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Which cryptids actually exist? Are they undiscovered species or something stranger?


Reality shifting is the belief that one can shift their conciseness into another reality through certain methods. The belief is based off the Multiverse theory and reality shifters believe that they can shift their conciseness into any universe they think of by meditating and self affirmations.

As absolutely batshit insane as this sounds, recently hundreds of people are claiming that they shifted online. The belief originally exploded into popularity on social media and is popular among kids and teens that want to visit their favorite fictional universes like harry potter and marvel etc.

The reason I bring this up is because I wonder if this may be another example of the increasing shittyness capitalism. Kids and teens who are gullible to believe this may be doing it as a form of escape from the shitty hellhole that capitalism has created. Thoughts?
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I think this was originally a thing about shifting to an alternate timeline of reality or to the past but via your own consciousness (like transferring your current consciousness to your past self), but a bunch of losers corrupted it to be actually shifting to some fictional universe.


The kids aren't alright.


I just call that daydreaming, been doin since these kids parents were kids.


I’m shifting to the reality where communism happened.


I wonder if the artist who drew the girl from that meme draws furries. Something about the mouth shape.


The year was 1047 CE when this real Vampire wrote his name openly and proudly for all to see: "I, Father Vampire…" And who and what he was debunks everything we thought the Vampire to be. In fact… it reveals him to be the undeniable polar opposite. For rather than being the evil, crucifix-fearing, blood-drinking, reanimated corpse of our fiction-fueled imaginations, he was instead… a quite-mortal, highly educated, well-regarded, crucifix-wearing, fully ordained, Eastern Orthodox Christian Priest.

Where actual history about the Slavic Vampire is concerned… never has fact proved stranger or more fascinating than fiction. And all of it far more fantastical and fulfilling than anything found in any Gothic novel or Hollywood silver-screen portrayal.

So why haven't we known of this before? Because the Slavic accounts of the Vampire were reported and popularized here in the West during the prudish Victorian Age … and their most important historical evidences deliberately censored, as a result.

When the doctorate-level evidences are re-examined in their uncensored entirety, the hidden truth is undeniably revealed: Slavic Vampires were very real and possessed truly astounding "supernatural" traits and capacities – most especially their very real "Dark Gift" – worshiped by the Pagan Slavs and ardently adored by women for centuries if not millennia… before later being horribly and falsely demonized by Christianity, and all those possessing such superhuman capacity hunted down and slaughtered… as many as could be found.

All we now know of the Slavic Vampire might have forever remained an eternal mystery had not a real Slavic Vampire offered to let us scientifically document his very real "Dark" Gift in the laboratory. This unprecedented University study, conducted by a team of highly acclaimed, doctorate-level researchers, was then professionally published in a prestigious scientific journal and presented to the world. To this day, it remains the only study finally documenting the fabled Vampire's "physiologically impossible" "Dark" Gift… the same superhuman capacity that has always so enraptured and attracted women to them while also inciting such brutal demonization and violence from men – most especially Christian men – against them.

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Communism but you think africans were blue eyed aryans that became black because of feudalism


>Is there no such thing as Esoteric Communism
It's probably the Christian utopian communism that was thought up before Marx, but I barely know that
>Communism but you think africans were blue eyed aryans that became black because of feudalism
Is this the guy who thought racial differences come from diets and black people eat better, they'll become white? Maybe I should make a Lysenko thread here


>finally noticed the filename
Yeah I didn't recognize him, yeah I don't read, so WHAT

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If it doesn't have any material basis, then it's fake and a waste of time.
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Name something I should care about that doesn’t have a material basis?


materialism is an illusion of perception
your soul (unless you're a p-zombie, then you're shit out of luck)


Common sense


soul doesnt exist though, and so is a philosophical zombie unless youre from another reality where how it works is different.
has material basis


oh it does, you're just a p-zombie after all

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Do you believe in god? Do you believe in a uyghur with AIDS? Lets talk about it!
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Yes and I love God ! :-)


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How does /spooks/ feel about the empty internet theory?
All I see and read about it it's really shallow and sometimes feels like cope. Here we know capitalism just want ti turn the internet into a cattle farm but nobody else want to admit it.
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Makes most sense when viewing the internet as a consent factory of GPT4 bots. Sure some people are interacting with the bots, but they're getting deboonked by WaPo articles at the speed of light, changing their and other readers' opinions.


