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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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 [Last 50 Posts]

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.



stop banning tor you retards


Fun fact: Janny translates to wage earner in Arabic.
<Janny in an Arabic sentence: "My father is a janny, he works really hard to feed us."


Can Tor image posting be restored for /siberia/ now?


Agreed. The majority of spam comes from proxies outside Tor, like that one /pol jerkoff who occasionally posts on /leftypol.


why not pretend like it's IRC?
>The majority of spam comes from proxies outside Tor
doubt it, proof? They could just waste the network's bandwidth away like leeches just for spam or posting illegal crimes, leftypol is doing wonders on preserving bandwidth for the Tor network for those who need it better than for those who post illegal crimes or spam to overwhelm and slow down the entire network and potentially DOS attack many Tor relays(guards, bridges, middles, exits) at the same time out of existence. It's not about just leftypol, it's about the network itself too.

Tor should be allowed but measures should be taken to avoid spam, for the sake of the network, which I'm sure none of you actually care about the network itself even though you use it everyday.

oh btw, if you like to use Tor so much, consider hosting a Tor relay to make the network faster pls


Where's your proof that most spam comes from Tor, since you're so sure that "measures" have to be taken?


I don't need to cite any, the side that defends their interests that should do it for their sake. I literally have no "interests" to defend here.
I just pointed out that stuff like that hurts the network and that also people should care about the network itself too, not just this website.


most spam comes from burner vpns and proxies. if we could treat them the same way we treat tor i would do it.


>doubt it, proof?
Posting with Tor now has the Glowie prefix even if you namefag, and all the recent spam lacks said prefix.


I have posted this bf but I didn't manage to read the replies in the last thread

But why tf isn't LGBT its own board but instead an obscure thread in this board's /b/ equivalent (because apparently queer folk existing isn't political enough to be on the main board despite the fact there are several country exclusive main boards there)? It's pathetic how the right-wing infested board gives us better representation a space to be among our own but the supposedly leftist one doesn't


>why not pretend like it's IRC
Because we have an IRC chat- this is an image-board, sir.
>doubt it, proof?
Ctrl+f the website for "Glownonymous" or "Glowie". You'll find spam, sure, but not as much from un-glow tagged posters. A prime example would be the /pol fag who posts with that retarded Anime picture, who uses proxies outside the Tor network.
>Leftypol bans Tor spam, less of an impact on Tor bandwidth.
Sure, I guess? At a fractional capacity. This is like plugging one hole in a porous and sinking ship. Besides, we aren't outright banning Tor IPs, Tor users can still view, but not post, which still transmits a shitton of bandwidth. Why don't we ban all users from posting, so to better allocate resources to the Tor network.
By disallowing Tor users to post, you're preventing good meaning people from sharing information and data. It's a disservice to the community.
>Tor should be allowed but measures should be taken to avoid spam, for the sake of the network, which I'm sure none of you actually care about the network itself even though you use it everyday.
>oh btw, if you like to use Tor so much, consider hosting a Tor relay to make the network faster pls
Bruh. This is bad faith, you're just strawmanning. I'm sorry you had a bad run-in with someone that abused the Tor network, but you can't let emotion dictate your line of thought. I do run a Tor relay, via a 2012 asus-pc on Arch. No need for this.
Mods, unban Tor-img-posting.


>why tf isn't LGBT its own board
one of the organizing principles of this site is opposition to identity politics. if you don't like that, i suggest you go elsewhere.
>apparently queer folk existing isn't political enough to be on the main board despite the fact there are several country exclusive main boards there
yes. being a member of an identity group is not in itself political. discussion of national politics in a world dominated by nation states is, and bear with me here, political. the main point of national generals is really to keep burgerpol from drowning out everything else.
>It's pathetic how the right-wing infested board gives us better representation a space to be among our own but the supposedly leftist one doesn't
if "representation" and being among your "own kind" is so valuable to you, then why don't you just go to the place that you say gives you that? problem solved.


Since when being queer is identity politics? Y'all the same crap as infracels


demanding your own special space on a website dedicated primarily to political discussion because the special space you already have isn't special enough for you is identity politics.


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From a different perspective, an /lgbt/ board might imply this division that queer comrades from any board but /lgbt/ are not welcomed and might foster a weird kind of cryptic-homophobia.

one example could be dipshits telling a queer anonymous comrade talking about queer politics "go back to >>>/lgbt/" etc


I'm gonna ignore the queerphobic mod and reply to you

I can see your point, but still, being neglected to an obscure thread in this board's siberia reeks me of this board trying to pretend we don't exist, but still tho, even then I can see LGBTphobes demanding us to go to our "containment thread" if a discussion regarding queers happen


delete anti-trans hazoid nonsense half the night and you're a liberal. explain why *intersectional identity group* doesn't get an entire board to themselves you're a queerphobe. real catch 22 huh?


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you are actually permitted to talk about queer organizing, rainbow capitalism and political history on /leftypol/, the /lgbt/ thread on /siberia/ is more of a lifestyle thread that doesnt necessarily pertain to queer politics specifically and doesn't belong on /leftypol/

queer theory discussion belongs on /edu/


It's already allowed, just not in a couple of threads


> which still transmits a shitton of bandwidth
About 60% of the bandwidth is served by our CDN


*sitewide bandwidth towards all clients


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Just read the last thread then >>>/meta_archive/590633

>the queerphobic mod
LMAO, I've argued with subject before, but if there's one thing they're not is "queerphobic".

The anon in question is posting very similarly to someone who was recently shitting up other threads and concern-trolling about "phobia". I saw some buzz on 4/lgbt/ a week back about raiding leftypol, so I'm wondering if they're one of those people.


>Just read the last thread then >>>/meta_archive/590633
Fuck, lol >>>/leftypol_archive/590633


>It's already allowed, just not in a couple of threads
Well why isn't it allowed in threads like the 2d/3d pr0n thread? I get the /LGBT/ thread because it's an easy method to spam polbait but why are porn threads restricted?


>being neglected to an obscure thread
What the hell does this mean? This sounds like you're demanding to be given specific attention, that's not how this site works… that's not how ANY imageboard works.

The primary reason why the general is on /siberia/ is because it mostly consists of non-political & low effort discussions. Just like the relationship general. It serves the purpose of being a space for people to casually talk about it. Giving it a specific political focus IS identity politics and INEVITABLY leads to bad-faith gaslighting rhetoric of "So much for the tolerant left". Additionally, if a general board on siberia is "neglect" and "containment" then how would a board be any different? And as other people have pointed out, the examples of /lgbt/ boards on other sites degrade into toxic shitflinging. If you want such an environment go ahead, but don't complain about the inevitable /pol/ raids, at least /siberia/ will be less of a chinlet target.

Politics regarding individual groups exist, and they are seen through the lens of objective, material analysis, rather than emotional reflex-responses, that's what makes leftypol and communists in general different from radical liberals. In this case, the specific instances should be posted and discussed in already-existing, relevant threads. So, for example, racial politics in the US should be discussed on /usapol/, rather than the China General.

Finally it's a fact that we're a small site. At most 1000 different users, and never all at the same time. Majority aren't gay or otherwise, ergo there's not a sufficient number of people to merit an entire board. The MUCH broader topics of anime, hobbies, weapons, general education etc. are slow as is.
>inb4 straight people taking part too
Most people do not involve themselves in debates that do not apply to them, even more so given the volatile nature of the topic.


Fair, I retract my statement. Thanks for the clarification.


>wanting to give /leftypol/ their own /tttt/

you already got /GET/ anon


I don't think it works for ANY of the /siberia/ threads, not new ones or old ones.


Pask, fix your fucking Element install.


someone fucked with the code and or software because autorefresh keeps fucking up for me


Is someone using tor to spam? This is the fourth separate ban screen I get when trying to reply in like 2 hours.


what is the problem


Could you be more… descriptive?


Can >>>/draw/2317 be merged into the larger logo and flag thread? >>>/draw/3699


The constant new OPs about EDrama and US culture-war politics in >>>/siberia/ are clearly /isg/ and /USApol/ leaking out. This containment leak ought to be plugged.

I was also initially against a seperate /nsfw/ board, but honestly I'm seeing the appeal. It's tiresome to open up /siberia/ and seeing people post substandard political takes that are below quality even for a shitposting board like si/b/eria. It's not even fun shitposting, just tiresome.


Is the Namefag thing a prank Mods?


Eh, it’s kinda funny


new posts dont show up until a post is made and i had threads show 10000 new posts at once twice. almost froze my browser lol


Wvobbly why the fuck did you delete my post in /edu/? I discussed relevant information on the subject of the Hiroshima bombings and how they didn't really impact the decision to surrender. What was the reason for deletion? Is it because of the Name? because there's that one anon with the same May 1st name as mine who was shitting up siberia. Check the IP FFS.


that guy is always arbitrarily deleting posts


Here we go again.
Just leave well enough alone.


