Not posting this in that dogshit meta board so the mods can ignore it and the userbase can not have a chance to discuss
If mods auto-remove this after leaving up a fucking race science thread they will have shown where their loyalties lie
At this point /leftypol/ has been turned into an even shittier version of siberia and siberia is indistinguishable from any other pathetic incel hole amongst the internet’s various chans
We went from threads where people wrote essays worth of discussion with each other to faggots spewing one liners and memes
This needs to end; this thread is for the few remaining communists to discuss if we can and how we can retake our forum
208 posts and 24 image replies omitted.Retards don't get that it's impossible to have large scale industry with an international division of labor that inherently tends to break down regional barriers while at the same time demanding to live in seclusion where everyone is the same race/ethnicity.
>>37966>>37958The irony of invoking science, which refutes (not just disputes but outright refutes) biological race as having any verifiable existence, in order to indulge in racism. Welcome to leftypol, where every Wikipedia-scrolling mouthbreather is a scientist.
>>37974>"someone else brought up che banned pro rojava posting."That was me and this isn't dirty laundry this is shit anyone that's been here long enough knows. This is a cop out half measure to sweep issues many people have been bringing up under the rug and wish it away. Funny how when the bunkerchan split happened many of the leftypol mods were fine with posting about it on the front page without taking it to Matrix.
Taking this to meta is a fucking insult and it's obvious that trying to have a dialog with mods about this is a waste of time.
>>37998What's your issue exactly? Is OP angry at rojava posters, at Russia supporters, China supporters, all of the above?
Idk, I'm in favor of baiting to get homophobic, racist, or otherwise replies and banning people. I can't spend basically anytime here anymore except for drive by posting, reading news, and reading major events threads.
>>37996Sorry if it's "idpol" and makes you feel attacked or whatever but there are in fact sections of the proletariat that experience unique forms of oppression that other sections of the proletariat do not because of things like racism, patriarchy and homophobia that arise from class but are not totally synonymous with class. Pretending like that isn't the case to mollify the feelings of straight white male proles and collapsing literally any kind of discussion of these issues into the same "liberal idpol" category is fucking dishonest and it's reactionary. Identity related bigotry exists and it makes the lives of sections of the proletariat materially worse. You can address those bigotries in ways which are not liberal but nobody in the anti-idpol crowd ever seems to have any interest in doing that. There is no recognition that Marxist feminism and liberal feminism or Communist gay lib and liberal gay lib might be substantively different. Mention any of these sectional issues as if they are worth discussing as more than a footnote and you must just be a tumblr radlib who thinks class struggle is irrelevant.
And it goes along with a really blinkered view of the history and present of socialist organizing. Most Communist parties historically have been a lot closer to the "idpol" (broadly defined in the dishonest way you people do) position on women and race than not. And in other cases it's the opposite, Communist parties were uniquely horrible on gay rights until the 90s almost overwhelmingly and in some cases even into the 2000s or today. If just saying "hey maybe struggle for gay rights can go along with the class struggle even if it only finds its ultimate fulfillment in the end of class society" is liberal then how are we supposed to critically discuss that history and make sure it doesn't happen again? And it's disconnected from the present of socialist organizing because if you join almost any irl Communist org from any tendency, ironically including anti-idpol ones, it's going to have a massively disproportionate amount of people from the groups we're talking about. So the idea that if someone treats a specifically black or women's or gay or trans issue as if it is worth addressing that they must be some lib who is not doing anything is just bullshit.
>>38004racism sexism homophobia is idpol
defending yourself or your friends or other groups is NOT idpol
>>37949>"a flaw in moderation which will be fixed because the mods are on my side"I think the exact opposite. I think they are letting the board go to shit on purpose to purge Marxists-Leninists because too many MLs got tired of being trolled by radlib ultras with jannies behind them that they started responding to everythings with "Stalin did nothing wrong" because when you take the time to explain with quotes from Marx or Lenin they plug their ears and run away. It is exactly as bad as trying to appeal to mods on a non-political forum where the status quo is predominantly upheld and expecting them to understand theory.