The question is less "is the internet empty?" and more "just how empty is it?"

We know it's full of bots. The question is what the proportions are and how much conversation is human-human vs human-bot vs bot-bot.


It's wrong, but with a hint of truth.
It's wrong in its basic premise, that most communities are just bots and so on and that real human beings are few and far between. But it's true in the sense that this may as well be the case, because contemporary web design funnels actual human beings to act practically indistinguishably from bots. New and original content is less likely to get interaction than a twist on something old and familiar, or even basic bitch call and response bullshit catchphrases a-la-/v/.

>On forums, including imageboards, and in threads here, certain types of discussion about certain contentious issues or conspiracy theories tend to draw an abnormal amount of posts clearly seeking to derail the thread in a variety of ways.
A lot of the time this is just people seeking (you)s in the most efficient way possible. Speaking from personal experience, I've done a lot of off-topic or tangentially on-topic posting in threads about [redacted] issues or Ukraine mostly because it's more likely to actually get replies (or provide fodder for saying something funny) than lurking in the surprisingly slow /itg/ or /leftybritpol/. Sometimes it's even just fun to be contrari– a devil's advocate.

Now I'm a narcissistic weirdo with a sense of humour, so I approach it in a certain way, but if you just wanted to maximize how many (you)s or your apparent influence over the thread while posting as anon-without-tripflag, it wouldn't be hard to behave in a way "indistinguishable" from someone on langley's payroll. indeed, arousing that suspicion would be a great way to rake in (you)s.


There is some truth to it. A lot of sites are full of bots and hired shills to try and lure in users or give fake reviews of products. It's not cope it's a symptom of the corporatization of the internet. As communities get suffocated out by large sites there will be people left feeling alienated from socializing online all together and something has to replace them. It's not literally empty but it sure is far more sparse in plurality of diverse online communities.


A lot of truth in it imo.

It seems like the way propaganda works in the west. The media does actually inform us of events, but spins them in such a way as to support the hegemonic narrative.

On the internet, not everything is a bot or an op but there is such a level of control possible that organic human activity online can be nudged + spun into extremely limited + shallow + unproductive + controllable behaviors. That's why the internet is empty and important data is ephemeral, stripped of it's potential utility.

Embedding error.


found footage/lost memories thread

this was apparently too scary for kids back in the day


>The episode prompted an unusually large amount of mail responses from parents, almost entirely negative, within a short time frame. Typical responses included parents concerned that their children were afraid and now refused to watch the show, using such phrases as "screams and tears" and "the threat of the witch's power remains in children's eyes." A somewhat atypical missive came from a self-proclaimed Wiccan, concerned with the perpetuation of a negative fairy tale stereotype and recommended a segment "portraying witches as they really are, now."
>Due to the overwhelming reaction, additional test screenings were held from March 1 through the 5th, "to assess children's reactions to the Wicked Witch of the West." The tests showed that children were "exceptionally attentive during the Margaret Hamilton segments," and those who watched the episode in color were fascinated by her green face. The issue of fear was difficult to fully judge, due to confusing answers and the fact that the children were surrounded by their peers and adults, and not alone watching. However, due to the parents' reactions, the letter content and testing observations, Anna Herera of the CTW Research Department suggested "that the Margaret Hamilton show not be re-run."
just busybody parents

