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How different is contemporary /leftypol/ from its past iterations so to speak? Be it on back on 8ch or the splits in the past few years. Are people more or less retarded than back then?
175 posts and 30 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I kind of miss the shitty canned animation programs



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>Holy shit [wordfiltered] still exists?!?!
Yeah. It's slow actually it's not - it's on-par for a typical special interest imageboard, leftypol is historically an outlier in its high activity so it just seems slow if you're only used to here and 4chan but there's no shortage of people getting banned here for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and so it will be a long time before it rolls over. It will probably be alive as long as this site survives, because this leftypol.org isn't going to stop supplying it with people looking for a /leftypol/ board to post on.

And yet leftypol.org unfortunately failed to win. The coup left the community dead in the water, although to be perfectly frank, it was doomed to a permanent decline from the moment Krates resigned to let Zul be a corrupt little fuck. The headless chicken flails, but lives.


That is not dead which can eternal lie
Wow it's like we are the Walking Dead (tm)


people in general are much moar retarded but not just here, everywhere.


>cake shaped like a wall




2017 cap, probably a reference to Trump's border wall.


>IMO they've always been a bit better at other sites at regulating themselves, which might have something to do with the culture or even basic structure of the website (they've historically been quicker to ban, and charge money for accounts).
Thought of another thing: everybody on Something Awful is a namefag with an avatar. 4chan is anonymous. Reddit is full of namefags but there's a karma-farming system which you don't get on Something Awful. Goon humor is like… every goon is the butt of their own joke. They have an inside joke, "goon project," which are attempts to do real-life things (which invariably end in disaster). Dril was a poster there. You either get the joke or you don't.


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2020 to 2021 was the furthest leftypol has been from fascism in its history

It was a good time


Realistically, no, not at all
Russians in the West are obviously indistinguishable from other white people and western whites don't give a fuck what your last name is
Chinese people still get propped up by the model minority propaganda even as the US turns against the CPC

The ethnic groups that face intense repression in the West are arabs, africans, roma, and south asians


old /leftypol/ was basically leftcoms, bookchin and zizek shills and ancoms, this place became a lot more "tankie" like it always happens with communities over time. but the former basically turned into liberals like muke, which is also typical if you know anything about communist history.

there were more sectarian theory discussions but at this point everything has been sort of said, i am not regurgitating the same points over and over. there are screencaps of effort posts. like, zizek coming out as bloodthirsty racist cunt, openly, kinda make all those old arguments pointless.


Is it because he stopped posting on the interwebz?


this was not "old leftypol", you realize this place exists since almost 10 years. "old leftypol" is where the refugees from 4chans /lit/ went. the haz thing was a short, recent episode and dissolved once he called the cops on us. not even the Z gang in the ukraine thread shills for that guy anymore.


i wouldn't know, he blocked me on all his social media when i pointed out fatal flaws in his "value theory". he also works for master card now, making over 8k a month. also a drug addict. i am sorry how much more liberal do you want to get


>>32697 (me)
also don't forget that affair with that necrophiliac brazilian woman, who also openly said that she's not a communist anymore. still does OF tho


It was more leftist before and had more IPs Multipolar disorder and it's consequences. And bunkerchan during the riots was the comfiest place on the internet. During that time some of my worst panic episodes were happening and bunkerchan with pelim juice was my copium of choice.


So you know he's a liberal because he didn't give you the attention you wanted and then a bunch of personal bullshit that has nothing to do with his politics or worldview?


I have the feeling, that leftypol has now much more degenerates. Don't get me wrong, it's Ok to be a degenerate, as long as you keep it for yourself. But today, degens are openly advertising their lifestyles. Yes, they are openly proud degens! Drugtards, gooners, pedos, prostitutes… This board is full of them. Was it that extreme in the past? I don't know….


The ultra plague is finally about to come to an end.


uygha has been on the internet a month tops lmfao


/leftypol/ has more coomers than before, that's for sure. I've noticed the same pattern on 4chan throughout the years with different boards becoming more and more sexualized. It's a sort of elephant in the room. Some people, even here, apparently just wanna keep pretending that rampant porn consumption is a non-existent problem.


puritanism got laughed you out of imageboards before unlike now


Wow you mean things change? Is that what you are saying?


