I'll make this brief. /leftypol/ was offline from around September 9, 2024 (Monday) until September 12, 2024 (Thursday). This was due to a hard disk failure on the server. When the split happened a few years ago, one of the previous mods/admins rented a bare metal server from a company (as opposed to a VPS/virtual machine instance) for us to host /leftypol/ on. As a result the hardware was not abstracted away. We were unable to boot the machine. Furthermore this individual, having paid for the server in advance, has since gone missing and has been so for at least 34 weeks. We were unable to log into the cloud account due to it sending his email address confirmation message which we were obviously unable to access. As a result, we could not ask the hosting company for support. Also as a result, the only thing we had access to was the cloudflare and a dated sql dump+copy of the source code. As far as I know, the media files (including pdfs), wiki, minecraft server, leftypol tv, etc. are all gone and even if the aforementioned individual returns, its possible that it still won't be able to be recovered due to the fact that they were on a hard disk that failed.
In order to rebuild /leftypol/ we had to secure new hosting, spin up and configure a server with software, firewall, etc. transfer and fix+configure the vichan/lain/leftypol source code, and load the SQL database dump, as well as configure cloudflare. This process was painstaking and slow. I suppose this goes to show the precarious nature of /leftypol/ in that both the domain name (paid for 10 years in advance and donated to the current mod team) and hosting have/are being paid by one individual as a passion project.
We are working diligently to secure backups so this will not happen again in the future.
Thank you for your patience - tech jannies
>>35120board software was rolled back too
<redtext dont workno more sage dropdown option
some flags missing
>Furthermore this individual, having paid for the server in advance, has since gone missing and has been so for at least 34 weekslol
> As far as I know, the media files (including pdfs), wiki, minecraft server, leftypol tv, etc. are all gone and even if the aforementioned individual returns, its possible that it still won't be able to be recovered due to the fact that they were on a hard disk that failed.what were the hourly board freezes for if we dont even have backups of images
So if I'm understanding this right, and I am probably not, to be frank:
-Leftypol and everything else, including the source, was hosted on a server the admins did not control
-The server had no redundancy in storage and no backups were kept elsewhere
-The version controlled source was also kept remotely with no updated local copies (Isn't it a git repository? How does this even happen?)
>has since gone missing and has been so for at least 34 weeks>has since gone missing and has been so for at least 17 fortnights>has since gone missing and has been so for at least 0.650273224 years (leap)>has since gone missing and has been so for at least 0.0065160849 centuries>has since gone missing and has been so for at least 3.814668605E+50 Planck time>>35129I removed it myself because I didn't meant to submit it yet
>>35129>looks like mods just removed a comment ripping into the leftypol team for keeping everything on a server they didn't even own lolWhy are you lying though?
https://leftypol.org/log.php?board=leftypolNo posts have been deleted.
There are lots of reasons people delete their own posts, so as not to double post, to fix errors, to add to what they were saying, because they accidentally clicked reply.
Only reason to jump to the assumption the jannies MUST have insta-deleted it (have you legitimately ever seen these retards 'insta' do anything?) is to be a bad faith faggot.
>>35134Coming back online is fine, even if most of the posters are retarded, I just wouldn't even bother wasting more time looking for backups for posts from the last few weeks.
Imageboards are ephemeral by nature and anyone posting on them should realize that before making any post anyway, too.
>>35120Anons thanks to the bugs you added in the migration this guy >>1942920
(NOT ME (You) TO CLARIFY) is using /leftypol/ to take me over in an attempt to IRL samefag me.
Please fix.
If anything happens to me I am not a tank, I am not depressed, i do not own rope.>>35136>Imageboards are ephemeral by nature and anyone posting on them should realize that before making any post anyway, too.This. Little sad about some memes i made especially a Richard Wolf 'it's over.webm' though, if anyone happened to downloaded it.
>>35120I'm Brazilian and I'm writing through a translator.
I thought I was banned from Leftypol for a while because I had said some random nonsense like numbers in some threads and I thought it was spam. But then I read on the internet that the server was under maintenance, I also saw some noises on leftychan and lemygrand. I have some threads downloaded from Kuboraex, I once read that this is against the ephemeral nature of chans, but I like to keep them saved for a moment.
Is it possible to hold a new election of moderators or an extraordinary congress? Is it possible to create a funding campaign or a note "in defense of Leftypol"?
These are my 2 cents about the maintenance of Leftypol.
>>35143My party, the PCBR (Brazilian Revolutionary Communist Party) was created in 2023 from a split in the PCB and we added in our 1st extraordinary founding congress, which took place in May 2024, that if 50% of the cells vote for a new congress, the central committee will be dissolved and a new congress will be called.
Because of what I experienced recently, I thought it might be possible to do something similar in Leftypol, but I know little about the dynamics of chans, I started using Leftypol quite frequently a few months ago.
But it is always better to explain everything in detail and ask and answer as many questions as possible to avoid confusion and misunderstandings.
>>35147I don't want to become a Mod, I'm already too busy with college, my studies and activism in the "PCBR". I asked the question to find out what the comrades think about this and mentioned an idea I was thinking about, but at this moment I'm convinced that it wouldn't be a good idea to change the moderation.
>>35146The PCBR is not an electoral party and we are not a legalized party in Brazil at this time.
