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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.

331 posts and 45 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Covid was the biggest global event of our lifetimes and a thread exposing the western psyops surrounding it gets immediately saged because a mod doesn't like it getting it's own thread. It's ridiculous.
What would it take for a covid psyop to get it's own thread?


Requesting that mods crack down on the magacom spammer. Thanks.


File: 1718866538510.jpg (194.05 KB, 1024x768, Weighing-of-the-Heart.jpg)

You are not accused, you are judged


>fake licences
>thinktank denialism
Oh it's definitely .net behind this.


why do mods delete my bleaching thread ? i want to hear genuine opinion of people here about my post


why are you deleting my biblical spam at a glacial pace rather than nuking the entire reactionary idpol thread it was posted in? you've anchored it, why not either leave the spam intact as a sign of the disdain the thread was held in, or blast it off the face of the site in one click? am i really copping a (short, on its own acceptable) ban while OP walks off scot free for creating another idpol thread 15 minutes after the first was sent to hades where it belongs?


>Saturday 22 June leftypol may temporarily go read-only and/or offline for maintenance
Don't fuck with the node or bring in any dumb new naming scheme this time. Thanks.


>Saturday 22 June leftypol may temporarily go read-only and/or offline for maintenance
Don't fuck with the node or bring in any dumb new naming scheme this time. Thanks.


i get this error when i try to post
"file_put_contents(/tmp/profles-ramfs/excimer-traces.log): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/leftypol_lainchan/inc/profile.php at line 16"


i get this error when i try to post
"file_put_contents(/tmp/profles-ramfs/excimer-traces.log): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/leftypol_lainchan/inc/profile.php at line 16"


We upgraded some DB settings and tables
Should have been dealt with


how come i don't get an answer :(


I sage'd it initially because I was still busy checking it out, hoping that it wasn't that bad.


Hey. sorry for that post in the grocery ordering thread yesterday. The thread topic brought up some bad memories from when I used to work retail, and as I mentioned in the appeal field I was drunk at the time. Bad combination.
Thank you for putting me in gay baby jail before I could further embarrass myself.
Mods = Gods as always.

Sincerely, Hamsterposter.


At least you didn't work at fast food like McD's, that shit will give you psychosis, schizophrenia and paranoia.


no problem, sorry to hear about your bad retail experiences


This makes me think tho.
Seeing disco around (more, or to put it in a more precise way, seeing them around more openly) I wonder if this recent snafu was a condition he set. Hilarious if true. I consistently overestimate people.


It's good, drunk psychosis happens.


My thread on unproductive countries and Chinua Achebes book was removed. Why?


the userbase here is so lowly and buckbroken. its quite sad, really. That's what comes with 30,000 total bans on a website with 25 users


Is that really undeserved? Just compare the quality of the posts on this site to other social media platforms. There’s a visible difference in quality even on communities that aren’t made with quality in mind.


idk what you're talking about. The quality keeps getting worse, and that's not my fault. the america thread keeps getting worse. fascists are allowed to CRY WOKE for days on ends, typing paragraphs upon paragraphs about idealistic nonsense and theology


The declining quality is in part due to declining speeds. A shitposty, fast thread about Keynes vs Marx would be fun - but in reality it would get 15 replies tops unless someone found a way to derail it on to another subject.

The problem with the site is not really that it's "low quality" in the sense of not being a sensible, buttoned down, long-form essay writing place. The real problem is the loss of novelty, chaos, variability, etc. you know what you're going to get for a reply - in broad terms - before you even post, so why bother? 2017 /leftypol/ may have had more intellectual posts than we get now, but it also had a lot more novel stupid posts. The common factor is novelty/chaos.


Decline is a loss of control (people getting triggered by spam/pol, it staying uncontrolled, then getting triggered again, etc.). What you want is essentially 100% counterproductive. But by all means, go ahead. Campaign for chaos.


Chaos is someone showing up and making a pirate-themed introduction post like they're on a traditional forum, an act utterly at odds with imageboard culture, and having that spiral into anons posing OC purporting themselves to be part of a pirate-themed gang of "mateys". This is not "quality posting", nobody learned anything by people doing that, but it came out of left field and it amused me enough that I care to tell you about it years later. That's chaos.
Chaos is not "Trans people - why? #518959", which is an utterly predictable thread. you know absolutely everything that will appear in such a thread before it is posted. you know that whoever makes such a thread should be driven away with torches, pitchforks, and someone posting the complete book of genesis about 30 lines at a time.


