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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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Not posting this in that dogshit meta board so the mods can ignore it and the userbase can not have a chance to discuss
If mods auto-remove this after leaving up a fucking race science thread they will have shown where their loyalties lie
At this point /leftypol/ has been turned into an even shittier version of siberia and siberia is indistinguishable from any other pathetic incel hole amongst the internet’s various chans
We went from threads where people wrote essays worth of discussion with each other to faggots spewing one liners and memes

This needs to end; this thread is for the few remaining communists to discuss if we can and how we can retake our forum

They recently cracked down on the incel posting on /siberia/

>We went from threads where people wrote essays worth of discussion with each other to faggots spewing one liners and memes
No offensive, but this was happening 10 years ago too
>socialism is when everyone has a small business
>unironic nazbol
>read bookchin spam
>migrants are scabs
>proto magacom
It's always been trying to find gems buried in mountains of garbage


The quality has gone down so much and allowing people who openly promote nazi traditionalism, with flag and all, or just people who solely post single sentence replied, kills the board.

I think its just a fact that most of the people who actually know their shit left because the board is increasingly just terminally online debate addicts, nazis, ziggers and other low effort posters who would rather spend time spamming "based china" "based deng" "based putin" "subhuman ukrops" than writing an analysis about why they think what they think (and if you tell them this they will just post quote mined out of context bs that can be disproven within seconds without them adding any of their own thoughts). The fact that no fresh blood is coming in combined with bad moderation of retarded anti-socialist positions (which just lets them dominate) combined with the slow erosion of people who know what they are doing leads to the state we are in.

Those who actually read a book once in their lives won't find further deepening discussion on this site because those that want to engage in it are few and far between and drowned out by those who just want to treat this board as a twitter page in which they cannot be blocked, a place to shout at people they think are their enemy in some online culture war.

Its gotten worse.

Banning TOR permanently would be a big help in this regard.
If you enter any debate thread you'll notice there's always 20+ Glownonymous posts arguing with each other always strawmanning and saying the most ridiculous shit so that it can be "called out" by another TOR poster taking the other side pretending to be logical.

>ban incelposting
>kill all the generals (isg and usapol can stay for actual containment's sake)
>kill torposting
Just these three measures will improve posting quality tenfold

I genuinely think this board needs to evaluate its stance on nationalism and third worldism even if the latter is nominally leftist, I feel they both allowed reactionaries to infiltrate by posing as anti-American and anti-Western

>ban incelposting
Isn't si/b/eria supposed to be containment for incels
how did they break out

The very concept of containment zones for imageboard is fucking stupid when the so called clean area is literrally one click away from the stained zone.

No it was just a random board
And the problem isn’t the incels per se
It’s that Siberia has functionally allowed non-socialists and “funny” anti-communists (not in the bs stalinist sense of critical of MLs, but the actual sense of being overt reactionaries) to gather and build a mini-community on the site

The former is nominally leftist as well. Read Trotsky.

Case in point one of the infiltrators who have wrecked this board

The point is that with a good mod team all the
>wahh I want sexo
threads get insta banned on /leftypol/ or at least quickly moved to si/b/eria so then the people voicing such sentiments don't contaminate the main board. So far the division has worked pretty well.
I mean it was like that in the 8chan days except we didn't even have a containment board /pol/ was a click away and loved to brigade so every thread would be never ending arguments.



the anti campist FEARS the anti imperialist

i wish all z flaggots would jump in front of a train. you should try it

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No wonder anti campists are so butt blasted all the time not even 1 post in and they abandon all pretense at being able to justify their positions (because they can't) so they go right into the insults phase.

So I want to note that what the Z-Poster is doing, that is, derailing a discussion specifically on the topic of how to push out the reactionaries that are rapidly shifting the board culture is a good example of how Leftypol degenerated to this state, it has thus far always been posters like this, using certain ideological pitfalls of this board, such as its tendency towards vulgar anti-Americanism and anti-Western posting, to begin an argument that begins with le western degeneracy and ends with “socialists must lead the reclamation of true Western culture as embodied in [insert medieval or antiquarian society]”
This isn’t a slippery slope argument, it is quite literally what has happened to the post quality over the past two and a half years

I suggest nobody who seriously wants to stop Leftypol’s decline respond to the Z troll, better yet filter the flag

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ziggers have had to stoop down to using trotsky to defend themselves now

This is what happens when socialism is reduced to "US bad".


Simply create an incel general so they dont make 10 different threads about the same thing. No, sex and relationship general is not an incel general, its topic is way too broad and past effort to collapse everything related into it contributes to the current problem. Incels are part of this community, this is like the one leftist space where they can talk, banning them will just push them into right-wing websites.
Also make a porn board, to keep siberia at least a little clean.
Exercise quality control for discussion on /leftypol/, if someone is doing nothing but insulting people, ban them.

And most importantly, more transparency for why someone is banned on part of the mod team, right now people keep getting banned or threads anchored or deleted utterly arbitrarely, based on whims of individual mods. Like look at the log https://leftypol.org/log.php?board=leftypol, the bans lack any explanation beyond one word buzzwords like "chud" or "idpol", have mods write a short one sentence description of what the poster did and why it warrants banning.

>People are getting banned randomly
Is a complaint that was valid in 2022

So I want to note that despite accusing me of derailing my thread it was actually this anon who wished to start an argument by implying here:
That he wanted mod action against people who disagreed with him wrt nationalism and third worldism.
Curious as to his argument, I replied with Trotsky, whereupon he revealed himself with this post:
As someone not sincerely interested in debate but just wanting to shut out all dissenting opinions because anti campists can't actually argue so they want to ban everyone instead.

This is definitive proof of the intellectual feebleness of anticampists.

Literacy is decreasing. Illiteracy is increasing. Economic disparity and desperation are increasing in the anglophone countires. Anglo-American hegemony is dying. People are in search of easy answers and scapegoats. A decrease in post quality on a (mostly) English speaking board can be seen as largely a byproduct of this. Base preceeds superstructure.

all communist parties in europe supported ww1
this is nothing new, its just westoids showing their true colors again

Refute what Trotsky actually says in that passage, please, particularly where he points out that England's victory will just replace the "semifascist" brazilian leadership with something even more reactionary. The west hates Putin because he's not enough of a Yeltsinite, not because he's too much of one. The vector of a political regime matters just as much as the position of a political regime.

> I mean it was like that in the 8chan days except we didn't even have a containment board /pol/ was a click away and loved to brigade so every thread would be never ending arguments.
Lmao fuck off
Stop pretending this is or should be old leftypol
The original board was a bastion in a sea of reaction
Right now this is a pristine lake letting fascist pollution seep in
“Le trolls always existed XD” is how 4chin reacted to stormfags too

Fuck China!

>with a good mod team
Even when taking this ridiculous premise of leftypol.org being able to recruit a good set of mods, an even bigger problem is the fact that they don't even use the site. We frequently have 12h, 20h gaps where not a single mod even checks the website. Within that period of time a nazi has the capacity of writing hundreds of posts, bait threads, sliding shit, repelling any genuine newcomer that just concludes "oh this is just some neonazi front chan" and never returns. AND WHEN THE MODS DO COME BACK, they merely bumplock half, treat the rest as "good faith", don't check other thread reply-chains, and then just go back to Twitter or whateverthefuck. But to reinforce the first point - we've gotten to this point because the mods actively promote this environment. The present state of things on leftypol.org is not by chance. They mold it to be this shitposty, they maintain a biased political stance against their own rules because they're majority revisionists, the prioritize quantity > quality and thus /siberia/ is 4/b/+4/r9k/+4/hc/+4/pol/, let geopol clog /leftypol/ and do nothing to make something out of /edu/ and raise the quality of dialogue because this way it gives the illusion that the site "is still alive" by metrics alone. They will not chage, they have heard these criticisms for at least two years, they go on deaf ears and the problem gets noticeably worse every single season.

In fact nukechan.net was created with a reasonable set of rules and democratic moderation specifically due to this becoming a noticeable problem already in 2023. It enforces socialist discourse, not ""leftism" + reactionaries". It has a more focused set of boards, rules and guidlines; here are some relevant ones:
>2. Non-socialist content is tolerated, so long as it is sincere and dialectical, or otherwise valued. Extremely inflammatory topics (e.g. rationalising child abuse) or disruptive proselytising may not be tolerated.
>3. No exploitative spamming, ads, flooding, botposting or abusing site infrastructure without permission from the tech team.
>1. No pornography, gore or shock images. There are other sites for those.
>1. Don't treat this site like one you arrived from. Lurk before posting.
>3. Put thought into a thread before you create it, as it may exist for a long time. Make the first image relevant and distinctive as it will be most visible in the catalog view.

I recommend you contribute positively to the network effect and come write a reply to something interesting once or at least every other day. We don't have to wither as a community here because of the dogshit moderation, there are options open for a path forward.

serious discussion will likely never be the most common on anonymous image boards as they were simply not made for that purpose, the main issue with leftypol in my view is its increasing isolation and dying userbase, as the few anons left are driven to increasingly edgy bait inorder to facilatate new posts. the incel stuff can and should be banned on sight however, as its just complete nonsense, people goin on boards in siberia just to post "i hate woman" and nothing else.

