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this is about some of the most weirdest conspiracy theories that are left wing
>> from Stalin being the second coming of Christ
<<to posadism



Lenin was black.


How is this a conspiracy? Do people in your country think he was white?


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The classic




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I mean its true think about it. The only picture of Max Striner we have is apparently a hand drawn photo by Engels at a party. How do we know that he even existed at all? Striner is actually a spook!

I have some information about Ayy Lmaos having already come to Earth. So we all know about the Barney and Betty abductions? What if I told you before that President Eisenhower met with aliens, the Greys who traded technology for being about to abduct and implant humans and cattle. Here is the following link to understand the point.



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Do you believe that nobody before the invention of photography existed at all? There's tons of evidence that Max Stirner did in fact exist.


Nah its just interesting someone as important as Max Stirner of his time, doesn't have at least one photograph of himself. That's the point I was trying to make, I find it strange, but if you were to go with the conspiracy Engels came up with the pen name to argue against Marx to give him the ability to refute the Egoistical ideals.

But all I know Striner was actually a ghost himself who was just chilling at the party.


>from Stalin being the second coming of Christ
Do people really believe this? As far as I'm aware, what some orthodox russians do is that they treat Stalin as a saint, but you know how it is, it's more akin to a popular saint that is not actually officially recognized as such by the church (the Russian Orthodox Church would never canonize Stalin either way).

So if he is "just" a saint to these Russians who view him like that, to treat him as the second coming of Jesus would be extremely blasphemous, hence why I doubt any of those people actually believe that.


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you are correct that it's not literal biblical belief of sainthood, but to be fair there are several churches that have Stalin iconized as a saint and placed up for worship, so take that as you will.

Fr.Yevstafy Zhakov, pastor of St. Olga Strel'na near St. Petersburg caused uproar after he hung a portrait of the dictator among other sacred images. "I remember him on appropriate occasions - the priest had declared- the day of his birthday, his death and that of Victory (World War II, ed.) He was a true believer”.
The Patriarchate of the Orthodox Church later forced him to remove the portrait.


It's like a popular saint, something also done by some catholics. For example in Bolivia, particularly where Che was executed some of the villagers there revere him like a saint, but of course the Catholic Church would never canonize Che. Some people in Venezuela and Colombia also do the same with Chavez and Pablo Escobar apparently from what I've seen.

What's most interesting about the cases of Stalin and Che is that they're considered saints by these people but neither Stalin or Che were religious. Chavez for example at least was a catholic.


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Articles like these are so hilarious. It's amazing how dumb the people who write them are, how poor their imaginations are. You have an alien race that travels the galaxies, but they keep an alien on lookout duty like it's some 1950s gangster movie. And why do these aliens need to be there in person? Why not just do a zoom call with Eisenhower or something? Why does he need to go away for an entire day?
And most of the people who claim to have seen UFOs will say they had lots of blinking lights, which for some bizarre reason indicates advanced technology in every old retarded sci-fi movie.
I can tolerate a lot of retarded conspiracy, but alienfags really are the dumbest bunch out there.

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