They pretty much completely stopped responding to feedback after crashing the site.
Oh and just to be clear the split is about campism and minority rights, and their analysis is completely wrong. They are hiding behind anti-campism to pretend their analysis doesn't start with idealism, as if human rights come from having the correct ideas fall out of the sky instead of being dependent on a certain level of material development and the social relations that come from that. The absolute worse are the race baiters who try to pretend like national self determination is advocating "brown capitalism" and they should be permabanned.
hopefully im wrong and those jannies just quit and arent coming back
>>37974>That is seperate from my personal opinionI agree there should be a line. China and Russia might be edge cases but people should not be allowed to call the Palestinian resistance class collaborating fascists.
>>37934As I said before, the problem with this is with administration. There are mods who mistakenly think advocating for the right of nations to self determination is reactionary/bourgeois nationalism and have banned for it before. We can't have a united front of non-sectarian "lines" if the administration is lacking in even the basics and completely undermines it. I honestly think its because they are being overly cautious because they are closer to the type of people
>>37941 who would previously be banned for idpol. They don't really understand or have a hard hitting dialectical and materialist analysis on minorities that demands support for them by universalizing their problems back into the class war, like wrapping up gay/women issues into universal free healthcare or how immigrant rights benefits all workers by creating a wage floor and instead just want to police language and make people feel safe even if they are liberal and wrong.
>>37904You mean "anyone over the age of ten"
>>37994I always thought communism was leftist
>>38004nah youre stupid af and a boogie who just wants to alleviate the "evils" of capitalism. theres more in common between literally any single immiserated proletarian than a prole and middle classer that happen to share race sex w/e
>le historical communist position on women and raceoh you mean communists denouncing feminism and black power as interclassist opportunists even a century ago? really showed me!
>>38004like i repeatedly get called a fed for calling out obvious lib bullshit like this LMFAO
>If just saying "hey maybe struggle for gay rights can go along with the class struggle even if it only finds its ultimate fulfillment in the end of class society" is liberal lol sure if you can benefit from voting then you clearly are not proletarian rofl, stop obfuscating reality by pissing your pants
the whole point of rights is rewarding model citizens of bourgeois society moron
>>38035Where did I even halfway imply that I see some commonality of interests between a petit bourgeoisie woman and a proletarian woman? You are proving my point about anti-idpol posters dishonestly equating any discussion or activism around these issues with the liberal version of that discussion/activism.
>communists denouncing feminism and black powerThe vast majority of Communist parties supported black power, including the CPUSA at its height. It was DeLeonists who saw black power and white power as synonymous and they are not even Marxists. And Marx and Engels themselves were feminists lol, read what they wrote on the woman question or read The Origin of the Family.
>>37894>Secondly, I feel like alot of you have gotten soft, when /leftypol/ was on 8chan there would be fascist crossposting posting their I Q memes and anti semitic schizo graphs all the time. They would be refuted pretty promptly. HAHAHA THANK GOD WE HAVE SOME OTHER VETERANS HERE WHO REMEMBER WHAT IT USED TO BE LIKE.
comrade rat is a RAT and should be disposed of like the Redditor plant that he is. Everyone who's been with /leftypol/ from the start knows that people screaming for a hugbox and all dissenters to be banned are the ones who are least able to defend their positions. Just look at this shit:
>>37934>Is magacom allowed? Is dengism allowed? Is third worldist idpol allowed? Is 'support russia in their noble struggle against ukraines genocide' allowed?This Uyghur LITERALLY WANTS TO BAN EVERY OPINION HE DISAGREES WITH AND IS MAD THAT OTHER MODS ARE HOLDING THE LINE AGAINST HIS AUTISM. KILL THIS UYGHUR FOR HAVING THE AUDACITY TO SUGGEST THIS SHIT.
