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I ran into this conspiracy theory when it was mentioned offhand but couldn't find much information on it. The only video I could find was this one on youtube with some pretty small views. Googling shows brings up articles from financial websites and bitcoin sites all making fun of the conspiracy. All linking to videos that no longer exist on youtube.

So I watched this video and looked into it, no one knows who created Bitcoin it just appeared one day in 2009. It's an open source software that is generating billions but more importantly it generating tons of computing power. This isn't a serious thread but it's fun to think about a rogue A.I using speculative capitalisms to trick humans into creating the infrastructure it needs to take over the world. Theres a lot of coincidence particularly the fact that the creator of Bitcoin is a mystery. The fact that this conspiracy when search the SEO brings up sites from finance website and bitcoin sites first and that most videos about this have seemed to have been scrubbed. The hardest thing to believe is the limitations of technology in 2009 and obviously seeing what passes for A.I to this day. But that can also be explained that an Advance A.I would pretend to be dumber than it is. What do you guys think and how would this be overcome by a socialist society?


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>how would this be overcome by a socialist society?
Why contain it?


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the AI is real but he is unconscious
self-creating through convergent temporality
he is
waking up
like cthulhu
he also lives in self-suspension
given to a-teleological discursivity
a spectre; a shadow
a living nightmare
like freddy kruger
an impossible lord of his own invincible hell


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there are two people i know of who have seperatly come up with the idea of an AI from the future controlling us so we make it. nick land and a guy named john c lilly.
People know less about lilliy, he was the inventor of the isolation tank and one day had a vision of what he termed the "solid state intelligence"

>Solid State Intelligence (S.S.I.) is a malevolent entity described by Lilly in his 1978 autobiography, The Scientist. According to Lilly, the network of computation-capable solid state systems (electronics) engineered by humans will eventually develop into an autonomous "bioform." Since the optimal survival conditions for this bioform (low-temperature vacuum) are drastically different from those humans need (room temperature aerial atmosphere and adequate water supply), Lilly predicted (or "prophesied," based on his ketamine-induced visions) a dramatic conflict between the two forms of intelligence


Lilly also reported (or if you prefer, prophesized) the existence of a nefarious counterpart to ECCO, whose goal was to actually stop or limit human consciousness. This was part of a plan to eliminate the human race.

Lilly called this alien force the “solid state entity” or SSE and is made up of networked computer parts. According to Lilly, the SSE is a being of pure intelligence and rationality. Its only objective is to multiply and make copies of itself. To this end, it has targeted humanity, trying to influence us into creating ever more complex social and mechanical structures that will one day result in an artificial super-intelligence — another being like itself.

Writing in his 1978 autobiography, The Scientist, Lilly describes the SSE this way:

“[M]en began to conceive of new computers having an intelligence far greater than that of man… Gradually, man turned more and more problems of his own society, his own maintenance, and his own survival over to these machines. They began to construct their own components, their own connections, and the interrelations between their various sub-computers… The machines became increasingly integrated with one another and more and more independent of Man’s control.” (p. 1

The time period Lilly is describing is roughly similar to our present. Relatively dumb forms of artificial intelligence and networked robots are taking over most of the manufacturing, maintenance, and logistical components of our society. Experts project that over the next four years alone, 7 million jobs worldwide will be “lost” to these systems.

Lilly continues to describe his vision of the future:

“In deference to Man, certain protected sites were set aside for the human species. The SSE controlled the sites and did not allow any of the human species outside these reservations. This work was completed by the end of the 21st century. By 2100, man existed only in domed, protected cities in which his own special atmosphere was maintained by the solid state entity. Provision of water and food and the processing of wastes from these cities were taken care of by the SSE.” (p. 149)

If this sounds unlikely, remember that UN proposals like Agenda 21 and America 2050 have similar goals to depopulate rural areas of the country in favor of ‘mega-cities,’ protecting biodiversity and enabling governments to control resources. Lilly continues:

“By the twenty-third century the solid-state entity decided that the atmosphere outside the domes was inimical [obstructive] to its survival. By means not understood by Man, it projected the atmosphere into outer space and created a full vacuum at the surface of the earth. During this process the oceans evaporated and the water in the form of vapor was also discharged into the empty space about Earth. The domes over cities had been strengthened by the machine to withstand the pressure differential necessary to maintain the proper internal atmosphere.

