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How different is contemporary /leftypol/ from its past iterations so to speak? Be it on back on 8ch or the splits in the past few years. Are people more or less retarded than back then?


8ch leftypol (in like 2015-17 when I was there) was a clusterfuck of endless /pol/ bait threads and autistic screeching about idpol but I remember it being a bit more politically diverse (i.e. more of a balance of anarchists and tankies). there were also a lot more namefags/tripfags/other associated board personalities.


I hate capitalism.


way more retarded. I would say that 15% of the people here have read the first chapter of capital, which is a lot compared to the old 8chan /leftypol/ <2%


Absolutely not true, Stalinism has never been more rampant on leftypol. That's mostly because no one reads but just consooms the recent geopolitical bourgeois spectacle. At the time when there is the most urgent need of exchanging tactics and organizational information and experience, we've reduced leftypol to a quasicommunist 4chan (here I am talking about the form of the spectacle consumption infecting both sites which manifests here in the complaints of "Russophobia" or "Sinophobia" which by all means is the same exact sentiment of white genocide theories).

If you avoid generals and their brainrot, most of the threads can have a good discussion. I'll point to the several dengbait threads which forced the Stalinist Dengist to retreat when confronted with their lack of not understanding theory, and the /isg/ folks saw they could never theoretically dispute the Leninist Center.

It has happened again. The right opportunists and the left deviationist have to put down by the Leninist Center.


>dengbait threads
Really, it's the opposite. it showed the anti-deng obsessives (what a retarded non-ideology) had not the first inkling of an idea about either contemporary or historical politics


but you don't understand!!1
the east has fallen,
billions must die


It's pretty shit.

The time I learned the most from /leftypol/ was 2015-2017. Old leftypol had it all: a mixture of really well read people and shitposters and memelords. And it could be really fucking sectarian, but the moment nazis walked in the whole board united against them, it was hilarious. Overall, 8chan /leftypol/ was way better educated than now. For example the leftcoms here are a joke compared to old /leftypol/ leftcoms. Anarchists and M-L posters have also declined in quality. Certain strains were more prevalent, like trots, titoists, nihilists, anarcho egoists, but have disappeared completely since then. Many people back then still loved Zizek. As far as I remember, China and Deng were almost completely irrelevant. The monthly 'Read X' spam with Bordiga, Bookchin, Cockshott, etc. Naziposter was an excellent contributor who dunked on /pol/'s ignorance. Hoochie was batshit crazy, and how weird this was the time when a board could have a female tripfag without a legion of obnoxious coomers following her. And so on… it was good while it lasted.


when did it all go downhill?


Well you get banned for not agreeing with every tankie foreign policy opinion again now, so I guess we're back to 8chan /leftypol/ in at least one way. In every other way we're still on newfag /leftypol/, so it's kind of a worst of both worlds I'm afraid.


>the left deviationist have to put [be] down by the Leninist Center.
Well in that case you won't like when that happens


pretty much. there were a lot of really well read leftcoms, and a lot more stirnerposting. there was a lot more OC being actively made all the time, partly out of there being a lot of optimism that /leftypol/ was going to grow into its own real counterweight to /pol/


somewhere in the drama of the /leftypol/ /leftychan/ split is my best guess. i think around then a lot of the effortposters just gave up


It was a lot more obsessed with idpol, in a pathetic "we are not like those other leftist snowflakes, we can say bad words" way. I think there was more variety when it came to ideologies and tendencies. Also unironic dengoids only became a big thing in like 2018 or 2019, before then it was considered on par with being a Pol Pot apologist or hoxhaist.


so basically the only way to get this place back on its legs would be to effortpost and therefore make it look better to the inside community and outside


The great schism of 2017 and finally 8chan getting nuked. And more recently the endless mod infighting since the bunkerchan days.


that would be a benefit, but theres no going back, the internet just isnt nearly the same place as it was when /leftypol/ was in its golden era. the biggest change is that in a lot of ways the "idpol" battle has been won and no one outside insane internet cliques cares about it to nearly the same degree that they used to. /leftypol/'s peak lined up with the height of left-liberal insanity about idpol and language policing so it was a refuge for a lot of people that just wanted to talk about communism or anarchism without getting swamped with that shit. now some varying degree of idpol criticism has become pretty standard or at least perfectly acceptable among the broader left, and the excesses involved in leaning too far into anti-idpol are more clear with the hazoids and "patsocs" and other assorted brainworms like that

its just a totally different landscape in general these days


of course i agree that it will never be like before but im new and i like it here it's quite comfy
seeing aktion is always fun so there are things we can do to make this a better place


>dengoids only became a big thing in like 2018 or 2019
china has become the indisputable main adversary of the imperialists, of course people will start paying more attention to it. the 2 most insufferable trotskyists I know irl have been talking about it since 2016

you two are literally the worst posters here, congratulations. the only reason I allow this site to store cookies is so I don't have to re-add your filters every day


On that note
just a reminder not to engage low-quality bait in particular


>Stalinism has never been more rampant on leftypol
>muh stalinism
also, nah, there were more educated ML that could argue in long effortposts and knew history, but also a lot more lib / anarchists / trots and various specific ideology vehemently defended by a couple guy. Its just that other ideologies declined more than MLs.