God i wish that were me.

Impressive, very nice, let's see PRC's transhumanist…

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The mods are overwhelmed by the volume of posting or just doing nothing on purpose. You see so many posts that don't get removed for hours, if ever.
>muh ziggers
That word immediately shows you to be a bad faith actor who shouldn't be allowed to post either. What do you mean by "zigger"? How do you differentiate yourself from Ukrainian anticommunists and other NED useful idiots that openly and proudly use talking points such as "asiatic hordes", "evropa is racially superior", "soviet imperialism", "chinese bugmen"? How do you communicate this difference to other people? Because when most people use the word, it just means "opposition to US color revolution and open intent of genocide and enslavement in multiple countries of more than 1 billion people in total". Gee, I wonder why communists would be against that.
Also, yes, virtually all people here are weird SJWs, some more than others. No one communist has truly been free of liberalism yet, leaders like Lenin, Mao, Stalin all had quite problematic liberal influences that resulted in big problems down the line, like the existence of Israel in the modern day. What we can do is recognize these influences and work to counteract them.

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Another example of the derailment I mean from Z posters
>Why don’t you want to accept just hating America and the West!?!?
Because faggots like you quickly pivot to ranting about how queers and migration are a westoid ploy and ackshaully workers in the imperial core are disorganized due to heckin wokeness and the only way to resolve this contradiction and return to organized class struggle is by collaborating with fascists and idk becoming fascists lolololololol

Groypers weren’t influential here until ziggers and the entire nationalist peanut gallery were

that symbol predates the term “zigger”, you could figure this out by asking yourself if the Z symbol came before or after the term that references the Z symbol

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>Because faggots like you quickly pivot to ranting about how queers and migration are a westoid ploy and ackshaully workers in the imperial core are disorganized due to heckin wokeness and the only way to resolve this contradiction and return to organized class struggle is by collaborating with fascists and idk becoming fascists lolololololol

<Source: Dude Trust Me This Really Actually Happened Here on Leftypol

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>The z symbol, which was used by supporters of the russian side in the ukrainian war as a symbol of identity, predates a variation that was created for said symbol as a slur for people who support the russian side in the ukraine war
Say it aint so!
Next you're gonna claim black people existed before they invented the n word.

Answer the question. I personally oppose anticommunists like picrel 1 in that post, so I am a zigger by the majority definition. Is that what YOU mean by that word?
Have you ever looked at what kinds of posts people make in /ukr/? Not this, that's for sure. People there are still very critical of the Russian state. What you have is a strawman.

>Eurocoms, trots, anars and socdems do shit, are hated by european working class, get mogged in France, Germany and Italy
>T…This is the fault of tankies and redbrowns! Death to Ruzzia and China1984! Millions of euros must be sent to Ukraine, Kurds, Hamas and Hezbollah!

so you understand how it would be silly for pretending there’s hypocrisy in using a “black” flag and calling out people who use uyghur as a pejorative

so you understand how it would be silly to pretend there’s hypocrisy in using a “black” flag and calling out people who use uyghur as a pejorative?

bring back the .onion site you fucking federale mods I know you're here seething about ziggas

>No offensive, but this was happening 10 years ago too
It wasn't anywhere near as bad and it was offset by high quality essayposting from people who deeply read theory like OP is saying.

Th name of the board is LEFTypol, not kampucheapol, not trotskypol, not centralplannerspol, not marxistleninistpol.

Are people in Taiwan ashamed of their Chinese roots at this point? Wonder if they'll start teaching English or Japanese in schools

There are overwhelmingly third worldist sites that are not a fraction of a percentage as cancerous as leftypol is and this place has a large contingent of ultras. Not using ultra pejoratively or even disagreeing with you on nationalism, I just don't think banning nationalism or third worldism outright would necessarily lead to a better board. Banning torposting and handing out permas for unironic chauvinism would be a lot easier and improve the site a lot. If mods can't even shut down Nazi threads before they exceed bump limit then I am not sure how they are supposed to delete everything that doesn't adhere to a very specific line or why you would trust them to try.

Didn’t say ban nationalism outright, I’m not partial to just blanket banning outlooks
More, it’s worth drawing a line when it’s getting too much and when overtly reactionary idealist shit is being promoted bc “Dur murica bad”
The ultras aren’t much better since they essentially promote racism and national chauvinism for westerners, but they only returned to the dynamic very recently after a very long absence here

Fascists, groypers, nationalists, and the rest of the clown car aren’t leftists

>it’s worth drawing a line when it’s getting too much and when overtly reactionary idealist shit is being promoted bc “Dur murica bad”
I agree with that but in terms of how you mod it I don't see what there is to do besides permas for racism, queerphobia and misogyny. Which is not going to happen here because it's an imageboard and you have to let people say transhumanist uighurfaggot even on an ostensibly Communist site that should know better than to give a shit about liberal free speech ideology. But it's at least doable and if it did happen it would instantly reduce the number of reactionaries here by a lot.

Solution: report early and often

>racism, queerphobia and misogyny
Instant ban them. They are not communist.

It isn't Putinpol either

But what if I want to bitch about that jewish nigger Lasalle?

Totally agree, I just think in imageboard culture there is enough of an ingrained bias against moderating slurs that even on the mod team it would probably be an uphill battle to get that be policy. Especially since they don't seem to give a shit even about overtly heinous forms of those chauvinisms which cannot even be plausibly written off as ironic, that Indian thread is still up somehow. But it would be more effective at drawing a line between fascists larping as left nationalists/third worldists and actual Communists who are left nationalists/third worldists than trying to define exactly where that line is. Because once you do the latter you immediately get into sectarian territory that is just going to be the usual endless shitflinging between campists and ultras.

agreed, said this in USApol but I would make the mods look laidback and nonchalant, Siberia is not r9k half those dumbass threads getting deleted and im throwing out permabans without explanation by the dozen. its called LEFTYpol not INCELpol or DIRIGSMEpol. If you act like sandinistaanon than ur instantly getting permabanned and TOR can come back when post quality improves. put the trash where it belongs(leftychan)

TOR is only part of the problem.

Idk man. NTA but Methinks nostalgia is blinding you.
You're getting older and it's time to grow out of "isolated" forum sites.


Methinks discrimination should also include misandry and anti whitey and cishetphobia

>Methinks discrimination should also include misandry and anti whitey and cishetphobia
It shouldn't and saying this should be a perma too

Literacy was less a century ago


Again, imageboards were always shit holes. Your pining I er the good old days is what fuels shit posting.
Most imageboard users are by default socially defective people who are still waiting to have their "big day out"

it worked for /isg/

many forms of nationalism are so inseperable from leftist traditions that its not possible to "evaluate" that while remaining a non-sectarian site


i do think the board improved when cyclical threads were ended and enforcement of thread relevance became more lax. some new shitty threads that would have been deleted before too but overall i think its an improvement

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>doesn't just use the overboard like the rent of the userbase
If I browsed this site the way you do I'd only use /siberia/, /hobby/, /edu/ and /tech/.
Anyways the issue is debate addiction. The jannies have gotten used to the thrill of winnig debates with chvds that they haven't noticed it's erosion of the site's ability to facilitate dialouges.
The death of twitter will fix this.

>Methinks discrimination should also include misandry and anti whitey and cishetphobia
>It shouldn't and saying this should be a perma too

this is the path to becoming a subreddit. i rather a shitty board thats useable than that bullshit


You think discrimination is only against women, cishet folk and ethnic minorites?
I'm a black man and I don't like people romanticising me as a person just because of my ethnotacial status.
I don't like how LeftyPol sympathises the ghettofab lumpen shit that's infested my contemporary ethnic culture since the 1990s.

I also don't like how because I'm a cishet male I'm automatically labelled as an oppressor.
I thought LeftyPol was supposed to be above spooks?
I thought they were focused on class, not race nor gender.

But once again, having to deal with incels, simps, and SJWs tells me that LeftyPol is just a mix of 4chan and Reddit.

Imageboards at their heart was about social defects who cannot and will not leave behind the childhood social neglect.

It doesn't matter what political or religious belief you have.
Hell, race , gender nor nationality matter either

It's all about people still trying to have the romantic teenage life they never got to have.

It's especially telling with the genpol on here.

Just giving hour or day bans for bullshit is enough to get it to tone down, the mods had a decent system going for dealing with reactionaries, the problem is that the dereliction of duty.
The system works if mods ban perma for reactoids and temp for others; the problem is they’re doing nothing at all

>misandry and anti whitey and cishetphobia
grow up

Which is exactly what I said would be the response even of the mods when I brought up banning slurs. There are a lot of fucking idiots on imageboards who have some weird veneration of free speech even when it doesn't match their professed politics at all. There are communist subreddits that are 100x more usable, less reactionary and higher post quality than this place. /r/communism is a great example and that is almost entirely Maoist for people saying third worldism is the problem. Also it's not 2008 anymore, there is not some iron divide between imageboards and reddit anymore. Half the content on this place already comes from reddit to begin with.

Case in point.
You're only showing that you don't really care about class war. You only want an inverted patriarchy.