Did they assign the task of typing out the ideology names to the resident dyslexic? I've seen three misspelled so far


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So what happened to the "marxist-primitivism" thread? Was it deleted just because? I might be diametrically opposed to primitivism but I thought some good discussion was going on there.


Our moderation is retarded, what else is new?


OP turned out to be a transphobe


Why do we have names? And in order not to mix our names with other anons, we must have our own? get rid of names


Labour day memeing


The names are funny but I hope they don't last all month.
Mostly because they are kind of glitchy with a lot of repeats.


That's a poor excuse for deleting a whole thread.


i think hes joking


i like the names and i wish they stayed forever. theyre also randomly assigned, not generated by ip



Glowbot spaming green text in the /prc/ thread like what was done in the US thread.


>open /leftypol/
>oh IPs hour are up, great, must be the campus protests
>let's see what's on the /overboard/
>shay spamming trans porn


When can tor users upload images again this shit is so gay



They are generated by IP though.
Only tor posters get a random name as their IP is fixes


How long have you been posting on leftypol.org for Zankaria?


Can you fucking pseuds stop deleting any marxist post that doesn't agree with retarded third-worldist ML nonsense? "Lefty"pol, my ass.


love to be unable to upload pics on siberia on threads like the lgbt one




>all that larp about killing anarchists
I hate when any thought-out post gets deleted just because it pisses off one of the mods but this is flagrant unashamed shitposting.


that's 99% of all sectarian posts


The guy spamming death threats to anarchists that was constantly reminded to stop is still posting, but i got a temporary ban of an hour to post on leftypol?


I want to have sex with you but we would need to make sure you're on birth control first.


I am a man and gay, we cant have children. You need to use a condom though, dont want to risk It, you know?


after posting the boards bar stops being position fixed for some reason


Left unity is a fucking joke, and you can use the anti-"sectarianism" rule to delete anything that disagrees with someone with mod powers. It only makes sense in cases like the retard incessantly talking about killing anarchists.


In a way it makes sense that disagreement posts backed up with arguments piss off the mods more than an obvious braindead spammer.


Mods, its is up, please remove it.


I banned him like 5 times anon.


Ok, good to know, thanks. Sorry for responding to bait and spam that thread. It will not happen again.


Ok no worries, I love you <3


Can anyone explain the posts in the China thread? They are very sus.


It's an obvious forum slide. I reported as much as I could. Hope the mods wake up soon before more posts are lost.


Only one who's posted in the last few hour is the tor spammer.


>Only one who's posted in the last few hour is the tor spamme


It's a known bot spammer. We're going to ban posting from the TOR node for a while until we can implement something like a CAPTCHA to do any posting from TOR. As the prevalence of bot spam increases it just becomes unusable for regular posters anyways, since it counts as a single IP any regular poster will get flood detected out. It's unworkable without further security measures to actually prevent it from being abused.


we back? based mods if we back. ffs just disable the node if nobody's monitoring it. simple solutions.


>It's a known bot spammer.
Who are they? Are they some individual with a grudge? /pol/ raiders? Glowies?


we back


Do you mods plan to perma ban him at some point?


Enable imageposting in /siberia/ you cucks I want to post in burgerpunk!


We'll ban it as needed. It's not as easy as "turn it off whenever nobody is on" because "when nobody is on" is rarely coordinated.
Oh, I dunno who specifically does it. I wouldn't be surprised if its one of the rejects that hangs out on leftychan, they've arranged similar spam attacks before. The obsessive targeting of the China thread makes me think of a few people in particular, but there isn't a real benefit to making accusations.


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How is it shitposting if it's making a point?
This is literally how they talk about us: alternating between hysterical scapegoating and cynically appealing to safety concerns saying the scary bad Muslims are gonna get you.

Someone had posted an example of r/Israel browbeating LGBT people (among others) for supporting Palestine. >>>/leftypol/1846609
Several people were shitting on it for being stupid, and I didn't see someone do it for that part yet.

I'm way less bothered by the ban than deleting the post, since weaponizing identity politics like this is part of the hasbara strategy and should be criticized and mocked for how bigoted and opportunistic it is.


what if mods had to approve every image that was posted over tor, but they wouldn't be able to see the text of the post so it's not literally reddit 1984? something for our local vichan victims to implement maybe.


>We'll ban it as needed.
So if someone wants to stop tor posters at a critical time all they have to do is set up a spam bot. It's not ideal
>It's not as easy as "turn it off whenever nobody is on" because "when nobody is on" is rarely coordinated.
Damn. We're in or entering a time of western destabilization and probable increased control of social media. It might be a good idea to get coordinated and take the site seriously to prepare for a possible influx of new users. Something something about Lenin being prepared for a change in the conditions.


>but they wouldn't be able to see the text of the post so it's not literally reddit 1984?
what's the purpose of that? if anything it would cause more problems when somebody posts a right wing meme for discussion purposes and a mod deletes the post thinking the user just posted the meme because they agreed with it.


it's to discourage rejecting anything safe for cp spam, thus also making this type of moderation faster. mods wouldn't "approve" any posts, only prevent spam attacks with little conscious effort.





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I mean, we broadly know each other's schedules, but we're not spending all our downtime staring at the report screen and pressing F5. Once someone catches something though, we start sending out updates on the element chat to keep things in check. Also why the easiest and best way to get a mod's attention over spam is to ping us on the element chat, since almost all of us have it set up to forwards us desktop and phone notifications.


Everyone sleeping on the job again? It's getting bad.


There appears to be a spam bot mass quoting everyone in /usapol/ + how do we know this entire website isn't a fed honeypot?


Is there a captcha for torposting? All of the bot spammers are glownonymous.


Hi where can I buy tickets for the event?


>All of the bot spammers are glownonymous.
several spammers in just the past month havent been


Some spammers use tor, but a lot use a VPN.


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> I wouldn't be surprised if its one of the rejects that hangs out on leftychan
they've got a thread celebrating it lol. If that's not a smoking gun, which I would acknowledge that it's not, at the very least, vid very much related


Being retarded is not a choice but being uninformed is


ok. appreciate the reply. ngl it's disappointing that so much happens over element given it's Israeli connections.
Could something be done to stop low quality threads like this >>>/leftypol/1848001 appearing on lefypol? They slide threads like the long and educational Burkina Faso regional thread that's now gone.


/queer/ thread full.
Can someone make another plz?


What's stopping you? I'd do it if I could fucking upload pics.


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Pin >>>/hobby/2906 for the period of May 9th


Please allow Tor image posting in >>>/siberia/ at least for now


guys Israel is getting btfo like I've never seen and the site is hosting one of the few counter narrative threads on the internet. do we really want a post with this picrel on the overboard?


>why is there a post with porn on a porn thread on the NSFW board
Fucking retard lol.


>picture of a figure sticking a dick in the face of a child
this shouldn't be on the site. porn is fine.


>tor users may not upload images
Your website is shit.


Came here to say this.


>tor users may not always upload images
when I want to upload mi funni picrel
<fucking motherfucker stupid mods
when glowops go wild
<blessed mod gods


Could attachments over tor be enabled in /hobby/ temporarily?


I thought the block was only on siberia.


seems to depend on defcon level


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Archive the second muscle girl thread please, it's at bump limit. >>>/siberia/427791


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Please add "foot" to the OP of >>>/siberia/440715

And in vice versa, add "feet" to the OP of >>>/anime/2508


>>>/siberia/511959 should have the word "transformation" added to the OP, otherwise it doesn't pop in catalog search unless you already know the thread exists.


not spoiler tagging this in this sfw /meta/ thread iz crazy



Nothing NSFW about it though. It's just a pair of feet lol


i'm very curious wht work, school, and/or public environment u experience where havin an anime girl's feet won't prompt questions and concern, kek.


what kind of retard looks at /leftypol/ during work, school, and/or in a public environment.
Get real.


boss makes a dollar I make a dime
that's why I shit(post) on company time


And you spend it on /leftypol?
Granted, I've done worse.


>>>/siberia/514434 should be archived, the cats were rehomed so the topic is over.


Thanks! although spoilering Misato is mean


i was actually scrollin the thread next to my dad, thats the real reason kek.


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>i was actually scrollin the thread next to my dad
<looking at an imageboard while near someone else, someone else you know and interact with
LMAO you're an idiot.


>not scrolling imageboards while sitting next to your family
>not turning the screen to show them when you find a particularly good post/meme


My dad likes leftypol, he says it is very educative. My mom doesn't like that much, she says she doesn't like politics.