>forced the Stalinist Dengist to retreat

lol, thats not the read I got. If anything the nuanced position always seem to win. "The move absolutely worked out both for china and for breaking unipolar imperialism, but this is dangerous in regard to future development, what will happen remain to be seen"

8chan was the most "under siege" period, so much polyps everyone mostly banded together against them. A lot more anti idpol discussion.
bunkerchan was more chill, and there were not that much big happenings either. So there was a slow decline, having already bled users in the 8chan closing. The splits and mods dramas also killed a big portion of the userbase later.

Overall the board got more homogeneous as time passed. And much like the real left, ukraine war fractured people and prolly caused some more to fuck off

the consistent anti imperialism is the best feature of leftypol. Im glad people that cant even argue without nato talking points get banned.


Finally another nazbol
now neither of us have to be virgins anymore
You really would do that? Filter by flag?


but if we stop being virgins we HAVE to also stop being nazbols… it's like the number one rule


sneed lmao


I have more filters than there are posters. if you:
>use a meme flag
>use a name
>use a tripcode
>post more than 500 characters
>use the words PMC, unequal exchange, praxis, dialectic, gender, idpol, multipolar, literally, or authoritarian
I literally can't read your post sometimes I can because the javascript regex really struggles to match everything


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>adversary of the imperialists
lol, lmao even


Filtering ancom flag probably a good idea yea


i mean it's not that far off, it at least tries to give third world countries somewhat equal treaties (when it benefits them) which is better than what 90 percent of the imperial core does


While I personally was very critical of OldBO at that time I have to admit that he has been completely vidicated. We have seen anarchist online spaces going from being apologist over US military bases in Rojava to straight-up posting supportive memes of unironic Nazi military battalions. He was right.


>Im glad people that cant even argue without nato talking points get banned.
Then you haven't learned any lessons. It's why you've failed to actually challenge /pol/ in the imageboard space and they have not just continued the domination they had before, but radically expanded it. If you think you can win by jannying your clubhouse you're wrong.


Less diverse ideologies from the original. At some points tankies started purging each other and here we are. Also the war in Ukraine broken minds of many former leftists.


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Less retards now, still too many retards


I miss times shilling against them making them fight each other. /pol/ had thousands of members more but ended up mocked in /leftypol/ threads by effort posters.


We didn't need to shill to make them fight each other lol that's just their natural state. 8chan /pol/tards made up a conspiracy theory about SomethingAwful infiltrating the website and would accuse random people of being "goons" because of this, they also thought some Nazi blog called The Right Stuff was infiltrating the whole site too (apparently there was a slight grain of truth in this one because they were covertly advertising their site).


>/pol/ had thousands of members more but ended up mocked in /leftypol/ threads by effort posters.
hard times make strong lefties good times make weak lefties. it's why i advocate for constant turf wars to put the reactionaries on the defensive on other websites so we can strengthen our positions


the problem was that too many people tried to debate them from what I remember


NGL it sounds like the "golden era" of leftypol was kinda lame based on this thread and also because I wasn't there.


>complaints of "Russophobia" or "Sinophobia" which by all means is the same exact sentiment of white genocide theories


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leftypol always sucked. I miss /lit/. It also sucked. Long live leftypol.


average /leftypol/ poster


ah, doesn't matter


People keep yapping about how much this place sucks but there's nowhere else better but the meatspace to talk politics. Just take a whiff at 4chan, Reddit, Twitter, any public Discors server, then say that again.


yeah i like it here and its not even the worst /leftypol/ has been


It was pretty great but the best part of it was 100% the astonomical butthurt it caused.


It's definitely a much less vibrant, intellectually rigorous, and creatively exciting place. I've thought about advertising elsewhere to try and draw people here, but then I wonder why bother? Shitposters and jerks obsessed with "board culture" make coming here a waste of time.


When was the last time you remember a PDF being posted to support an argument. That's one of the main differences beyond just a lack of a meme culture (drawfagging, making webms and songs).
I'll talk more later, but that's one to get the ball rolling.


There's a good reason that almost all effortposts and deboonk posts in the booru were from 8ch.


There's less bait threads, but there's also less funny and entertaining threads. It's all way more serious, as much as a chan board can be at least. I think my favorite thread I've seen since coming back is the "scare the hoes opinion" thread.


That's probably what I miss most tbh.


>>post more than 500 characters
holy twitter addiction batman!


I don't think I've seen a single Stirner-post since I've been back. Sad times.


jesus I bet this place seems super slow with all those filters



I memeflag egoism all the time, and I saw someone else doing it this week.
I have not read The Ego and its Own :)


What about the memes themselves tho.


and still causes. 8ch and bunkerchan /leftypol/ still live rent free in a few heads.
Certain mods post-2020 started pushing everything which wasn't SRSBSNS into si/b/eria, and even things which were too high-effort into /edu/. Huge mistake.


