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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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1. Disable Tor posting. Or if you're going to keep it, require some kind of verification like email + password accounts so you can keep track of people. The cons of keeping it around outweigh the pros, and I'm saying this as someone who regularly posts from Tor. People who are only here to stir up shit can and do use it to ban evade to their heart's content, and so you end up with people like Sandinistanon (picrel) who destroy every thread they touch.

2. Enforce rule 11. For the love of god, enforce rule 11. I'd be willing to wager over half the posts on this god forsaken site are in violation of that rule, but for whatever reason they're allowed to stay up. If you allow people to make sling shit and argue in bad faith, they're inevitably going to; it's simply the path of least resistance.

When I ask a question, even if it's a bad question, I want to see people try their best to answer it. When I make an argument, even if it's a bad argument, I want to see people try their best to refute it. Right now, the response I get to both is "you're retarded" + an insipid reddit-tier reaction image.

Giving this its own thread because I think it's important. Things need to change. Because otherwise, I can't see myself staying here for much longer, and I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one.

AFAIK the sandanista guy is almost the sole reason VPNs are banned from leftypol

I oppose this proposal.

>When I ask a question, even if it's a bad question, I want to see people try their best to answer it. When I make an argument, even if it's a bad argument, I want to see people try their best to refute it. Right now, the response I get to both is "you're retarded" + an insipid reddit-tier reaction image.

This, really, sounds like a skill issue.
What arguments are you making that people won't even engage with? Because if someone is posting leninhat-tier idiotocy, I'm not going to validate them.

VPNs work fine?

just completely making shit up lol
i almost never got banned before the change in moderation after the “server outage” and i didn’t use this flag (or any other) so blaming years of VPN bans on me reeks of newfaggotry

Tor posting should stay since it makes the worst of the site easy to hide with a ublock filter, but yeah we need rule 11 to be more strongly enforced.

>gets told
>screencap and runs to /meta/ to ask for bans

The labor aristocrat revisionist dialect sounds like: >>37170

>Because if someone is posting leninhat-tier idiotocy, I'm not going to validate them.
The point is that we as a community should strive for discussion, rather than drive-by shitposting. If an argument is obviously wrong, it should be easy for you to refute it. If an argument is unsalvageably bad, the mods should be able to take care of it. Dealing with garbage by posting more garbage results in a net positive of garbage.

If rule 11 were enforced, posts like >>37171 >>37174 and >>37179 would be wiped off the face of the site. They are of absolutely zero value to anyone coming to the site seeking to actually learn something.

Told what, exactly? I'm asking for bans because he ban-evades.

It is better to have a shitpost response than no response at all. Talking real socialists from around the world is already a privilege, an experience most will never have in day to day life. I prefer being called a retard from a leninist than have a good conversation with liberals. Not that i hate the people around me. I just prefer here.

>real socialists
Oh spare me please!

>I prefer being called a retard from a leninist than have a good conversation with liberals.

I did too, until the novelty wore off. Seeing an online left that wasn't also full of hardcore libs and didn't buy into mainstream idpol felt very refreshing at first. But as time went on, I came to realize that I really don't get much out of this site. Being called a retard by a leninist is the same thing as being called a retard by anyone else. I've also become more educated since I first came here, and the views of your average Leftypol user, when they are actually willing to impart them on me, impress me a lot less than than they used to.

And saying that makes me realize that, honestly, I don't really like this site in general. The only reason I'm here, and the only reason I'm fighting for this site to become more like something I like, is out of a lack of alternatives. Everywhere else on the internet sucks shit, so I have to settle for the place that merely sucks.

Something funny I've realized, or maybe remembered, is that the only way to get people to actually engage with you on this site is by being provocative. I make intentionally inflammatory posts because they're the only ones I know I'm going to get a response to.

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I mean doesn't that stand to reason, what am I going to say about a post I agree with? 'nice post'?

I mean even when I'm just asking questions. Just asking for clarification about something simple gets at most a few comedians memeing at you for not already knowing the answer. Asking the same question, while also calling Stalin a stupid moron who smells like farts will get you at least one multi-paragraph reply where someone answers in great detail out of spite.

honestly when i want to have a conversation or learn a new subject i just put the topic in some AI generator and then search to see if the information is accurate. It sounds very dumb and depressing but it does the job. Don't do it with politics though, Lenin AIs and similar communist character.ai are so lib suc dem it pains any response they give.
Like, i like to judge things based on statistics, analyze the data, and come to my own conclusions. The context and the reasoning you can get from books and debates. Almost everything anons know comes from the internet and life experience. You have the internet, and all other new tools.
I believe everyone says i am dumb, no matter who i am talking to, because i truly an dumb and it makes other people uncomfortable, so i can either accept their judgment and that i am truly very slow, or try to find information myself. Both options admit that is not the world that is wrong, but the self, even if it that is not the case, it is easy to live like that. Just not go on a depressed crises or you will be in big trouble.

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Alright well im sorry to hear that, when I see someone with a genuine question I usually try to answer it if I know the answer

fuck ya mudda

what if you upvoted it and sucked the posters dick too while you are it

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