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The original thread got saged for some reason. >>25574

It happened again, for the third time now, that I was banned from all boards based on a falsehood.
The first time was for alledged ban-evasion, the second supposed "low-effort" posting and the third for "spam IP".
The first case was luckily reversed. The second one's appeal was denied, where I had to wait, till it expired (24 hours) and the third would have meant a ban for 22 weeks!!!

This is insanely excessive! I would have had no means to communicate to the staff that this ban was wrong, since I'd be banned from /meta/ too.
I have to ask again, why such severe bans are thrown around utterly recklessly. WTF?!?
Banning from all boards is shitbrained. At least keep the option for people to file a complaint in /meta/ for the high possibility of getting unfairly banned!

Could the mods get a grip please? I was banned after just the first post today.

This is absurd. HOLY SHIT!


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cope and sneed


what did you post?


Same. SCMP article and some anon replying to it drove mod into a frenzy(Ban evading spam IP)


IP range is full of spam. This particular IP consists of copypasted spam and buzz phrases used by a spammer. Not gonna guve you any useful information but no normal user history on this IP range, just spam. Not falling for the "I am outraged theefore more credulous shtick you have pulled a hundred times here already. Your stated persona, alibi, and excuses for the suspicious nature of your IP are internally inconsitent. Reply back with the IP service you use, in the meantime you are recognized as a known spammer.


>This particular IP consists of copypasted spam and buzz phrases used by a spammer.
Is this refering to the "Offensyiv status" meme within /ukraine/?
If you haven't noticed, this is a running gag within said thread used by multiple anons, which never got into trouble for it.
The last time, I posted it, was just to check if my ban has been undone.
I've seen other red flag posters getting their posts deleted as well. Maybe you think, they are the same guy, when I'm not. There are also multiple tank posters for example, evidenced by their differing takes.

You again accuse me of changing my IP, when I'm not!
You seem to assume that other red flags are the same person, even though you can clearly see they have different IPs and vastly different opinions. I've always been consistently active in /ukraine/ and curiously, my bans always were related to only that particular thread.
I know, it gets raided plenty, and you have a lot of work. I'm just asking you to leave /meta/ available, when you ban people.
>Not falling for the "I am outraged theefore more credulous shtick you have pulled a hundred times here already.
It's been 3 times actually, with a significant time between said instances. I don't know for sure, but I doubt actual spammers would go through the trouble to get their individual spam IPs unbanned.

I'm giving you feedback, to improve your moderation.


I can't be sure, because my last ban didn't cite the post that apparently got me banned.
I believe, it was my first post of that day in /ukraine/, where I said "offensyiv status?", since I haven't been active there for a couple of days after the first week of the Ukronazi offensive.

It just makes my heart sink, when I get such a notice with a, to me, completely illogical justification, while receiving ridiculously harsh banning durations.
This is why, I've been making these threads.


What the hell, man. I'm from Russia and use this https://antizapret.prostovpn.org/ to access forbidden sites. It's either this or I dunno, maybe my provider gives dynamic IPs


>maybe my provider gives dynamic IPs
Interesting. I didn't know that could be a thing. From now on, I'll occasionall check if my IP truly changes automatically.
If it's the case. I'll have to look into my provider, because it's definitely not intentional on my part.


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>spam website from a specific IP range
>cause range ban
>see if users publicly complain about getting caught in range ban
>narrow down what IPs site users are on while also reducing people's ability to use the site


I'm starting to think that there was no spam. It was just a coup or a glowop.


Considering that m00dy has used the justification of "spam" to collate and catalog 10,000+ posts on a hidden board, you are probably right.

Unique IPs: 9

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