Your mom is just salty the BBC kino thread got removed.


alr bro, ion think its that deep. wut, do u scroll this website with ur hoodie on in a darkroom w/ ur door padlocked? idk i think this website is pretty tame compared to half the shit on /pol/, i jus don't think its appropriate to post uncensored anime girl feet in the /meta/! thread, a sfw thread.


you utter retard. during work, school, and/or in a public environment are perfect places to look at /leftpol/. It's dumb fucking coomers sperging porn everywhere that wreck this. Normal people don't appreciate niche porn put in front of them. Do you want normal people to get exposed to left politics or not?


>normal people
why does this buzzword get spammed so much
its the leftoid's "think of the children"


>during work, school, and/or in a public environment are perfect places to look at /leftpol/.
No they aren't faggot. It's an anonymous imageboard, a place literally made for hot takes, images, memes and shit like that, including risque or niche stuff. This isn't reddit, stop trying to make it such.
>normal people
<unironically bringing up "muh normies" in relation to imageboard posting
Newfag ALERT.
>Do you want normal people to get exposed to left politics
LMAO that's not how imageboards work, that's not even how /pol/ works. People don't go looking for obscure imageboards to be educated about politics. And besides, the MAIN board, which everyone looks at is /leftypol/ and its largely free of NSFW content. Stop bitching about nothing FFS.


I just got here. Why am I banned for spam? CAN I be unbanned?
Ban ID: 28015


Glowie is spaming gore in prc




All tor users are counted as one user.


Mods as a heads up, there's a Torbot that copies posts and reposts them, I've been seeing it in /siberia/ and other boards after I noticed a post of my had an exact duplicate post from a Glownonymous poster when I haven't been using Tor for months, so it couldn't have been an accidental duplicate post. Just letting ya know so you don't accidentally ban people for supposed samefagging through Tor.


One of your moderators is extremely beautiful irl. She is a stunner!


the "dismissed a report for post #xxxxx" label is misleading, isn't it?
as in, if i reported /usapol/ (post 805130), when mods dismissed that report it would show as "dimissed a report for #xxxxx", always a 5 digit number, rather than "dismissed a report for post #805130"
i'm inclined to guess that the number is a report counter. (i.e. if this were the first ever report on the board, mods would dismiss a report for post #1)


Maybe we'd get less posts getting arbitrarily deleted if mods had better reading comprehension.


Has the node been throttled the last couple of days? Shits taking forever to load and upload


>that's not how imageboards work, that's not even how /pol/ works.
gtfo we are not /pol/, but leftist. There is no left mirror image of fascism, nihilism or misogyny. >>33147
>People don't go looking for obscure imageboards to be educated about politics.
you are legit retarded. Left politics and this site are about education. I've got plenty of it in the years that I've been trapped here.
>normal people
yeah bro, normal people. People that haven't been desensitized to whatever guro you jerk off to. Ask for their consent before you stick it in their faces if you want them to consider your political ideology.


An imageboard is about whatever its owner wants it to be. I personally find the eternal ghost of "normal people" that neurotics constantly bring up to back up their screeching tiresome.


Is the node slow for anyone else?


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>we are not /pol/, but leftist.
We're literally LeftyPOL moron.
>Left politics and this site are about education
No, this is an anonymous forum for discussion, with the primary focus being about casual political discussion, including shitposts, humor and memes. Yes people can learn while they're doing this, but that doesn't mean you need to be a prudish twat, whining about porn on the literal /b/ board of the site.
>I've got plenty of it in the years that I've been trapped here.
I'll dare say that some of it from me, considering that a good number of effortposts on /edu/ and 8ch/leftypol/ that STILL circulate to this day were written by me and other old-fags.
Stop concern trolling, liberal, that has zero relevance to the post you're replying to.
We literally have a board for that called >>>/dead/ newfag.
Liberalism is the mirror of fascism; scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.
>yeah bro, normal people.
<"muh normies!" again
I literally wrote an effortpost as to why shit like furry porn is NOT something to use for public propaganda, that personal sexual proclivities are not topics to bring up during activist meetings, etc. This isn't a coherent political party, it's a small, casual image-posting forum.
>People that haven't been desensitized to whatever guro you jerk off
Take your slippery-slope strawman back to reddit. Nobody is arguing for guro to be allowed unspoilered, it's a commonly accepted and mostly uncontested rule here, and on most imageboards. Fuck off with this bad-faith nonsense. Normal people mostly do not come to imageboards, hell most normal people don't know what 4chan is, let alone this site.
>Ask for their consent before you stick it in their faces
This isn't a hugbox, you're coming to OUR community and you accept what it entails, not the other way around.

TL;DR: Radlibs get out, you get the wall too.


>discussion of left politics is not about education
>effortposts are not about education
>I don't want to attract new users to see the effortposts
>criticizing porn of any kind makes you a prude
luckily others don't agree with you and know when to get shit off the site >>33046 unlike the retards that reflexively defend it.
You've been here for over a decade and are happy for the administration and infrastructure to be used exclusively by obsessives. Congratulations, you've been spooked. There is so much more potential here without sacrificing anything important.


Even Hexbear which is radlib central allows NSFW content despite being primarily a place for leftist politics.


nobody wants to ban NSFW content. It's the constant pushing of the boundaries and niche shit appearing on the /overboard/ that's fucked. This isn't about banning shit, it's about putting shit in a place where people can make a choice about seeing it. /dead/ doesn't appear on the /overboard/, make a /porn/ board that doesn't either.


I don't get the complaint then. Siberia is already the designated off-topic board, which includes NSFW content too.


If you don't want to see the porn then use the SFW overboard, it's right there.


>It's the constant pushing of the boundaries and niche shit appearing on the /overboard/ that's fucked.
Also there's already a SFW overboard…


the discussion up the thread was about anons browsing the site with their parents and in public and getting told
>only retards would browse /leftypol/ in public


That has been internet wisdom since the 90s at the very least.


same, barely able to upload anything and pages take forever to load


>strawman misrepresentations again
Go back
>criticizing porn of any kind
LMAO nice backpedal, problem is people can scroll up in this thread; If you're going to whine about >>33122 and later bring up guro you're rightfully called a prudish, puritan faggot for your slipper-slope fallacy nonsense.

>luckily others don't agree with you

<Exact same narrative and writing style
Ok samefaggot. And no, most people do not, in fact agree with you. It's why /siberia/ exists and is the second most popular board, because it's NSFW and people can casually post most NSFW there.
>know when to get shit off the site
LMAO the mods didn't delete that post idiot, it got and reposted. "normal people" wouldn't know to look at the Overboard anyway, they go to the main board, and use catalog.
>Congratulations, you've been spooked
Congrats, you're revealing yourself to be a pseud, using meme-terminology you don't even understand.
>are happy for the administration and infrastructure to be used exclusively by obsessives
The fuck does this nonsense mean? How delusional are you that you take people posting porn in specific threads and rejecting bad faith attempts at getting it censored as somehow representative of the whole site's content? People talk about a lot of shit. I can post porn in a porn thread for fun and then write up an effort-post on 19th century Imperial Japanese policy or usage of Diesel Generators, or Historical uses of Armored trains, because unlike your snowflake ass, I'm not an entitled bitch that gets annoyed that someone is posting in a thread I don't like even though it doesn't break any rules.
Hide and Ignore and stop being a wanker.
>There is so much more potential here without sacrificing anything important
Oh don't pretend to be supportive of this site - it's an imageboard, not a work of fine-art or a coherent political organization. And what do you mean important? By that metric, 90% of posts ought to be deleted because they're not important; shitposts, jokes, or memes are fairly common parts of banter and conversation, but they're not important. By your logic we should destroy all of that and focus on what…? Dry discourse? That's what /edu/ is for, which is why it's a slower board for intellectual discussion.

PS there's LITERALLY /sfw/ meant to filter out NSFW content from Siberia, you fucking MORON.


>nobody wants to ban NSFW content
Bitch, this entire shitfest began because someone demanded a picture of Misato's feet get spoilered ITT despite no tits, ass, pussy or otherwise being on display. The other post complained about an image appearing on Overboard, an image that will literally VANISH from overboard within minutes anyway.
>/dead/ doesn't appear on the /overboard/, make a /porn/ board that doesn't either.
Buddy, I'd LOVE to have an NSFW board, but that isn't happening anytime soon, since that's up to the Devs, take it up with them instead of haranguing people and demanding mods spoiler content that isn't breaking rules because you think you can otherwise show someone this site and not look like a spaghetti-dropping wacko.


Why is this still anchored? If you're going to move it to /siberia/ may as well just move it to the Alunya thread


it's fucked
My prognosis: It'll stay fucked


To the fags discussing porn: Please get a hobby or something, it feels like the jobless discussing the concept of NSFW
This is a persistent, known spammer. Try to pay attention if you want to opine on decisions.