Merely bashing cishet folk, men, and whites isn't productive to leftist causes.
Especially since you guys base your ideology on cishet white males.

>I also don't like how because I'm a cishet male I'm automatically labelled as an oppressor.
This happens to no extent in no significant cases and has no effect on your life. You are either arguing with liberals in which case call them out, or you said something transphobic and don't even know it. Get over it and find something else to complain about.

Who do you think you're talking to? Making shit up like this

Because equating anti-white racism with racism against poc (for lack of a better term), cishetphobia with queerphobia and misandry with misogyny is a favorite of actual reactionaries so if you banned it you would get rid of a lot of them.

It's also dumb because it is an idealist way to approach the issue of chauvinism, as if the problem is one of a kind of thought or speech which is equally bad on a moralistic level regardless of what the social reality it is referring to is. A gay or trans person can be as virulently anti-cishet as they want but that will not change the fact that cishet people are not in actual danger because they are cishet. That's not the case for gay and trans people. I will be called a radlib just for saying this, which is a mark of exactly how far this place has degenerated.

I don't know about you but I hang out on leftypol because I like imageboards and I don't want another reddit. Some people prefer heavily moderated forums where every shade of wrongthink is banned and I get why, but it isn't for me. I don't think imageboards should be that sanitized and I will coexist with the incels if it means that I can speak my mind.

Once again you guys are proving my point that you guys care more about idpol than class.
Also, for context, children are the most vulnerable demographic of all, even more than disabled.

Yet, you guys are against student autonomy and homeschooling

>253K members, 19 online
>Top post of the week: 4 comments
Dead subreddit. If reddit is so much more usable, why even bother having an imageboard? Also there is a Hexbear, is leftypol is just too edgy for you, another dying place.
I like imageboards, and I like to be able to post what I want without some mods looking over my shoulder, putting his stamp on what I can or cant post. If someone is doing nothing but spam slurs, sure, ban then, but there should be a free speech, there are lot of people who consider retarded to be a slur, hell, speaking of reddit, r/socialism I remember had this entire struggle session over whether calling people stupid is ableist.

Homeschooling is objectively shitty for children and every principled communist should oppose it.

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One thing is a place being so sanitized and lockstep that you cannot even intelligently disagree on sensitive issues or are forced to follow a certain line. Another is acting like it's some crucial cultural thing that actual Nazis be tolerated and people be allowed to fling slurs left and right. Imageboards are imageboards and I am not under the illusion I'm gonna change that by posting in a leftypol meta thread, nor do I burst into tears whenever I see "wrongthink" or a slur. But it's still stupid, what exactly is added to a forum by that level of tolerance? We're Communists and not liberals, we're not supposed to believe in free speech.
>you guys care more about idpol than class
Pic related but for racial minorities and women too. Idpol has become a next to useless term, some of you idiots think it just means racial and sexual minorities being positively acknowledged at all.
>you guys are against student autonomy and homeschooling
Idk about you but I actually read Marx so I am against the family.

im not talking about free speech as a general principle. im saying i dont want stupid bans enforced by mods that never even work to actually remove reactionary sentiment, they just make people veil it in vague language, and those kind of rules are terrible for discussion anyway

>Because equating anti-white racism with racism against poc (for lack of a better term), cishetphobia with queerphobia and misandry with misogyny is a favorite of actual reactionaries so if you banned it you would get rid of a lot of them.

>It's also dumb because it is an idealist way to approach the issue of chauvinism, as if the problem is one of a kind of thought or speech which is equally bad on a moralistic level regardless of what the social reality it is referring to is. A gay or trans person can be as virulently anti-cishet as they want but that will not change the fact that cishet people are not in actual danger because they are cishet. That's not the case for gay and trans people. I will be called a radlib just for saying this, which is a mark of exactly how far this place has degenerated.

You're acting just like the reactionaries you hate by dismissing misandry, cishetohonia and anti white racism as "exaggeration".

They do exist and just because reactionaries use them as baiting points doesn't make them less real.

Also, hate to tell you this but queers, ethnic minorities, and women are not all mutual allies.
Look at how hatred/contempt for Indians and Pakistan is are allowed on here.

Look at how conservative/lib women are hated upon.
Y'all defend young exuberant slim women but will spit on older less pretty less docile women

A lot of posts even encourage getting camwhores to attract potential leftists.

You guys also hate on femboys and bisexuals for being "traitors".

Subtract all the /pol/ tourists, larouchites, incels and shitposters from the post count and this place would also be dying.

Public schooling is worse.
Have any of you been to inner city schools at all?
Also homeschooling can be controlled by regulating which adults are allowed to breed.

Banning slurs would be a way for lazy mods to remove reactionaries, that is the whole reason I'd be for it. No need for some insoluble theoretical struggle session about which sect has a reactionary take on national questions, just say uigher and you're out for a day or two, perma if it's clearly unironic.

All the more reason to not kill it off with excessive overmoderation. Contend policing should be done for the sake of maintaining quality, at least on /leftypol/ and /edu/, not protecting users from hearing bad words.

Mods ban you for any slight irritation.
They ban you for making a cynical post while allowing others to make more vitriolic posts
Also, the fellow users always wanna shut down others opinions and wine about "glowies" "echo chambers" "boomers" "zoomers" etc despite acting just like the straw men they hate.

if it was done for quality than all the hazzie posts would be gone lol

homeschooling is just a nice euphemism for child abuse by christian fundies

I swear I made more or less this thread a couple of months ago.

>Also, hate to tell you this but queers, ethnic minorities, and women are not all mutual allies
We're derailing the thread at this point but this is exactly as relevant as hazoid claims about the working class being anti-immigrant. Even if it were true, and it's certainly exaggerated by reactionaries, so what? They're not mutual allies so fuck them? Chauvinism isn't Communist period.

Also I am bisexual and I was dealing with biphobia before your anime ass meme identity was even a thing so do not tell me about what I do or why lol. If you wanna dress up as astolfo then I could not have less of an issue with it but jesus christ, listen to yourself.
>Look at how conservative women are hated upon.
Good, they should be. Fuck house uighers and pickme queer people too. If you are reactionary idgaf what minority you're from.
>A lot of posts even encourage getting camwhores to attract potential leftists
Either you are spending too much time on siberia or this happened once and you're still mad about it. You don't even see a lot of pro "sex work" shit on this board (thankfully), let alone encouraging people to cam

I asked for a char limit for OP's but instead all they did was add an upper-limit to posts, wiping out news posts as a thing.
What i learned was, don't bother, if they make any changes they'll make it worse.

It would be about how to get rid of hazoids and /pol/ tourists without making it a sectarian thing where you are banning people for principled disagreement. If I was scared of seeing bad words I wouldn't be on an imageboard in a first place.

>mods delete 1 post
>mission accomplished

if someone is making racist sexist lgbtphobic etc. slurs you can bet theyre probably a reactionary. what's the chance theyre actually a principled leftist who just happens to also say those things? no, theyre either a cringe basement dweller who thinks saying transphobic shit is a part of his culture because he has none, or a pol tourist to begin with

you know what people outside of leftypol think? that its a bunch of cringe 4channers who are racist. because thats what it looks like when they come here. this is a very well known website, but people dont come because this place sucks

tbh if they banned the hazzies, r9k posters and /pol/yps the site would prolly grow but for whatever reason the mods refuse the purge the site of obnoxious reactionaries

Mods tolerate reactionaries and /pol/yps because, without them to counter-balance, the board would become turbo-liberal.

Yeah. Because those people are stupid. And when stupid people start posting they will just post in every thread and shit them up. It doesn't matter the thread, they will post in it, and their posts will suck. So they increase post count but it's all low quality shit and not a real discussion, just trolling.

>Mods tolerate reactionaries and /pol/yps because, without them to counter-balance, the board would become turbo-liberal.
Reactionaries and poltards are liberals. The board is a lot more liberal because of them being so common.

That is exactly my point. If you try to moderate based on a very precise definition of what's reactionary and what's not, you're going to get bogged down in sectarian debates that never end. If you ban people who use slurs then you are either banning actual reactionaries or unserious people who value the ability to make low quality posts over actually contributing to discussion. So it solves the issue without forcing a certain line on the site, which genuinely would be overmoderating.

Alt righers are only half of the problem. The other half are the simps and idpol folks. And they often are intersectional in beliefs

>Also I am bisexual and I was dealing with biphobia before your anime ass meme identity was even a thing so do not tell me about what I do or why lol. If you wanna dress up as astolfo then I could not have less of an issue with it but jesus christ, listen to yourself.

What "anime ass meme" are you referring to?
And what is your beef?

>Either you are spending too much time on siberia or this happened once and you're still mad about it. You don't even see a lot of pro "sex work" shit on this board (thankfully), let alone encouraging people to cam

I wish this pro sex work sentiment was only on Siberia.
It's spread here too.>>2095089

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It's worse now as other people said at least you had effort posts among the shit posts and nazi's and despite mods like Che being an autist he actually would stop that shit.
I agree with this. Actually just kill Siberia and the other boards at this point they get like a dozen posts a week. If the Siberia posters shit up the main board they can just catch a perma and be done with it.