>>35151>>35150Well just so the mods know I'm a bit OCD about archiving. So a large number of threads are on archive.is, and many image-files, so not everything is lost, but in terms of actually continuing to use the threads? Nah I'm done. Someone else can make posts about the Samurai and Ancient Japan, because clearly I was wasting my time making sure Embeds had back-ups when this shit happens.
forget pissed, I'm LIVID.
Also as a side note, the stupidest thing is that unlike many other forums and imageboards where posting the exact same image file again in a new thread will cause the already posted files on the site will revive, this is not the case with leftypol.org. I warned the mods about this problem years ago, when I noticed files that went missing did not restore after re-uploading the exact same files.
As an example see the F-35 thread I made months ago, 2 pdfs were uploaded there (files rel) and are now defunct. I can repost these pdfs as many times as I want, but they won't refresh, so the only way to fix it would be for the mods to manually reupload each file for each thread… and they're never gonna bother doing that.
Even worse, because people use Clipboard image a lot, it's almost impossible to tell what files were lost for those posts unless someone (i.e. ME) archived them.
this is literally Watson levels of fucking up.
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK >>35120Happy its back missed you guys i like to browse leftypol lurk mostly when i am stressed out and seeing it down made me shit n cum my pants.
But lets be real this place dosent have enough of a userbase to make it another 5 years.
>>35153Oh and Catalog is 404 for AKM and some other alt boards too. Wonderful.
>>35154uyghur YOU read a fucking good book, you illiterate monkey. I've likely read more actual literature when I was a kid than you've read in your entire life fiction and/or nonfiction. Pic rel was an early effortpost of mine among many and I expanded it into a full-blown essay, because I do read and study history.
>>35157I mean I archived most threads I posted in that I care about, including Catalog pages, so as to make finding archived threads easier, but point is that still active, actual threads are now functionally dead because nobody is going to want to post seriously in a thread with 404'd images, missing posts or outright looking like gibberish because the coding failed entirely and redtext is no longer functional.
>>35156At least their servers actually function.
>>35159>I've likely read more actual literature when I was a kid than you've read in your entire life fiction and/or nonfiction.lol at this larpy attempt at sounding tough
>and redtext is no longer functionaldamn people arent gonna post anymore because they cant use the funny meme arrows
>>35151leftypol isnt an archive
>>35152lol autists are funny
>>35161 >reading literally anything is le good Your strawman is pathetic nor am I a burger. My books are those that I found interesting and bought, ranging from zoology to biographies, autobiographies, history, classical literature and so on, or belonged to my family during the USSR, with many being original publications from the 30s, 40s and 50s, all of which I read. I don't keep books I don't like or use, it's a waste of space I don't have.
TL;DR: You're a presumptuous moron that can't read, and because you're mad about it, you play at being a (pseudo)intellectual because you feel insecure.
>>35162>hurr effortposts don't matter because they're not books. This is (or rather was) leftypol. Educated discussion is part of what made this site, and screencapping good posts has been a thing on imageboards since the old days for good reason, since rather than reposting the same exact shit you can post a screencap of it and instead say something new.
>>35163>larpy attempt at sounding toughHow the fuck is this "sounding tough", it's READING.
>people arent gonna post anymore because they cant use the funny meme arrows That's not what I said you speed-reader. Because redtext is no longer functional, many posts that used it, now have text errors that mutilate the posts into being incomprehensible.
>>>/alt_archive/3041 As an example.
>>35167Actually I read them outside of school, because outside of America people read books in their free time.
As for saying lots of books, it's because if I actually began to list these books, it would go outside of the line-limit of posts.
In terms of non-fiction I read Marx and Lenin and Engels before I began posting on leftypol back in 2015, because I unlike some blowhards, I try to KNOW what I talk about. If I'm discussing the engineering aspects of an F-35 and why it's a shit plane, I do the research as to why, which is why the thread on the F-35 is, despite memes and remarks, based on specific examples of failures of the aircraft relative to design parameters that previous generations of aircraft had by default.
If I speak of fantasy novels, I read them before I make snap judgements about their merits, because any monkey can watch an ECeleb jabber hot takes about "Harry Potter" or "Conan the Barbarian" and parrot them, yet any lengthy discussion immediately reveals if they have or have not actually read or tried to understand the material.
>>35171Look at all the irrelevant credentials you keep bringing up because I said "effortposts" aren't important and ask yourself who's the "insecure pseud".
Intellectuals aren't important for communism either. ;)
>>35173>He says while posting on a korean nuke-cooking forum LOL
>>35172>Intellectuals aren't important for communism either. Communism as an ideology was written by intellectuals, and every actual socialist has valued intellectual progression and education. The USSR prioritized education because, surprise-surprise, industrialization and improving human living standards can't be done when you're an illiterate peasant that doesn't know anything outside of the village you live in.
But then again, Pol-pot wannabes like you don't understand that.
>irrelevant credentials Literal /pol/-tier mentality. It's not about credentials you stupid twat, and the fact that you think that is my point is why I called you an insecure pseud.
>>35179If anyone is concerned for this stuff just download archive.org official browser plug-in and turn on auto-archive. You can set it to all or if no archive in 30 days, etc.
>>35165Thats it. Thanks anon!
>>35186Did anybody post anything super spicy on it?
Also yeah the fact that whatever post history and data is on there should be concerning.