Occasionally, although mostly just Maxine Stirner or ghostbusters jokes. I also made the Spooky theme for Halloween… 2022?


i'm gonna say it seems more like the optimism this anon >>32518 pointed out died. But idk i left for a while between 2017 and 2019 and didnt notice the leftpol stuff. 8ch going down probably hurt things because leftypol lacked built-in opposition, but what i noticed most is the lack of active OC and the cross-platform culture spread that existed 2016-17. Maybe it was just me but there was more respect for a youtube niche somewhat tied to leftypol, and there was old breadtube, and there was the catgirl drama. Somewhere that vitality left. A part of it seems like a newfag problem, i think 2021, with bunkerchan as it is divorced from a wider set of boards, and the tourists here for watching the protests, that all probably set the stage for a massive dilution of the previous culture. Certain norms maintain but they're more negative, and the iconoclasm and creative culture are gone. Moving here most likely made things even worse. The site feels like its full of newfags (whether it is or not).

and yet it still felt more interesting and dynamic. The main retardation here is arguments around the theme of "are the bourgeoisie (or secret eastern communist cabal) going to bring about socialism/collapse of capitalism for us?". With idpol arguments, it brings in both libs and nazis, who have their own communities and bring in new voices and culture with them. Who (outside entity) are we discoursing with now? (infracels?? warped greyzone fans on twitter?)

it has always been that way, but tbh why bother? Who are you effortposting to? (at least that's my feeling, i used to and i gave up. And i've stopped seeing my fav effortposters here so i stop checking in so often.)

its nice that you're comfy here, it's an important reminder that while this place is less dynamic than it was before, it's still going to be in some people's growth zones. Just don't get sucked in, this place feels cultlike. If you get diminishing returns, go read something. Comfortable isn't always healthy.


I found leftypol near the ass end of the 8 Chan Era. Which had more OC granted but it was garbage for the most part but most internet stuff was back then and we loved it. I don't remember too much from that time. My favourite Era was eaely bunkerchan, lots of good OC and effort posting through late trump and early covid.

> A part of it seems like a newfag problem, i think 2021, with bunkerchan as it is divorced from a wider set of boards, and the tourists here for watching the protests, that all probably set the stage for a massive dilution of the previous culture.

Imo I think the talent moved out of leftypol into the boarder internet like breadtube. And now leftypol exist as a tourist hub for happenings. I don't think it's necessarily a bad a thing. A lot of leftist creators got their start here and still come here and post. Now that leftistsim has gone mainstream somewhat and will continue to become more mainstream you're never going to recapture the magic of the beginnings of leftypol. The question is how should leftypol go forward?


oh, that does make sense too. People moved on to bigger and better things (or transitioning gender on camera for the world to see and then making self important art house cinema instead of comedy - to each their own)

leftypol should just die going forward (jk but i think it's sadly in its final stage, i don't think there will be a leftypol rejuvenation, i used to be hopeful on this and had many ideas but its not realistic i think). Re-invest attention and talents to clock app. All hail bytedance


anyone remember that one time anons made a fake letter claiming to be antifa and showing up on right wing news sites


Exactly. I wish leftypol had caught on and been a big success too, but it's still comfy and the people here have better takes than mostly anywhere else online


Just by virtue of not being infested with the nazis the site is easily in the top 5 imageboards of all time and I too think despite all the shitflinging the site has an overall comfy feeling with good takes. IP count could be higher but I would be fine with it being relatively low tbh.

>leftypol should just die going forward (jk but i think it's sadly in its final stage, i don't think there will be a leftypol rejuvenation, i used to be hopeful on this and had many ideas but its not realistic i think).

I think ur prolly right but I hope your wrong. I feel like if we could somehow get a 100-200 more regular users we'd have a pretty good sized community but I honestly don't even know how we would go about recruiting new users since you have the slim ass venn diagram overlap of communist and uses imageboard.


>honestly don't even know how we would go about recruiting new users

I think at this point the angle would have to be that its a rare mix here of anonymous enough that you can say dumb shit and be rude (unlike the rest of social media where you inevitably build a persona and are accountable to it), but there is also genuine anger and concern at the brutality of the world and some broad sense of identification with humanity in general. theres not many places where you have various active international subcommunities posting about their own region of the world at the same time its normal and fun to normal to call people a retarded faggot because you have a minor disagreement with them


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good times


tbf at the time leftypol had a lot of students posting here. there's a lot less time for imageboards when you're working full time.


if you think only five or ten imageboards, let alone 'of all time', weren't infested by rightoids then you clearly haven't explored far. That's not necessarily a bad thing.


unfortunately many of non rightwing shithole ones I used to browse are just straight up gone. I miss lagunachan


i hate radlibs


Literally incorrect.