>persistent, known spammer
Anon, the Commiecat shitposts have been done for at least half a decade at this point, I remember when the first posts were made on 8ch/leftypol/ and art was posted. I wasn't online when this particular OP was posted and I'm not a mod who can see IPs, so I have no fucking idea who the OP is, spammer or not. It's mostly innocuous Alunya lewds and a silly trolling premise about Alunya being busty, which are fine in /siberia/, hence my question about the anchor and suggestion the posts be moved to the related thread.


Look, let me be honest, pretending ignorance is even more obnoxious than real ignorance.


>still can't fucking upload pics on siberia
I just want to contribute to the dump threads.


>Pretending ignorance
I'm not pretending anything. I don't pay attention to most OPs on /leftypol/ nowdays because I'm not interested, I only care about socialism and the Ukrainian war in regards to that board, I don't follow or want to follow the going-abouts of spammers on there, so when I saw the thread crop up in siberia, I had no context for it, other than it being an old-style Commiecat shitpost.


How many cocks do you think we could fit in your asshole at the same time? It must be at least five.


noticing chvd raiders in siberia a lot
they seem to have a zionist bent


That's still not the heart of the issue. Why have an opinion on every little fucking thing? Clogging up the airways. White noise at best.


>ukrainian general faggot
of fucking course


mods pls stop throttling the tor node it should not take an hour to upload a 40 mb post


>Oh don't pretend to be supportive of this site it's an imageboard, not a work of fine-art or a coherent political organization.
Anon you're replying to me here. NIce effortpost, much passion. Fundamentally, I think that the thoughtful effort threads and many effortposts deserve a much wider audience. Having certain types of porn on the same site as these threads prevents that.
>Put most of the porn in a hidden board like /dead/
>literally live mirror the educational effortthreads on on another site that contains only these threads and minimal porn.
The value in these threads is that they're discussing things from an informed left perspective, like the /cybercom/ thread. Where the fuck else does this happen? I don't see discussions like that anywhere else. Like, if I wanted to marginalize and discredit left thought I'd seed discussion spaces with extreme porn. It's a known tactic.
<TLDR find a way to live mirror the academic level threads and discussions on a SFW site if we don't want to make any changes to the board or muh porn


What is happening with the tor node?


File: 1715902529239.png (232.66 KB, 800x764, fbi hands.png)

Ok glowie lol


you retards overuse this meme so much its basically just leftpols "faggot" at this point

ive noticed tor is much slower these weeks


CP on overboard pls delete


Free Tor! Tor users yearn for freedom! Stand with Tor users and their fight for freedom!



Why are blatent pol astroturfers allowed to post on Siberia


Such as? Are you talking about the anti-immigration threads? If so, I agree this time.


That and the Indian/BBC threads.


use the report function instead of vaguebooking pls.


I did and they were still up at the time


Cheese Pizza in Siberia, get rid of that shit


>>>/leftypol/1858812 belongs in >>>/AKM/


File: 1716089473410.png (59.21 KB, 615x218, pic.PNG)

retarded islamic spam bait on siberia


at the same time some naziflag namefag "Gamergate2024" is posting his retarded screenshots from twitter on the main board


File: 1716091778097.webm (1.51 MB, 1280x720, telepurte gym cat.webm)

>>>/siberia/514434 has run its course - the cats were adopted and are fine. It's time to archive the thread Mods.


File: 1716153892165.png (779.78 KB, 1146x856, Godzilla had a stroke.png)

Gentle reminder to the Dev-Mods of >>31895
The archives are still fucked.


>>>/anime/23678 ought to be merged into >>>/anime/1907 as they're both hentai threads.


>tor node throttled to 15-30Kb/s
>3MB jpeg takes a minute to load
Is the silence on this from mods a message? Why tf is this happening?


I do not know the exact reason, it's likely due to spam and bad weather on tor on the top of that.
Will restart the node anyway


File: 1716178558273.png (18.89 KB, 700x624, ClipboardImage.png)

>>>/siberia/535396 is about TV-Tropes, it belongs in the existing thread about TV Tropes >>>/hobby/21455
Please move it there.


is siberia supposed to be held to the same standards as the rest of leftypol? if not, then it doesnt make sense to move threads from siberia to other boards as their rules arent the same


The only real difference is siberia allows for NSFW images in threads and even then that wasn't different from other boards until a few years back. Mods can spoiler that easily. The topic belongs in the >>>/hobby/ thread.


File: 1716215229249.png (100 KB, 680x900, ClipboardImage.png)

Please move >>>/anime/24839 to the existing Vtuber thread >>>/anime/3388


>>>/siberia/444683 is an anime waifu thread, it should be moved to >>>/anime/


>it's likely due to spam and bad weather on tor
Thanks for the reply, is it just you that bothers to reply? the weather on tor is fine lol, somebody is throttling the /leftypol/ tor node. Restarting it did nothing. It's throttled to 30Kb/s. Could you find out who's doing it?


If I make a thread on /siberia/ it's because I'm expecting different replies than if I made the thread on a dedicated side board. Stop being autistic.


>If I make a thread on /siberia/ it's because I'm expecting different replies than if I made the thread on a dedicated side board.
And that's retarded, because its the exact same userbase, this isn't 4chan, retardo. There are literally 0 differences between responses on the hobby thread and your thread.


siberia is much more actively looked at than the side boards.


/siberia/ is more actively posted in because its the shitposting board, allowing people to all but spam random dumb shit like OPs about race and dicks and whatnot. It's literally leftypol's /b/. That being said, stuff that belongs on another board should be moved to that board, following its creation. This is no different to if someone posts a /hobby/ topic in /leftypol/, it belongs in /hobby/ so it gets moved there, period.


>>>/anime/24843 is kinda redundant because it belongs in the weeaboo thread, since this exact debate has been posted and reposted there, both in the past and in recent times. >>>/anime/14984 and >>>/anime/24646

Alternatively the thread might do some good on >>>/draw/ as a bridge topic and be more relevant since it's more of an illustration topic.




To crosslink do >>>/siberia/535980


Mods, why aren't threads being archived anymore? Generals that have reached bump-limit are bumped off the board without being saved.


(I am not a mod)
Archiving is a manual process which is usually done on request for exceptional threads.
If you are trying to find something, you can try web.archive.org (Wayback Machine)


I'm talking about >>>/leftypol_archive/ and /ukraine/ threads were being archived every time they were ended (the Cycle stopped and allowed to reach bump-limit) and now they aren't. I already archive through archive.is, but that option requires manual archiving of individual images and does not archive video. Wayback is also not reliable here, as it doesn't archive threads very well, requiring multiple attempts to do so.


The >>>/siberia/518971 thread should be merged with >>>/siberia/535662 since they are both about the exact same thing - screenshots of 420chan.


Are you absolutley fucking mad?

You deleted a legitimate criticism of the state of the academic industry within the west because I used a no-no word that you disagree with?

What's more the criticism is entirely valid, because it's the same one that was made of the fucking Settler's discussion in the American thread not two days gone, which everyone agreed with!

The mode of production through the certain stages of history are determinant of the form of social relations that exist for that period. This does not mean that black people, women, or whatever sexuality you want to pick do not exist; it means that the reproduction of these categories occurs within these definite relations.

It goes on: if you accept that you live in a capitalist society, the scientific replication of these categories is not a valid depiction but simply an inversion through the bourgeois methodology. Perhaps you should ask yourself why it is that in the context of the 21st century that the deep divisions within American society are maintained whilst the body of literature at its core supposedly sets out to liberate these self same 'individuals'.

Have I upset you in espousing a communist view, that the general condition of one's alienation is, as Marx said, through the commodity fetish? Should I pretend that no, there is some inherent quality to the colour of one's skin?

Sort yourself out.


What's absolutely amazing is that in the original post the person quoted lumps together these 'radical methodologies'.

The central claim isn't one to any inherent explanatory power but simply their condition of acceptance among some of the most insittutionally corrupt universities, that exist simply to rubber stamp the careers of the rich.

What the absolute fuck are you defending? Are you defending the education you've recieved from one of these?

I could go on. Are you unaware of the sociology of knowledge?

Are you defending research methodologies which are used by the petite-bourgeoisie to gatekeep academic institutions?

Why on gods geen fucking earth would you delete that comment?