>>35128The alternative is making a non-profit, but we would have to pick a jurisdiction, de-anonymize some staff members, manage the legal aspect of things, etc
>>35133>-Leftypol and everything else, including the source, was hosted on a server the admins did not controlThe admin-that-shall-not-be-named was and technically still is part of the mod team.
>-The server had no redundancy in storage and no backups were kept elsewhereThere are both redaundancy and backups, but we need the credentials of the admin-that-shall-not-be-named to fix the booting process and access the backups.
>-The version controlled source was also kept remotely with no updated local copies (Isn't it a git repository? How does this even happen?)Idk where you (or cyber?) got this, the source is up to date, but the configuration file wasn't tracked in the repository source code since it contained sensible passwords and tokens.
Yeah I know this looks pedantic but many people like to catastrophize for drama
>>35137>>35155>>35185Thank you
>the site continues to have a bus factor of oneamazing. at least put credentials in a keepass database shared over git or something, with two or three people having access to it. you have to consider the case what happens when (You) get hit by a bus
>running everything on a non-virtualized machinethe site should have been moved off it ASAP
>>35133>Isn't it a git repository? How does this even happen?git doesn't automatically fetch new commits. you have to git fetch yourself (or put it in a cronjob I guess)
the latest version I have locally is 4760bb9d4c430ba911a02b712ae059830b6ef7b3 by Zankaria on Tue Aug 20 16:06:51 2024 +0200
>>35194Not having multiple people with admin accounts to the server, or a break-glass account protected with Shamir's secret sharing so a quorum of mods/admins was needed to access, was negligent.
Having backups on the server being backed up was negligent. You could have multiple mods/admins taking a nightly (asymmetric encrypted) backups to a S3 compatible cloud storage for cheap. If you just did the code and text it would cost almost nothing.
>>35197>You could have multiple mods/admins taking a nightly (asymmetric encrypted) backups to a S3 compatible cloud storage for cheap. If you just did the code and text it would cost almost nothing.Really cool that you have domain knowledge in this and are volunteering to do the work.
I already informed the other devs you'll be working on this. Feel free to drop by the matrix chat so we can coordinate and help you achieve this. And again thank you for volunteering your skills and time.
>>35201Well, you don't really need admin access, but ok i guess.
Ask in the leftypol chat to get in contact with the devs. They'll patch you through.
>>35192We looked into making a non profit to solve the acces issues to the site in the past but its basically fucking impossible to make an non profit involving people from different countries. Usually they have to be citizens of wherever the nonprofit is registered. Thats why it was never done. We looked into other ways to do some magical technological mumbo jumbo to somehow share keys like the fucking horcruxes so we would all have acces and veto but alas we couldnt find something workable.
Unless you set up a non profit and trust the legislation of said place to side with you, you basically cant get around to the fact that internet websites always have a single point of failure in the fact that one individual owns either the server or the domain and can torpedo it by couping or disappearing.
>>35145>PCBR (Brazilian Revolutionary Communist Party) You mean the one split over the Communist Party "taking sides" in the "imperialist" Russian war against Ukraine? (specifically for refusing to take a pro-Ukrainian stance)
Do NOT let these people become mods
>>35149Also this. "Student activists" have no business leading anything.
>>35216>we should raise the flags of peace without annexation.I.e. Russia kicked out of Donbas, Crimea, ban on communism and communist parties expanded to these regions, locals forcibly Ukrainized, Ukraine later joins NATO
Also known as being "Pro-NATO"
We should look at the consequences of our actions, not the metaphysical "essence" of the actors involved.
>>35217Parties, states and movements should be led by people with life experience. Work, families. Lenin held a job before being appointed to senior positions in a revolutionary group. And didn't co-found a party until much later. Same goes for Stalin.
>>35216>Russia's aggression against Ukraine is completely unjustifiableif its something even a socialist state would have done (and not specifically to liberate the population from bourgeois rule, would just be a side effect, the real reason is security), its absolutely hypocritical to call it "unjustifiable"
>denouncing Russia's imperialism russia aint imperialist in the marxist sense
but we shouldnt shit up the thread with that eternally rehashed discussion
>>35211thank for your service. But still, that was kind of a shitshow, nobody having access to the backup, and not because the guy is absent for a few weeks, but for more than 6 months without doing anything about it or warning the users. I remember the beef against space on bunkerchan started because of lack of server access to improve things…
not knowledgeable on hosting, but cant you do all this shit anonymously though bitcoins and fake names. How do the scammers do it
(serious answer)
>>35219As you're Brazilian. Struggle for the interests of the Brazilian working class, especially locally. As an act of solidarity, not pity for the "oppressed". Work with the government in some cases, against the governments in others. Reject contrarianism for the sake of. And if you intend to elect anyone, start locally.
And recognize the abolition of nation-states as a progressive development. Analyze every event and movement in terms of what it achieves, what it is doing, not the "essence" of those involved.
This is the Marxist/Leninist approach. It led to Marx praising the Union against the South. It led to Mao cooperating with the KMT against the Japanese.
I encourage you and your party to reject essentiallism and metaphysics. And critically examine the influence of Christianity in your (and your party's) worldview.
https://blackagendareport.com/western-marxism-loves-purity-and-martyrdom-not-real-revolution>>35226Good afternoon, thank you for the reading suggestion, I will read it later.
Unfortunately, the chan site is not the best for debate and I myself do not believe I explained my party's position well - and the simplicity of my speech actually allowed me to understand the situation in a metaphysical way, something I try to overcome with studies -, among other things because I do not understand the subject deeply, but I recognize that I should study more and understand the subject better.