Debating liberals makes you more liberal because they don't budge but you get cointelpro'd into taking some of their assumptions seriously, even if subconciously.

>Even if it were true, and it's certainly exaggerated by reactionaries, so what? They're not mutual allies so fuck them? Chauvinism isn't Communist period.

So you understand that hating upon cishet folks, men, and whites for not being "mutual allies" is also chauvinistic?

Also, I read a bit of Haz posts and he seems to me like a sycophant no different from those Hispanic white supremacists.

Siberia is the only board which the LGBT general is allowed on. The reason is because if someone makes an LGBT general on leftypol board, it gets immediately shit up with transphobia and homophobia. Deleting boards isn't going to solve anything. So if you delete siberia then we better have bans for anti-lgbt shitposting in leftypol board in the LGBT general that will be forced to go there now.

All the other replies here disagreeing with you are telling of how coping people are on here.
They don't understand that theyre getting older and they need to move in to more mature ways of discussing their alleged leftist philosophy.

>What "anime ass meme" are you referring to?
Femboys. And I have zero beef with them but it's essentially an internet based consumer identity. Complaining that bigotry against dudes who like to dress up like anime characters is the same as transphobia or homophobia is just absurd.

I'm not referring to femboys.
I'm talking about against bisexual males. As in plain looking ones. Not the femboys or hunky beauty types.

Why not make another LeftyPol site but with username registry and IP tags?

I am not pro chauvinism against cishet people, men or whites. But it's willful ignorance of how bigotries like queerphobia, misogyny and anti poc (again, don't like the term but ykwim) racism operate to say that they are functionally equal.
Well you mentioned both

Yeah we've started having rules founded in the assumption that primary rules aren't enforcable.
It may be time to reasses the structure of the site, maybe develop an activitypub-enabled imageboard software so moderation can scale.

>Femboys. And I have zero beef with them but it's essentially an internet based consumer identity. Complaining that bigotry against dudes who like to dress up like anime characters is the same as transphobia or homophobia is just absurd.
Nice, femboyphobia. Femboys are a real thing not an internet meme and not a consumerist identity any more than any other gender is. Femboys are like tomboys but the opposite. Being a femboy is sometimes a gateway to being trans if they don't feel comfortable being trans yet also. Femboyphobia is bullshit but pretty rare because femboys are rare.

>Literacy was less a century ago
Did you even read that anon’s post?

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>Sucks your dick

Bro you will not even be a boy in 5 years assuming you are one now. I am not saying fuck men who dress girly, I'm fine with that. Acting like femboy as an identity holds just as much weight as gay or trans is what's silly. They are genderconconforming cis men or they're closeted trans people, either way you don't need to act like identifying as a boy and dressing like astolfo is some very serious social issue.

Haz/ACP shit is banned by special ordinance, see >>>/meta/37647. Report such things and refer to ordinance 1.

Most Christian fundamentalists don't even homeschool their kids. And ironically public schooling is far more rife with child abuse. Bullying and corporal punishment were rampant and still are in alot of places.

Leftists talk about welfare of the children but they still wanna sell out to public schooling and wanna coddle bullies and abusive teachers.

Ok fair point.

I did. And he's wrong.
Less people were literate a century ago.
Literacy is now used as a term to refer to people who conform to liberal academic opinions.

Also, irony is, literacy doesnt make one leftist
In fact, a lot of our academic institutions promoted sexism, racism, and cishet supremacy.

This is why I don't like getting head.
Just rub one out between the thighs instead.

Any human being who thinks that femboyphobia is a real societal problem needs to get out more and touch the fabled grass.

I'm not a femboy I'm trans and I have femboy friends. Some femboys take HRT to prevent masculinization. Femboy IS an identity and it's closely related with being trans. Nobody's acting like it's some very serious social issue. I'm just calling you out on calling it a consumerist internet meme identity which isn't true, it's basically a subset of trans in many cases. Yeah, there are astolfo memes. You're confusing the internet memes for the real thing.

The real societal problem is extended childhood

I reported the Indian thread consistently and the mods didn’t do a fucking thing
People were even making meta threads about it
Sort your shit

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So I woke up this morning and now i have to read through a thread of 900+ posts and see whats bannable.

There's been alot of groyper crossposting since the elon/h1b meltdown.

On the other hand, I kind of feel some of you deserve the blame. For one, that whole thread had tons of soyjaks straight out of halfchan/sharty and literally no one reported them. I know, because I was looking at the reports. Maybe another mod dismissed them before I got to it, but I don't think so.

As we all know posting non leftypol OC 'jaks is banned. So please use the fucking report button.

Secondly, I feel like alot of you have gotten soft, when /leftypol/ was on 8chan there would be fascist crossposting posting their I Q memes and anti semitic schizo graphs all the time. They would be refuted pretty promptly.

You have to decide if you guys want to debate rightoids (including libertarians/fascists) or they should just be banned on sight. As per rule 7:
>7) Reactionism and liberalism, or any other kind of non-leftist positions are not banned in itself, as we will endeavour to allow and encourage people of other political philosophies to explore leftism through /leftypol/ so long as they follow the rules contained herein. However, non-leftist users are ultimately to be considered ‘guests’ and thus will be removed if they prove a nuisance or disrupt the normal functioning of the site. Low-effort raiders will be banned.Opening posts with liberalism or reactionary topics will be treated with far more scrutiny to prevent them filling the catalog.

If we want to change that thats fine, we can go full reddit hugbox.

Keep in mind low effort shit is still bannable so I will be doing something about that soon.

Were you reporting the replies or the OP? There's nothing wrong with the OP so of course the jannies ignored ya.

Nobody was banned even in the thread itself

If leftypol goes full reddit hugbox, I'm out.

>not being a debate addict nazibar in going full reddit hugbox.
See that attitude is part of the problem

i agree that everytime a retard enters everybody else also goes full retard mode. either avoid them or refute them, dont whine for the next 60 hours about it, it's not productive in the slightest.

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>Femboy IS an identity

It's pretty much a flavor on non-binary. It's weird that this is even a point of contention.

If it continues to allow 1000 post threads of /pol/ tier racism then I'm out so hopefully mods can find a healthy middle. If you want a board that's 4/5 Nazis and other reactionary retards and 1/5 Communists trying to debate them then you can just go to /pol/.

So collapse it into nonbinary instead of sperging about "femboyphobia", which makes you look ridiculous to everyone over the age of 20.

my only contention is that it is fucking lame to describe your affect and behavior as "femboy" in earnestness to the point you get offended by someone laughing at sincerely calling yourself a femboy. call yourself a fruit or something that doesnt make you sound like a ridiculous tiktok addicted teenager

Well good thing I want to kill all the generals too due to them this site is just a half a dozen generals in a trench coat. As for your other point chalk that up to mods actually clapping people.

You're aware that your IP is tagged on the backend of this site right? We wouldn't have to even talk about banning tor nodes if it's primary use wasn't just ban evasion.

>just report the 500+ posts one by one bro
why do I need to do that when it is literally the first thread on the overboard

>I'm out
good, and stay out

>Secondly, I feel like alot of you have gotten soft, when /leftypol/ was on 8chan there would be fascist crossposting posting their I Q memes and anti semitic schizo graphs all the time. They would be refuted pretty promptly.
Remember what they took from vs.
fr tho the board was better then because people would seriously discuss things.

ok how do you enforce a strict ban on all reactionary posts without it quickly dissolving into arbitrary enforcement of some vague ideological cohesion?

> Femboy IS an identity and it's closely related with being trans.
<You're confusing the internet memes for the real thing.
Kek. Am i being trolled?

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Gauge if a conversation is cooperative or compatitive. People with differing views can have cooperative communication. Trying to win conversations shits up any venue it's allowed it.

it is pretty easy just use common sense

like how is this even a question, use your fucking brain
>oh no but where do you draw the line it is a slippery slope
every site has moderation which at the end of the day is discretionary. you don't need a perfect incorruptible rule, just common sense

How do our mods and the administration feel in general about the state of things and the increase in rightoid posts? Is there something users could do to help you or make things easier?

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>Secondly, I feel like alot of you have gotten soft, when /leftypol/ was on 8chan there would be fascist crossposting posting their I Q memes and anti semitic schizo graphs all the time. They would be refuted pretty promptly.

You have to decide if you guys want to debate rightoids (including libertarians/fascists) or they should just be banned on sight. As per rule 7:

The nazi posts and reactionary posts along with dumbass magacom posts aren't even in good faith so saying we might need to change the rule when it already breaks rule 7 is the problem. Also we would have raids on 8chan but they actually got dealt with and we could go back to normal discusions. It's not the case when the posters just get to keep shitting up threads.

You don’t think there’s a serious fucking problem when multiple threads are dominated by rightoids?


Not possible when they are the numerical majority
Nobody is saying enforce some ML consensus, but if obvious rightoids are dominating a thread maybe it’s time to make judicious use of the ban function, yeah?

