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 [Last 50 Posts]

We're all riding the Kali Yuga together. ITT worship Hyperborea, denounce the modern world, discuss magick, aliens, theosophy and Atlantis. Only for people of Indo-Uralic and Indo-Aryan origin, no semites and reptilians allowed. Praise Evola (pbuh) and Guenon (pbuh). Praise the sun. This is a shitpost


requesting the aztec hyperborea edit, shit cracks me up every time


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This one?




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Of the lost/mythical continents imo the coolest one is Mu. A landmass in the Pacific would be based af tbh, wonder what the climate would be like.




Thousands of volcanoes


What's Mu? I only know an old game called like that.


This is where the far right is at. They’re trying to play DnD in the real world. It makes sense because the autistic retard Varg Vikkernes literally made a DnD game where he can role play as some knight.


Wasn't Hyperborea invented by the guy who wrote the conan the barbarian novels?


Basically Guenon and Evola made it what it is today.
It started like this:

>Along with Thule, Hyperborea was one of several terrae incognitae to the Greeks and Romans, where Pliny, Pindar and Herodotus, as well as Virgil and Cicero, reported that people lived to the age of one thousand and enjoyed lives of complete happiness. Hecataeus of Abdera collated all the stories about the Hyperboreans current in the 4th century BC and published a lengthy, now-lost treatise on them that was noted by Diodorus Siculus (ii.47.1–2).[32] Legend told that the sun was supposed to rise and set only once a year in Hyperborea, which would place it above or upon the Arctic Circle, or, more generally, in the arctic polar regions.

>The ancient Greek writer Theopompus, in his work Philippica, claimed Hyperborea was once planned to be conquered by a large race of soldiers from another island (some[who?] have claimed this was Atlantis); however, this plan was apparently abandoned, as the soldiers from Meropis realized the Hyperboreans were too strong, and too blessed, for them to be conquered. This unusual tale, which some[who?] believe was satire or comedy, was preserved by Aelian (Varia Historia, 3. 18).

>Theseus visited the Hyperboreans and Pindar transferred Perseus' encounter with Medusa there from its traditional site in Libya, to the dissatisfaction of his Alexandrian editors.[33]

>Apollonius wrote that the Argonauts sighted Hyperborea, when they sailed through Eridano.


Give me a quick rundown on Evola.


>The Hyborian Age is a fictional period of Earth's history within the artificial mythology created by Robert E. Howard, serving as the setting for the sword and sorcery tales of Conan the Barbarian. The word "Hyborian" is derived from the legendary northern land of the ancient Greeks, Hyperborea, and is rendered as such in the earliest draft of Howard's essay "The Hyborian Age". Howard described the Hyborian Age taking place sometime after the sinking of Atlantis and before the beginning of recorded ancient history. Most later editors and adaptors such as L. Sprague de Camp and Roy Thomas placed the Hyborian Age around 10,000 BC. More recently, Dale Rippke proposed that the Hyborian Age should be placed further in the past, around 32,500 BC, prior to the beginning of the Last Glacial Maximum. Rippke's date, however, has since been disputed by Jeffrey Shanks, who argues for the more traditional placement at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum.

Anyone ever read any of the conan the barbarian novels? most are public domain now. Good writing, but since it was written in the 30s there's lots of un-pc race shit and some of it gets kindof rapey


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Daily reminder that Chairman Farrakhan, Moses, and Yakub have confirmed hyperborea to be a cave in England where wh*toids emerged from


The core of Evola's theory is the belief in god-king sorcerers (seriously)


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Brought to you by the honorable minister Farrakhan



for you >>277


>idealism: the diagram


Evola actually mentions Conan in one of his books


so Evola was basically the nick land of the early 20th century then?


He was probably the most reactionary man to ever exist.


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new jak just dropped


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Lmao it's the Tau.


Give me a quick rundown of Evola.



>Italian fucktwat
>hated by Mussolini
>loved by Himmler
>read a lot of Guenon
>believed humans descended from greatness but was corrupted into negros because of sin
>Communism is a manifestation of sin, and by such, a manifestation of negros
>did a lot with the Italian antisemetic laws
>fled to Germany when the war was getting rough
>walked around to ponder life's great mysteries when the bomb sirens went off
>got hit by shrapnel and was paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of his life
>memed on in /lit/ hindu vs buddhism threads


so he believes that the entirety of humanity was BLACKED ?.


