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On the surface Christianity would appear like the most average Abrahamic no ordinary religion like any other on this planet and most Christian’s treat it that way yet when one looks even moderately deeper into the ideas behind it it’s reall really un ordinary especially when compared to other religions.

Angels do not look anything like what middle age era art and other angels depicted in other religions look like but rather hyper abstract half synthetic half mechanical figures twisting in ways that defy modern information on physics and geometry, and whatever god in this religion is presented as isn’t thought of as some absolute figure of love goodness or any sense of idea but rather as a tyrannical monster that openly support mass killings to fit whatever is defined as holy based off multiple authors.

There isn’t actually a clear idea or message presented in any of the texts removed from the King James Version of the bible and the book of Enoch somehow predicted Jesus and the fall of Rome centuries before the event took place, Ecclesiastes is one of the most existential pieces of literature ever written as it reveals the meaningless of human existence and the only relief man sees is a rush of dopamine after what feels like endless suffering an idea that’s been confirmed countless times especially after the invention of steam engines on social life.

Delve even deeper into this weird ass religion and there’s evidence that this religion predates the rise of Judaism with stone art from texts in really archaic forms languages found in MENA east Africa and Southern Europe in the form of sea scrolls discussing ideas about god knows what.

This religion has me interested not in being religious myself but understanding why it’s even as weird as it is in its state, and makes me wonder how old it actually is and how much of what man understands about this odd religion is being blocked off from earlier evidence lost to nature.


>Delve even deeper into this weird ass religion and there’s evidence that this religion predates the rise of Judaism with stone art from texts in really archaic forms languages found in MENA east Africa and Southern Europe in the form of sea scrolls discussing ideas about god knows what.
i cant find anything about this, any pointers?


christian theology is pretty clearly sublimated platonic philosophy


Neoplatonic is different from Platonic.
For instance, plato believed that a good life is a life of happiness, or eudimonia. And really, what is a more enlightening thing to bring joy to oneself than chasing the form of good?
Augustine saw this as rather short sighted. He believed the human soul to be eternal, so your life on earth was rather miniscule compared to eternity. For him, it was important to set oneself up for the afterlife, and if that meant suffering to avoid sin, then so be it.

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