We are really lost in translation here.
About this new angle you introduced: I reject the premise completely. It doesn't matter what topic is talked about, any topic can be handled well or not well.
>Trans people - why?
There is only so much "material" produced on this topic because most people cannot wrap their head around it. This does not make the topic "bad".


You are being quite naive. the whole reason we've got our anti-idpol rules in the first place is because certain topics are inimical to good discussion in practice, even if in theory there are no "good" or "bad" topics.
Most of the time these topics are contentious not because people "cannot wrap their head around" the issues in question, but because the topic is simply a cover for aligning oneself with a broad side, and it's the sides that really matter. think back to gay marriage: did that pass (where it has passed!) because the "good faith" "concerns" of conservative Christians were mollified by reasonable answers, or because liberals defeated them?
One may be legitimately confused about the issues in question, but most people do not argue because they are confused - they argue because they want the other side to lose and because arguing is an end in itself. many positions on both sides are incoherent, purely rhetorical arguments for the purpose of showing one's allegiance to their side. (you can even think of this in evolutionary terms: a weak argument is more likely to be spread by those who oppose it, like a virus, meaning more people who support it see it…)
Since the number of legitimately confused people is small and their life will not be massively improved by "resolving" that confusion, while the number of people with a strong, immovable position who want to crush the other side is large, and since the arguments on both sides are well-worn, there's nothing positive or novel likely to result from allowing the topic - but a lot of energy will be sucked away from elsewhere, and you run the ever present risk that someone in (say) a thread on Finland 1917 comes to suspect that their is actually also on the opposing side on culture war issues, so they throw out a certain slur, and from there things spiral until "Finland 1917" quickly becomes "Trans people - why? #518960"…

But you've dropped the thread of discussing interesting chaos vs bland, predictable stagnation and opened up the giant can of worms that is explaining group dynamics, which makes it hard to go back to where we started, so maybe we can conclude this conversation has run its course. the only thing i could add (since we never let it come up naturally) is that the way you get more chaos is to get more new users, not by abandoning sensible moderation.


It's best to declare this conversation a lost cause, yes.


Most posts here are utter dogshit and demonstrate a complete illiteracy w.r.t. communism. The worst part is that we still pretend to educate people so you have complete idiots trying to teach newcomers. And no, I don't know how to fix this without further lowering the PPH.


This gave me a grand idea.
But putting that aside, the halo effect is strong here, if someone displays competence in one area I assume they can be competent in another area.


The show/hide button in /leftypol/ does not always work. You can toggle it, but the video doesn't actually hide.
The news page says to report technical problems to /meta/, but trying to make a thread about it just returns "Flood detected. Post discarded". That's why I'm posting on the Moderation thread instead.


>I wonder if this recent snafu was a condition he set

I can tell you with confidence it was not, just a nice side benefit.


Well I don't believe in coincidence or con men


Well up to you.


Do we really need 2 identically worded OPs?




Mods, please put my thread >>>/siberia/548169 back to siberia, I made it there because a.) people actually use that board, and b.) I want advice from casual Linux users, not people for whom computers are a hobby.




Everypony here just uses the overboard for a combined feed.


some guy is spamming uyghur in the usapol thread


We should now be fully running on InnoDB


Double checking…


gore is being spammed in various threads


do something


Your performance has been shit today. As objective an evaluation as it gets.


someone is spamming porn in some of the /leftypol/ threads


Expected it to get better after seeing some mod activity. Shoulda known


File: 1719956484946.png (63.24 KB, 1843x218, ClipboardImage.png)

Care to explain how this board is any different from hazlets, patsocs and other crypto-fascist scum when homophobic garbage like this are not only the common opinion here, but completely encouraged by the moderation?


Lmfao and not only that but there's other thread of literal fucking racists arguing how brown and black refugees in Europe is capitalism or something and nazis wanting to use live bullets against them and kicking their out is "based" and communist.

At this point y'all feel like home at 4chan's regular /pol/, most of you are the same fucking bigoted reactionary garbage


Use the report button please. Or at least link the post in question.

Unique IPs: 26

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