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Petntagon releases 1500 page report about how the Ayys have been knocking up our sloots and then flying off and not paying child support. What can earthcucks do to stop the Ayylmao chad menace?



wtf posadas you said the space chads are bros


If you ever go down the abduction rabbit hole you'd realize that, whatever the ayy agenda ultimately is, medical ethics aren't anything they care about.


they are, why you hating a girl getting on a relation ship with a aybro, shit you don't even know how much aylmao woman fucked earthboys.


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Earth girls can't help but fal for the Big Grey Cock.


more like BGP if you know what i mean


Feds are trying really hard to distract us with bullshit news lately huh




>the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) honored the request by releasing more 1,574 pages of material to The Sun
They couldn't have picked a worse newspaper?


meanwhile, at CIA headquarters


I'm becoming increasingly convinced the US military is actually prepping the public for disclosure probably in the next few decades.


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presumably it's them who made the FOI request in the first place

all this UFO shit in the past few years is just an excuse to spread more disinfo though, like celebrity news, just distract the public into oblivion

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