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This thread is dedicated in talking about the UFOs, how Area 51 has alien technology that was stolen from crashed UFOs, and the Space Comrades as we know them.

I will begin with my beliefs on the subject, first the Space Comrades are indeed real. Why do I think this, because one fuck the feremi Paradox, instead we have been looking for our Comrades in the wrong ways. If an Advance Civilization existed it most likely either too far away make reasonable contact. Second, using radio as a means of finding aliens is outdated, if you are so advanced you would not be still sending out radio waves through out the galaxy. Thirdly they have visited us in the distant past way before modern humans were a thing and just went on their ways. Final point is that if they are indeed out there they are actively studying us like the Grey Aliens do due to an treaty by Eisenhower to allow them study humans for exchange for weapons.

Now to get to the point of the Cosmic Horrors, space is so strange. That we don't even understand the universe as we like it and thus, because of this extreme unknown it causes one's mind to break. As there are the Great Old Ones out there slumbering Alien Civilizations waiting for their time to return to the forefront. These are the beings that we can't make sense. As we try to rationalize these beings, it only sends us into madness.


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Yes comrade


Can someone dump all the PDF files for Posadism? I can't upload files because you know why.


Prove that you can't.


Browsing leftypol more and more turns me off communism. If you people are my comrades, how is this ever supposed to be a movement.
Does anyone know a communist space that isn't infested with /x/ types and religious retards?


Why didn't ancient aliens made in episode on the posadism


Look here comrade the Horrors of Cosmic Space is one of those that which causes people to go insane if they stare down the abyss for too long. Think about it our tiny minds could hardly rationalize the vastness of space.

Ancient Aliens are cowards and don't want to mention that Posadism is the way forward to the stars. Since its about communism and only seeing the ancient aliens as interference to guide humanity. Because if they exposed the truth about Posadism the entire charade ends. People would become more and more willing to actually take up the mantle.

Ayy Lmao.


Even though I am not a posadist I still enjoy the ideology


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The Predator was the vietcong of space
Long live comrade predator


I am interested in cosmology, but I am not interested in using it as escapism, you god damn coward.


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Escapism? Who needs cosmology for escapism? Think about it why do you think Cosmic horrors exist to begin with. Our minds warp and become twisted as we try to make logical sense within our well established narratives. They Abyss is always been there it only stared back when we looked into for far too long!

Well considering the Xenomorphs are a bunch of fucking literal parasites the Predator was trying to save everyone, but humanity is once again going to fuck up and bring a parasite that can stalk and kill everyone to create more babies.

The ideology is wonderful as it helps with the nuclear realism in which we live today. The course of humanity dramatically changed once nuclear weapons were created. We became a giant UFO magnet, why do you think so many UFOs have been seen over the missile silos near where nuclear weapons are found.


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>there is not escape


There is no escape from the madness that is of the mind. They are always been here we are nothing but tiny dots to them.

Escape was never an opinion.


You have already escaped into a childish fantasy about aliens to avoid your responsibilities as a communist.


It seems to me like you are an Alien denier. Escapism come now if you think aliens are a fantasy then think about this, why are there suddenly more ufo reports since the invention of the nuclear weapons? All the secrets of misformation done by the feds.

Then what is the so called responsibilities of a communist? You personally are attacked because you think that "These stupid fuckers think aliens are going to fix everything. When it the people who should be doing it, and you are being cowards for running away from that." Let me point out something, it is important to find these aliens, to learn to coexist with a different being from outside of Earth. Science is progressing and we need to take the charge, also fuck you for calling the aliens a fantasy. Just because you don't honestly believe doesn't mean others don't. This universe is way to fucking vast for there not to be life outside our rock. But yes we are running away then why the fuck are you here on this board on this website, aren't you too running away from your responsibilities as a communist. Get the fuck out of here with that shit.


What do you have to say to this?


That you are a big coping fag that has no imagination.


they do cool dance moves in that video, i quite like the effects they added to it too.

but the message that somebody else put on top of it is just noise from people who don't like technical progress.
Every piece of technology we have now was considered impossible at some point.

The space billionaires aren't going to build a space industry because they are trying to do it with a technology that was invented in the 1950s. They are just doing a mee-too space race, it's people trying to relive the adventure they saw on television when they were young.
But we're not going to be stuck with that forever, eventually there will be competent pioneers again that will restart pushing boundaries.


I have a question for posadists?
>is the book and flim (war of the worlds) considered anti alien >>propaganda?

>>Even tho hg wells was a socialist tho?


>it is important to find these aliens
>Science is progressing and we need to take the charge

Communism is when you increase the
until the aliens appear



The Martians are just space British


>why are there suddenly more ufo reports since the invention of the nuclear weapons?
Because of the internet, mass media etc. People believe stupid shit and now have the means to "report" their stupid shit.
>Let me point out something, it is important to find these aliens, to learn to coexist with a different being from outside of Earth.
Meaningless drivel that doesn't address my concerns about you people.
>also fuck you for calling the aliens a fantasy. Just because you don't honestly believe doesn't mean others don't.
That doesn't make it any less of a fantasy. You're not making any sense, my dude.
>This universe is way to fucking vast for there not to be life outside our rock.
I agree, but it is probably so rare and most of it not advanced enough to be intelligent that it doesn't fucking matter.