I am very young, I turned 20 last month, and I always avoid being sectarian in my views and speech, but time can improve and refine my worldview.
I can write more about what I thought of the text later!!!
>>35210It's not smugness comrade. It is easy to criticise the efforts of others. Doing so from a place of complacency and uninvolvement is rather jarring. We do this literally for free, I have had to cancel or cut short events of my personal life plus have been severely sleep deprived at work to serve you all these past few days.
I am pushing you to participate in the process so you are familiar with what it is like in the trenches or at least instill in you some empathy. Mod turnover is large in part because it not even thankless work, rather the opposite, selfless work that goes criticized every single step of the way, sometimes rather harshly, by people who are not willing to put in the effort themselves, to put their hands on the fire. Not even mentioning how hard it is to work with other people. Anyone who has had several jobs can attest to this.
Thank you for offering to put some of your own crypto, sorry for the trouble this incident has caused. It is a very lamentable loss for the entire community.
>>35255Proposal: Have an database that's publicly accessible.
Scrubbed of anything compromising, so mostly just will contain actual posts and post numbers and so on.
Wouldn't even need to be updated so often.
>>35244Classic image.
>>35270fuck that sucks man, sorry to hear.
i made a thread in /edu/ for reposting pdfs, hope its helps people
Noooo not the pdf files!!! I was going to save those in an obscure directory and forget about them forever! What a tragedy!
>>35272>The rest of you faggots gotta recognize the impermanence of all things- Hideo Kojima, Metal Gear Solid 2
>>35226I was reading the text and I know Jones Manoel personally, in fact he is a member of my party, lol.
I live in Pernambuco and in the same city where Jones lived before he became famous.
I really like Jones' positions but I have read very few of his books - in fact, new books are expensive in Brazil and I don't really like reading on screens, I always try to print the texts I read - but I always watch his videos. In fact, I think I'll see him again today at a meeting. I'll finish reading the text and comment more on what I thought, sorry for taking so long to read it.
https://blackagendareport.com/western-marxism-loves-purity-and-martyrdom-not-real-revolutionI I finished reading the text the Jones writes well on the subject. I feel a bit of what the comrade wrote about the daily struggles we experience in my country, even within the party, but it is something we can overcome as we understand how we are also influenced by the church and other institutions.
I avoid being too generalist and overly essentialist in what I say and think, but avoiding this is an effort that goes against everything that our society and capitalism has treated as the truth or the right way to think.
>>35262I never systematically hoarded content but I tend to save most things I see. I think we need a thread to request and share our lost OC etc.
In the meantime here's a very recent scan I made. The only place it was posted was /edu/ maybe a week or two before the server collapsed.
>>35257We've not given up hope on (ADMIN IN ABSENTIA) completely, and we've done back-end restoration of files in the past (though it is a bitch), so a lot of the older threads on slower boards (think /hobby/) still have a shot at restoration. For now though, we're just accepting the reality of the situation for what it is and are moving forwards despite it.
>>1944790Tbf the guy has an occupation which involves a lot of travel, is a very active member of their local communist party + labor union, and iirc was slated to enter a position of leadership in both. Might be busy touching too much grass. Before they did go dark they gave admin powers, cloudfare perms, etc. to other mods to keep things going day-to-day in their absence, so it's not like they completely fucked off unplanned. The server failing as it did was just really bad, and they probably didn't expect to be so busy as to not be around to handle these kinds of issues.
>>35285Why would anyone want to volunteer for you people when basically everyone here has had terrible experiences with you?
I never understanding this weird smug and condescending thing jannies do, lmao.
>>3528120 euros is a lot for me. lol
I once tried to buy a legal .su domain but found it very complicated.
>>35290>you volunteer for the management of the site, for the users of the site"politicians serve the people" tier retardation
in practice this isn't real, how are the users of the site benefiting for being banned for dumb shit, being flooded with anti-anti-imperialist horseshit by one of the mods and being redirected to a pedo den once the site goes down due to janny incompetence?
>>35290Yea bro the mods, serving the users of the website.
big lmao. thanks.
>Do you think mods do this for profit? They do it for a perceived social cache in their internet pretend communities and the right to be smug, power-hungry cocks to everyone on the site without repercussion.
Legitimately, are you new?
>>35294We have semi-regular recruitment threads, but we'll also admit people who volunteer on a case-by-case basis every now and again.
Generally, we use post IP histories to make sure that the user in question is actually a /leftypol/ user, but ofc for people like TOR users this isn't applicable. After that we have an interview process where we will test their leftist credentials, usually over the span of 3 days of informal conversation. After that there will be internal discussion over our findings and a vote to bring them in - if they pass, they will become a janny (which is less powerful than a mod, in our setup) which does not have all of the functions of a mod yet - lacking things like seeing IPs or being able to rangeban and whatnot. After they have done their work as a janny for a while and prove they are trustworthy, at that point they get promoted to being a mod proper, with all the powers contained therein, including vooting powers over issues of the site.
>>35293>There have been plenty of attempts of other "leftypols" with mods which did not have this temperament which inevitably drove off their users and died with irrelevancy, leaving us as the remainder.Lmao. is that really how you remember the last two splits?
Can't tell if retarded or genuinely disingenuous.
