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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Vocaloid, UTAU, clever use of Text-To-Speech or Sentence Mixing, ect…

AI stuff has it's own thread tho >>>/music/8397


idk if this counts, but it’s 🔥🔥🔥


A classic…






>Iku Acme (阿久女イク(あくめいく)) was a program made using Adobe Flash Player as a base. She was created for the intent of making eroge noises and has to be bought online. All of her noises consist of moans, screams, or yelps, and over 150 sounds have been included with her.
This song is pure SÉX.



File: 1713393776330.mp4 (38.08 MB, 1920x1080, 混沌ブギ.mp4)




most songs have fucked up lyrics, look it up, you may be surprised if you don't know japanese
English Lyrics:
At the bottom of my futon in the pitch dark
I'm sinking further and further into this dreamy nightmare.
On the other side of a familiar screen
Is someone's malicious siege.

What fills the walls
between the gaps in the broken curtains?
Is it tirade? A rant? I don't really know.

Euthanasia is an easy and carefree way to die.
I don't want to commit suicide, that'd be too painful.
I'd rather die a safe and comfortable death.
In the dark of night, a dizzy mort d'amour.
Euthanasia is a thrilling paradise
Giving up on mischief, a cutthroat killer.
So come back again when you've made a decent person!
Too bad, Concept, Accepting my suicidal thoughts!

I've been in and out of dimly lit rooms
My banknotes are disappearing by the minute.
I've been reduced to a poor penniless soul
The aftereffects of a distrustful heart.

The desolate ceiling mocks me.
For me to be seeing these things,
Am I sane? Have I gone mad? Did my eyes deceive me?

Euthanasia is the easy-peasy way out
A passport to the afterlife.
Quickly gulping down a Monster Energy
What a pity that you're addicted to loneliness.
Euthanasia is self-indulgent, choking on tears
Even the cost to live is two million,
So come back when you have lots of money!
Semen, urine, depressing ramen!

I get it now, but the truth is,
There's no way to finish what I've started.
If you're going to get uncontrollably sick, you'd better just forget about it and give up.

Euthanasia is an easy and carefree way to die.
No skills, and no money, I'm a natural born coward.
My body trembling with disgrace.
Repeating time and time again, what hour is it now?
A throbbing self-destruction, paying back in double.
How many more years shall I be imprisoned in this life?
If you were a decent human, it wouldn't have come to this
But knowing that…

Euthanasia is an easy and carefree way to die.
I mean, It's not like suicide is fun.
Carelessly, the cheapest way for a wholesale massacre.
I have no interest in the value of life
Vomit, embrace, pleasure and euthanasia.
No smarts, no reason, no nothing.
In the end, I can't do this whole "dying" thing alone.
Too bad, Concept, I accept my suicidal thoughts!

Amen, sorry, I don't wanna…

Unique IPs: 4

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