>Secondly, I feel like alot of you have gotten soft, when /leftypol/ was on 8chan there would be fascist crossposting posting their I Q memes and anti semitic schizo graphs all the time. They would be refuted pretty promptly.
Based and true.
The current state of the userbase is because mods were overbearing for a very long time, /leftypol/es nowadays just want to wait for the invisible hand of moderation to smite their foes rather than btfoing them and convincing the lurkers while at it.

Also the .onion is down please fix.

Not a janny but:
- don't engage with righoid posts: the thrill of debate is the bait
- report and the interact with posts below it to make it less visible to debate addicts

If i wanted to be in a shithole dominated by nazis and liberals I would just start posting on twitter.

I want a place to discuss communism with communists, not be attacked by retards because I don't hate trans people hard enough.

I really don't understand the mods' years-old crusade against wojaks/soyjaks. They've been trying to eradicate them on this website since like 2021. It's just a meme.

>Dude just use facts and logic to debate le browns are subhuman that eat cats and shit in the street, don’t you care about converting polfaggots bro!?
Just ban those cunts
You can’t debate malicious nonsense, you ignore and silence it, if rightoids are dominating the board it’s not because le freeze peach and le debate must BTFO them, it’s because they’ve become a numerical majority and the mods can and should use their ability to purge discussions and the board to fix it
This isn’t a rightoid to communist conversion board

They're a psyop to induce debate addiction. They onlx persist because they were artificially boosted in search engines and youtube.

Don't deb8 them just point out their retardation.
Engaging in deb8 to try to convince the poltards themselves is useless as you say.

>Don't debate them just fire diatribes at them each time they fire diatribes at you

>at them

ban every regular of /ukr/ and /prc/ and the problem will go away

Thanks for the input, CIA.

>leftypol has been overrun by tankies
>leftypol has been overrun by succdems
>leftypol has been overrun by groypers
>leftypol has been overrun by pol


I understand letting reactionary tourist is always risky and sometimes repulsive or annoying. But they've been a feature of leftypol since the 8chan. I think it's also good to interact with an actually racist reactionary and see them get dragged down. That's just imo, I'm more weary on setting hard lines but understand the desire. I don't think it's the solution to breathing life back into the site.

>most of the people who actually know their shit

>and other low effort posters who would rather spend time spamming "based china" "based deng"

these are actually the same people they just switched to one liners because its not worth it to debate with liberals

>just doing nothing on purpose
its felt like this for about a month. after they changed a bunch of the code and moved things around and then the board crashed and everyone complained i think they went on strike and let the board go to shit so that people will beg for them to come back. seems like a way for them to ignore ideological critique

>what's the chance theyre actually a principled leftist who just happens to also say those things?
I call people faggots and transphobic slurs, and am 100% pro LGBT. Its a cultural thing.

>I think it's also good to interact with an actually racist reactionary
That's the whole fucking internet now lol. Even if it was the same on 8chan, and I genuinely think it's worse now, internet culture as a whole is not what it was back then. If you wanna debatebro racist reactionaries you can go on the front page of reddit or click anything that's trending on twitter.

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>Don't deb8 them just point out their retardation.
If they are the numerical majority "pointing out their retardation" is not going to work.
Left wing politics irl has been "pointing it out" for years and years. It doesn't work. They just overwhelm you by posting at the same pace per person. If just pointing it out worked then why is reddit, twitter and every other places infested with them?

Listen fucko, back in the early days Leftypol may have served a dual purpose of being a communist holdout in a sea of reactionary gaymergayed shit, and in doing so converted some people, but that is not the case anymore. These people are not confused 16 year olds who crawl out of their own board and engage in good faith discussions to try and understand why we are communists. That happened back then, and poltards who just came to shit up the board were instantly banned. The people on this board now are a group in and of themselves who found this website a free and accomodating place for their reactionary bullshit, who found a moderation team unwilling to ban them, who have made this board into a place to circlejerk over their reactionary idiocy with each other, and have formed a large enough group that their low effort insistent posting and baiting just drowns out anything else.

Nazis in the past would be banned if they started to bad faith interpret everything, if they started to purposefully argue using solely fallacious bs, when they started shouting nothing but insults, but that isnt happening anymore. You can spend half an hour writing detailed, sourced arguments only for these retards to go
>muh degeneracy
>nuh uh all sources you post I don't believe i only believe things that affirm what I already believe
>you're just a white yankee anglo first worldist reeee
>oh so you support genociding je- i mean russians?!

Pointing out how they are wrong does not work, and it did not work in the past. What did it do in the past? Since more people seeking information were around back then, the thread served as a public podium for actual communists to address questions for all to see, so both other communists could use said arguments more easily and so curious people would be able to read them.This is shown by how we used to screencap a lot more threads and posts back then to re-use as standard replies. Now only once every blue moon some post gets screencapped. It was like a collective Q&A stream, with the "streamer" being the actual communists on the board, and the audience being both other communists and curious people. And the mods did their job in banning people unwilling to learn or accept the communist line, who merely were there for "debate", but not actual "debate", just shouting matches. God I wish these retards that dominate the board these days would engage in actual debate.

You think, and that also goes to the mod that replied and wasn't a mod back then, that leftypol always just functioned by "telling people to fuck off". No, it did not. It worked by maintaining a strict line on which opinions are within the "official collection of lines" and which were forbidden. Outright pro-idpol communists were banned on sight. Tradcoms or as they call themselves now "Magacoms" were banned on sight. Nazis were banned on sight. They were only tolerated to temporarily take the mic, to post for a while, so long as they were in the subservient position of the conversation, willing audience for the actual board members to explain to them how shit worked. As soon as they overstayed their welcome and started to just push their views that didn't allign within the official lines of the board, they were banned.

The board served as a place to push a specific worldview, a worldview limited in scope and enforced by the moderation team, it was never an open forum. We specifically split/couped from bunkerchan because of this, because _space, for all the friend he was to me, wanted to give tradcoms and nazis their own dedicated board on the website.

This board was never an open space for discussion and you're delusional if you think it ever was. Just like a party, this board is an instrument in service of a goal, the promotion of our ideals. And just like a party, it was limited in which lines were and which lines weren't allowed to dominate the board, which is especially important due to being a chanboard and approval by users (both posting and lurking) not being measured or visible in any way, and thus being susceptible to tactics such as consensus breaking or board sliding.

So tell me, both you, and the current mods, what is the purpose of this board? What are the official lines that are enforced by the mods?
Is magacom allowed?
Is dengism allowed?
Is third worldist idpol allowed?
Is 'support russia in their noble struggle against ukraines genocide' allowed?

Because I think it is time you start to think once more about why this website exists in the first place, what you try to achieve with this, and to make this clear to the board. Because whether or not this or that group stays and keeps using the board depends on this. And which groups you attract depends on this too.

People just ignore effortposting now. It doesn't matter how much you cite marxits.org radlibs will just continue to cry about nationalism and call you a class collaborator

>we NEED to enforce a party line on this anonymous board you chuds!!
first as the tragedy of che, then as anarkiddie farce

In aversion to making hugboxes for any position in particular, many online communities have become hugboxes for debate addicts.

Enforcing a party li ne did not work out that well for oldBO back in the 8chan days.

What would an anarkiddie party line even be?

>aversion to making hugboxes
why would you want to make yourself uncomfortable?
it isn't that people don't want hugboxes, it is that social media discovered that bait and "debate" generate more engagement. it is like if tobacco companies put crack in their cigarettes. would it suck for the consumers? yes. would it generate a stronger chemical addiction and thus more revenue and captive consumers? also yes

This board has always enforced "a party line", starting at the time with
>Any form of communism or anti-capitalism, so long as it is not
>explicitly pro-femininist in the flavour of the day where it was used as a bludgeon to attack other communists for not being "woke enough" even though the term woke wasnt even a thing yet
>explicitily pro-intersectionality
>some flavour of right wing idpol, including white supremacy, misogyny, chauvinism, or something else
>some flavour of essentialism

This was the "party line", on the basis of which it was founded over ten years ago, on the basis of which it was moderated, on the basis of which it attracted new users. This is undeniable.
Whether or not che's decision to ban support for rojava, which I didnt support at the time, is a different and good discussion to have, as discussion about which line the board must have, (and more broadly, if an open forum for people within that line is a sufficient basis for existance of the site), is what this thread is about. But it is simply undeniable that every forum, ever, in the history of the internet, had an official line of allowed opinions.

> which I didnt support at the time
*i did not support the ban.

The ban was stupid then and similar bans would be stupid now.

People saw high consensus spaces like reddit, tumblr and now 4chan, and misattributed that is a lack of opposing views and debate, rather that a lack of diversity of views and critique.

it all started with the bunkerchan wojak script

>Is magacom allowed?
You are extremely online if you worry about such idiocies.
>Is dengism allowed?
China is literally winning as we speak, so we definitely should demonize it instead of celebrating it.
>Is third worldist idpol allowed?
You'd call Lenin's texts on the labor aristocrats in the West idpol.
>Is 'support russia in their noble struggle against ukraines genocide' allowed?
Whatever hurts NATO is unironically good for communism and humanity as a whole.

Your concerns seem so removed from reality and seem to indicate that you want us to maintain some kind of safe space or information bubble tailored for a stereotypical American leftist. As others have pointed out there are dozens of sites like that.