>>35285>someone using their legal name and own funds people were offering to donate, and if scammers can use fake names to host I dont see whats preventing us to do the same
>>35291>"politicians serve the people" tier retardationwtf do you think jannies get in the bargain? juicy kickbacks from corruption and social status?
the fact you propose they're useless show how much of a fucking worthless dumbfuck you are
>>35297I wouldn't want for there to be a real possibility of /leftypol/ getting taken down and maybe blacklisted for using something like a fake name on the paperwork, personally. It is something we've discussed before.
As for the donations - it is something we've long considered, though just as-is right now paying for the server itself isn't a pressing concern. The issue with donations mostly comes from legal status of leftypol as an entity, which comes back around to something like registering leftypol as an LLC, which means real names and whatnot on the documentation. The easiest way, ironically, would to be to start selling Alunya fumos or some shit to raise funds. It's easier (and possible to do largely anonymous) to put a product to market for money than it is to take charity donations to continue a communist website - which is very fucking funny, all things considered.
>>35298>real possibility of /leftypol/ getting taken downif you're using fake names and have actual backups, its doesnt sound that much of a concern really, just rehost it. Who could even go check on it and put us in trouble. Unless some mass shooter posted his manifesto here the risk doesnt seem very high (and even then, what are the actual legal risks?)
>blacklisted does that actually happen? and you can just switch provider
although I understand the unwillingness to "break the law" (and if you ever did it, obviously dont post it publicly), the legal consequences seems minimal, the risk is mostly you dont get legal recourses if there are problems, but we have problems now and no recourse at all
>It's easier (and possible to do largely anonymous) to put a product to market for money than it is to take charity donations to continue a communist website fucking capitalist society. We could sell shay nudes or unique flags
>>35300I mean, it happens, i remember when my friend had a friend at the local ISP (they serviced a lot of radical local groups etc) who was kind enough to phone said friend when the feds came to image the drives.
No non-local ISP or Hosting Service will ever tell you.
>>35315>Why would the passwords and tokens be in those files?Because pic/text-to-speech related.
vichan was, literally, written by random script kiddies on drugs. There is no design philosophy, let alone security standards.
>>35311 is right.
>>35321I'm not an expert, I'm saying this to discuss rather than argue: Tinyboard copyright (see bottom of the page) says © 2010-[present] and that's already 5.3.1 ("Released: 19 Nov 2009").
PHP had a lot of the OOP features by then:
https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.changelog.phpBut honestly, I think OOP isn't even the big issue, we're talking simple code-reuse in many cases.
>>35266I don't have the files anymore for one thing and I don't have the time or energy to remake half the thread that was lost from scratch.
>>35265More for the alt-boards. Some are missing stuff all the way to June or FURTHER.
>>35331>Lolicon/shota isn't CSAM or child pornIf you want to defend that shit thats ….fine. but you must realise it's not a good look to link there and work with them.
It's extremely off-putting for likely most users.
>>1945939/leftypol/ bans it for various reasons, including legal ones, a history of people trying to sneak past those rules in the past, and massive derailment potential related to the topic. GETchan is a different site and has different rules. Lots of socialist sites/communities don't allow NSFW content at all, an that's their prerogative.
>What I'm glad for is that on leftypol the very suggestion of MAP advocacy results in a banAdvocating for changing the site rules about this content is against the rules (since it's been used so much to derail in the past). Advocating for, say, de-stigmatizing pedophilia or social policy of putting """MAPs""" in therapy and allowing them drawn pictures that don't involve IRL child abuse is not against the rules as far as I can tell.
>>1945954Rules for posting on a website don't constitute a stance on what is or is not acceptable in a universal sense.
>>35334>granted referring to them was an absolutely retarded move, well intended or notThis is fair. If they don't
want to be linked on the sidebar they shouldn't be.
>lol at the newfags who don't know about Alunya's originsHow many people don't know the origins of spurdo and its variants like gondola and ameriga bear? Obviously the origins are irrelevant to most people, so this point doesn't really matter to the discussion.
>>35340Imagine badjacketing like this.
I say that because you can't possibly believe what you insinuate is more likely than people understandingly not wanted to associate with the pedophile website.
>>1946152Nobody was advocating for pedophiles ITT. So now you're equating explaining the site rules with pedo advocacy.
>>35343Kind of obvious the concern trolls aren't from here and just trying to exploit the outage for drama.
>>35357i'm a wrecker for not wanting marxism to be associated with pedophilia?
right, ok
what about the jannies literally wrecking the website into going offline though? or sending people to a pedophile den as a replacement?
>>35361>spammingyou're free to make public all of the posts you think i made for "spam"
go ahead, quote them
i literally have 3 replies in this thread you braindead faggot, kill yourself
>>35366The pedo hysteric downplays the harm of child sex abuse and violating the privacy of victims (which is what CSAM involves and why it's such a serious crime) by equivocating it with drawings.
>effect on societyPeople don't become pedophiles because they saw a drawing.
>>35368which of the following do you think tends to attenuate pedophilic behavior:
>engaging with sexual content involving minors>desisting from engaging with sexual content involving minorslike I wonder if you'd argue the same way about other content involving fantasizing about heinous acts
>it's just rape fantasy porn, it has no connection with actual rapes nor encourages rapist behavior>it's just fascist propaganda, it doesn't actually depict fascist crimes >>35368>drawingsdrawings of what? what are you talking about?
you’re a pedophile btw
>>35383lusting after children isn't wrong, doing stuff to children or involving oneself with actual CSAM is.
your likes will be hanged with the rest of the moralknight thought police fascist scum when actual revolution comes.
