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File: 1666906690469.jpeg (3.36 KB, 208x243, images (31).jpeg)

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it's been up for over 20 min on /siberia/
286 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Late reply but how do I do this


well, no, because almost everyone knows the answer to that question.


it's back again on Siberia



1 hour


2 hours


still on /siberia/


Still there 3 hours later


Wonder if it'll beat the previous record of 4.


If the CSAM spam is made by bots then why not just add a fucking captcha for posts? Mods PLEASE consider adding a captcha.


Mods, stop gooning to the cp and fucking delete It already.


Its happened on stonerchan aswell and despite being a fairly new imageboard the mods are taking action
so why not have captchas on here aswell???


They need to do fucking something. Its been like 3 out of 5 days every week and im tired of it.


meant 5 out of 7 not 3 out of 5


If we do get a capcha please have it be server side, I often post from lynx browser.


Do you really want a captcha for every post? That would fucking suck


What do you even mean?
We're thinking about it


Like, don't have the capcha require javascript for the end user, generate an image or something and send it instead. So browsers that don't support javascript can still post.


The big issue with that is that neural networks are very fucking good at recognizing objects


Well what about questions that require comprehension of 3D space, or regex puzzles?


The thumbnail doesn't look too legal do fucking something jannies >>>/leftypol/1893907


give it a random googleable quotation from theory and ask for a citation in MLA format :P
LLM will just make something up


they posted on siberia


File: 1719351897630.png (14.41 KB, 200x200, auto spoiler.png)

There needs to be an AUTOMATIC policy to deal with the problem. Ask what change would require minimal work by mods and cause minimal hassle for normal posters.

Posting dodgy links is a secondary issue, the most pressing issue is preview images showing illegal material which gets shoved into the face of a visitor with the visitor having made no more inputs than just coming here. For dealing with that, it is not necessary to require CAPTCHAs/logins just to post a string of text in a reply. The hurdle could exist for media uploads only, or not even that, just a spoiler preview image as default.


they posted it again




Someone's spamming /usapol/ with it


Mods, the pedo is back




Its back


mods the CSAM spammer is still up, it wasn't just the shotacon thread


Again in /siberia/ And it's the same picture as usual. This has been going on for how long, half a year? Can't you save a column of pixels from that and autoblock it or something.


weeeewooooweeeewoooo 🚨




Yep again on /siberia/ and of course it's the same picture like last time and before. Why is this not blocked automatically


I think they post pepes and wojaks to check if the mods are on, and if it stays unspoilered after 30 minutes to an hour they post the CSAM.


crazy if true


🚨 it's still up 🚨

not just pepes, but I've seen them do it with obvious /pol/ bait OPs


🚨 MODS 🚨


could you tip off the russian government or something?


Sage because I got no alert.

But here is an idea that I think is a bit more clever than removing image previews altogether: Make the previews super low-res, like 32×32. That way, reports will come in faster when the same picture of porn/gore/whatever is used compared to the situation with no image previews at all. Also, since reaction images are often recycled, this won't break the imageboard flow much I think. People will quickly recognize the old stuff.


>>34019 (me)
Sorry forgot to actually sage because I'm retarded


🚨 in /edu/ checkpoint sticky


is this cp or just regular porn spam


wait >>>/hobby/43018


good odds it is CSAM from leftychan retards being mad I won't let them spam MAGAcommunism shit


Nice try, wobbly. It's verified Japanese porn. SUWK-022(Spammer's mobile IP)


I am not interested in the specifics of your CSAM collection


That somehow feels worse than if it was just /pol/.


they're posting it in threads now >>>/leftypol/1902587

Unique IPs: 31

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