But it seems you are moaning about things not changing for your pet issue


Maybe it's some kind of glowie psyop.


rampant pon consumption is a symptom not a problem in and of itself.


Just a guess but you are as emotionally incontinent as a little child


Incompetent, Incontinent, Impotent, shall I keep going


Well I agree with that


You're the one that is upset thoughever


I blame cuckchan after all the quality posters left. That's where this "coomer" shit came from.


One of the new commie alt-sites has just put 'no porn' in their rules, and every other month someone asks the mods here to make a separate /nsfw/ board. It's real and people notice it.
We haven't reached /pol/ level NSFW/goreporn posting yet, leftypol is at least SFW on the image side of things, but that sex-obsession culture has definitely been normalized and it is a bit fukken boring.
And before anyone accuses me of being a prude, my yiff art is on MSG.


I have noticed a considerable decline in porn since shay left.


It was more anarchist in the beginning, but then so was all of the left. I think the development of knowledge and critique has kind of slowed down a bit, having reached the limits of what chans can do. It's necessary to go further into your own research, rather than rely on forums for your education.


Damn I can't believe it's been ten years. Finding leftypol in the wake of the right wing turn in gamergate was such a a formative moment for me.


>/leftypol/ was more anarchist back when people would read theory


We are talking about a time when people didn't realize the problems with David Graeber And Noam Chomsky


I can hold me pee and get a boner when needed. Not commenting on #1 tho.


> every other month someone asks the mods here to make a separate /nsfw/ board.
There has been 1 such request


Maybe I just saw the requests bumped a lot, although fwiw, more than one OP propose it:


A lot of the online ML movement has fucking nothing to do with reading theory, anon
It's mostly bolstered by:

-Appeals to authority
-Jannie censorship
-Childish insults
-Aesthetics posting
-Woke moralism (don't you know le non-whites are all MLs without exception!?)


You've got a point.
Current 4chan is infested with fascists from Twitter and incels.is posters.


>but I honestly don't even know how we would go about recruiting new users since you have the slim ass venn diagram overlap of communist and uses imageboard.
The /leftypol/ way has always been to convert and retain tourists and raiders.

Provoke a raid?


u wat, it's an old 4chan filter


Well the 8ch days were a long time ago so I'm going off memory but it's about the same with less focus on e-drama and more 'multipolarist' garbage


After Max set himself on fire, the board could pick up the few stupidpol participants who were committed to the Marxist critique of essentialism. The risk is that those trying to wheedle Marx into sparing or supporting their rustic superstitions would come along, and those elements are best added dropwise lest they take over.


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The old Leftypol was called LeftcomPol and it was founded in secrecy on June 8th, 632 after the Judeo-Christian-Islamic coalition of anti-materialist Stalinist-Hitlerites decided to assault the anarchists of the neo-Akkadian kleptocratic regime. Bordigists killed and beheaded over 15 trillion of these Hitlerist-Liberal Zionist Maoist cunts and got tired of it. They have been resting asleep or sitting waiting for the endgame of apocalyptic kabbalist right hand path satanists while enjoying recreational substances to cope with the mental witches sent forth by the psyochoattack attempts of brainrot ultra-sadist memory deterioration. An order older than Plato and Aristotle. The order of secret knights who stabbed LaRouche to death. Bordigists. Bordiga is but a collective image in our minds. Bordiga lived to die. He rests in the shadow so you may die in the light. Revisionist-oppurtunism is what Religion is. Ultra-Rightism stands with the fear of Herbert Marcuse who cried every night before bed in the fear of what Bordigism will do to the World once awakened in its full potential. Council Pannekoekist parallel-civilizations living alongside us as we walk through our daily lives. Everytime you had an UnBordigist and AntiBoridigist thought you were stabbed a thousand times by advanced scientific socialism of the future. To experience the same suffering as now forever and in future is the horror of criticizing the eternal flame. The struggle comes in the suffering of mortalist anti-lasagnaist rhetoric. Forever's gonna start tonight.


the george floyd uprising celebration threads were great


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Being on leftypol since back in the day I've been around long enough to realize "the online left" is inherently worthless.

Unique IPs: 29

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