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Yes, he likens it to how Satan fell from heaven. Basically black = bad and white = good.
Quite the intellectual.



There has to be more to evola than just this.


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mfw evola


I pirated all of his books, but havent actually read them yet.
From what I understand, degeneration theory is the underlying theme of all of his philosophy. Something like the first root race being the perfect form of humanity, and slowly being degenerated through their promiscuous activities (evidence of which is seen in ancient mythology, like Zeus acting like a frat bro fucking evrything that moves) and dropped from glory to merely man. I suppose he means that we can return to such glory if only the rest of humanities impurities are culled. Probably starting with the Jews, in his mind.

Add that with a misreading of Hindu theology (with a focus on caste structures), mixed with Roman Catholicism spirituality, and you have Evola.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I couldn't be assed to read him tbh.



What is the critique of evola then?


Oh I already posted that image. Oh well, I enjoy the schizo energy that went into making it, it inspires me to read more.


>What is the critique of evola then?
I dont know what you mean, you want a critique of a bourgeois crackpot?
Well okay, he was a bourgeois crackpot



I want a critique of his ideology and his belief that the world is degenerating and we are "in the age of kali yuga" aka a world of degeneracy. I want to know why he thinks that everyone is in a specific caste and will never leave their caste. I want to know why he thinks we will form back into a caste based system and how climbing a mountain is proof that someone is a man.


>mixed with Roman Catholicism spirituality
scratch that, he wanted to return to ancient roman paganism
weird chap
idk how to respond to this because I learned about him through memes and wikipedia
I dont think any Marxists (or anyone else for that matter) took him seriously to debunk him
he was idiosyncratic in everyway, like a 19th century hipster
If I had to guess, I would say he is trying to reconcile Plato's ideal government in the real world, again. Like, the first root race was the platonic form of good, and he wants to cycle through the yugas and come across the form of good again.
Also in Plato's ideal government, Plato assumes slavery will always exist. This isnt too far fetched for an ancient philosopher, but perhaps Evola took this as an excuse to introduce one of his esoteric pleasures of Hinduism into the platonic government.


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In regards to critique of caste thing you can look at Fromm and Adorno (authoritarian personality). It can be argued that fascist types afraid of freedom, because it implies some responsibility one has to take for oneself. Rigid social hierarchies means for authoritarian types freedom from that responsibility, from necessity to make choises and think for oneself, which is ofc very slavish outlook.



race spirits


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I once fell into a little bit of trad autism, but quickly moved away after finding myself on the other foot (modern political thought). I stopped listening to them berate the modern world. I made a 180 degree turn then.
I never felt most trads were an explicitly monarkiddie group anyways, and certain advocates of Great Man Theory have an anti-royalist tinge.
Some NRx like Jouvenel, but I dislike him & find other libertarian types like Hoppeans to be a thorn in my absolutist side
They will always ridicule me as a modernist, so it cannot be helped, tbh.


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Lemuria is my favorite


This is so cringe LMAO


Anyone have the Esoteric Nazi Hyperborea posts?



Don't bother, it's a load of pseud shit that only gets some things right due to the sheer volume of crap being said.


>Anyone have the Esoteric Nazi Hyperborea posts?
There used to be /vril/ on 8chan, where /leftypol/ was as well before the retreat to the backup Albanian /bunkerchan/, before the present . org
You could read all this stuff on there.
there was a plan by /vril/ to reincarnate Hitler (himself an incarnation of the pagan god, Wotan) by occult means.
Fortunately it came to nothing when the board owners' cellphone with key board maintenance info got taken off him when he got mugged at a gas station.


The cavepeople ("crawlers", "molepeople") are unrelated to hyperboria & are likely a spiritually and physically corrupted offshoot from humanity originating from survivors of a/possibly multiple great geomagnetic reversals.

They look fucked but they're physically weak, usually malnourished and most of the time harmless unless you're a child or very short. They will fuck up your chooks & other small animals though, some cunts up in the dandenongs will swear that they've been know to completely eviscerate large dogs but I'm skeptical, more likely a yowie that does it, indigenous people tend to agree based on who I've spoken to.