Idpol/Anti-Idpol threads as far as the eye could see.
It was a stupid discussion back then, and now it's unbelievably embarrassing how much time and thought that subject took up on the board.
It's a lot more chill now though. Mods are too friendly towards some shitty posters (cuck queer). Still an improvement, especially since board meltdowns used to happen like every 6 months.


>board meltdowns used to happen like every 6 months.

screencap ?


>now it's unbelievably embarrassing how much time and thought that subject took up on the board
It's a little embarrassing if you identify with this place I suppose.




China is Communist.
Read Stalin to understand socialist commodity production.
Building the productive forces IS class struggle.

All of those images are manifestations of the most developed forms of proletarian class consciousness.


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What I saw was still the opposite


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You must choose 5 of these threads to revive from 2014.
Choose wisely.

Also, have post #26 - the wordfilter (and banners) thread.



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Yeah 2014-2016 /leftypol/ was just as shit as I remember.
We already have more than 5 of these threads here right now.
>Multiple jews bad threads thanks to Palestine
>Le Christcom thread
>Why is the left so anti (X)
>/isg/ lite
>Disease habbening
>Are the republicans far right?
>/usapol/ lite
I could have sworn I posted on this thread before where the fuck did my post go.
Am I thinking of another thread? Jesus… Time really is just a flat circle, we never left usenet, the internet just evolves to higher file sizes…
Anyway we tend to have a idealized image that board culture on 8chan peaked around 2015, when in reality it only began peaking and going up and down, but was consistently better from 2015-2018 depending on the board, /v/ for instance worked best during 2015 and 2018 respectively for different reasons.
Regardless, the only massive difference I can think of for early 8 /leftypol/ was eceleb culture being rampant and a massive part of it. You could in theory have access to far more esoteric knowledge that has since left the netosphere because of the spiritualism meme but that's a whole other discussion…
OG /leftypol/ was about Satantrips or whatshername posting boobs.
That's it.
No other boards had as big of an eceleb culture except /co/, or /b/.
I still say that in regards to catalogging all /leftypol/ periods, 2020-late 2022 was still the worst time period for the vague approximation of the board that exists in our consciousness but is closer to the Ship of Theseus in reality.


>here I am talking about the form of the spectacle consumption infecting both sites which manifests here in the complaints of "Russophobia" or "Sinophobia" which by all means is the same exact sentiment of white genocide theories

So according to your opinion those ethnicities aren't persecuted in the West?


>baiters managing to pull 3-5 (you)s is proof


Yep, confirms my muddied memory that this place used to be worse but only because redundant shit threads were allowed. Also slightly more incel shit since that was the current thing in 2014, and crypto-reactionary "socialists" (that FdB thread).
Otherwise, no major differences.


jesus christ, looks like the board in [CURRENT_YEAR]


Obama, music, and gun thread. That's about it


I intentionally said 'must'.
How about a nice wallpaper thread, hmm?


This screenshot was taken about three weeks in to /leftypol/s existence, so it's basically just /pol/ users with a left theme to that point (there wasn't any unique culture at that point). That's part of why half the board is 'hey im a pol user', 'why do leftists think this?'.


You right but check the archives from the other periods, they don't exactly differ much, you can argue again /leftypol/ lost
>Obscurant theory
>Casual threads
>E celebs
But it's overall not too different from now.


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leftypol has kinda a reputation with IRL political schizo leftist people. either they don't know what it is or they've heard about it and hate it for some reason


Not even me and more approaching the 50-60


It's pretty funny when people irl or on twitter say that "on this this site they used to visit, there was this poster " and you just know that it is about leftypol and the poster in question is one of our resident schizos/name-/flagfags.


there's a lot more idpol shit
i don't know when mods stopped banning it on sight


The only way out is through
>banning it on sight
Pretty sure this never happened. This strongly seems to be a myth to me. It's made up.


I was drunk for most of 8ch leftypol but the mods here are more strict and nosy


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I for one welcome our furry overlords


DeBoer? Where have I heard this name before?




>uyghur is chan culture
Shit argument. Bunch of candy-asses


It was way funnier but also much much much more retarded and larpy.


Eeeehhhh, they used to be one and a half to two years ago, they're back on like 2017ish levels before they got so bad a board split happened, so not excessive.


i mean the threads got deleted more or less instantly


honestly i think this is probably the best the mods have ever been. the exception is when they inexplicably move good threads to edu to die


In Comparison to 8chan. Less people less raids and smarter and nicer userbase. less artfags too which is a shame. Anarchism seems more dead here and we have dengists and shit.


This historic /leftypol/ thread on 8chan was a nutshell of that board back then.


old leftypol was still insecure about being made fun of by pol for "SJWism", so they adopted "anti-idpol" (reactionaryism) in an attempt to portray themselves as the cool, edgy left wingers.
This, in practice, mostly involved hating women and minorities.




You didnt get banned once a week if a schizo jannie disagreed with your views.


I don't know how it used to be. But its better than revleft and that's all that matters.