>You are extremely online if you worry about such idiocies
You don't have to think magacom is going anywhere as a movement to think it's shitting up the board and mods aren't doing enough about that

There was one retard in the usapol thread spamming the demcel shit in usapol. Thats p much it. He went away after the elections as far as I can tell.

If that ban is stupid, then why isn't a ban on nativist social democracy?
Why isn't a ban on identity politics?
I don't think it is very relevant right now if banning support for rojava specifically was stupid then, what is important now is admitting that there *is* a party line, whether consciously or unconsciously, and it is enforced, like in the past like now. It is undeniable that there is a line, because some opinions are always allowed and some opions are not allowed.
I am allowed to say "kill all ceos every ceo should be filled with liquid gold no mercy no re-education"
But I am not allowed to say "the jews control the world kill the jews".

There is a line. You cannot deny this. The question is now, for the mods and us as users by informing them in this thread, what that line ought to be.
And once the mods can make it clear what the line is, moderation can be made better, quality can improve. And people can objectively decide whether or not they wish to keep posting here, or go somewhere else, based on the line.

Because as you can clearly see by this thread, a lot of people just don't want to post on this board in the condition it is now in, because of another group of posters, and vice versa, and they are all under the assumption that this is just "a flaw in moderation which will be fixed because the mods are on my side". We don't know what side the mods are on, because the mods don't know it themselves.

And to the mods, please keep in mind, you're doing this for free, you put in a ton of work trying to keep the shitheap that is this sites codebase up and running. You spend money keeping a server up. You spend lots of time cleaning up gore, child porn and less disgusting but still annoying nazi spam. Fundamentally, keeping this site alive because of sunk cost fallacy, is not a good reason. Trying to keep everyone "on board" when clearly there are 2 or more clearly opposing wishes for a fundamental different conception of what this site ought to be, is also pointless. People are unhappy with the state the site is in, and most users still left are just here because they have been posting for years, hoping it will some day get better, but it won't get better if you keep trying to run this site in a noncommittal way, you just surrender yourself and your time and your energy and your happiness to people who you don't even like.
So make it clear among yourselves what this site ought to be according to you, and then make it clear to the users, so we all know what is what.

I support the "party line" of the only remaining real socialist revolutionary, whose contributions to leftist thought, from class to economics, have far surpassed both Marx and Lenin, making him the rightful successor to marxist-leninist thought - Putin.

>You are extremely online if you worry about such idiocies.
This entire site is extremely online and there are plenty of posters here who support it.
>China is literally winning as we speak, so we definitely should demonize it instead of celebrating it.
Just say you're a dengist
>You'd call Lenin's texts on the labor aristocrats in the West idpol.
Absurd statement which is just emblematic of the bad faith default engagement of users of this board
>Your concerns seem so removed from reality and seem to indicate that you want us to maintain some kind of safe space or information bubble tailored for a stereotypical American leftist.
Same stuff. Immediate attempts at name calling.
>As others have pointed out there are dozens of sites like that.
Such as? I haven't seen people reference it. I did see people reference going to reddit if they wanted to debate nazis.

That guy seemed to be more of a "take your meds" problem than a magacom problem. Rampant schizo posting is always a problem on imageboards and that one is a hard one to deal with because they always have access to VPNs. Banning does nothing.

the real problem is that /isg/ and /siberia/ are the same people. you would think that someone would have noticed that eceleb worship and being an incel are related but if they did they are cultivating out of tankie derangement syndrome instead of stomping it out. the problem with the board is that administration are friends with and protect socdem radlibs. reactionaries are growing because their isn't a united front against idpol from a materialist perspective

Seeing the response from the mod >>37894 made me realize that >>37805 didn't miss. Based analysis/foresight

Also quite tragicomical that his effort-post was glossed over for porn and one-liner shitposting about IDpol for dozens of posts

If people want complete hugboxes they can go to leftist communities on reddit, hexbear or resetera. If people are longing for longform /pol/tard rants they can go to Kiwifarms. There is something for everyone.

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This. If lines aren't drawn and the fat isn't cut the board will just keep dying. When we split from bunkerchan to leftypol we had around 5000 ips a week we are down to like 1200-1500. People left because the board became full of the most cynical contrarian posters and that's been tolerated to the point we are now where we have out in about fascist allowed to dominate threads.

Speaking of cynical posters

They're obnoxious conversation killers used almost exclusively by idiots who have replaced their minds with memes

>If mods auto-remove this after leaving up a fucking race science thread they will have shown where their loyalties lie
Did I miss something?
In any way, USSR had racial studies of its own, it did use the term "race", highlighting that pretending that racial differences do not exist only fuels the racism. Basically, if you abandon scientific racial studies you give it away to nazi scum to have a free reign over it - a disaster.
Soviet anthropologists have noted many times that while races exist this does not mean that some are superior than others whatsoever - races are just an objective biological reality to be scientifically studied like any other.


"leftist" communities on reddit are run by the us state department and specifically run by a small clique of feds to make them unproductive. The reddit administration regularly replaces whole sets of admins on big subreddits or outright ban subreddits that provide actual countermessaging. There are no actual communist subreddits and the nature of the site means they arent allowed to exist.


A video game forum?


I want a communist board not a "leftist" board. "leftism" doesn't actually exist.

The point is, leftypol right now does not make it clear what it is. Is *says* it will ban bad faith nazis, but it doesn't actually. It *says* this:
>An important part of /leftypol/’s unique character is our opposition to identity politics. We believe that conflicts between genders, races, sexualities, and so on are distractions from the wider class struggle that are intentionally fanned by the ruling class. This does not mean that oppression based on personal characteristics does not exist, but that it should be approached from an egalitarian perspective which is not personally accusatory and does not assign ‘victim’ and ‘oppressor’ groups. The rights of individuals to live according to their own wishes is a fundamental part of leftism.
But people saying shit along the lines of "fucking white people" or "fucking third worldist jealous boohoo" arent banned.

So this is a call to the mods to set a clear line. What is the line. Because the line in the rules and minifesto of the site simply are not enforced. And if the line is to allow such things, then so be it, at least we know and we can plot our own path as individual posters from thereon out towards other places, perhaps (but unlikely) those you posted.

debate between radically opposed views is literally useless. in the past some sites were built around the debates that are actually useful, that's why I put debate in quotation marks, because I don't consider social media debates worthy of the word. for example, two coworkers discussing which javascript framework to use for their next project is a debate because it is going to have good faith arguments made by people that are knowledgeable on the subject, and it will produce actionable conclusions. a nazi arguing with a social democrat on reddit about "which political system is better" is the opposite. the more opposed the views, the less it can be considered a debate

the regular public wants hugboxes because they feel good and produce average to good outcomes for them. social media prefers these fake debates because they hook people, it is a way of hacking the brain of your audience so to speak, into an endless cycle of "anti-content". I call it that because it is the opposite of content, and the annihilate on contact. this is, nowadays you can kill any useful content just by not curating it

I don’t give the slightest fuck what the USSR said, this is the problem with the thought terminating bullshit that dominates this board, “Communism” isn’t when you support and uphold the decisions made by every government that called itself “socialist”; “race science” is fundamentally in contradiction with our knowledge of human evolution, population movements around the world, and human genetics; it turns out Homo sapiens are more genetically similar than most species of mammals tend to be, the idea of race as anything other than a social category is nonsense full stop, the people that try using the USSR’s mistakes of political economy to justify modern reaction need their knee caps blown out

>I agree, just saying that was the pitch for getting people to put themselves through that willingly.

>boys dressing girly calling themselves femboys is totally made up nonsense
>they should identify as non-binary instead

>>37963 (me)
Oops greentexted my response.

>Did I miss something?
Check the H1B thread in the catalog. Basically Musk came out in support for work visas for indian techbros and pol had a meltdown having felt that based tesla hitler betrayed them, so they raided that thread qith racist posts.

Nothing that would warrant OP declaring this a crisis imo. Just regular poltard shit.

And the discussion is dead because its now on meta

Don't worry, I'm sure the mods drew some valuable conclusions from it that they will start implementing after their next 20 hour break from the site


the shadow thread is still on leftypol and people can click through if they want, besides this is 100% /meta/ content its discussion about the site, not real world events

Sure but you and I both know nobody actually goes to /meta/ and now this *inconvenient* topic will slowly slide off the catalogue. Thats how meta has always worked, it might as well not exist in 10 hours anymore.

What were your offered solutions to the problems you've identified, really? Ban posters that defend China & SMO? That was totally worth a thread.

ratt, if you want to have a good faith conversation about this then we can talk in the matrix about site governance instead of dragging this dirty laundry all over the first page of /leftypol/ where the users will have to be subjected to it instead of normal content.

Mods are slowly working their way through that h1b thread and a ton of the soyjak/pol crossposters have already been banned.

>Ban posters that defend China & SMO? That was totally worth a thread.
Maybe if you read what I wrote instead of strawmanning it this would be a better discussion.

The mods need to make the line clear, because they don't even enforce their own rules. So they have to tell us what views arent and are allowed, clearly, and act on that.