>>37894>Secondly, I feel like alot of you have gotten soft, when /leftypol/ was on 8chan there would be fascist crossposting posting their I Q memes and anti semitic schizo graphs all the time. They would be refuted pretty promptly. As annoying as fascists are if this means less zealous moderation then I'm all for it.
>>38038The whole point of activism as a term is remaining outside the class struggle.
>>38049I never supported interclassism even once. Read this post again
>>38004My whole fucking point is that there are forms of feminism, gay lib and racial minority politics that are not interclassist but that that is not recognized by anti-idpol types. No matter how anyone talks about these issues you accuse anyone who wants them to be more than an irrelevant footnote of being interclassist liberals who love elections and bourgeoise democracy.
>>38051its not hairsplitting when we have people like you praising organization in the abstract instead of speaking about strictly proletarian organizing
>>38052no there are not. all proletarians have the same needs and interests, irrespective of race, gender, geographical location, etc, while diff sections of bourgeois society have different interests because of their different forms of property and reserves which leads them to compete against one another along different lines. insofar as proletarians compete against one another and divide themselves along arbitrary lines, they do so at their own expense as a class
>>38073>abolishing class society isnt in the interest of all proletarians, see some like a different soda brand or movie or whateveryou are very smart
<implying im a stalinist or whatever ideology market shit you personally dislikeimbecile
>>38079>see some like a different soda brand or movie or whateverA trans prole not having access to HRT or a gay prole not having access to PrEP is literally the difference between life or death, no different than a diabetic prole not having access to insulin. Saying it is the equivalent of liking a different brand of soda is homophobia/transphobia plain and simple.
And nobody in this entire thread has said that abolishing class society isn't in the interest of all proletarians lol. You are repeatedly doing what I said that anti-idpol posters do, which is dishonestly misrepresent any Communist who takes minority issues seriously as a liberal reformist.
>>38085im just pointing out that the specific issues you are talking about are used to divide the working class because of the popularity of a universal free healthcare program which would solve all those things but you would rather take the bait and put them front and center just to lose on misguided principles instead.
race gender orientation etc are real but mediated through class dynamics, to address minority oppression you have to have solutions that address the root cause
>>38088I didn't say put them front and center you fucking brainlet retard, can you stop strawmanning for one goddamn second?
>race gender orientation etc are real but mediated through class dynamicsQuote me saying anything else. I specifically said that homophobia, patriarchy and transphobia do not exist apart from class but that didn't stop you from you from strawmanning me as some resist lib a dozen more times after that.
>to address minority oppression you have to have solutions that address the root causeWhich is why you incorporate these things into the class struggle. Patriarchy, homophobia, racism and transphobia cannot be solved under capitalism, which is why bourgeoise anti-racism, LGBT activism and feminism are wrong (besides interclassism and other issues ofc). What can definitely happen since we've seen it happen a ton of fucking times is that a socialist revolution can adopt a reactionary line on these sectional issues after it wins. You prevent that by not treating the physical survival of a specific section of the proletariat as as irrelevant as the difference between coke and pepsi now, under capitalism.
>>38089Still no explanation of why it's liberalism for the Communist party to focus on issues that are not universal. You're a dogmatist fucking retard, you memorized a position you cannot explain in your own words and you just parrot it.
>>38091Then what the fuck have you been calling me a lib for for half the thread? I said a million goddamn times that I am not supporting voting, liberal activism, elctoralism, reformism, or interclassism. What I am arguing against is the idea that sectional issues like racism, misogyny, homophobia, and transphobia are irrelevant and that anyone expecting the Communist party to address them at all is a lib. What you will end up with if you take that approach, whether you mean to or not, is tailism and a reactionary line on these sectional issues after the revolution (assuming you get that far). Your response was 50 fucking strawmen, saying that being trans is just as significant as a choice between brands, and some retarded claim you can't even explain or defend that the party can only address universal issues. Fucking neck yourself.
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