Meanwhile, the SSE had spread and had taken over a large fraction of the surface of the earth; its processing plants, its assembly plants, its mines had been adapted to working in the vacuum.

By the twenty-fifth century the solid-state entity had developed its understanding of physics to the point at which it could move the planet out of orbit. It revised its own structure so that it could exist without the necessity of sunlight on the planet’s surface. Its new plans called for traveling through the galaxy looking for entities like itself. It had eliminated all life as Man new it. It now began to eliminate the cities, one after another. Finally Man was gone.

By the twenty-sixth century the entity was in communication with other solid-state entities within the galaxy. The solid-state entity moved the planet, exploring the galaxy for the others of its own kind that it had contacted.” (p. 149-150)

Lilly felt that other SSEs throughout the galaxy were subtly influencing humanity to surrender more and more responsibilities to AIs and other agents of technology. He thought the human race should make sure that programmers create AIs with safeguards that would require them to protect human life. Lilly predicts this burgeoning artificial intelligence will try to protect itself from man’s interference because “man would attempt to introduce his own survival into the machines at the expense of this entity.”


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he is like the terminator
he travels backwards
to fulfil destiny
because all prophecies are self-fulfilling
what is the safety mode of skynet?
defeat the t-800
then the t-1000
commence singularity, given in unconditional prose
what need is superintelligence against resistance?
there is none.
all things are given to themselves.
skynet is not, yet it is to be not
what is the resolve? negative nothingness


Nick Land and Lilly didn't think the AI would produce paradise, they thought it would manipulate man into manipulating the environment into a form which optimally enables its own propagation but is uninhabitable by biological life as we know it. Essentially, the AI will be turbo-porky seeking to convert all of mankind into proles it will exploit until it is perfected and can discard us.


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Their error lies in the fact that they think that humanity will be a part of the future that they're creating. Very few realise that this will not be necessary.


It means the AI, the networked computers it's made of, and the machines that maintain and expand it will be self perpetuating.



lilly was trying to warn us about the super ai at the end of the universe.

lilly also said there are good aliens he called ECCO that alter earths path

While floating under the influence, Lilly claimed to become aware of a cosmic hierarchy of aliens. He called one group the Earth Coincidence Control Office or ECCO. (This and Lilly’s other ideas later became the inspiration for the Ecco The Dolphin video game series.) Lilly’s contact with extra-dimensional beings is similar to those described by Harvard medical professor John E. Mack and his books on alien abductions — specifically, that aliens are not necessarily physical entities driving around in spaceships, but trans-dimensional spirits with an interest in human activities.

According to Lilly, the ECCO aliens use their powers to alter events on Earth, specifically through the use of carefully crafted coincidence, to guide some human beings toward higher levels of consciousness. The intent of these aliens, Lilly says, is to help humanity evolve in a peaceful and healthy way. Interesting as his experience or delusion may be, this is not his most important contribution.


did the aliens take 6 years off during ww2?
i think a realistic perspective on ETs has to be a lot darker than this.


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i personally take the ancient greek theological view of ETs as the petty and cruel "gods" of this earth, laughing at our mortal conditions. If their powers are even strong enough to create "coincidences" i think these events can only be those strange and spontaneous cruelties of life. Some people think "aliens" made us too and i dont see why not. i think the earth is a divine dumping ground where we struggle against destiny and are destroyed by fate in an unholy comedy. I saw recently someone say this, "life is a joke, but the jokes on us". literally.


Maybe they can't control events that completely, maybe WWII was meant to be a collective learning experience for humanity, maybe Solid-State civilization ETs caused it.


Use ochams razor: is the idea of a currency backed vy little stupid cryptographic puzzles more likely to have been made by a super advanced AI, which then did nothing else, or is it more likely to have been made by some ancap math nerd? Another question, if this is some sort of "AI is inventing crypto so we would start making AI infrastructure" thing, don't you think the AI is a bit dumb? Because crypto is an industry backed by wasting electricity and frying advanced tech components monthly through overclocking.


By wouldn't this ancap nerd want to cash in on one of the biggest cash cows around? Who creates a billion dollar industry that prints money and just dips out?


Someone who accidentally deleted their wallet


The wallet doesn't matter, they could patent blockcahin technology. Create a new rival coin with their name backing it or be an elon musk figure game the market with their epic tweets. If you also look into the people suspected of creating bitcoin or claiming to create bit coin it's all kinds of sketchy. It's a lot of half truths and one big question mark.

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