Equally retarded, different flavor.
At least the decline in quality has plateaued, though there will never ever ever ever be OC creators ever again due to how dogshit this place is now.


I was there.
What women were hated on?
What minorities were hated on?
Stop making shit up.

>smarter userbase
Are you retarded?
>nicer userbase
That's just typical zoomers timidity.


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Neither zoomer nor timid
I still rather have a place where people talk to each other like human beings instead of constantly screaming at each other


>That's just typical zoomers timidity.
Damn yall really embraced your inner boomer.

imageboards seem more or less the same.

Are you sure about that?

IDK, This place treats me the same as everywhere else so its kinda 50/50.

7chan is the exception. They treat me much better than any other website


Old BO going full fuckwit and needlessly secretarian.


I saw people referencing our resident thingnoticer on twitter, leninhat and shay too.


You've got to be kiding me old leftypol was basically full idpol, just more "right coded" type of idpol than now. That's partly what made it so funny and retarded.
I kind of miss all the different type of leftists there were on old leftypol tho. Now it's mostly just ML and Dengist.


I've had leftypol mentioned to me irl twice.
I denied all knowledge of it both times.
Bit weird but probably maybe just an outlier I think on account of I call people a fucking retard and etc irl quite liberally.


>I denied all knowledge of it both times.


Forcing ultras to eat a slice of lasagna every time they fail to understand the difference between mcm' and cmc' circuits


Rule 1 and 2 anon.


I can speak about leftypol from 2020 onwards.
Between BLM and the Covid-19 it was PEAK KINO at times.
Then it mostly got fading in quality IMHO


Why are you lying


What kind of schizos are you hanging out with IRL that they know this place!? This site is pretty damned obscure, as are most 8chan offshoots…


>generated the polyp face
>spawned Haz
>gave rise to a fuckton of leftist shitposts
>home of the political cat girls
>this site is obscure

Obscure to whom, anon?


>their lack of not understanding theory
double negative. dengoids win again.


There were also a lot more posts about theory and people shilling their favorite theorists.


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>do a web search of leftypol
>find this thread and, on the same page, https://umsu.unimelb.edu.au/news/article/7797/2017-05-11-inside-the-leftypol-community/
wew, now the Socialist Alternative comparison is especially insulting and they're getting a fair bit wrong, but that's an actual university news article from 2017


Todays leftypol is like the wall of a public toilet of a pretentious "leftist" bar while old leftypol was like an angry clandestine Marxist book club spontaneously associating within a nazi internment camp.


Old leftypol was fillen with homophobic/racist firstoids obsessed with Soviet aesthetics, it was a nazbol hellhole unironically and spawned subhuman filth like Haz


>/leftypol/ is responsible for zizek
lol, this is almost as dumb as "/leftypol/ has a writer at foreign policy"

do you really think people would do that? just go on the internet and tell lies?


>an actual university news article
Are you adolescent or something? University, or any learning institute, lower, higher or "scientific", are not inherently qualitative. Especially with (famous) faculty increasingly getting their degrees from obscure diploma mills.



>When was the last time you remember a PDF being posted to support an argument.
Oh yeah. People posting videos (not even a direct upload, but Youtube) instead of that should be bullied.

Sounds like what we have here is the multi-idpölar PRAXI$ of the AUTH0RITARIAN GENDER d𝗂alect𝗂c in a 𝗅itera𝗅𝗅y une𝗊ual EXCHANGE of ideas here my fellow PMᑕ.


>OG /leftypol/ was about Satantrips or whatshername posting boobs.
>That's it


This is not true at all lol, if Haz was spawned by /leftypol/ at all which is debatable, it was most definitely nu/leftypol/


/leftypol/ was always shit.
I've been on 8chan /pol/ in september 2014 (yes even before the full goobergate ban on 4chan) and it was a surprisingly balanced group of fringes – lolberts, dork enlightenment, stormfags, and eventual /leftypol/ were pretty balanced. Were it not for that month, I would probably never have taken up posting on 8chan, and the insufferable avatar known as "slovborg" that developed on 8chan's /int/ board would not exist today. I would merely be another lurker that occasionally effortpoasts.
Dork enlightenment got bullied off by low effort shitposting, and /leftypol/ surrendered and decided they want to have a safespace where their views can't be challenged.
This was the turning point that cemented the political fate of 8/pol/. December mod selection which turned everything into a railroaded astroturf was just the final nail in the coffin.
This is why I have always had a strongly negative opinion of /leftypol/. Their surrender and retreat into a safespace spelled the downfall of 8chan (and myself). Nowadays there's some decent content on here. Mods are very ban happy. Your memetics are very shallow and lend your ideas to mirroring a lot of ideas /pol/ created through idiocy or pure shenanigans, but your idea of fun involves an abundance of words and generally over constructed ideas.
I met a transhumanist irl that thought everything should be filed through a marxist lens. It really bothered me. We're defiling ideas to inspire zero new creations, only stagnated old world thought to apply to modern problems because lolmarxsaidso.