That is seperate from my personal opinion that Dengists is not a form a communism, or that defending russia is a non-marxist position that ought not be tolerated. Let alone people outright spewing race essentialism like is allowed to be done now so long as the poster are some colour different than pink.

If the mods say, "yes, we are going to allow all of the above", and they actually enact it, at least it will be clear, and I can stop hoping the rules as they stand now will be enforced and i can stop hoping for a discussionboard with people whom I consider communists.

>if you want to have a good faith conversation about this then we can talk in the matrix about site governance instead of dragging this dirty laundry all over the first page of /leftypol/ where the users will have to be subjected to it instead of normal content.
What dirty laundry? All that was brought up was the reason for the split with leftypol and someone else brought up che banned pro rojava posting. Both public knowledge.
I think this discussion is fine publically, especially given I am not a moderator anymore and effectively just an eceleb shamelessly namefagging at this point.

Based janny turning up 20 hours later to curate the site more to his liking

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You really expect a bunch of idiots obsessed with activism, "optics" and "leftist unity" who believe the fate of the revolution lies in "fighting propaganda" (lol) with enough free time to moderate an imageboard and play-believe they're some sort of ML vanguard to know what communism is?

The only posts that would be fine to delete is obvious nazi shit. I don't care if third-worldist clowns remain up as long as they don't keep deleting marxism like they keep doing nowadays.

Lmao scientists already called race meaningless in the fucking late 19th century.


I think we've been more than fair considering most of the bans are short term and only obvious sharty-shit and outright /pol/ racism.

there's nothing wrong with discussing immigration and I also don't believe in banning people based on my personal politics but rather trying to have an objective state of rules which are voted on by all mods.

However you can't deny that thread devolved into outright racism at times with crossposters linking american renaissance and posting 4chan pajeet documentaries.

thats the sort of thing we should really all agree isn't good material.

Use the overboard ya pingpong brain.

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Eh, everything is about balance really. Too much moderation leads to /r/socialism that bans you for saying the word "idiotic" while too little makes decent quality discussion impossible. But the fact that mods only look at the site once every 20 hours is still better than what 99% of websites achieve. The most you can really hope for is to restrict malicious misinformation / lies, hate speech and harassment.

Also, the only people who want to be in a town square with the whole internet are advertisers, data scrapers, clout chasers, and the people who cosplay as cyberspace-era enlightenment salon patrons by following the clout chasers and keeping up with all the drama.

If so you seem chill, but my experience with the more active mods is that they're pretty zealous in deleting anything that deviates too much from your average DSA member.

Tbqh I find any discussion on immigration fucking stupid as a communist. It's always either "immigration is good because it's good for the economy" or "immigration is bad because it's bad for the economy". There's no communist stance on bourgeois policy, lol.

Bring back the avatarfags. The current state of leftypol can be directly traced to the great scouring of people we once denounced as attention whores, but we must now turn to them in our hour of need

thank you based xi poster for your wisdom

dear god no

Oh cool more leftoid personality cultists, because we don't have enough of those on the rest of the internet.

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When the world needed her most, she vanished

Bring back baboonposter

ismail should come back

t. avatarfag

Some characters I vibe with enough to maybe avatar as are kinda sparse for art of them, though I suppose that's an excuse to draw.

On it

Retards don't get that it's impossible to have large scale industry with an international division of labor that inherently tends to break down regional barriers while at the same time demanding to live in seclusion where everyone is the same race/ethnicity.


The irony of invoking science, which refutes (not just disputes but outright refutes) biological race as having any verifiable existence, in order to indulge in racism. Welcome to leftypol, where every Wikipedia-scrolling mouthbreather is a scientist.

Can you not turn this thread into an extention of something that should be contianed in the burger general?

Leftism includes liberals, it's a bullshit vague arbitrary term unlike communism.

? Literally nothing I said is specific to the US.

You're severely retarded. The privileged position of cis/straight/white/male petit-bourgeois comes from the fact that they are petit-bourgeois, not because they are cis/straight/white/male. Racism is for them a weapon of competition which they utilize, consciously or unconsciously, in order to beat rivals in competitive struggle.

Also sexism, transphobia, nationalism, etc. You get the point.

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>"someone else brought up che banned pro rojava posting."

That was me and this isn't dirty laundry this is shit anyone that's been here long enough knows. This is a cop out half measure to sweep issues many people have been bringing up under the rug and wish it away. Funny how when the bunkerchan split happened many of the leftypol mods were fine with posting about it on the front page without taking it to Matrix.

Taking this to meta is a fucking insult and it's obvious that trying to have a dialog with mods about this is a waste of time.

Anon, I hear you but even if thats the case I think the OP of this thread was too narrowly tailored anyway for discussion of "many issues" anyway.

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Did you just hit me with a Ralph Warnock "I see you I hear you"? You should have just said "fuck you It's my site and I will run it into the ground if I wanna". At least then you would have said it with your chest.

You are seen. You are heard. You are valid.

What's your issue exactly? Is OP angry at rojava posters, at Russia supporters, China supporters, all of the above?

Idk, I'm in favor of baiting to get homophobic, racist, or otherwise replies and banning people. I can't spend basically anytime here anymore except for drive by posting, reading news, and reading major events threads.

Sorry if it's "idpol" and makes you feel attacked or whatever but there are in fact sections of the proletariat that experience unique forms of oppression that other sections of the proletariat do not because of things like racism, patriarchy and homophobia that arise from class but are not totally synonymous with class. Pretending like that isn't the case to mollify the feelings of straight white male proles and collapsing literally any kind of discussion of these issues into the same "liberal idpol" category is fucking dishonest and it's reactionary. Identity related bigotry exists and it makes the lives of sections of the proletariat materially worse. You can address those bigotries in ways which are not liberal but nobody in the anti-idpol crowd ever seems to have any interest in doing that. There is no recognition that Marxist feminism and liberal feminism or Communist gay lib and liberal gay lib might be substantively different. Mention any of these sectional issues as if they are worth discussing as more than a footnote and you must just be a tumblr radlib who thinks class struggle is irrelevant.

And it goes along with a really blinkered view of the history and present of socialist organizing. Most Communist parties historically have been a lot closer to the "idpol" (broadly defined in the dishonest way you people do) position on women and race than not. And in other cases it's the opposite, Communist parties were uniquely horrible on gay rights until the 90s almost overwhelmingly and in some cases even into the 2000s or today. If just saying "hey maybe struggle for gay rights can go along with the class struggle even if it only finds its ultimate fulfillment in the end of class society" is liberal then how are we supposed to critically discuss that history and make sure it doesn't happen again? And it's disconnected from the present of socialist organizing because if you join almost any irl Communist org from any tendency, ironically including anti-idpol ones, it's going to have a massively disproportionate amount of people from the groups we're talking about. So the idea that if someone treats a specifically black or women's or gay or trans issue as if it is worth addressing that they must be some lib who is not doing anything is just bullshit.

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My issue is there has been multiple blatant reactionary posters just allowed to keep shitting the board up along with contrarians mostly ziggers cynically posting and derailing threads. It even started in this one. Then when anyone brings up how the community is leaving and the posts are getting shittier and present solutions like Rat did with a firm party line to moderation the mods just sweep the thread to meta.

Everybody is leaving and the board is COLLAPSING… even doe the daily UID has been at 250-300 for several years

racism sexism homophobia is idpol

defending yourself or your friends or other groups is NOT idpol

>"a flaw in moderation which will be fixed because the mods are on my side"
I think the exact opposite. I think they are letting the board go to shit on purpose to purge Marxists-Leninists because too many MLs got tired of being trolled by radlib ultras with jannies behind them that they started responding to everythings with "Stalin did nothing wrong" because when you take the time to explain with quotes from Marx or Lenin they plug their ears and run away. It is exactly as bad as trying to appeal to mods on a non-political forum where the status quo is predominantly upheld and expecting them to understand theory.

They pretty much completely stopped responding to feedback after crashing the site.

Oh and just to be clear the split is about campism and minority rights, and their analysis is completely wrong. They are hiding behind anti-campism to pretend their analysis doesn't start with idealism, as if human rights come from having the correct ideas fall out of the sky instead of being dependent on a certain level of material development and the social relations that come from that. The absolute worse are the race baiters who try to pretend like national self determination is advocating "brown capitalism" and they should be permabanned.

hopefully im wrong and those jannies just quit and arent coming back

>That is seperate from my personal opinion
I agree there should be a line. China and Russia might be edge cases but people should not be allowed to call the Palestinian resistance class collaborating fascists.

As I said before, the problem with this is with administration. There are mods who mistakenly think advocating for the right of nations to self determination is reactionary/bourgeois nationalism and have banned for it before. We can't have a united front of non-sectarian "lines" if the administration is lacking in even the basics and completely undermines it. I honestly think its because they are being overly cautious because they are closer to the type of people >>37941 who would previously be banned for idpol. They don't really understand or have a hard hitting dialectical and materialist analysis on minorities that demands support for them by universalizing their problems back into the class war, like wrapping up gay/women issues into universal free healthcare or how immigrant rights benefits all workers by creating a wage floor and instead just want to police language and make people feel safe even if they are liberal and wrong.

