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In order to further the production of native OC or other under-utilised memes, it is proposed to ban the following types of meme templates from /siberia/ (this may be extended to the entire board if the experiment is successful):

- Soyjak (excluding poljak)
- Pepe
- Wojak
- Chadface
- Stacy (etc)

The ban would only apply to content posted after the rule comes into effect. The punishment would be a simple deletion or short ban for repeat/egregious offenders. The rationale for the change is that these memes are incredibly tired and many of them are outright reactionary, and they allow /pol/ to have rent free real estate in all of our heads. They are derivative and dull and they stifle the production of any new material or effort posting and the like. This change is only a proposal at this point so please make your thoughts known (PS: posting these memes in response to this post is expected and will only prove the point so have fun).
207 posts and 53 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1674791569216.png (13.38 KB, 871x96, bunkersoy.PNG)

I'm convinced soyjak just made some mods personally angry and that's why they had it banned, and the official justification is just bullshit excuses. The same thing happened on Bunkerchan. it's actually astonishing how many people a single meme has pissed off over the years.

If a mere meme makes you seethe irl, that's your problem and you shouldn't be an internet moderator.


You're kidding right? Soyjaks are literally one of the most ultra reactionary meme's in existence.
It's not impossible that a single soyjak meme could prevent an entire communist revolution in some country somewhere, if it received enough attention.


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The next October Revolution will be fought with soyjaks.


reminder that banning soyface and memes despite the fact these are ubiquitous over the internet out of some vague sense of righteousness and signalling is exactly the same as a reddit forum banning catgirls


hit the books lad


uygha anyone can read a book, congratulations you can literally do something anyone can do. Most of you people don’t even read theory you just skim Wikipedia and twitter for cherry-picked shit that backs up your belief


>anyone can do it
But are you doing it tho
I don't know who you think I am but seems you are mad
Good stay mad


Jewish nigger


you’re not reading anything but the anon’s post




File: 1674831280942.jpg (221.92 KB, 1717x1861, gollysockz-3097617.jpg)

Stimulus: The suggestion to read theory, because the post they responded to was being social media brained and it's author could use a theoretical basis to build off of.

Response: Chastising them for suggesting such a thing. Belittling the efforts of those who have done it, despite lack of implication that it's meant to be some impressive feat. Projection over methods of avoiding accomplishing said feat.


Ban Graceposting too, it's literally just the same dozen images being reposted over and over.


That can be solved with more grace art tho. Grace poster does lean toward commissioning mostly reaction images because they're commissioning them and feel like they need images with utility. I think if they weren't the main anon in charge of grace image making they'd use / commission a wider pallet and not just post reaction images. We could also perhaps encourage them to make a Neocities because I think that would be fun and bring traffic here from people curious about Alunya.

Also avatarfrens are normal on non-4chan Imageboards, you could just hide the royal colony thread, and Grace and Alunya are important for each other's enrichment and habitat.


Hiding threads is stupid, why should I have to go out of my way to prevent myself from looking at something I don’t want to look at, especially when she often leaves her thread and tries to spam other threads with her shitty royalist bullshit drawings


All from /pol/ mind you, but nobody has a problem with that


lol the free screech crowd has no solidarity with anyone
I wrote somewhere reactionaries work against their own interest constantly and inadvertently.
And all the time I am reminded how correct I am


It's a single button for the royal colony thread and also she doesn't post that much outside of it, and when she does it's usually just to gush over Grace x Alunya shipping. Also you can hide her posts with a uBlock filter using psudo-classes and the file names for the more common reaction / dog images she posts. Perhaps I only see this as a negligible task because Linux brainworms though.


I was being sarcastic uygha, shouldn’t the whole “I shouldn’t have to go out of my way to look at something I don’t wanna look at” be enough of a give away ?


Eh, gently encourage her to read more into MonSoc. Which takes looking into it yourself and having some idea what she's read so far. Encouraging her to make a Neocities blog would remedy this.