>>35414>let me tell you about youI can't speak for others but in my case it does stop there, and I will safely bet vast majority of pedos/lolicons are the same lol
now you ban my drawings and I assure you, "comrade" I will have less reasons to control myself, would you prefer us in the park playground or the beaches instead of watching cartoons? you are an absolute moron
>>35412What do you think happens to people who
got molested? You realize that the actual trauma of the thing you claim to hate is such a bad thing
because it infects the victim's mind with horrible recreations of the experience, right? For some people, they are able to get the trauma sorted out, but for a lot they don't. And a big part of that is because child sex abuse victims are frequently paranoid that they are or will be viewed as pedophiles for seeking treatment for the trauma (and usually this is a justified fear). Most pedophiles were abused themselves, but being abused doesn't automatically make you one. That means that intervention is possible to stop people becoming pedophiles. You are literally being part of the problem. The taboo on pedos and pedo hunting crusade is a factor in making people more likely to become pedos in the first place.
And this is to say nothing of how pedophilia is constantly being used as a label to attack any group someone doesn't like, from LGBT people to teachers to socialists.
first of all, to extend about the last part, pedo hysteria comes from the burgueoise victorian morality scandalized about child prostitution among the lower class in the overcrowded slums around industrial districts in early capitalism (that they themselves were clients of), after then they realized child labor was also not okay lol, and second, it has been a weapon of the reaction for more than a century now to demonize oponents
>>35413>you have a better place among national socialists nazis are notoriously pedos lmao what are you talking about
getchan is closer to 4chan /b/ and /pol/, go there if you unironically think lusting after children isn't wrong
>>35421>go treatment>get treated coldly as a piece of subhuman shit by the mind health professionals>police and relatives and the community informed to investigate if you touched your cousin or nephew or else>get hormone blockers to shut down lust fucking up your body>some therapy bulshit where you sit all day hearing how evil and sick you are and that lusting after children is wrong (you don't say fucking morons I had no fucking idea)>lust repressing drugs don't erase your affective, romantic feels for children and you still dream to have a child girlfriend so you are now more depressed>now you can't see loliyeah no I'm better off watching loli content as an escape valvle, and fuck you very much.
I have little relatives and they all love me and I think at least in my opinion I never done something weird to them all this years because I have my "evil" lust managed with loli.
>>35422to be fair with you on that one I know pedos, lolicons and antis from each possible axis of the political expectrum with different ideas about how we should treat lolicon and pedos in general, lol
>>35424that's very bannable yes and had been used as an attack by the rightwing for decades by now.
but pedo activism did exist from the 50s and died with its last breaths at the 80s and it tryed to asociate with and had some support from other branches of the sexual liberation movement in general until time went on, science studied more and concluded of the harmful effects of child sexual activity with adults, the consent question, etc, and with bad optics and being an easy target quickly and surely lost sympathy from everyone.
>>35418ok pedo
>>35419I'm not arguing that sexual abuse material should be legal. you obviously must be suffering from a lack of reading comprehension. I'm also not talking about pedo hunting, which has its own set of problems, as has been pointed out by the police in my country
>>35425you have no idea how therapy works
>I have little relatives>I have my "evil" lust managed with loliconcern
>>35425>I have little relativesterrifying, holy shit lol
kys asap
>>35426How does therapy work expert…you are already treating me like crap while talking about therapy, so I'm not having any good expectations, and all I've heard are negative stories
>>35432sorry but my cousin has like 3 jobs and her piece of shit husband ran away to other country leaving her with debts from his fuck ups, and I'm going to keep helping her rise my niece and nephew because childcare is harder than you may ever think and I love them very much…
we are not wealthy so I'm all that they have, do cook your own food even, not speak of cooking for two children and making it in a way they can enjoy while eating healthy you lazy rich kid? have you ever had to wash peed pijamas and sheets every day? my niece has that problem.
Have you ever played with your kids or do you just let them be mindwashed by facebook, videogames and tiktok shit because it easier than taking them to the park or the museum or anything??
Have you ever enjoyed their laugh, or when they hug you, or when she climbs over you to watch tv because she feels safer in your arms!?
have your little niece ever brought breakfast to bed all by herself the day you were dead tired by a night of hard work on saturday because she loves you??
do you have a nephew with autism that you run races with and make puzzles together and you help get better at social skills, and loves you to death too?? of have you been raised by your nanny you piece of shit?
have you ever feel the shame guilt and conflict of being a fucking pervert despite all, that no matter what you do your body will react, well, it's just that, your mind and soul control your body not the other way around! And if I can get help from looking at a drawing and being allowed to have fucking fantasies I will!
kill my self? what happens to my cousin that I love dearly too and nephews then? faggot, I'm a flawed man is true, but I am not an evil man…you on the other hand petit burgueoise piece of shit feel entitled enough to send me to kill my self?
You have just messed with me and my fammily and luckily this is fucking internet, because if we were speaking in a room face to face I would destroy your face with a hammer right fucking now.
I have sent pieces of shit like you to the ICU for far less a threat. And only reason I wouldn't do it, it's because I can't allow myself to fuck up because they need me.