Ride the tiger is a decent book, would legitimately recommend it to anybody capable of critically reading & filtering out the bs, useful in transforming blackpilled comrades away from defeatism & towards doomer optimism. Evola was one of the better third positionists aligned with the Fascist bloc but his works are low grade theory & kind of an overglorified form of self help, intended as a means of reorienting people who are already in the third positionist camp.


You do realize pole reversals occultist/new-age types talk about aren't geomagnetic reversals, but massive, sudden shifts in Earth's rotational axis, right?


>here used to be /vril/ on 8chan, where /leftypol/ was as well before the retreat to the backup Albanian /bunkerchan/, before the present . org
Yeah I remember, I mean there had been some threads on /b/ before the split about Esoteric Nazism and I lost my archive link.


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I heard Hyperboreans are the predecessors of Slavs


>Fortunately it came to nothing when the board owners' cellphone with key board maintenance info got taken off him when he got mugged at a gas station.
Based time travelling mugger, he stopped Hitler 2


>Based time travelling mugger, he stopped Hitler 2







literally feels over reals


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This man told the Nazis:
>germanic history is at least 200,000 years old
>the earth had three suns in this time
>plus giants and dwarves and other magical creatures
>his ancestors ended a long period of war
>the irminic religion of krist, based on christ, became the religion of all germanics by 12,500 BC
>non-believers, called wotans, superseded them and destroyed the irminic religious center in 1200 BC, and appropriated a temple in 460 AD
>his own ancestors were ice kings descending from aesir and vanir
And the SS actually bought it.



Unironically Evola's esoteric shit is up there right behind Land as far as reactionary shit I wanna read, even if Evola fans appear to be genuinely retarded and Evola himself seems to have been an imbecile.


>actually bought it
don't underestimate fanatics.




Land only really became a reactionary when he reemerged after disappearing in 2007. This first third of Fanged Noumena is pretty leftist in my opinion has he clearly expresses anti-fascist and feminist sentiments.


In my imagination it feels like a modern mythology, like dragons and unicorns and shit.
But I'm afraid that if I read him I'll realize it's all porky dicksucking with a flavour if guenon


I'm about 90% certain there is no difference between Evola Guenon and Blavatsky other then their relative obscurity and which specific hitler cults followed them. They are stem from the same colonial impulse of inventing made up bull shit from cherry picked historical sources that were used to justify race based class divisions.


stop looking at zionistic degenerate esoteric nazi schitzo edits comrades


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Uh, bros?


Как же она так прекрасно поёт


>Adorno (authoritarian personality).
This shit was already ridiculed and dismissed by even leftists during Adorno's era.


Land is (was?) an actual genius, Evola is a midwit at best.




See >>759


Surf the Kara Boga


fuck off cunt


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>fights in the German infantry inWWI
>gets decorated for bravery following the first Battle of Ypres
>sees more action at the Battle of Verdun
>gets wounded and hospitalised
>gets posted to the Balkans
>gets shot through the torso
>joins air force, even more dangerous
>gets demobbed before he sees any action
>gets pissed off at German's defeat, drifts into politics
>joins the Thule Society, a German occultist and Völkisch group founded in Munich shortly after the war
>Thule society society sponsors the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP; German Workers' Party), >DAP gets reorganized by Adolf Hitler into the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP or Nazi Party)
>gets 18 months in the slammer after Hitler's bollocksed beer-Hall putsch in '23
>becomes good mates with Hitler in prison
>takes up flying again when out of prison
>buzzes his plane near left-wing rallies to drown out the speakers
>starts entering flying races
>Hitler bans him from flying
>supervises state-Party relations in through the Nazi Office of the Deputy Leader
>starts dabbling in the occult
>Martin Bormann takes over much of the work in the office
>elbowed aside by Goring in the Party Hierarchy
>gets obsessed with the danger of Germany fighting a war on two fronts, vs. the West and Soviet Union simultaneously
>thinks he can persuade the British to form an alliance
>flies to Britain clandestinely
>can't find the landing strip
>turn the plane upside down
>opens the cockpit roof
>jumps out
>pulls the parachute ripcord
>hits the ground and falls unconscious
>gets captured and questioned
>gets put in the slammer again
>gets sent to the Nuremburg trials after the war in '46
>claims amnesia
>gets sent to Spandau prison
>kills himself in 1987 aged 93


>kills himself in 1987 aged 93
This part is super sus. Why would he wait until 93 to kill himself. Really sus.