You mean "anyone over the age of ten"

I always thought communism was leftist

nah youre stupid af and a boogie who just wants to alleviate the "evils" of capitalism. theres more in common between literally any single immiserated proletarian than a prole and middle classer that happen to share race sex w/e

>le historical communist position on women and race

oh you mean communists denouncing feminism and black power as interclassist opportunists even a century ago? really showed me!

like i repeatedly get called a fed for calling out obvious lib bullshit like this LMFAO
>If just saying "hey maybe struggle for gay rights can go along with the class struggle even if it only finds its ultimate fulfillment in the end of class society" is liberal
lol sure if you can benefit from voting then you clearly are not proletarian rofl, stop obfuscating reality by pissing your pants
the whole point of rights is rewarding model citizens of bourgeois society moron

communism is beyond the left-right of capital

Where did I even halfway imply that I see some commonality of interests between a petit bourgeoisie woman and a proletarian woman? You are proving my point about anti-idpol posters dishonestly equating any discussion or activism around these issues with the liberal version of that discussion/activism.
>communists denouncing feminism and black power
The vast majority of Communist parties supported black power, including the CPUSA at its height. It was DeLeonists who saw black power and white power as synonymous and they are not even Marxists. And Marx and Engels themselves were feminists lol, read what they wrote on the woman question or read The Origin of the Family.

Who the fuck mentioned voting?

>Secondly, I feel like alot of you have gotten soft, when /leftypol/ was on 8chan there would be fascist crossposting posting their I Q memes and anti semitic schizo graphs all the time. They would be refuted pretty promptly.



comrade rat is a RAT and should be disposed of like the Redditor plant that he is. Everyone who's been with /leftypol/ from the start knows that people screaming for a hugbox and all dissenters to be banned are the ones who are least able to defend their positions. Just look at this shit:
>Is magacom allowed? Is dengism allowed? Is third worldist idpol allowed? Is 'support russia in their noble struggle against ukraines genocide' allowed?

Rat is also an oldfag

Allow fascist reactionaries posting their retarded shit here so we can have a laugh, but autoban all ziggers

Not only do you need to read what they wrote on the woman question but on the Irish question and on India too.

Saying racism and misogyny are retarded is a lot different from supporting interclassist movements wholesale you fucking dipshit liberal.

>Secondly, I feel like alot of you have gotten soft, when /leftypol/ was on 8chan there would be fascist crossposting posting their I Q memes and anti semitic schizo graphs all the time. They would be refuted pretty promptly.
As annoying as fascists are if this means less zealous moderation then I'm all for it.

The whole point of activism as a term is remaining outside the class struggle.

Hairsplitting autism. When you organize a workplace you are doing activism in the colloquial sense. You can call it something else because of an Italian communique 5 people will ever read or whatever it is you are doing but you know what I mean. Saying that minority, women's and gay issues need to be incorporated into the class struggle is not the same thing as saying that racism, patriarchy and homophobia exist apart from class and that you solve them with voting.

I never supported interclassism even once. Read this post again >>38004

My whole fucking point is that there are forms of feminism, gay lib and racial minority politics that are not interclassist but that that is not recognized by anti-idpol types. No matter how anyone talks about these issues you accuse anyone who wants them to be more than an irrelevant footnote of being interclassist liberals who love elections and bourgeoise democracy.

its not hairsplitting when we have people like you praising organization in the abstract instead of speaking about strictly proletarian organizing

no there are not. all proletarians have the same needs and interests, irrespective of race, gender, geographical location, etc, while diff sections of bourgeois society have different interests because of their different forms of property and reserves which leads them to compete against one another along different lines. insofar as proletarians compete against one another and divide themselves along arbitrary lines, they do so at their own expense as a class

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on a similar note radlibs love bringing up engels when defending feminism when he explicitly said shit like 'no basis for any kind of male supremacy is left in the proletarian household'. and misogynistic beliefs obv are a different thing, proletarians arent superhumanly immune to bourgeois ideology. which doesn't prove that they benefit from some abstract domination of men or have a class interest in maintaining the same

Where did I talk about proletarians competing against other proletarians and what does that have to do with whether proletarians all have exactly the same needs and interests? A trans proletarian has medical needs and interests that a cis proletarian does not, that is completely self-evident. What goes for HRT for trans proles goes for abortion for female proles, PrEP and housing discrimination for gay proles. Those are absolutely different needs, you cannot say these proletarians are not being materially harmed by losing access to HRT, abortion or PrEP. Nothing about that implies that cis, male and straight proletarians are the problem or that there needs to be interproletarian competition against cis, male and straight proletarians. Nor does it imply voting or interclassism.

When I say activism or organization (and I never did say organization or praise it in the abstract) I mean by the Communist party. I am not saying that Communists should go join Who We Are, Stonewall or Mermaid. What I am saying is that these issues need to be addressed by the party itself in the context of the class struggle.

> all proletarians have the same needs and interests
Proletarians aren’t identical bugmen you fucking retard, another MLoid stupidly repeating how Capital already understands the working class specifically to tell a dumb fucking prole how their problem doesn’t exist

>abolishing class society isnt in the interest of all proletarians, see some like a different soda brand or movie or whatever
you are very smart

<implying im a stalinist or whatever ideology market shit you personally dislike


>see some like a different soda brand or movie or whatever
A trans prole not having access to HRT or a gay prole not having access to PrEP is literally the difference between life or death, no different than a diabetic prole not having access to insulin. Saying it is the equivalent of liking a different brand of soda is homophobia/transphobia plain and simple.

And nobody in this entire thread has said that abolishing class society isn't in the interest of all proletarians lol. You are repeatedly doing what I said that anti-idpol posters do, which is dishonestly misrepresent any Communist who takes minority issues seriously as a liberal reformist.

and what is the universal aspect of this particular problem? is there something that effects all working class people that would solve this?

Why does it need to be universal to be worth addressing by the Communist party? Oh sorry, yeah you're right. This thing that's literally keeping me alive isn't universal so you are correct, it matters just as much as choice between one brand or another and I am now totally indifferent as to whether I have it or not.

>this thing that largely defines your experience of the world and causes you to face bigotry on a daily basis is as important as the difference between coke or pepsi
>this bourgeois right you have that is literally keeping you alive is totally irrelevant
>you are a revisionist liberal if you demand that the Communist party address the specific life or death issues your section of the proletariat faces but we won't outlaw queerness as bourgeois decadence and ban abortion after the revolution, trust me
>you're liberal if you even see that as a remote possibility even though it happened dozens of times historically
>your continued physical existence doesn't matter since it's not a universal problem affecting all sections of the proletariat
>i'm not a chauvinist, just trust me

im just pointing out that the specific issues you are talking about are used to divide the working class because of the popularity of a universal free healthcare program which would solve all those things but you would rather take the bait and put them front and center just to lose on misguided principles instead.

race gender orientation etc are real but mediated through class dynamics, to address minority oppression you have to have solutions that address the root cause

I didn't say put them front and center you fucking brainlet retard, can you stop strawmanning for one goddamn second?
>race gender orientation etc are real but mediated through class dynamics
Quote me saying anything else. I specifically said that homophobia, patriarchy and transphobia do not exist apart from class but that didn't stop you from you from strawmanning me as some resist lib a dozen more times after that.
>to address minority oppression you have to have solutions that address the root cause
Which is why you incorporate these things into the class struggle. Patriarchy, homophobia, racism and transphobia cannot be solved under capitalism, which is why bourgeoise anti-racism, LGBT activism and feminism are wrong (besides interclassism and other issues ofc). What can definitely happen since we've seen it happen a ton of fucking times is that a socialist revolution can adopt a reactionary line on these sectional issues after it wins. You prevent that by not treating the physical survival of a specific section of the proletariat as as irrelevant as the difference between coke and pepsi now, under capitalism.
Still no explanation of why it's liberalism for the Communist party to focus on issues that are not universal. You're a dogmatist fucking retard, you memorized a position you cannot explain in your own words and you just parrot it.

>Which is why you incorporate these things into the class struggle.
thats exactly what i am suggesting. you dont need to campaign about HRT or PrEP you can just do healthcare and when rightiods try to split by saying they will give HRT to kids you respond by saying that Elon is trying to trick them into giving up their insulin.

Then what the fuck have you been calling me a lib for for half the thread? I said a million goddamn times that I am not supporting voting, liberal activism, elctoralism, reformism, or interclassism. What I am arguing against is the idea that sectional issues like racism, misogyny, homophobia, and transphobia are irrelevant and that anyone expecting the Communist party to address them at all is a lib. What you will end up with if you take that approach, whether you mean to or not, is tailism and a reactionary line on these sectional issues after the revolution (assuming you get that far). Your response was 50 fucking strawmen, saying that being trans is just as significant as a choice between brands, and some retarded claim you can't even explain or defend that the party can only address universal issues. Fucking neck yourself.

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lol i just got here

>r9k posters and /pol/yps the site would prolly grow but for whatever reason the mods refuse the purge the site of obnoxious reactionaries
this was defacto moderation policy for like 2 years and the site was the most dead it ever was during that time.

Absolutely, anon imageboards are prone to shitposting and the lack of effort posting feels like it's just due to a general lack of activity

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