Do you think I'm not ashamed of myself? that I don't feel guilt? I would have ended my life ages ago if not because I feel needed…god I hope something very bad happens to you as soon as possible, fuck you.
>>35434mucho texto, stop jerking off to children and seek therapy before you hurt your relatives
>soulspooked outta his god damn mind
>>35418>now you ban my drawings and I assure you, "comrade" I will have less reasons to control myself, would you prefer us in the park playground or the beaches instead of watching cartoons?<if you ban my drawings i WILL go out and find a childwow. what was that about the drawpedos not being pedos?
jesus fucking christ.
I hope this makes things clear for your, jannies.
>>35435>>35436>>35438You could post all that in one reply, you know.
Please stop bumping this thread with your pedohysteria and let it die its much deserved death.
>>35435yes, when someone mess with myself, my fammily and happiness and the happiness of others in general, only logical response is violence fool, lethal, beautiful, righteous violence. Like burning and stealing the rich or blowing up police and state buildings!
>>35438drawpedos are pedos, everything else is a cope, how's that an argument to ban lolicon?
>I ban lolicon because, I just don't like it ok? Is youcky and evil, and ungodly or whatever and makes me feel uneasy>has no way or resources to spend out finding who's who and stop them, give them a treatment that who's going to pay for>no one mentions what the treatment is and if it has worked<lolicons go to the park to watch them putting children in a greater risk because some fag finds drawings yucky and inmoralyou are a dishonest fool, free expression and lolicon is the only necessary conclussion beside the possible alternatives if you ask yourself the serious questions!
what's your solution to this problem? just go ahead and say genocide or something to show the nazi you actually are.
>>35436>mentally retarded anon can't into readingsorry for your lack of grey matter, learn to fucking read, I've just lost all hope of you explaining to me how therapy works and how it helps me, until any of you do so I do what has worked for me, reading lolicon doujins.
and soul is a fucking word, you are the spook for telling me what fucking word I should or souldn't be using!
>>35441might be an off topic retard too but I agree with this one
And also sage this thread
>>35441Such a weirdly specific thing to beef and derail the thread about. The posts should probably all be deleted at least because it's making it harder to find actually relevant information.
Why even post about that shit ITT? There's an entire /meta/ board. Go complain about who is linked on the sidebar in a thread about that specifically.
>>35439how would multiple people type in just one reply?
take your meds, pedo cunt
>>35444>genocideof pedos? lmao WHAT?
you're fucking deranged, like actually
i'm a nazi for not wanting your pedo ass to masturbate to kids? you're mental
>>35447it's a fucking drawing, you are the mental one
>>35448lolicon is not ilegal at the moment, what?
>>35449good to know, I am now more than justified to murder you as well
>>35450>it's a fucking drawinga drawing of what? a car? a fish? the moon?
what kind of drawing are you talking about? you mean drawings of sexualized children? those kinds of drawings?
>>35452>a drawing of whatdrawing of something that is not real, if it has no relation to something in real life it's not real.
you know what fiction means ?.
sorry to bother your smug twitter charade.
>>35462Yes. What are
you arguing about? lolicon and shotacon is banned here.
>>35451>>35454I know, very fair points tbh. But 1st isn't that responsibility of the user who uploads or downloads, watch that content? and 2nd to what point are they enforcing it in your jurisdiction?
funny thing that you point it out because
>I actually live in a country in which possesion, production or sale/distribution of ANY pornography is illegal under obscenity laws, in my case you can face from 3 months to 1 year in prison<The current Law no. 62 of the criminal code (Art. 303, subsection C), penalizes with a penalty of deprivation of liberty ranging from three months to one year, or a fine of 100 to 300 installments to he who “produces or circulates publications, prints, film tapes or tape, recordings, photographs or other objects that are obscene, with a tendency to pervert and degrade customs.
<has it stopped internet to flood our citizens with porn in the country or perverts from being perverts and storing porn since before, now or ever? nope ever, people produced or smuggled porn lol
<has it stopped the situation about actual rape, women rights and stuff like that or now it has worsenend?to my knowledge no effects before or after lol
<do I break national and international law every day? yes and yes, and if you care about stupid laws you are not fit for the revolution or organizing anything
worldwide, pigs and glowies even, generally have enough shit to deal with and dissidents to crush with varied limited budgets to do so, to care about some case that wil be laughed at court…to not prosper so they can't even blackmail the rare poor fool that even get reported for bulshit like this.
In my country? they would laugh at your face, they would laugh at mine, and say they have organized terrorists to catch, drug dealers, corrupt beurocrats, actual people (and child) trafickers, etc…
>20 yearsthat sentence has to be for actual CSAM lol, I guarantee
>>35455tragic, but that sounds like it appeared in a more general extended investigation beacuase he fucked up other way.
>she's 17 years and 362 days old you sick fuckobligatory
>>35452I made that specifically clear earlier in the thread. Nice fetishes but I more into fictional human representations doing stuff in fiction, and it's still fiction, something an artist drawed lol…
>>35459read the thread, I visited GETchan because of this thread. guys have a defeault censoring option what's the freaking problem?, here? use spoilers. It comes to the responsibility of the user again to open porn threads or spoiler image and download that as I said earlier in the thread
>>35464it shouldn't, but whatever your consensus is I respect that, I come here to talk and debate about politics and leftist politics to chill without fucking /pol types screeching jews and troons every 5 seconds.