>“I shouldn’t have to go out of my way to look at something I don’t wanna look at"
I mean I just assumed that was a random neuronal misfire and ignored it to be perfectly honest


Ah okie 👍 Just woke up.


You may wish to give your fellow man the benefit of the doubt, you’ll end up taking everything way too seriously if you don’t


Holy shit, you retards


>You may wish to give your fellow man the benefit of the doubt


You see ackchyually it's ironic! The mods give a literal monarchist his own general because its ironic. The mods ban avatarfagging but ignore this case because its ironic.


I think you got it wrong, frogs, wojaks and all should be banned everywhere BUT siberia


>The mods ban avatarfagging

since when


Do you remember that weird time when a group of people started avatarfagging all over /siberia/? They banned it around that time. 2021, I think.


They clearly stopped doing that. Penny, Chihuahua, Jenny, ect… all use avatars with no issue.


This is an anonymous board. they post using a feminine board-tan as an avatar. We can only guess based on vibes.


Ah. You never know when bans/rules may or may not apply here.


I mean I feel for you. Being dumb as a bag of hammers must be hard.


>noooo mods don't say one thing and do another you're just le dumb!
Pathetic cope.




File: 1674990485521.png (446.89 KB, 2048x1024, jacket the roper.png)

shut the fuck up you faggot





is there an archive somewhere with these? i love them especially the classical art ones


>The c*mmunist defends private property.


comrades, it has come to my attention that you have taken steps to further your aim to become a creative powerhouse, i commend you for this but i suggest that we as a community do not forbid soyjaks from existing, for the soyjak is a widely known, powerfool propaganda tool and as such must be employed by us to become even more relevant in the netsphere, i thank you for your time and may the marxism be with you.


File: 1675400448587.png (114.59 KB, 1000x563, 21845 - SoyBooru.png)


File: 1675402317970.png (2.92 MB, 4745x7938, 30819 - SoyBooru.png)


>Actual phenotype map of Europe


Quality of this thread is a good reminder that leftypol really went downhill. But I'm not exactly sure what if anything the moderation team can do. It seems the wrong kind of posters took over and that's it. Any online community goes downhill when it gets taken over by people who have no respect for the original culture.

In retrospect leftypol was functionally a place for left-leaning autists to discuss and debate politics, philosophy and history. It never aligned with the purported goal of radicalizing normies; normies don't post on imageboards in the first place. The gradual "censorship" (for lack of a better term) however is not what killed leftypol, I maintain that it's the newfags (and the splits but that one doesn't even seem worth mentioning). It may just be too late/impossible to bring the old leftypol back.


no offense but things (and people) change uygha, why do you think anyone can ever bring back something old? The old lived in a different time. Something created for one purposes transforms and eventually stops serving that purpose. What stunted your development?


So did mods pass this stupid rule or not?


File: 1676669014076.jpg (342.65 KB, 952x1080, chudwon.jpg)


>"communist" defends private property
many such cases


File: 1680900372770.jpg (75.89 KB, 720x720, frickin_frogs.jpg)

They seem to be enforcing a frog ban inconsistently. This post (me) had the image removed with the stated reason of "frogposting": https://leftypol.org/siberia/res/391347.html#q391704

Yet there are three other frogs in that thread uncensored (one of which I also posted). I don't know why, I see no significant difference in terms of originality (neither frog I posted was OP). I was surprised that they took the time to remove the frog but not the time to direct me to this thread or some other resource indicating the ban was real, not sure what those priorities indicate. I thought the whole concept of banning frogs was probably just somebody making up drama until the mods actually removed a frog (but only one for some reason that I still don't understand). I would've imagined that a change like this would be reflected in the rules page or at least a sticky thread in meta. I don't even care about frogs, but a rule change like this seems like it belongs on the rule page. I'm still confused about what contexts the frog is banned in, because as far as I know nobody has said. I'm not running the place though, I just post here sometimes.


Look, no offense but do you have autism? Don't try to understand what the mod team is doing. Most of it will not make sense.

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