File: 1716423121400.png (790.62 KB, 1180x778, ClipboardImage.png)

Sorry for deletion and repost - I wanted to revise my request to be more concise for the moderator benefit instead of multiple posts on the same subject, I was tired and sleepy when posting, sorry.
OP of >>>/siberia/528164 here. Since I can't edit the post myself I'd like to request some additions to the OP, please:
1) Under the PS section about pirating and sauce please add: PPS: Translations, Decensors and Colorizing of bedicked woman also wanted!
2) To the section "- Posted AI gens should be high quality, no robot spam!" Please add the following: Observe penis, hand, foot, etc. detail
3) Add to the section "- Manga, comics and hentai doujins" the following: of hung women


Addendum: Due to some computer problems I my IP may have changed, I did save the password for the OP post however, if Mods need proof. I can post said password in a litterbox if necessary.


ok done.


Much appreciated, didn't mean to spam ya or anything. As a warning I'm making an effortpost in the train thread archiving video Embeds and links so as to preserve good Train content in the hobby thread, just so you don't think I'm botlinking or some shit, given the deluge of /pol/shit recently.


that's good thank you <3


>node throttle released, back to normal speed
>the horrific slander of glowing is gone, now shining
>we're nearly back to normal
what happened?


Looks like they got their shit together and finally removed pasquale from the mod team. Actually that's probably why there's been an uptick in CP being left undeleted for hours recently.


Hilarious formulation
Not gonna read it but starting with
the first sentence and ending with the last sentence is just lol
There is something to pretending to act like a normal human being. Someday you'll learn that or maybe not.


Oh come on, nobody here has ever seen the film!?


File: 1716508000716.png (1.35 MB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)

The Shining? I thought it was a Gonzalo reference.


Maudes, plz lock >>>/leftypol/1860642 it's full. I made a new one THAT TOOK FUCKING FOREVER TO UPLOAD BECAUSE YOU'RE CHOKING THE NODE.


I was banned for saying that autists are the ultimate workers for capital. What I meant was that autists are skilled workers, but because of their limited social skills they struggle to organize. Can you unban me?


Re: >>1866633

Anyone familiar with imageboards knows that a low effort OP, and for that matter even a bait OP, can foster an insightful and educational discussion.
The thread should not be saged just because the OP is considered a shitpost.



File: 1716767309557.png (1.75 MB, 1912x1072, Work_Order_Title.png)

Reposting because the original anon is too nice to pester the Mods about this: Devs please fix >>>/alt_archive/4965 All the text is fucked up for most of the thread and is unreadable. Use >>>/hobby/1857 as the reference in fixing the text please. This also applies to several other threads in /alt_archive/ such as the film thread, Fashion Thread, Furry thread, and others listed below. The locked threads in /hobby/ are still there for reference.

I would also suggest looking at some of the >>>/siberia_archive/ and >>>/leftypol_archive/ threads, as a few may have those issues as well. Some of these threads may not be my interest but deserve to be archived properly and so fixed. Thanks.


File: 1716823763931.gif (34.3 MB, 720x527, natoseason.gif)

Requesting mods archive the finished Ukraine threads - that are locked in Catalog - into >>>/leftypol_archive/


Repost-rewrite so as to not take up a gazillion posts for a single god forsaken Ban Appeal. and I accidentally posted by IP
Ban ID# - 28412 by Mod - Wvobbly
Reason Given: "NAFO retard"
Pic 1 rel

The Ban Appeal system is broken, pic 2 rel and I've been banned from all boards (including /meta/ for a week). Wvobbly did not respond when I posted my initial appeal or post on the ban, despite being active on the site (as according to the logs). As an FYI, my IP has changed because I've been moving around and had a computer crash, but all the following are all MY posts so I have a long post-history. I have the passwords to most of my posts as proof.

These are among many, MANY other posts including feedback on the new leftybooru thread and being the OP of the Pirating thread in /tech/. Also the effortpost archiving thread in the /hobby/ rail thread is mine as well, (as are the armored train posts). Pic 4 rel is an effort-post I wrote back on 8ch/leftypol/ and I later made an expanded version that is still linked in threads here today (quora link at the bottom of this post). I am by far not a reactionary, not a fascist and have never, at any point, demonstrated pro-NATO sympathies, even in the very post I was banned for (pic 1 rel).

Furthermore there is reason to believe that leftych*n /i/ has involvement, (see pic 3 rel). So, I ask that this unfair ban be lifted. The actual NAFO-retard, /pol/-fag posts are those concern trolling about pedos and gore while deliberately lying, and then deflecting to NAFO after.



Hello mods!? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


>why don't getchan [] have a PPH counter?
Why should they have one? Serious question. It doesn't come with the software (afaik) so why bother adding it?
>and you-know-who
Probably disabled it. A whole bunch of 0s and some misleading IP numbers isn't really something to proudly put on the front page, plus they have Cloudflare stats if they cared about metrics internally (I doubt it)


>GETchan sucks. It's threads suck, the userbase sucks and the moderators are all schizophrenic to the point that they've banned people for saying that nsfw lolishit should be spoilered on non-NSFW threads.
A couple of the thread ideas are kind of neat, but overall I gotta agree. If your issue is mods, moving there won't help.

>Nuclearchange is interesting, but very small and still needs some organization to function, the catalog function is strange and thread categorization is all over the place.

It's small, and that won't change without people giving it a chance.
wdym by the catalog?
>It's like being on /siberia/ mixed with /leftypol/
That was a design choice. Having only two boards makes the most of a small initial userbase and allows more serious threads to be easily seen by people who enjoy the less serious topics. The serious discussion isn't segregated out of view like /edu/.


File: 1716946921476.jpg (168.49 KB, 593x647, fun allowed.jpg)

* although I don't really think it's right to say it's like /siberia/, as much as 8/leftypol/ where the scope of the board content was wider than it is now. It's a socialism-themed board rather than a /b/ populated by socialists.


You are unbanned, but yours was a "just in case" ban due to some other bans associated with the IP range you posted from. That's also the source of the "broken appeal", it doesn't like rangebans all that much. The regular ban appeal works, at least, but I'd recommend you forwards whatever steps you took to get that error and I can pass it along to the devs.

You are also correct about leftychan, but thats basically all leftychan does at this point. They can't really build a chan for themselves so they just raid and associate with /pol/ack raiders for e-clout. The best thing to do all-around is to just report and ignore that kind of thing when it shows up, because going down to their level just makes you look like a retarded leftychanner, especially when you bring in dumb out-of-site /pol/ drama into it.
That's a quirk of very old bunkerchan legacy threads, we do have a script to fix them up. I'll add it to the to-do list - good news is, its all consistent formatting errors, so its easy to find and replace the majority of it. It's just wrangling together the volunteers to comb through it to make sure it's all fixed right.


Likewise apologies for being slow, we've been breaking in two new devs and resolving some issues around the codebase. Hopefully its winding down some, so I can be more involved in regular duties again.


>but yours was a "just in case" ban
The bottom line is, someone was banned from the entire site for a whole week and officially called a NAFO retard, 'just in case' based on profiling. Can you imagine the same happening to you? If they hadn't taken the effort to ban evade and stick up for themself, the site could have silently lost another real poster.

It's a bad policy. The staff should delete posts for actually breaking the rules, not based on IP ranges or suspicion. That mindset is how they ended up rangebanning dozens of phoneposters a few years back - IP addresses aren't as simple as they look.


They've also banned continents before.

I wouldn't worry about it, bans tend to make people more not less attached to image boards.


I don't think that is the case, a week ban is not really long and there's never been a punishment levied for ban evading to protest a ban on /meta/ - though I do wish we had a "ban everything *but* /meta/" option. Back in my day we had plenty of unjust prosecution from Che and his clique of retards for far more frivolous or motivated reasons; generally speaking we're far more even-handed and considerate with ban policies compared to earlier iterations of /leftypol/. Any more loose of a moderation style is basically just suspending a lot of the rules we moderate to begin with, given how much leniency tends to be granted.

As for "breaking the rules", the rules are clear about generally low-effort posts, engaging in reactionary topics where there is nothing to be debated, and general incendiary posting which disrupts the thread, all of which I could (and did) file away the post for. But not every post which breaks the rules is itself is an automatic ban, we will let things slide if its a poster with no prior background or if it's an edge case or whatever. My point was not "I will ban this poster just in case because he has bad vibes", but "the bans in this IP range have me thinking this is part of a pattern of behavior, ergo I should act appropriately". I had more information to act on than I had inclination to stay my hand on, though its wholly possible for there to be false-positives on the internet when there is widely disseminated spam.

>That mindset is how they ended up rangebanning dozens of phoneposters a few years back

Years? That was like 7 months ago or something lmao. Teaching how to rangeban is hard - they just didn't realize that IPV6 was much, much bigger and interconnected than IPV4. A /32 range ban on IPV4 is literally nothing, on IPV6 its possibly an entire mobile network.