>VGH why won't you let me do a hecking free speech!?
>the free speech: spamming scat porn and gore until the thread hits bump limit and not getting banned for it because the jannies are also ideological crusaders


I've been on different iterations of the board.

This is by far the worst one so far. There were always weirdos, incels, schizos and dumbfucks, but the mods this time around have basically let the loudest assholes in the room slowly alienate anyone else who isn't also a schizo asshole - and then people wonder why the user count is dwindling

that said - the board culture is somewhat to blame. When you have a culture where the goal is to be the Edgiest Radlib-Triggerer On Earth, you end up with a culture where earnest discussion drowns under a sea of adolescent invective


A lot more reactionary with red paint.
Talk of settler colonialism would have probably labelled idpol.


There were a lot of people who openly said that anti-colonialism was the same as nazi blood and soil ideology (across the board, not just in specific cases).


>t. 1/12 cherokee committed to decolonizing turtle island


t. thinks water protectors are doing white genocide



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>Talk of settler colonialism would have probably labelled idpol.

I mean it's just like today, obviously everyone recognises the reality of colonialism/neocolonialism but Sakaist bullshit is just COINTELPRO splitter shit.


Trying to tie any conversation of these topics back to your super niche anonymous American pamphlet was and is transparently disingenuous though. Literally nobody ever knew orcared who sakai was until weirdos on this site dug it up exactly to illegitimise these struggles.


>Literally nobody ever knew orcared who sakai was until weirdos on this site dug it up exactly to illegitimise these struggles.
That's simply not true.


The problem is when people make arguments like
>Sakai is a glowie
>therefore the Raj and Bengal famine were good


It was dug up years earlier by SomethingAwful because they knew Americans are fucking retards


saki was always championed by something awful goons, they had a sub forum, now a break away forum called the rhizzone were they jerk off hard about sakai. anything sakai can be traced back to something awful, but then we get talking about something awful and how many goons turn out to be feds, cia, and working for the man.


>the sakai push originates from SA
imagine my shock


Yup, they were the ones who started and pushed the "read Settlers" meme.


I don't know. I joined only a week ago!


fwiw i've been here since 2020 and people have always hated on the current iteration of the site


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It's always been retarded, though at least back then it was mostly anarchist-adjacent memelords who fell for the "marxist criticism of culture" bullshit, nowadays we're filled with braindead "third-worldist" MLs and people who can't even be called communist or even anarchist.


we've been in a constant state of "leftypol has fallen, billions of workers must die" ever since leftypol started, I don't worry about it too much really. Just keep posting non-zero autism score takes and it's all fine.


no way lmao


they were in charge of readsettlers.com too


>Lowtax is responsible for third-worldist edgelords

Is there anything this man touched that didn't turn to shit


2022 onward makes 2020 leftypol look like the fucking monthly review


It might be more accurate to say that Lowtax's mods were responsible. Lowtax himself didn't care about any of that shit. He just wanted to be surrounded by people that told him he was funny. It was elements of his mod team that really cultivated the "sjw" mindset there, and Lowtax backed them as long as they operated as his forum enforcers.


lowtax fucking hated lf lol thats why he deleted it


even so, the idea that the Edgelord Central of the 2000s is responsible for Ohio white boys screeching READ SETTLERS is not the plot twist I was responsible for


*plot twist I was expecting.

Fucking hell I'm tired.


Most people on SA kept to their own subforum dude.


I mean did anyone actually say the second part though. I don't remember that. I mean always a few anons say retarded shit but it doesn't count if the majority of the board is clowning on them.


goons have always been wreckers, from online games to politics, you shouldn't be surprised

they're the people who did most of the stuff 4chan got blamed for


Fucking KEK I forgot about this

>These opinions
Ah, a fellow old-fag spotted! Hello there comr8!

>Bunch of candy-asses
You reveal yourself, GETposter


Nobody ever made that argument other than /pol/ trolls who immediately got BTFO for trying to pull that shit.


Doesn't seem a lot changed tbqph


>Ancom anon with the same liberal strawman takes as usual
Some things never change lol


>and people who can't even be called communist or even anarchist.
idk, feels like this election year has, so far, been insanely less succdem than 2020.


>is not the plot twist I was responsible for


>Yup, they were the ones who started and pushed the "read Settlers" meme.
To be fair, when they were doing that, the LF board on Something Awful was, like, one of the only places on the internet where something like Sakai would even come up. It was also originally a containment board / gulag to shove Ron Paul posters into until it was taken over by the amoebic or proto version of internet communist shitposters who are all over the place today. It was actually a relatively small group of people.

>goons have always been wreckers, from online games to politics, you shouldn't be surprised. they're the people who did most of the stuff 4chan got blamed for
4chan deserved to be wrecked. They deserve all the blame it gets and if there was internet justice they'd be nuked from orbit.

