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Where is the nitrous talk? I miss 420chan


Is that hippie crack?


used to hit the can in my highschool acid phase not a terrible disso but p short lasting and feindish. Was fucking sick when tripping, If I were to get it again it would be just as a treat while tripping. That being said I like basically any other disso better. I have no idea why 420chan redirects here but as someone who likes both sites I welcome the crossover and hope it goes well

yes that shit for some ppl is feindy to an absurd degree, its basically a DXM vape. Used to walk buy trash bags bursting at the seams with whippit canisters on the way home from school nieghbors must've been getting absolutely zonked


I like nitrous just casually. DMT is nice on its own. I'd rather not mix LSD and nitrous though.

By the way, nitrous can be extremely degenerative and destructive for some people. Some go down quicker than with benzos or opiates. Like any drug except maybe coffee and nicotine, you should really avoid doing it frequently.


Redpill me on nitrous. Isn't it just a suffocation high? What is the difference between suffocating yourself with a belt around you neck and nitrous?


This is only a "drug" for faggot teens who can't get real drugs right? I mean it's literally not a drug. It's not even psychoactive. You could use any heavier than air gas to the same effect right?


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What's the safest way to suffocate myself? Belt, gas, bag over head? I don't want to go out like David Carradine. I just want to lose oxygen flow to my brain for the high.


nitrous is alright (at least from the one time I tried it) but lasts such a short amount of time for how expensive it is. I prefer ether, it's similar but better.


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Imagine paying to asphyxiate when it's free.


have you even done nitrous or ether


No. It does have an actual effect on your CNS.
Why even say dumb shit like this??? 😭😭😭 as they say, {search engine} is free


>No. It does have an actual effect on your CNS.
That's all from hypoxia friendo.


You guys are on the wrong board.

Nitrous oxide has a direct effect alongside the hypoxia in the form of B12 oxidation. It's capable of depleting its levels to zero (not even starving people suffer from that) which can permanently damage myelin sheaths who need it.


>Nitrous oxide has a direct effect alongside the hypoxia in the form of B12 oxidation. It's capable of depleting its levels to zero (not even starving people suffer from that) which can permanently damage myelin sheaths who need it.
intredasting, so you're saying it does more, but it's even worse the hypoxia?


Yeh basically.
You need to have chronic exposure to it before that happens, since the useless B12 is usually replaced by new ones from just eating. You don't have to worry if you got exposed to it one time, for example.


But anyways you didn't say that the B12 oxidization is what provides the high. I said the high comes from the hypoxia.


True. I'm not that anon you were responding to though.



420chan.org redirects to leftypol if anyone's wondering where the sudden influx comes from.

the random board is >>>/siberia/


i'll post a link to some stories i made into little videos of the old boards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFwF0TXR5OQ&list=PL4cHgLblF-hgra89lueRQ-iO9BFBpBGLU&index=20

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