>Years? That was like 7 months ago or something lmao.
I was thinking of another time, then. This was llike three years ago.
But the point is that rangebans are not simple, and unless you do actual checks on which IP ranges belong to which services, they're going to overreach and underreach (simultaneously - most ISPs don't just own one consecutive chunk). They're a tool best avoided unless as a last resort, usually reserved for admins.
>but "the bans in this IP range have me thinking this is part of a pattern of behavior, ergo I should act appropriately"
That's what I'm getting at: IPs aren't that simple and profiling leads to false-positives, especially when many legitimate users are on VPNs for privacy and anti-corp reasons, and many users are Westerners on the same/related ISPs due to population density and corp monopolization.
>there's never been a punishment levied for ban evading to protest a ban on /meta/
I'm sure it's true, although the issue is that it requires evasion, which I don't know if the typical innocent user knows how to do.


I was offline working on stuff so I just got back.

Alright then. Thanks. I was just frustrated at getting wacked so suddenly especially since I genuinely try to help this place and give back to it.
>going down to their level just makes you look like a retarded leftychanner, especially when you bring in dumb out-of-site /pol/ drama into it.
I suppose, I'm just tired of /pol/fags and I know the 4chan threads on the war, so I know the dynamics and who's who. /uhg/ glows immensely and I posted about it before how they literally have feds that cross-post here.


We have tools to quickly check all registered bans within a given range which is used to determine if a rangeban is necessary. Like I said, false-positives are possible, but they are the vast minority of cases. Standing orders are to not make any rangeban on the IPV6 range beyond /64 where at all possible, since that most frequently hits people who are using their cell connections to spam. Levels of escalation from that only comes due to volume of spam, either current or historical, as a plausible course of action.
>usually reserved for admins
Was done in the past, but the number of script-kiddies with trust fund bucks inevitably outscales the free time of the handful of available, experienced mods. And to develop such mods to begin with, they have to dabble with the tools.
>especially when many legitimate users are on VPNs for privacy and anti-corp reasons
Recently we've been cataloging the IPs for VPNs frequented by users to mitigate impact, but if the question is "stop spam and maybe catch a handful of users using a specific VPN" then the VPN is going down. If you feel strongly about proactively weeding spam from a VPN without banning it, I invite you to enjoy that experience as a janny. Most of the time though, our enemies all overlap in their resources - leftychan and the soyteens all tend to use the same handful of VPNs, both paid and free, to raid out of, probably because of their need to use low-scrutiny VPNs due to their use of CSAM and other illegal materials.
>which I don't know if the typical innocent user knows how to do.
At the absolute minimum the TOR node is usually available, though I aware the entire Onion network has been shitty as of late. We also have an entire separate social media apparatus you can freely contact - I am usually available on Matrix, and misato is frequently on the twitter. Plus, we're always open to other (reasonable) avenues of contact being opened if people have ideas.
Ah, you couldn't have known. Ultimately the problem with moderation is we have access to such a stratum of information on how the spammers act that normal users will never have any awareness of - almost explicitly as part of our job of cleaning up spam, no less. It's an advisory more than an admonishment, and I wish there was a way I could actually give everyone the "playbook" such as it were to what these retards usually go for, their proclivities, and whatnot.


>I wish there was a way I could actually give everyone the "playbook" such as it were to what these retards usually go for, their proclivities, and whatnot.
I think in the case of if you're not sure, maybe next time start with a warning 1hour ban, which would give people a heads up that they sound suspicious and so head off such misunderstandings in the future, spammers are going to continue to be bad-faith even after such a warning, or will at the very least leave for a period of time, since they'll know the mods are onto them and will leave the site alone for a little. That's what I propose anyhow.


are you saying 5 week bans on all boards shouldn't be the first ban? I found the schizo spammer, ban him!


mods the thing is up on siberia


File: 1717002717299.jpg (60.95 KB, 1000x575, really bitch.jpg)

OP of the muscle-girl thread here - please delete this 4chin bait: the use of "janny" is mostly 4chan lingo, since we never had janitors, the bad faith moral-faggin, the implication that nudity =/= porn and other burger-brained idiocy is derailing the thread and literally nobody else in that thread agrees with them.
Furthermore they literally asked for a ban, since they won't shut the fuck up about it, yet get pissy and whine about being told to fuck off.


>>33451 (Me)
Why was all the Naumova stuff removed? It's not porn FFS. Only 1 person was mad about it and using bad faith arguments for it. Nobody ever had a problem with her being posted before. Also a bunch of non-nsfw, non-Naumova posts were deleted too. Nudity isn't necessarily porn and admiring people for being sexually attractive isn't the same as reducing them to being sexual objects, especially in the case of muscle-girls, where-in, as another anon pointed out - there is a measure of impressive effort needed to achieve and maintain such a body, regardless of sex. Only goon-obsessed idiots are going to see a perfectly normal picture of a person and immediately associate it with sex/porn because of bullshit about "context", when the context is the same - muscular women - nudity or sexiness being irrelevant and only a portion of the thread's material. Lastly Naumova has been posted in the muscle girl threads before, several times in fact, because she is especially relevant to this leftist site. Nobody except this most recent pearl-clutching incident ever even IMPLIED her photos to be sexual. This moral hand-wringing is even more laughable given the ACTUAL CSAM that gets spammed, which is ACTUALLY disgusting paedoshit, and not an innocuous photograph that invoked a closeted pedo's inner desires that they then moralfag-projected onto others.

Please do not do this again. Naumova is a positive image for leftism and fitness among the youth and there is nothing wrong with posting a completely SFW photograph of her, photographs that were published in her social media, in news articles and so on and are clearly material she was comfortable releasing to the mercy of the internet.

Seriously, please explain how it was bad? The femboy thread has far more underage-appearing people in far more NSFW situations, but nobody is getting mad about it, because they shouldn't, any more than posting a non-NSFW image of a crossdresser in that same thread wouldn't be inappropriate either. It's an imageboard FFS, by that metric, any photograph of Naumova at the LDNR front-lines should be banned because of the NSFW context of the war. Or by the same context, posting a picture of a real animal (in nature, not in a sexual situation) in a furry thread would be "bad" because "the context of sexualizing animals" which is bullshit.

PS: This entire situation is kinda a good argument for making an /nsfw/ board.



I have you sloth lol


delete the CSAM spam on siberia


How is >>1871296 allowed? It’s clearly pro IdPol which is banned. They’re whining about “le Protestant work ethic”.


First, learn 2 crosslink.


Second, the post doesn't violate the idpol rule. The protestant work ethic thing is a value judgement about the articulation of how the working class should organize itself and its proletarian ethics - which while contentious, is not idpol. Second, positing class as not being historically necessary is true - there is a slew of pre-classed societies and the end-goal of communism is a new, classless society. Nothing that anon says is outside the bounds of reasonable leftist discussion, and it is especially not the articulation of any kind of liberal idpol.


Who the fuck is sloth?
Janny what's the hold up?


File: 1717162439563.png (40.31 KB, 1036x337, ClipboardImage.png)

Can we get an explanation of why these posts disappeared? Obviously a biased source (hence asking for the other perspective) but it sounds unnecessary.

Good decision.


Has this website got a phone number I can call?


obviously not, what do you want


I believe it is always better to talk to customer service directly rather than through messages and emails. It also gives me a chance to practice my social skills.


lol imagine some boomer sitting through the automated phone system going "press 1 to report. press 2 to dispute a ban."


Why was this saged mods? It’s just fitness.


>supposedly leftist
wow i didn't know leftism was when you segregate queer people into their own board instead of letting them make threads like normal people.




>leftoidism is when thing I like
Luckily communism has nothing to do with how some irrelevant niche imageboard is managed.

The majorly straight relationship thread is also relegated to a single (quite shitty) thread too. Who cares.


>denouncing religion is "idpol"
Fucking moron lol.


are you just going to bring this up every month even though people have repeatedly set out why it's a bad idea? (you'd kill the existing general and replace it with a dead board.)


stealing an old idea from socdem flag: why not have a "devil's advocacy" thread or two? i.e. one where one can make anticommunist or pro-imperialist arguments without fear of being banned for being a genuine reactionary.
obviously you'd have to play with the specific parameters (i don't think one for culture war issues, for example, is a good idea) but it seems like an interesting idea: you don't want to breed reactionary viewpoints, but you do want for communists to be able to (a) entertain them long enough to see their inner logic and such, and (b) refute them effectively, in as many terms as is possible. with such a limited inflow of new members there are a lot of topics that just can't be approached from as many angles as would be enjoyable: it's more fun to argue about the gulf war if there's someone in the thread who'll argue that, actually, America was right to intervene in that case.
there is also a sneaky motive here: if someone does make a reactionary thread it can be merged into the general, rather than deleted outright, leaving up refutations and such. and of course, if it does become a breeding ground for reactionaries, it's easier to move one or two generals to the archive than it is to change overall policy (i.e. by softening enforcement of rules against reactionaries in general).