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Older people have the highest suicide rates fyi


>Hitler bans him from flying
>buzzes his plane near left-wing rallies to drown out the speakers
Hess's landing in Britain is some suspect shit that nobody talks about TBH.


he is my favourite nazi, based retard in the "interesting person" sense
king of autism and eyebrows


Hyperborea gang rise up!


oh shit was it a psyop?


To an extent. He didn´t kill himself in prison but got Epstein´d and spent the war in fairly comfortable captivity compared to even other POWs. The reasons for his leaving are also very muddled and unclear, especially the fact that for some reason Hitler never even attempted to have him shot down, and neither did the Brits.


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>The reasons for his leaving are also very muddled and unclear,
Hess had been elbowed aside in the Nazi regime. He wasn't consulted on Operation Barbarossa to invade the Soviet Union. He thought he could get back in with Hitler if he could bring about peace with Britain. (Hitler had previously written in Mein Kampf about wanting an alliance with Britain against the Bolsheviks.)
There`s a theory by a writer, Dr James Vincent Murphy, that Hess' s flight was under the auspices of the Foreign Organisation of the Nazi Party, which Hess had set up, and it was part of a power move against the more anti-British Foreign Minister Ribbentrop
<the Svengali who practices the art of post-hypnotic suggestion on the Berchtesgaden somnambulist [Hitler]
But Hess just wasn't this influential. The official German declaration was he was a madman acting on his own, and without the knowledge of anyone else in the Nazi hierarchy. If he'd been sent officially to negotiate a peace with Britain then this declaration would have undermined it.
>for some reason Hitler never even attempted to have him shot down
The first he knew about the flight was when Hess's adjutant, Karlheinz Pintsch, arrived at his mountain retreat near Berchtesgaden with a letter from Hess, given to him just before take off. Albert Speer:
<At this moment Hitler descended from his room upstairs. One of the adjutants was called into the salon. While I began leafing through my sketches once more, I suddenly heard an inarticulate, almost animal outcry. Then Hitler roared: "Bormann, at once! Where is Bormann? “
>and neither did the Brits.
Hess zig zagged his flight path to avoid British radar, waited until dark before flying over the coast of Scotland to avoid enemy spotters, and then flew low over the countryside.


Pro tip: if you ever want to have copious amounts of fun, find a random thread on 4chan and start spaming it with Hyperborea pictures, with posts detailing how Jews are Aryan subhumans and must be genocided like all Aryan filth, such as Germans or Anglos, because Slavic Hyperboreans are the one true virtuous master race. Bonus points if you create your owm racial hierarchy where you place where you rank out the Mongolod and Negroid races as shittier than Hyperboreans, but in all ways superior to the caveman barbarian Aryan filth.


Ok glow/pol/


Anyone got any of the CCRU texts on Lemurian time war and it's connections to Atlantis?


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Virgil might



looks like a giant Papua


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Holy shit


TNO was a mistake for resurrecting this dead, pesudo-historical meme.


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What the fuck is Frifland?



I originally made this thread on /siberia/ but mods moved it here. If this board is going to be deleted can mods kindly send it back to Siberia? That's where Hyperborea is, after all


Nah /x/ definitely has a place


Most of these "Übermenschen" are basing their entire ideology around LARP from 80 years ago (plus the HOI4 mod)


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>It is said that only when someone chants the Garuda Vashikaran Mantra will they extricate the Naga Bandham (snake binding spell) & only then can the door be opened. For it is said to be guarded by Lord Vishnu. And anyone would opens it will Die and a curse will be unleashed apon the entire world.

Furthermore it is believed that no sage exists of such holy caliber right now in this world to be able to chant the mantra. And that one day there would be born a holy child who is destined to open it.

IT makes me so mad that unknown riches and historically important stuff is hidden in shit like this and nobody can investigate it because of spooked morons

>muh curse

suck it up and go send an army inside


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According to one of the codices, Aztlan does seem to have been an island. It's also unrelated though because it's located in mainland North America and the Mexica(what the Aztec called themselves) left it in about the 11th century AD, way later than the date people give Atlantis to.


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I WILL move to Hyperborea


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Unique IPs: 61

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