which case, what is the point of calling yourself "more egoist" at all if you do not focus on maximizing your self-interests in the first place? You are not any different than any dogmatic ideologue at all then, especially if you create such a fixed idea of egoism not for your self-enjoyment, but as something you're "suppossed to" follow in order to be "more egoist" (which is a statement as absurd as demanding someone to be "more human").


The name field has been a staple of image boards for literal decades. If people want to identify themselves for the purpose of a thread, then they should.

The most cancerous part about identities has always been people spamming 'muh tripfag' instead of writing a relevant reply

Everyone on this board should use flags, it was much nicer back on old leftypol when you could actually identify what position someone was coming from. I agree with >>17965 in that flag culture was something worthwhile.

Incisive, although perhaps a bit generalizing. I'd agree that the typical channer is lonely and in search of an in-group, but the root of reactionary politics is more in broader board culture than just being an anon.

Newfriend detected, anonymity was always meant to be an optional default rather than an enforced meta-identity


from the front page:
>Leftypol is an imageboard where users can post anonymously.
not an anonymous imageboard, an imageboard where users can post anonymously.
flags, names, and even tripcodes only make a difference to the most technically incompetent glowies.


Agree with op.
But I mostly just like watch namefags screech when you threaten to take their stupid little handles away.


>not an anonymous imageboard, an imageboard where users can post anonymously
disingenuous and/or autism, imageboards are also called anonymous forums


as usual theres a cultural barrier going on and translating the anonymous BBS format from japan to america was a fucking disaster that also infected the rest of western imageboard culture (thank you 4chan for the disservice despite not even being the first english imageboard)


blame the post-2008/2010 influxes, not 4chan itself


lol in the first year of 4chan moot made a sticky and global announcement that every user should use a tripcode because its just like SA registration! it was also common in the 2000s to shit on 4chan on textboards and smaller imageboards - some even banned you for posting shit from 4chan - and 20 years later their "chan culture" has infected every other imageboard and nobody wants to do anything different because why bother really, at best youll end up turning into a slower 4chan anyway


wtf is this revisionism lmao


? 7chan banned you for posting 4chan memes and textboards made fun of you for speaking in "chan" lingo, but go off i guess


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Reminder that originally moot wanted to make 4chan an anime forum with mandatory tripcode registration but couldn't figure out how to code that functionality in. I mean, he was a 13-year-old who barely knew enough about Futaba to take their source code and machine translate it at the time.
4chan had tripcodes working and taken up in mere months by almost everyone on the site. It was a very ID-centric community from day 1 because they all came from SA and IRC (#RH) at first. Then they whined endlessly that their tripcodes - which were meant to be disposable on 2ch/Futaba - had been cracked, so these retards decided to implement secure tripcodes. Then backpedaled a bit and made the "secure tripcodes are for jerks" banner.


full of meme shitters and was built on the dregs of 4chan anyways


Anonymity facilitates changing your mind when you are wrong. Trippers are insufferable because they have the same bad takes for years.


is this bait


find evidence of a tripfag changing their mind or admitting they were wrong.


find evidence that the cum lodged in your colon isn't of my DNA


Name a time I was wrong, in fact, being anonymous allows you to continually be wrong and never have to face any backlash


>"forced" anon
I always love how this request is always framed in terms of forcing, as if the people who want genuine anonymous discussion are being coercive towards the poor tripfags. How about just stop providing a conduit for obnoxious attention whoring? The only time I've ever seen this feature put to proper use is when some celebrity stops by an image board to engage with anon on matters pertaining to themselves, and that certainly hasn't happened on leftypol.org yet.


That backlash is useless noise
You generate a lot of it by using trip
Drop the trip loser


It's becoming increasingly obvious that most of the users here, and the mods, have no fucking clue what the point of Chan/Imageboards are.
Instead of largely just a free spirited leftist shitposting forum, it's becoming the exact same little butthurt fiefdom of a few butthurt MLMs that seemingly every Communist online community becomes.


It's really sad that this appears to be happening again. I can't seem to envision how to prevent it through traditional image board structures.


do tell what's the point


I neither agree nor disagree but what does this have to do with forum anonymity


>It's becoming increasingly obvious that most of the users here, and the mods, have no fucking clue what the point of Chan/Imageboards are.
Hosting images and discussing them.
Everything else is spooks.


>Hosting images and discussing them.
i love this newfag talking point because futaba didnt allow images at first lmao and they still have a [] No Image checkbox when making a new thread after all this time




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A lot of you sound like amerilards talking about the founding fathers don't you? Do you enjoy being retarded? No matter.
It's a rhetorical question. When you ask a rhetorical question that means you don't expect an answer.
damn, that's brutal
imageboard autism
Weirdly enough, didn't make this post
or this
not sure about this one


greentexters are absolutely incoherent, what the fuck are you even trying to say


It's not that big of a deal, especially with how few people use it. If anything, it makes problem users like tingnoter declare themselves, likely lending to easier moderation. Also GET isn't an entirely sufficient successor since a lot of people here don't like the whole loli thing.




Flags are part of the charm of the website. It would not be as popular as it has been historically without the flags i guarantee you


It's actually chan tradition to end up a slow burned-out husk filled with incel rants and wandering spambots


If that's tradition why did it never happen before 2012.


Channers killing themselves when they realize having an IP address (an identity) is a prerequisite to using the internet


So true. I feel our post are getting worse. Anything we need to talk about?


Well there were definitely spam bots back then, but incelism wasn't that popular among children until around gamergate and related glowops of the time. The age of the cross armed rantsona YouTuber changed how kids interacted with the web for a long time, and trying to make a new Imageboard without that influence requires operating in secrecy and still being prepared for constant siege.


my god this thread is over a year old

imo the namefags haven't said anything extremely lolcow worthy in a while


There was always resentful misogyny on the internet, it just didn't have a meme label yet

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