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 No.24299[View All]

>Leftypol can barely maintain an average IP count above 300 now.
560 posts and 102 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


With great replies like this it really is a mystery why nobody cares enough to post here. Christ, I'd rather be told off by chatGPT for once again asking it to write a story where Christopher Hitchens dies stranglewanking to shock and awe in Iraq and subsequently has to explain himself before Allah.


Ah but I did bring up pph
It's meta commentary, see?
As well as I am not in the habit of replying to shit I haven't read (that spoiler text was especially incoherent, is my real response)


Reposting here because some of you fuckers can't be bothered to do absolutely anything and expect things to be handed to them. You are the Karens of imageboards. Just watch this fucking Karen >>25404 expecting everything be given to them on a silver platter. With no hint of irony that this Karen retard never bothered to volunteer for moderation.

I've recently been going on pisscord (and tik tok) promoting leftypol. I've also promoted the capital reading group, linking to the thread.

I dislike all other forms of leftist social media, so I am doing what I can to bring in new people here.
I encourage everyone to do the same. It seems a lot of people here expect to be served, particularly served like customers by the mods. Leftypol isn't a company and mods aren't business owners. They are just other leftypol community members as anyone else. You don't need to ask permission to embark on a project for leftypol and by leftypol. The based new multitude editor didn't ask for permission to make a zine. That other comrade didn't ask for permission to make a capital reading group. The same goes with everything else. Everyone pitches in to make this community what it is. It is up to everyone to pitch in to make things happen.

If you want people to post here and want leftypol to continue, then new people need to be trickling in constantly. Go out there and promote leftypol now! Don't expect others to do it. You do it, you put in the work, you go out there and be a good representative of leftypol, you are as good as an ambassador to leftypol as anyone else. Go forth!


Not regarding the post you're quoting (that's just a run-of-the-mill attention whore) but I think your theory of Karenism is useful
Karenism is fundamentally the desire to be taken serious and to talk to the manager, as it were. You can't transplant that into the incorporeal realm of the interwebs however, hence they fail so unceremoniously.


Also you cannot talk to the manager in a flat hierarchy, an unintended and funny consequence of democratic management


This. Fucking this.

In order for this place to get more users, relying solely on the administration's efforts and hoping that search engine results will lead some new guys here is not enough, especially with all the noise contemporary internet has. Everyone here has to take up responsibility and spread the word of the board by whatever means they find necessary, be it whether posting screencaps, making OC, sharing memes or just plain word of mouth. And if someone finds that the mods are not doing enough of a good job, you can always apply to become a janitor and do their part. Nobody is here to stop you, nor there is no PR manager whose entire job revolves around shilling the board 24/7. The sooner everybody who complains about the board being "dead" understands it the better.


>nobody stops you
Except they literally do, they literally stopped me from putting together a group to do this, by deleting the threads
>there is no PR manager
Nobody is asking for a PR manager. Also it is no good getting people to look at the board if they come for 10 minutes and get banned for some arcane rule that makes zero sense, or just happened to get on the wrong side of a mod having a mental breakdown.

It is frankly disgusting but not surprising the moderators, who have all the power, are trying to blame the userbase for problems which are there’s and there’s alone.

You piece by piece took away everything that mAde this place fun, and now it isn’t, so nobody wants to be here, and that is somehow the users fault? Not only isn’t it fun, it isn’t interesting, because the biggest most turbo online retards with delusions of grandeur volunteered themselves to get to decide what a good discussion is, and stamp on anything they think falls outside that.

All the while making it a haven for coomers, because they themselves are relentless coomers.

Then they try and come in and tell you you’re being a Karen for actually wanting a place that thrives. You are sick people, you have only yourselves to blame. I have absolute confidence you will never see the error of your ways, never compromise, never change, simply because you are too fucking proud to admit how stupid you are. The board will keep declining until all there is is mods banning each other and literally nothing else, kill yourself


Also you are supposed to be socialists and every time it’s “just build the board yourself individually if you don’t like it, just pull your socks up” shut the fuck up, you literally hate collective effort just because you think it threatens your power


i wish you were honest about not wanting to be here anymore so i wouldnt have to read your insufferable posts lmfao

>you are supposed to be socialists


>I believe in nothing I’m literally just here for the dopamine
No, and they never will be because of retards like you.

At the bottom line again: if you don’t like it just leave.

Yes, many have, this is exactly the problem some people want to fix, just not you because you are a retard governed by petty and base impulses. Not even smart enough to do it for your own self interest. When we are all gone, so are you. Literally a disgusting weak specimen of zero mental fortitude.


who are you quoting


He (male Karen) is just having another one of his episodes


Jannies be like
>it is good if we lose numbers because that means we are high quality, I will do policy to match
>we lose numbers
>jannies: this is your fault
Ever seen a janny take responsibility for anything? Literally never happened


Says the one who can’t read words without calling the cops.

Nothing more white and suburban than the internet moderator


(Dog porn is fine though)


who said any of these quotes


it’s up and down this thread and has been all over the board for years


weird i ctrl+f'd each of those quotes and i get no matches


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Karen says: No drawings that offend my sensibilities as a mother of two


The funny thing about sage is he always completely fucking fails and yet he posits himself as some kind of revolutionary thought-leader.

