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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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I keep seeing videos about how "pop is dead" "hip hop is dead" and of course, the now venerable "rock is dead" and how catalog music is outselling new music and every record label is just surviving off the copyright for elvis and aging rock/pop stars from the 70s/80s. About how new music sales declining.

crosslink hip hop is dead: >>8913

>Old songs now represent 70 percent of the U.S. music market, according to the latest numbers from MRC Data, a music-analytics firm. Those who make a living from new music—especially that endangered species known as the working musician—should look at these figures with fear and trembling. But the news gets worse: The new-music market is actually shrinking. All the growth in the market is coming from old songs.

is it possible we have exhausted all possible music at least in popular genres? that everything will be a throwback like Olivia Rodridgo larping as paramore or jack white playing the blues?

Is this just the spiritual exhaustion of late capitalism like mark F said? Or are we really done? Will people still be making led zeppelin cover bands 100 years from now?


One of the things I hate the most about leftoid spaces is all the surface-level cultural criticism that plagues them.


By the way, Adorno was making the same trite remarks Mark Fisher did a century earlier.



it's probably cheaper for record labels to just rerelease old music they own the rights to that's already popular than to take possible risks with new artists/songs. why bother with a new up and coming artist when you can just release smells like teen spirit again. though 99% of the music industry is just industry plants and nepotism idk lol


There's no point in buying music when you can get way better stuff for free from netlabels. It is not "spiritual exhaustion", it is actually existing communism.


uyghas with zero understanding of art history and art theory and the philosophy of art and theory of information be like


none of you uyghurs have refuted the article or said why catalog music is outearning new music now


what the fuck is the relationship between sales charts and whether music is more or less original today holy shit


literal console war shit but with music!!


>jack white playing the blues
shockingly boring and soulless songwriting, reminds me of that "human music" bit in Rick and Morty lol. I can't think of a better example of modern music being trash
>refuted the article
it's so liberal it's not even wrong
>why catalog music is outearning new music now
capitalism, duh
< The moguls have lost their faith in the redemptive and life-changing power of new music.
The Atlantic is just fascism for soy neoliberals
<[music of the past] demonstrated genuine musicianship, not just software loops, Auto-Tuned vocals, and regurgitated samples.
and where might a musician emerge from in our post-austerity privatization hellworld? We have no classes at schools, no spaces for live performance for them to learn. Kids these days can't even get a gig at a bookstore before the space has been taken up by Disneyshit and Funko pops


Ok, boomer.


This is cuz of both streaming making old stuff available and music publishing being controlled by an oligopoly hellbent on churning out mediocre garbage


Also music isn't just styles, lol


This is like only looking at AAA sequels/remakes and saying "nobody is making new video games anymore"


its sort of true, the indie game industry is pretty dead in the 2020s


rofl its more alive than its ever been


I too was obsessed with the situationists once long ago but I think Deleuze provides a better but similar theory of art. The situationists were cooking tho. It just feels like a lot of their ideas are a mishmash of ideas going around at the time rather than a coherent philosophy.


I think the problem lies in the fact that music have just become consumer products like they don't care about putting genuine emotions or feelings into the music, mainstream music groups just keep making the same generic love songs over and over again it's capitalism bleeding into our lives


>music have just become consumer products
OP's whole claim that "all music has been made" is based on sales numbers.


all products are consumer products lol

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