>thinks fun is still allowed
Just make the thread yourself you pussy. use protection!


this is the board culture of leftypol now, you have to ask mods for permission to make a harmless thread


Do you think this sort of behavior is conducive to "democratic debate and civilized discussion", as the liberals say?


tbh it's not so much seeking mod permission as seeking more general views on the concept, how it should be structured (one big /dag/ or two - one political/economic/"ideological", one foreign policy?), and so on. the main thing mods could do is decide whether it'd be a cyclical thread or not. i'm not concerned about being banned for making the thread, i've never had a ban appeal fail, but i am concerned what the views of other posters are. if i made a thread only for it to get 50 posts saying it's a dumb idea and for it to then die, i'd have wasted my time.


I wouldn't know, I don't think in liberal terms.
This isn't a forum where threads stay on forever, this is a chan. Bad threads get bumped off the catalog.


>Bad threads get bumped off the catalog.
yeah, and then i think: "fuck, what a waste of time that was.", resent having made the attempt, and become less likely to make new threads in future. which is how we get here.
(also /leftypol/ should ideally be considered an imageboard but not a *chan, what inheritance it has from *chan culture is purely negative, all of the positives flowing from the format itself…)


Absolute revisionism


in the absence of argument or analysis, we fall back to spouting buzzwords and posting reaction images.
(but for all our decrepitude we use different buzzwords, different images. are we to pretend this doesn't constitute an independent culture?)


ok libtard, go back to your meatgrinder, fucking nazi ughya.


File: 1717741180459.jpg (632.79 KB, 1960x1960, 1717716753428-3.jpg)


How bad are feds targeting us? CP on here's like a weekly occurrence now


I've noticed about the current ones is that they keep posting the same thing. Before they were changing the text and pic they used. It might be somebody imitating the previous spammers since the variation and the frequency both changed at the same time. Like they copied one of the posts and are reposting it more than the original poster did.


Please move and merge >>>/siberia/538943 into >>>/music/3091
The thread is dead as fuck and the question still hasn't been answered.


Hey janny why did you delete my posts on isg?


Also my posts were deleted in the "why are people scared of communism" thread. Explain yourself janny.


>Nuke flag
>cries about getting nuked
Need I even say anything?


File: 1718073692522.jpeg (140.59 KB, 1076x658, lysenko checks it out.jpeg)

Mods after >>>/leftypol/1874615 no longer gets responses I would ask that the thread be moved to /edu/ and possibly merged with >>>/edu/7295 to make sure it doesn't get deleto'd.



>>>/leftypol/1867900 is finished, please archive it.



So apparently my post in the why are people scared of communism thread was deemed pol. Can the mod who gave the ban explain himself so I know what part of it was wrong since I got a five week ban.


are you the guy that posted literal shit, the guy who told someone to rape boys, or some other guy? A lot of people have gotten banned in that thread because it's a /pol/ magnet.


Ok retard


I am neither of those two. I am the one who posted message 1880056, but the message that got me banned was the next one where I talked about how social mobility from proletariat to labor aristocracy weakens the leftist movement.


This one aged well.




Cause no one gives a shit
Cause you touch yourself at night
Go die


The question isn't "Why's the onion slow", that's imprecise. The question is "Why is the onion ranging from slow to non-functioning for days or weeks on end."
The answer "No one cares about anyone but themselves, you are generally worthless, etc. etc."


Unlike your mom
But really I don't see it


Works about as well as can be expected from a volunteer team in my experience.

If it's text it'll get through and that's enough for most cases.

Perhaps if it's really bad on your end there's something more interesting going on?


That's another thing right there. Yeah, I'm the problem. Just lower your expectations.
Well, mine are at the bottom of the ocean.


In all seriousness. The administration has reached a new level of patheticness that I didn't know was even possible.
You are a joke but not a Monty Python gag, where the characters still act in an understandable yet exaggerated way.
This is something different now. I cannot quite identify it.


Imagine dedicating hundreds of hours of your life moderating a website for free, only to get ejected out of the community because everyone finds you so fucking insufferable. That must sting.


Past tense, stung


But I have sabotaged the site. Didn't everything work out swimmingly? Just according to plan.
You really can't see past your nose at all, can you (note that this is not an anti-semitic comment).


Smiling at assholes and feeling outnumbered
Withering back bone the pressure was crushing
My spirit exploding, the faint scent of sulfur
Kept hollowing out, but see, I was the vulture
Kept losing myself, but see, I'm the abductor
Kept chasing the pain, feeding the ulcer
Said, 'Fuck this whole place, but see, I built the culture
Yeah, I build the culture


So yeah, that's it. If one wants to know how I really feel, one merely has to ask.
If you have any sense, leave this place. Break or at least minimize contact.



Most certainly not


It's literally Tor


File: 1718303387720.mp4 (462.04 KB, 1280x720, nope.avi.mp4)


I know it's tor smartass, it shouldn't take 2 and a half hours to upload a post. Everything else I do through tor works fine, except this site, which loads a hundred times slower than anything else.


What's the holdup janny?


Can the mods clarify whether /anime/ is for anime only or for all animation? Because "graphical arts" includes both and cartoon fans keep making threads there while weebs want this board to be free of gaijin content. It's fucking confusing and nobody is doing shit about it. Also, there are dorama threads too, how are they "graphical arts?" Can you at least clarify the board's description or make a board rule thread or something?


Why would a mostly dead board need strict rules?


It's supposed to be for cartoons and general animation as well yes.


The main focus on anime has always been anime, hentai, manga and associated japanese content. Western animation is more for /hobby/ but is not strictly excluded from /anime/
>t.one of the founders of the board that helped make many effortposts and threads.

>"it's le dead lol"
take a long walk off a short pier anon, this shit is tiresome.


File: 1718333110656.gif (3.78 MB, 374x356, 1717539965041911.gif)

hey janny do you mind getting off your fat ass once in a while and actually banning people who promote pedophilia? >>>/siberia/544282
i don't understand how posts like that and literal child pornography stay up on this board longer than "vaccine denial" (lol) posts but the braindead retards who make the decisions around here really need to sort out their priorities


Forget it, it's dead


>one of the founders of the board that helped make many effortposts and threads.
<I make 90% of the posts
>"it's le dead lol"
>take a long walk off a short pier anon, this shit is tiresome.
<but it's not dead


I want to apologize for being a polyp. I just thought that MTG's proposal to cut NATO funding was based. I don't think posting a video of the proposal and calling it based warrants a two week ban. Please undo the ban


>"haha I used green and orangetext, your argument is invalid!"
Ok fag.


420 people keep coming here everyday for months. Maybe create an official thread from the moderation team to explain for those people that leftypol has nothing to do with the end of 420 chan, and that we don't have any clue why people are getting directed to here.


Let me preface this by saying that this isn't strictly speaking a bad idea. But have you ever seen an announcement saying "We don't know why this is happening, stop bothering us about it" in any context. I think it doesn't work.
It's not so much that we don't know (or we collectively might not know). It's more that it's none of your business.
Point is, is some things are just rather unexplainable or private, in this case more the former.
This is all to say that 420chan redirects here because Fred decided it would. And we don't really know why but then do you ever really know, in the last instance, why someone does something? Food for thought.


jannies like the traffic, even if it is from a bunch of drug-addicted lumpen that Lenin would have shot and Stalin would have sent to the gulag. who needs the fucking principled commies when we can have druggies posting memes?


Thinking about asymmetry again
Asymmetric warfare as it were
What is it you can do?
You can pray I lose interest
For the next month or so you can pray I don't forgo watching football, or fuck your shit up while watching football
That's all you can do hope and pray.
Just hope and pray boys.


How about it Bingus, if you haven't decided to call it quits, which I would be perfectly fine with
Hit me up


I am saying, just to be totally clear
Because sometimes people have trouble understanding
Someone as competent as me and someone with such questionable morals as you would make a good team


>watching the bourgeois abomination that is FIFA-anything
lmaoing @ ur life, class traitor




Seriously what's taking so long mods?


Man just kill or self or ban evade instead of wasting space


Hey pask check the mod logs for the main board.


Oh good, you found another sucker


Let's play and remember it's not a war crime if you are having fun


>can go in a different thread
Which one, and why of all things is this not worth it's own thread? Like, anti-vax being confirmed a biowarfare psyop tactic this entire time is pretty huge.


