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File: 1651575749501.jpg (1.65 MB, 2448x3264, Manwithtinfoilhat.jpg)


What's your favorite conspiracy theory and to what degree de you believe in it?




many actually
i don't remember any of them tho


I believe in economic antisemitism to a degree but ultimately it is the bourgeoisie itself.


I believe we're living it the Kali Yuga / End times. People have always thought the end was near, but how much more so as time goes on, the sign of the times become more pronounced.


>inb4 this thread gets moved to a dead board




Dutroux was basicallly epstein 1.0


Salo is based on actual literal events Pasolini learned about during his days under the Italian Social Republic and it's why he was assassinated.


Either that or one of the neo-fascist cells during the Years of Lead caught wind he was making an anti-fascist film and had him killed, or some mix of both.


The Pussy Riot-AOC-Hasan dark triad.


Chris Chan fucking his mom is a CIA false flag
Beleif level: 100%


please tell me more about this one
no i won't watch some stupid youtube video



> Uses devices made by her father's cybersecurity companies to assist in her online "trolling" campaigns which have negatively impacted numerous people
This one is real suspicious


Unrelated but does anyone have the list of all the American food processing plants (and others) that have burned down? pics rel
Even if they are all rebuilt and restored near the end of fall or sooner, it won't be enough to hold off the massive increase in food prices that will be sweeping the world, or even domestically.


File: 1653191370822-2.mp4 (6.18 MB, 1280x720, binladen family.mp4)

File: 1653191370822-3.mp4 (10.61 MB, 1280x720, tim osman.mp4)

File: 1653191370822-4.mp4 (1.37 MB, 1280x592, 2022 Bush Moment.mp4)

> George W Bush and the Saudis did 9/11 on purpose as a coordinated effort to mutually benefit each other

> George HW Bush killed Kennedy (read Family of Secrets)

> Prescott Bush was involved in the Business Plot



cough up the spreadsheet


Don't have it, that's the only screenshot I could find of it after I heard it circulating.


I believe in a secret conspiracy against me, bitch, because I was told there was a secret conspiracy against me, bitch


Cool it Jessie

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