What tended to happen with Something Awful is they'd create new subforums in response to user demand or to contain something, and then Lowtax or the mods would eventually tire of their containment boards and shut it down, or goons unhappy with the moderation would spin off and start a new site. They had a subforum for, I guess, "internet drama" called Helldump which was also eventually shut down – that is now basically Kiwi Farms. 4chan started out as a more, erm, loli-friendly version of the anime subforum I think.

IMO they've always been a bit better at other sites at regulating themselves, which might have something to do with the culture or even basic structure of the website (they've historically been quicker to ban, and charge money for accounts). There's a certain point where the goons will start to go too far with it, but they cut it off before it bleeds over into real life generally. They will squelch an entire subforum if it causes too many headaches, like /pol/ would've been smashed years ago if it was on the forums. Like, delete forum, mass bannings.


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Holy shit leftychan still exists?!?! They're only on their 3rd Ukraine war general must be a really slow board. Does anyone have a read on the quality of the place? Are they still obsessed with Idpol like during the split?

Anyway onto the main topic. I left here around 2020ish I want to say? Have been here since the 8chan days. I still come back just to read news threads because leftypol still gets information faster during geopolitical events than other places usually, imageboards and news sites alike. I like being in a room of leftist voices when receiving that information usually because the propaganda of American media is irritating as hell.

Otherwise though I'm not super active because there aren't as many effortposts these days that I actually learn stuff from. This community used to help me find books to read and present nuanced discussion on many different leftist topics that helped me grow as a person. Once I outgrew/many of those folks moved on it became more boring for me. Also, I organized for 5 years irl while posting on this board then burnt out on irl organizing and haven't since so that's probably part of it.

I've had an ideological shift too towards post-marxist degrowth which is certainly part of my less intense interest in this place. A lot of anons probably have similar stories.


>Does anyone have a read on […] the place
Two words, incidentally the same two words that are sufficient to describe Trotsky: Sore losers


I kind of miss the shitty canned animation programs



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>Holy shit [wordfiltered] still exists?!?!
Yeah. It's slow actually it's not - it's on-par for a typical special interest imageboard, leftypol is historically an outlier in its high activity so it just seems slow if you're only used to here and 4chan but there's no shortage of people getting banned here for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and so it will be a long time before it rolls over. It will probably be alive as long as this site survives, because this leftypol.org isn't going to stop supplying it with people looking for a /leftypol/ board to post on.

And yet leftypol.org unfortunately failed to win. The coup left the community dead in the water, although to be perfectly frank, it was doomed to a permanent decline from the moment Krates resigned to let Zul be a corrupt little fuck. The headless chicken flails, but lives.


That is not dead which can eternal lie
Wow it's like we are the Walking Dead (tm)


people in general are much moar retarded but not just here, everywhere.


>cake shaped like a wall




2017 cap, probably a reference to Trump's border wall.


>IMO they've always been a bit better at other sites at regulating themselves, which might have something to do with the culture or even basic structure of the website (they've historically been quicker to ban, and charge money for accounts).
Thought of another thing: everybody on Something Awful is a namefag with an avatar. 4chan is anonymous. Reddit is full of namefags but there's a karma-farming system which you don't get on Something Awful. Goon humor is like… every goon is the butt of their own joke. They have an inside joke, "goon project," which are attempts to do real-life things (which invariably end in disaster). Dril was a poster there. You either get the joke or you don't.


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2020 to 2021 was the furthest leftypol has been from fascism in its history

It was a good time


Realistically, no, not at all
Russians in the West are obviously indistinguishable from other white people and western whites don't give a fuck what your last name is
Chinese people still get propped up by the model minority propaganda even as the US turns against the CPC

The ethnic groups that face intense repression in the West are arabs, africans, roma, and south asians


old /leftypol/ was basically leftcoms, bookchin and zizek shills and ancoms, this place became a lot more "tankie" like it always happens with communities over time. but the former basically turned into liberals like muke, which is also typical if you know anything about communist history.

there were more sectarian theory discussions but at this point everything has been sort of said, i am not regurgitating the same points over and over. there are screencaps of effort posts. like, zizek coming out as bloodthirsty racist cunt, openly, kinda make all those old arguments pointless.


Is it because he stopped posting on the interwebz?


this was not "old leftypol", you realize this place exists since almost 10 years. "old leftypol" is where the refugees from 4chans /lit/ went. the haz thing was a short, recent episode and dissolved once he called the cops on us. not even the Z gang in the ukraine thread shills for that guy anymore.


i wouldn't know, he blocked me on all his social media when i pointed out fatal flaws in his "value theory". he also works for master card now, making over 8k a month. also a drug addict. i am sorry how much more liberal do you want to get


>>32697 (me)
also don't forget that affair with that necrophiliac brazilian woman, who also openly said that she's not a communist anymore. still does OF tho


It was more leftist before and had more IPs Multipolar disorder and it's consequences. And bunkerchan during the riots was the comfiest place on the internet. During that time some of my worst panic episodes were happening and bunkerchan with pelim juice was my copium of choice.


So you know he's a liberal because he didn't give you the attention you wanted and then a bunch of personal bullshit that has nothing to do with his politics or worldview?