I was banned for making a post in the sex and relationships thread where I critiqued incel ideology. The ban reason is "idpol". Does that mean being an incel is a protected identity now?


you know damn well you were just trying to cause more arguments


Why do we have to let former /pol/aks spew their bile for the sake of keeping the peace? This is supposed to be a leftist forum yet that thread is indistinguishable from incels.is at times. They don't even bother to mask their hatred of women anymore.


Hey I was reading that Buddhism thread, it was good material for my book.


Covid was the biggest global event of our lifetimes and a thread exposing the western psyops surrounding it gets immediately saged because a mod doesn't like it getting it's own thread. It's ridiculous.
What would it take for a covid psyop to get it's own thread?


Requesting that mods crack down on the magacom spammer. Thanks.


File: 1718866538510.jpg (194.05 KB, 1024x768, Weighing-of-the-Heart.jpg)

You are not accused, you are judged


>fake licences
>thinktank denialism
Oh it's definitely .net behind this.


why do mods delete my bleaching thread ? i want to hear genuine opinion of people here about my post


why are you deleting my biblical spam at a glacial pace rather than nuking the entire reactionary idpol thread it was posted in? you've anchored it, why not either leave the spam intact as a sign of the disdain the thread was held in, or blast it off the face of the site in one click? am i really copping a (short, on its own acceptable) ban while OP walks off scot free for creating another idpol thread 15 minutes after the first was sent to hades where it belongs?


>Saturday 22 June leftypol may temporarily go read-only and/or offline for maintenance
Don't fuck with the node or bring in any dumb new naming scheme this time. Thanks.


>Saturday 22 June leftypol may temporarily go read-only and/or offline for maintenance
Don't fuck with the node or bring in any dumb new naming scheme this time. Thanks.


i get this error when i try to post
"file_put_contents(/tmp/profles-ramfs/excimer-traces.log): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/leftypol_lainchan/inc/profile.php at line 16"


i get this error when i try to post
"file_put_contents(/tmp/profles-ramfs/excimer-traces.log): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/leftypol_lainchan/inc/profile.php at line 16"


We upgraded some DB settings and tables
Should have been dealt with


how come i don't get an answer :(


I sage'd it initially because I was still busy checking it out, hoping that it wasn't that bad.


Hey. sorry for that post in the grocery ordering thread yesterday. The thread topic brought up some bad memories from when I used to work retail, and as I mentioned in the appeal field I was drunk at the time. Bad combination.
Thank you for putting me in gay baby jail before I could further embarrass myself.
Mods = Gods as always.

Sincerely, Hamsterposter.


At least you didn't work at fast food like McD's, that shit will give you psychosis, schizophrenia and paranoia.


no problem, sorry to hear about your bad retail experiences


This makes me think tho.
Seeing disco around (more, or to put it in a more precise way, seeing them around more openly) I wonder if this recent snafu was a condition he set. Hilarious if true. I consistently overestimate people.


It's good, drunk psychosis happens.


My thread on unproductive countries and Chinua Achebes book was removed. Why?


the userbase here is so lowly and buckbroken. its quite sad, really. That's what comes with 30,000 total bans on a website with 25 users


Is that really undeserved? Just compare the quality of the posts on this site to other social media platforms. There’s a visible difference in quality even on communities that aren’t made with quality in mind.


idk what you're talking about. The quality keeps getting worse, and that's not my fault. the america thread keeps getting worse. fascists are allowed to CRY WOKE for days on ends, typing paragraphs upon paragraphs about idealistic nonsense and theology


The declining quality is in part due to declining speeds. A shitposty, fast thread about Keynes vs Marx would be fun - but in reality it would get 15 replies tops unless someone found a way to derail it on to another subject.

The problem with the site is not really that it's "low quality" in the sense of not being a sensible, buttoned down, long-form essay writing place. The real problem is the loss of novelty, chaos, variability, etc. you know what you're going to get for a reply - in broad terms - before you even post, so why bother? 2017 /leftypol/ may have had more intellectual posts than we get now, but it also had a lot more novel stupid posts. The common factor is novelty/chaos.


Decline is a loss of control (people getting triggered by spam/pol, it staying uncontrolled, then getting triggered again, etc.). What you want is essentially 100% counterproductive. But by all means, go ahead. Campaign for chaos.


Chaos is someone showing up and making a pirate-themed introduction post like they're on a traditional forum, an act utterly at odds with imageboard culture, and having that spiral into anons posing OC purporting themselves to be part of a pirate-themed gang of "mateys". This is not "quality posting", nobody learned anything by people doing that, but it came out of left field and it amused me enough that I care to tell you about it years later. That's chaos.
Chaos is not "Trans people - why? #518959", which is an utterly predictable thread. you know absolutely everything that will appear in such a thread before it is posted. you know that whoever makes such a thread should be driven away with torches, pitchforks, and someone posting the complete book of genesis about 30 lines at a time.


We are really lost in translation here.
About this new angle you introduced: I reject the premise completely. It doesn't matter what topic is talked about, any topic can be handled well or not well.
>Trans people - why?
There is only so much "material" produced on this topic because most people cannot wrap their head around it. This does not make the topic "bad".


You are being quite naive. the whole reason we've got our anti-idpol rules in the first place is because certain topics are inimical to good discussion in practice, even if in theory there are no "good" or "bad" topics.
Most of the time these topics are contentious not because people "cannot wrap their head around" the issues in question, but because the topic is simply a cover for aligning oneself with a broad side, and it's the sides that really matter. think back to gay marriage: did that pass (where it has passed!) because the "good faith" "concerns" of conservative Christians were mollified by reasonable answers, or because liberals defeated them?
One may be legitimately confused about the issues in question, but most people do not argue because they are confused - they argue because they want the other side to lose and because arguing is an end in itself. many positions on both sides are incoherent, purely rhetorical arguments for the purpose of showing one's allegiance to their side. (you can even think of this in evolutionary terms: a weak argument is more likely to be spread by those who oppose it, like a virus, meaning more people who support it see it…)
Since the number of legitimately confused people is small and their life will not be massively improved by "resolving" that confusion, while the number of people with a strong, immovable position who want to crush the other side is large, and since the arguments on both sides are well-worn, there's nothing positive or novel likely to result from allowing the topic - but a lot of energy will be sucked away from elsewhere, and you run the ever present risk that someone in (say) a thread on Finland 1917 comes to suspect that their is actually also on the opposing side on culture war issues, so they throw out a certain slur, and from there things spiral until "Finland 1917" quickly becomes "Trans people - why? #518960"…

But you've dropped the thread of discussing interesting chaos vs bland, predictable stagnation and opened up the giant can of worms that is explaining group dynamics, which makes it hard to go back to where we started, so maybe we can conclude this conversation has run its course. the only thing i could add (since we never let it come up naturally) is that the way you get more chaos is to get more new users, not by abandoning sensible moderation.


It's best to declare this conversation a lost cause, yes.


Most posts here are utter dogshit and demonstrate a complete illiteracy w.r.t. communism. The worst part is that we still pretend to educate people so you have complete idiots trying to teach newcomers. And no, I don't know how to fix this without further lowering the PPH.


This gave me a grand idea.
But putting that aside, the halo effect is strong here, if someone displays competence in one area I assume they can be competent in another area.


The show/hide button in /leftypol/ does not always work. You can toggle it, but the video doesn't actually hide.
The news page says to report technical problems to /meta/, but trying to make a thread about it just returns "Flood detected. Post discarded". That's why I'm posting on the Moderation thread instead.


>I wonder if this recent snafu was a condition he set

I can tell you with confidence it was not, just a nice side benefit.


Well I don't believe in coincidence or con men


Well up to you.


Do we really need 2 identically worded OPs?




Mods, please put my thread >>>/siberia/548169 back to siberia, I made it there because a.) people actually use that board, and b.) I want advice from casual Linux users, not people for whom computers are a hobby.




Everypony here just uses the overboard for a combined feed.


some guy is spamming uyghur in the usapol thread


We should now be fully running on InnoDB


Double checking…


gore is being spammed in various threads


do something


Your performance has been shit today. As objective an evaluation as it gets.


someone is spamming porn in some of the /leftypol/ threads


Expected it to get better after seeing some mod activity. Shoulda known


File: 1719956484946.png (63.24 KB, 1843x218, ClipboardImage.png)

Care to explain how this board is any different from hazlets, patsocs and other crypto-fascist scum when homophobic garbage like this are not only the common opinion here, but completely encouraged by the moderation?


Lmfao and not only that but there's other thread of literal fucking racists arguing how brown and black refugees in Europe is capitalism or something and nazis wanting to use live bullets against them and kicking their out is "based" and communist.

At this point y'all feel like home at 4chan's regular /pol/, most of you are the same fucking bigoted reactionary garbage


Use the report button please. Or at least link the post in question.

Unique IPs: 101

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