>>35465>child pornography/ modeling<drawings of childrendoes not compute in civilized countries
If it's illegal, AND you live in such a schizo 1st world dystopia where they have nothing better to care about than enforcing this shit, it's still a (You) problem if you watch and store the stuff lol
Porn stuff here I've seen tagged as such, posted under spoilers, and is up to you to see and download stuff
>tl'dr I think it's a problem of the individuals not of the board or Mods or anything
You know what? there is, at a very, very unreliable underrepresented estimate, 400 millions of us globally, 1 for every 20 humans alive!, you not only want to ban, and have banned shit like lolicon, faggots like
>>35449 have no problem with genocide, we found ourselves with more than enough reason to organize and fucking defend ourselves and fight back, you on the other hand aren't hunted down…and ostracized
And that numbers it's not taking into account the people that prefer older teens and are regarded as pedo as well…if I organize enough of us, we could wreak some serious havoc. Only reason it doesn't happen it's because many have bought your moral crusade guilt trip. Among such numbers how many do you think can I convince to make an uprising against censorship?
other minorities have more than enough reason to support, because were will you stop? with us? whith furries? BDSM enthusiasts? with LGTBQs? Everyone like you is a real danger to humanity and should be stopped no matter the cost!
Make Lolicon legal as it ever should!
Hang every fucking censor on the planet!
Skin every fascist alive!
Burn them, and take their shit!
Curb stomp their faces!
>>35473glad to make you kek :3
>>35475>dprkI imagine it like our country many years ago, everything obscene illegal, while people still being you know? people
>chinaask the china-anon that lurks here some times, I don't know
>pedophile elitesyou talk like /poltards, and I guess pedos run the world then, who would have thought…
>>35479>one of themyou don't know who I am, or where I come from, I am no one, I am anyone
>pedo websitea single loli thread when I visited the site and under a censored option that is default?
>can we just not associate with that stuff? There is no benefit to doing so as leftists, there is only a downside.I'm tired of playing this theater now, so I will write a last time. Whatever you do or think about me or lolicon I don't care in the end, I am going to still be singing the internationale and fighting beside you, like always. We can solve every human issue one by one once we have erradicated exploitation of man by man. That's the last thing I will say that matters to me or this place.
See how no one described therapy? that's because they know or looked into how things actually work even for those who have done nothing trying to do the right thing.
That's crap and does not help anyone.
I just hope communism is a world were I, that was born like this can find tolerance, understanding, and cured or helped at the very least without mistreating me, not censored, hated or exterminated. I chose to live by that last hope not for me but for the children of the future. A last hope in this shit show of a world, if it's not then I guess nothing matters.
If you don't hold this beliefs you can't be a socialist, a true revolutionary can't be guided just by the hate of evil, an unfair system and the immoral class in power, very important. But one must not forget one's love for humanity and willingness to solve human problems and suffering, if you lack that you will lose your way in the end. Humanity is not some idealized proletariat, humanity is people like you, and people like me, and criminals, prostitutes, drug addicts, disabled, diseased, resentful, violent, righteous, profane, peaceful, whatever. If you will just act like everyone before you and put under the rug what you don't want to see, you are likely to repeat the same mistakes everyone in history did. When you want to judge a person or a society, see how it treats what it hates, fears or misunderstands the most…
I've been here for some time and its the first time I decided to engage in such topic, and I will continue to lurk here nevertheless. I don't care about any answer after this, everything anyone says from this point on is just blind prejudice, hate or nonsense.
To anyone that answers like that I just really hope you DON'T EVER have a son or a daughter, or any loved one aflicted by this shit, because it's a life of unauthenticity, self hatred and pain, and because to you it will hurt twice, and I tell you this from experience.
>>35483>If you don't hold this beliefs you can't be a socialist, a true revolutionary can't be guided just by the hate of evil, an unfair system and the immoral class in power, very important. But one must not forget one's love for humanity and willingness to solve human problems and suffering, if you lack that you will lose your way in the end.Sorru but this isn't My Little Pony magick of friendship, the revolution isn't about christianizing the horizon of morality. The revolutionary urge foremostly is mythical towards its object, which swings through the dialectical spectrum ( proletariat vs bourgeouise ) , there's only a proletarian revolution when there's bourgeouise, as both defining each other.
No abstract terms like 'love for humanity' needed.
Sergei Nechaev has a nice quote bout it
https://www.marxists.org/subject/anarchism/nechayev/catechism.htm<The revolutionary despises public opinion. He despises and hates the existing social morality in all its manifestations. For him, morality is everything which contributes to the triumph of the revolution. Immoral and criminal is everything that stands in its way. >>35479>I just don't think we should be linking to the pedo websiteYou can have that opinion, but it doesn't mean the mods will change their policy.
>Crazy how one of them came here to scream and defend being a pedophile. Not really considering they got raided over this specific thread by soyjak party trying to sow d!scord.
>Back to the point at hand though, can we just not associate with that stuff?GETchan isn't just the pedos who use the site, like how 8chan wasn't just the pedos who use the site.
>>35502I'm mad that I can't post there I want to chill in /ref so bad T - T
what the fuck is that error, I was looking into it and got into some MySQL bulshit
>>35502Sorry for the delay, I saw your reports but mistook them for spam at first until I saw you mentioned this board.
Report a post with your IP address
>>35632Unbanned, I forgot to take down the filter that autobans all new IPs when we were being raided by a botnet.
You should be able to post now
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