I have the feeling, that leftypol has now much more degenerates. Don't get me wrong, it's Ok to be a degenerate, as long as you keep it for yourself. But today, degens are openly advertising their lifestyles. Yes, they are openly proud degens! Drugtards, gooners, pedos, prostitutes… This board is full of them. Was it that extreme in the past? I don't know….


The ultra plague is finally about to come to an end.


uygha has been on the internet a month tops lmfao


/leftypol/ has more coomers than before, that's for sure. I've noticed the same pattern on 4chan throughout the years with different boards becoming more and more sexualized. It's a sort of elephant in the room. Some people, even here, apparently just wanna keep pretending that rampant porn consumption is a non-existent problem.


puritanism got laughed you out of imageboards before unlike now


Wow you mean things change? Is that what you are saying?


But it seems you are moaning about things not changing for your pet issue


Maybe it's some kind of glowie psyop.


rampant pon consumption is a symptom not a problem in and of itself.


Just a guess but you are as emotionally incontinent as a little child


Incompetent, Incontinent, Impotent, shall I keep going


Well I agree with that


You're the one that is upset thoughever


I blame cuckchan after all the quality posters left. That's where this "coomer" shit came from.


One of the new commie alt-sites has just put 'no porn' in their rules, and every other month someone asks the mods here to make a separate /nsfw/ board. It's real and people notice it.
We haven't reached /pol/ level NSFW/goreporn posting yet, leftypol is at least SFW on the image side of things, but that sex-obsession culture has definitely been normalized and it is a bit fukken boring.
And before anyone accuses me of being a prude, my yiff art is on MSG.


I have noticed a considerable decline in porn since shay left.


It was more anarchist in the beginning, but then so was all of the left. I think the development of knowledge and critique has kind of slowed down a bit, having reached the limits of what chans can do. It's necessary to go further into your own research, rather than rely on forums for your education.


Damn I can't believe it's been ten years. Finding leftypol in the wake of the right wing turn in gamergate was such a a formative moment for me.


>/leftypol/ was more anarchist back when people would read theory


We are talking about a time when people didn't realize the problems with David Graeber And Noam Chomsky


I can hold me pee and get a boner when needed. Not commenting on #1 tho.


> every other month someone asks the mods here to make a separate /nsfw/ board.
There has been 1 such request


Maybe I just saw the requests bumped a lot, although fwiw, more than one OP propose it:


A lot of the online ML movement has fucking nothing to do with reading theory, anon
It's mostly bolstered by:

-Appeals to authority
-Jannie censorship
-Childish insults
-Aesthetics posting
-Woke moralism (don't you know le non-whites are all MLs without exception!?)


You've got a point.
Current 4chan is infested with fascists from Twitter and incels.is posters.


>but I honestly don't even know how we would go about recruiting new users since you have the slim ass venn diagram overlap of communist and uses imageboard.
The /leftypol/ way has always been to convert and retain tourists and raiders.

Provoke a raid?


u wat, it's an old 4chan filter


Well the 8ch days were a long time ago so I'm going off memory but it's about the same with less focus on e-drama and more 'multipolarist' garbage


After Max set himself on fire, the board could pick up the few stupidpol participants who were committed to the Marxist critique of essentialism. The risk is that those trying to wheedle Marx into sparing or supporting their rustic superstitions would come along, and those elements are best added dropwise lest they take over.


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The old Leftypol was called LeftcomPol and it was founded in secrecy on June 8th, 632 after the Judeo-Christian-Islamic coalition of anti-materialist Stalinist-Hitlerites decided to assault the anarchists of the neo-Akkadian kleptocratic regime. Bordigists killed and beheaded over 15 trillion of these Hitlerist-Liberal Zionist Maoist cunts and got tired of it. They have been resting asleep or sitting waiting for the endgame of apocalyptic kabbalist right hand path satanists while enjoying recreational substances to cope with the mental witches sent forth by the psyochoattack attempts of brainrot ultra-sadist memory deterioration. An order older than Plato and Aristotle. The order of secret knights who stabbed LaRouche to death. Bordigists. Bordiga is but a collective image in our minds. Bordiga lived to die. He rests in the shadow so you may die in the light. Revisionist-oppurtunism is what Religion is. Ultra-Rightism stands with the fear of Herbert Marcuse who cried every night before bed in the fear of what Bordigism will do to the World once awakened in its full potential. Council Pannekoekist parallel-civilizations living alongside us as we walk through our daily lives. Everytime you had an UnBordigist and AntiBoridigist thought you were stabbed a thousand times by advanced scientific socialism of the future. To experience the same suffering as now forever and in future is the horror of criticizing the eternal flame. The struggle comes in the suffering of mortalist anti-lasagnaist rhetoric. Forever's gonna start tonight.


the george floyd uprising celebration threads were great


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Being on leftypol since back in the day I've been around long enough to realize "the online left" is inherently worthless.

Unique IPs: 101

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