He was, himself, a janny on bunker, and failed to make the community "good" (by his standards).

He made his dumb union (which was basically just his own friendgroup) and failed, blaming the jannies the entire time instead of having even mild self-reflection on why people don't want to be demanding to speak to /leftypol/'s manager 24/7.

He fully signed onto the whole leftychan split on a promise of "democratic reform" or whatever, and both got into spats with the leadership of that site and left but also had that site (and its experiment) fail as engagement with it cratered.

Literally, has sage literally ever succeeded in anything ever? Are the jannies actually launching covert ops to make everything you do fail (including when you were yourself a janny) or are you just actually kind of shit and have a massive ego? Why would anyone ever elect to follow him?

And yet, he pushes on. He obsessively posts on a website he says he hates and no longer has anything of value left on it daily, trying to convince everyone of his status as a bold reformer or whatever. But the guy is, as an anon succinctly described, just an imageboard Karen.


I don't think he was ever a janny
but he's basically the Belarusian opposition at this point (we are so strong and so, so oppressed)


And then people wonder why most hate tripfags.


Literally not a single part of this is true lmao. I don’t even have a friend group in matrix or anything and never have. An utter fantasy.

Oh right, so me and socdem both imagined people saying that in this thread… scroll up not every many posts you melt.

Absolutely seething that I think we shouldn’t have dog porn on the board. Only one kind of person that thinks this..


No matter how many times you call me a Karen, doesn’t change that the board is stagnating, now at a critical rate. You haven’t even tried to respond to that, just calling me a karen.


>just calling me a karen
Well, it's just so true. Nothing's ever been more true.



For your reading pleasure:

Here they are saying it’s not the mods fault the board is stagnating, it’s my fault for not shilling it on tiktok, apparently.

Another example

Examples of people saying the number of posters isn’t important or smaller number of posters is good:




By the way you jannoids have at the same time claimed in this thread

“Sage just doesn’t want to do any work because he’s never been a Janny”

And “sage was a Janny on bunker”

So one of you retard simps is bullshitting obviously


this guy can never not talk about himself huh


>he was a Janny on bunker
>he has never bothered to be a Janny.
Lmao… abolsutely typical janny simp fan fiction. Which is it bitches?


>if people tell lies about you openly and in plain site it is somehow wrong to push back against them.

Point to one place a jannoid or simp has made constructive suggestions ITT literally has not happened


>Agent Karen Bittler, OSCE

Ok, now I'm done, I'm over it


I won't grace you with a response. Mentally Ill retard.


Im too much of a newfag to participate in this discussion but I thought this mod nailed it
and the responses it got proved their point
Ive also noticed that since that post, this site has become a lot comfier


Caught in its own web of lies, the jannoid wriggles back into the blackness.
And then samefags in the most transparent possible way


>the responses it got proved their point
>since that post, this site has become a lot comfier
as I keep saying, reactionaries have a strong tendency to undermine themselves


>the jannoid wriggles back into the blackness.
Hmm all a bit Thomas Ligotti, sagey.
Watch out!!!! Or the mod team might cut off typing hands, and replace them with manikkin hands!
>nobody stops you
>Except they literally do, they literally stopped me from putting together a group to do this, by deleting the threads
All joking aside, what threads were deleted? What were the proposals you made ITT?


>everyone who tells me to fuck off is a samefagging janny
Are you a schizophrenic or something? Nobody fucking likes you sage, get a fucking life already or kys.


is this really how you want to spend your life


Actually many people on this board compliment my posts often. Most times I post in fact. It is the jannies nobody likes, which is why they resort to the things they resort to.

No I’d at least like to post on a quality image board when I’m on a break at work


On the iteration of the board after the bunkerchan split immediately when it was born I made threads about the union which were not only deleted but harassed and attacked by the mods. They will attempt to deny it but the screens have been posted multiple times. Probably some are still on the board.

>what suggestions

They sre ITT


why do american suburbanites love this term, like its a bad thing to be a janitor


Sorry, mall cops


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>Actually many people on this board compliment my posts often. Most times I post in fact. It is the jannies nobody likes, which is why they resort to the things they resort to.
This is the most smug paragraph I have read today. I am not going to try to dispel your delusion of innocence and victimhood then, since it obviously will be simply a waste of time given how a fucking year of getting rekt did not manage to do it. Have a nice day, bitch.


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>Actually many people on this board compliment my posts often.



Several people here in fact. There are other examples on the board, you coping retards


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>2 posts saying your edgy post was based


>where is the source
>provides source
>not real
Jannies are spiralling ITT lmao.


We're back over 300 for no discernible reason.
There is really not any happening (a fucking balloon). Numbers go up, numbers go down, can't explain that.
That's so Karen


karen jannies taking L after L ITT


Yeah I'm spiraling
I'm spiraling out of control
Just like these out of control super low prices
9.99$ for 20 chicken mcnuggies
4.20$ for 4 cheeseburger

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