I wouldn't say that is anti-alien more like what happens if an alien race were to come to Earth. In HG Wells time he figured they would be similar to colonizing force as the ideals of Posadas wouldn't be written for another few decades.

Now if you were going to ask me what is truly anti-alien Propaganda turn no further to Independence Day. Where the US military are the winners against an Alien force. What this movie does is intentionally try and stir up fear. One of Posadas' comrades who was in his party had warned about the US doing something like this before that movie came out mind you.

Unironically I for one believe its important to confirm that there is beings outside our solar system. We should be striving to be unironically the Space Comrades for someone else, What this will also do is allow for us as humans to learn more about our universe we see all around. Visiting other planets and the such.


Do you think Avatar is based as an anti imperialism film


>We should be striving to be unironically the Space Comrades for someone else
How about we become comrades here on earth before you start fantasizing about communist space federations?


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How about you stop being no fun allowed, and lets just look at a better future we can strive for hmm? Because let's say we do achieve our goals of communism what then, well why not help others in the universe to achieve it as well. God damn a bunch of you lot need to pull that stick out of your fucking asses and have an imagination again.

Yes when you are looking at Avatar you see the anti imperialists notions within the movie. Its been years since I seen it but as I remember there was a few humans that took control over the blue aliens to figure out the way the aliens lived and any sort of looking for weakness. I don't remember if the humans got pushed back after advancing and started burning down the forest or not.


>How about you stop being no fun allowed, and lets just look at a better future we can strive for hmm?
This doesn't make sense. Is it just for fun or are you striving for a better future? And if we do achieve our goals of communism then I'll give you all the space in the world to fantasize about aliens.
>God damn a bunch of you lot need to pull that stick out of your fucking asses and have an imagination again.
Imagination, huh? Sounds about right. Entirely imaginary.


I want to go on and talk about how that the alien abductions have been going on because of Eisenhower. Because apparently he goes missing for nearly a day, and the way they tried to hide it is oh he went to the dentist for nearly a day. Yeah because that totally makes sense. Instead he was making secret deals with Aliens. The Greys are the ones that I will be referring to as the Zeta Greys. These are the beings that have been the most aggressive in their abduction experiments, and because of the treaty.

I also believe that the anti gravity machine observed in Area 51 could most likely be real thing. While we haven't reversed engineered it yet I am sure that alien craft that was in Roswell has been extremely examined quick well and because of that well, you can only see what I think. This is why we need to free the aliens from their prison.


>Because apparently he goes missing for nearly a day, and the way they tried to hide it is oh he went to the dentist for nearly a day. Yeah because that totally makes sense. Instead he was making secret deals with Aliens.
Do you honestly not see how much you're reaching? He could be doing a million things, why assume it's aliens?


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Earthling, it's 3pm. Time for your anal probe.


Tor users can't upload files because pedos


Because his own former military officers came out and said as such. Giving their testimony. Also you are in a thread where we are talking about aliens man.

Here is the site which explains what I said: https://monadmantis.medium.com/president-dwight-d-eisenhower-met-with-aliens-in-the-1950s-military-whistleblowers-come-forward-884f99b45644


No probes here Space Comrade just nothing anal please.


>Does anyone know a communist space that isn't infested with /x/ types and religious retards?


alright i could skip my meds today


I'm a believer in this shit and even I don't buy the Eisenhower treaty story (although I do believe there were/are meetings and agreements between ET and the military). It's told in dozens of contradictory ways, often by known liars, second hand with no source, and/or with easily refuted details the make specific accounts break down. The most likely explanation for the "dentist visit" is Ike suffered a heart attack and survived, so they swept it under the rug to avoid giving the image of an unhealthy president.
The Zeta Reticuli theory of the Grey's origin is also a great litmus test for liars and gullible retards. Zeta Reticuli's connection to the Greys came from both the terrible interpretation of Betty Hill's "star map" and cultural corruption of the appearance of the beings the Hill's claim abducted them, which weren't like the Greys we picture.


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Posadist alien home world discovered


Oh shit we been found, we are near a red dwarf system, close by Sirius.


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Link to the coordinates is in the QR code


then upload it with Microsoft Edge quickly


this thread made by the eternal posadist


What do you make of the theories the ayys have secret deals with the US military and, supposedly, the Chinese government as well. If true, what is the ayys' endgame.


>what is the ayys' endgame.
fulfilling the plot of X-files


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So Jamie Peck recently joked that aliens are watching us and they were going to give us space communism, but then they decided we weren't ready. Because we can't even overcome racism within our own species.

Do you think aliens are among us?


Yes, but I would be wary of assuming they're benevolent and have a conception of politics and economics that resembles human ideas.


>Aliens existed… but annihilated themelves


Ayy Lmao Boys space is fucking crazy and we will lose our minds thinking about it. But lets just say that what if the ayy lmaos have already sheded their fleshy bodies and basically became one with the universe and are basically a cosmic entity all of their own.

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