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proposal to create a /wave/ board for handpicked "general" thread's, geopolitical generals, and news anon threads.
proposal to create a second /leftypol/ board and a second /edu/ board.
proposal to extend the max page number the /leftypol/ and /edu/ board we currently have.
proposal to create a archive.moe but for leftypol.
proposal to create some special archiving for threads like the wikiglow thread.


>proposal to create a second /leftypol/ board and a second /edu/ board.



so we have more space for more thread. i don't want good thread to be deleted to give more space for thread that are not guaranteed to be the same. currently there is no other IB like this and as good and as important as this.


God fucking damn 400 pages


>/wave/ board for handpicked "general" thread's, geopolitical generals, and news anon threads

& any other thing that fit. idk what to name the board.


Fuck all that shit.
Make a board called /nut/ and it's nothing but an image of some random shmuck getting his gonads obliterated.
It'd be funny.


who will do the picking?


wave board when mods ?


mods/staff with the help of user sometime yes sometime no


>proposal to create a archive.moe but for leftypol.
That's what >>>/leftypol_archive/ is for. That said, we need the same equivalent for /edu/ /hobby/ and /anime/, since those boards do not have archives.

Unique IPs: 6

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