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/music/ - Music

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post conservative and rightoid music of any genre.


Boycott Target - Forgiato Blow x @JimmyLevy x @nicknittoli x @StoneyDudebro "Official Music Video"






Sounds like ass.



Christian rock sucks.




So pro-lifers mostly listen to buttrock. Got it.






I think this is banned from youtube, so can't embed. enjoy some kind of obscure hatecore


this is fucking wild. I can't believe this shit is real


why does all right-wing music come off as a parody of itself. I find it incredibly difficult to believe that anyone takes this shit seriously


Anti-abortion isn’t a right-wing position. There are Christian socialists who are pro-life.


it is possible for left-wing parties to hold socially reactionary positions for pragmatic national liberation reasons THOUGH


There's your problem.


what are christian socialists? are they like national socialists?


Would you consider this "right-wing" or "anti-choice?"



>the absolute
You sure they’re not singing about Hegel?


I don't see how wishing you didn't make your girlfriend abort entails anti-choice.


i dunno both?


Dixie's Land


Southern Soldier


Oh, I'm a Good Ol' Rebel


Bonnie Blue Flag


The Wearing of The Grey



A lot of conscious rap in the 90s was really socially conservative. Basically “pull up your pants and go to church.”


>the 10 year old who was raped isn't allowed to get rid of the zygote because the pregnancy was willed by God
explain how this isn't reactionary





This makes me laugh no matter how many times I see it.
I wanted to die after seeing this.




This guy sounds constipated.

This sounds like a Red Jumpsuit Apparatus song.
>checks year
Literally from the mid-2000s when billions of songs sounded like this.


Common isn't right-wing but the song is definitely right-wing by today's standards.


People don't realize this jam is pro-Confederacy.





I take it you know some straightedgers who think anti-choice is a straighedge position.


Christian rock was huge in the 2000s when the Christian Right had so much control over the culture. I vaguely remember babes like Flyleaf and Switchfoot getting Billboard Top 100 hits.

T. 36-year old dinosaur


Damn this pro-slavery song is catchy. I feel dirty and gross for listening to it.


Such as?


To be honest, I don’t really see the issue with artistically exploring the mind of a reactionary or social conservative. Part of acquiring knowledge is seeing the world from a value system you find deplorable (mind the choice of words).




I hate the fact I like this band.




I find it telling how liberals know why this song is repulsive yet continue to champion gusanos, "former Soviet citizens", and the like.


He dead


Major, major trigger warning.



A fetus isn’t a baby. There was no “baby” lost in the scenario the same way destroying an acorn doesn’t destroy a tree.


Conscious rap tends to be pro-life because a lot of conscious rappers are Black nationalists or have Black nationalist tendencies. Every nationalist is pronatalist for the obvious reasons.



Rhodesian rock song glorifying the "heroes" of the Bush War that topped the charts in Rhodesia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR7VcdBqvz8


New game of chicken: go to East Detroit or South Chicago and blast this.

Hardmore: no bulletproof vest.


waiting for Kid Rock to eventually cover Johnny Rebel to own the libs


Mourning the loss of your potential child isn’t reactionary. You’d do the same if you were in that situation.


Fuck Varg.



>removed for violating TOS



She doesn't have the voice for folk music.


First heard this in The Leftovers (great show with a great soundtrack). I like its creepy atmosphere. Smug cultists salivating over the apocalypse.


(FYI the context in the show is very much ironic, it's a sequence where fundies continuously fail to predict the rapture.)


Kek I went to high school with a lot of Evangelicals and I remember this band.


That baby clearly had anencephaly…


This guy is kind of an ancap and follows Trump, Jeremy Clarkson, and makes conceptual electro-industrial records about a dystopian future based on anti-vax conspiracies concerning "The Great Reset," microchipped vaccines, and all of the other horseshit we've all had to endure in recent years, despite pretty much all governments agreeing to return to business as usual as if COVID had never happened. But he as the talent of his convictions though, but one song from the perspective of the SYSTEM almost makes me want to root for the system – it's better propaganda for them than what the WEF could come up with themselves.


Scorpions - Wind Of Change


Was this song really written by the CIA or is that just pure myth?


Rightoids are shit at art music included.


Amazing how one of the most racist songs ever written doesn't use a single slur.



open up any AMV, it probably has Christian rock blasting




Jesus fucking christ





>tfw jew
>tfw loves wagner


NazBol party


Can't wait for Kanye to sample this.


Does seether and five finger death punch count? I listen to mostly rock music but avoid some bands like that. Also post-grunge/butt rock in general tends to be rightwing in terms of lyrics.


I would say yes to both.


I guess anything from either of them is “right wing” now.


>The lumpenproletariat is passive decaying matter of the lowest layers of the old society, is here and there thrust into the [progressive] movement by a proletarian revolution; [however,] in accordance with its whole way of life, it is more likely to sell out to reactionary intrigues.


Does anyone know if Rae Sremmurd were the first rappers to endorse Trump. Damn I remember when this song came out 10 years ago.

>Up like Donal Trump

>Twerk like she's from Russia

They were picking up something in the either




>wear my hat to the front
>like I drive a truck
Prophetic. Literally predicted the MAGA caps/


What culture war does to an mf.


Does this count?


I hate how insufferable this artist is. She has an anti-abortion song too.


I'm pretty sure Nickelback endorsed former conservative Canadian PM Stephen Harper. So nickelback is "right wing".


NGL this is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.




Illegals in my yard
Illegals in my yard
Illegals in my yard
Throw them some pesos, and they work so hard
Illegals in my yard
Illegals in my yard
Illegals in my yard
I don't even ask if they got green card

They're gonna pave up my driveway this Christmas
They're gonna clean all my cars this Christmas
They're gonna shovel all the snow this Christmas
Those illegals in my yard
They're gonna dig me a pool this Christmas
They're gonna landscape my lawn this Christmas
They're gonna cook me up some tacos this Christmas
Those illegals in my yard

Illegals in my yard
Illegals in my yard
Illegals in my yard
16 arrive in a stolen car
Illegals in my yard
Illegals in my yard
Illegals in my yard
When they're not working they sit at the bar

They're gonna drink some Cervezas this christmas
They're gonna shoot some Tequila this Christmas
They're gonna get DUIs this Christmas
Those illegals in my yard
They're getting free organ transplants this Christmas
They're going to have anchor babies this Christmas
They're gonna scream "Si se puede" this Christmas
Those illegals in my yard

Illegals in my yard
Illegals in my yard
Illegals in my yard
One at a time run past those border guards
Illegals in my yard
Illegals in my yard
Illegals in my yard
Hugo Chávez sent his kind regards

They're gonna tackle Pat Buchanan this Christmas
They're gonna chase down Lou Dobbs this Christmas
They're gonna join up with "La Raza" this Christmas
Those illegals in my yard
They're gonna spread bubonic plague this Christmas
They're gonna bring me lots of bedbugs this Christmas
They're gonna pass tuberculosis this Christmas
Those illegals in my yard

Unique IPs: 41

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