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At the time of my story I lived in rural Massachusetts, to anyone who's familiar that means miles of woodland with spaced out suburban areas in between. I was walking down my grandfathers logging trail getting ready for his funeral. I'm also an avid mushroom collector, so I'm always walking slowly and staring at the ground, friends hate me. So I get to this cool little white capped mushroom and stop to take a close-up picture of it. That's when I heard it; the best way I can describe it was as if someone with a lot of flesh on his knuckles were punching a tree. Now, I know what deer sound like when they stomp to protect their children/are smashing antlers on trees. I've heard bear, Fischer cat, moose, pretty much any animal in western massachusetts that exists. So, naturally, I looked up, freaked the fuck out. It was so rhythmic. THUD. THUD. THUD. it went on for minutes at the same pace. So, being the curios person that I am, I let out a whistle that couldn't be mistaken for a bird. (NOTE: I'm looking in the direction of the thudding, can see out 75-100 yards through my grandfathers well trimmed trees, and see, NOTHING.) right after my whistle, I hear a low quick whistle back. My first though is "oh it must be some asshole logger scoping the land past the no trespassing gate", ignorant, I know. So I yell out "HELLO?!" Pretty much as loudly as I could. Then, whatever it was, ran away faster than I've ever hear a human being run. And using my experience with deer/dogs/moose/bear, I assessed that I couldn't possibly rationalize it being a 4 legged creature. I know what they sound like running, and this was much closer to a 2 legged creature, I'm 100% positive on that. What doesn't make sense, however, is that that 2 legged creature that ran away from me, faster than any two legged creature I have ever heard before, also sounded like it was at minimum, 250lbs. The steps were loud, and frantic. A lot of people believe Bigfoot has a spiritual connection to the forests it remains in, and thus, the creatures in it as well. I do not find it a coincidence that this happened the day of my grandfathers funeral. I ran all the way home.


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What a weird story anon. I don't really believe in bigfoot (my thoughts on it is that maybe thousands of years ago a similar creature existed but it went extinct) but I have no clue what it is you could've seen.

I think the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life was a UFO that looked like pic related and also had a similar size. I have no clue what they're called (in english or my mother tongue) but iirc they have something to do with ventilation, in the roofs of houses, though they may be older technology cause I've not seen any of these recently. I must've been like 6 or 7 in my backyard and I saw it floating above my house, like 30 meters in the air. I barely remember it but I'm almost completely sure it was not a baloon or anything like that. I don't even remember if it flew away or what happened with it but it's the closest thing I've ever seen to a UFO or anything like that in my life.


>What a weird story
Yeah, I made it up


>At the time of my story I lived in rural Massachusetts

holy fucking shit, i'm terrified already



Wow. you're really brave anon, I probably would've shit myself.

I've honestly never had any really weird experiences but I do remember one time I walked into my basement to get something from my freezer and got really freaked out. So there's a little room under my basement stairs where we keep a bunch of holiday stuff and the door is closed almost 99% of the time but this time, it was open (no biggie, someone probably forgot to close it) and as I'm walking down the stairs the goddamn door slams shut. I freaked out and just ran upstairs. It would've been physically impossible for the wind to slam the door that hard and no one was down there.
Me and my sister just joke that "Harold" (just a dumb ghost name we made up) slammed the door but I still get freaked out from walking into the basement alone in the dark.


>heard bear, Fischer cat, moose, pretty much any animal in western massachusetts that exists
Yeah first tell is "Moose" and "bear"
bears are rare as fuck in Mass and Moose even more so. Not even going into the fischer cat shit


There is no such thing as ghosts. Some people experience the phenomena of ghosts the same way some children experience the phenomena of "monsters". To communicate this to us our mind tells us there is a hostile entity, for instance, in our closet or under our bed. This hostile entity doesn't have a form. IRL it would be a predator; something that hunted our monkey ancestors. Kids learn the word monster, and use it to describe this concept. Adults use the word "ghost", but either way its the same thing.

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