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File: 1640472038290.jpg (77.53 KB, 820x513, third eye.jpg)


Is absolutely real. Thoughts can be transmitted without any interaction involving the traditional 5 senses. What exactly is the mechanism behind this phenomenon I have no absolute belief in, but my belief in the phenomenon is 100% real based on my own experimentation.


Please continue.


Body language is ridiculously expressive. You can seriously communicate a lot, especially with someone you've been with a long time and is receptive to body language. It feels like telepathy at times.

That said, I've read spooky stories of mdma and telepathy.


tell stories pl0x


Question: What is the third eye?
Sri Chinmoy: The third eye is the eye that has real vision. Real vision means seeing the past, the present and the future. The two physical eyes that we have can see only a limited distance. We can see forward or sideways, but we cannot see behind us. Also, even if we keep our eyes wide open and if there is a wall or something to obstruct our vision, we cannot see through the wall or beyond it. If we keep our eyes wide open and place our hands right in front of our eyes, we will not see anything beyond them.

But if we have the third eye open, we can see the past, present and future. We can see everything that is in the Beyond. What we have inside our heart, inside our soul, or inside our inner existence, we cannot see with the human eye. It is impossible. But with the third eye we can see everything there. The third eye embodies Vision.When the will of the soul comes forward or enters into the third eye, then the third eye starts functioning. That is to say, the third eye uses its will power. Although the eye is seeing the Vision, the actual power comes from the heart and soul. When this power enters into the third eye, the third eye functions in a most powerful way. We use the term "will power." Will power actually comes from the soul and then it enters into the third eye, and the third eye uses this will power. The third eye is the eye that envisions everything-the finite and the infinite-at its will.

The third eye may remain fast asleep. All those here are seekers. In some cases the third eye is fast asleep and has been so for God knows how many centuries. In some cases for a fleeting second it opens up and then, perhaps during a dream or when the seeker is fast asleep, he sees something very bright and vast. At that moment, the third eye is open. The third eye may open at any time-while we are fast asleep, while we are talking, while we are eating or while we are praying-it is up to the Will of the Supreme. It may happen that we have been praying for hours, days, months and years, but our third eye has not opened. When it is the Will of God, the third eye will open and we will get a glimpse of Reality, even though we may be eating at that time.


Question: I feel that the Supreme has opened my third eye. Will you tell me what I should do from here?
Sri Chinmoy: If you are convinced that He has opened your third eye, then I wish to say that your third eye has all the answers. The third eye can tell you the answer better than I. The third eye is Light and Immensity. It is all Light, Light, Light. When you are in possession of Light, what can I offer you? If your third eye is opened, it can illumine the entire universe. Your third eye can illumine not only your universe, but the entire universe of the Supreme Lord. When your third eye is opened, it will do everything for you. It will tell you what to do and what not to do, for it is all Light. You will have all the wealth you need. What will you do with the wealth? The wealth itself will tell you how it is to be used. It is not like material wealth. If somebody has material wealth, he may not know how to use it. But this wealth, this Light is different. This Light will immediately tell you how it is to be used. Spiritual Light has its own way of telling the real seeker how it is to be used in the world. When you feel the presence of the opening of your third eye during your meditation, you won't have to ask anything. The Light itself will regulate your life and will guide you.


It's true, I can tell OP has been thinking about liberalism and horse cock for the past two hours.


File: 1640569678635.jpg (180.57 KB, 650x806, no investigation.jpg)

>It's true, I can tell OP has been thinking about liberalism and horse cock for the past two hours.
T. his third eye is closed


>T. his third eye is closed
Well yeah I don't just shit where ever I want. I'm not that in touch with nature.


Is that picture from Bee Movie?


Psychic connections are real but they're not as definite or precise as movies try to present them as.


Would it be possible to actually telepathically communicate if we could harness the psychic energy?


Yes easily. People do it all the time without understanding they are doing it.


Oh and before anyone does the "if you are psychic what am i thinking?" It is just like hypnotism, not going to work on agitated people who are actively resisting you as well


I mean non verbal does exist so like reading people's body language and getting a general idea of what one might have on their mind or is that just me thinking of something else.


>I mean non verbal does exist so like reading people's body language and getting a general idea of what one might have on their mind or is that just me thinking of something else.
All of these things are forms of communication. Even smell. People giving off distress hormone scents. "smell fear." But psychic communication can occur even in when both parties are separated by a wall or even large distances.

I was just saying it also happens in a face to face conversation, and many people who probably don't understand or even believe in psychic communication may inadvertently do it.


I woke up immediately before a scam call to renew my car warranty. No the call didn't wake me up. It literally happened seconds after.


Yeah it's easy to be skeptical when you are just imagining people noticing coincidences. Try being on the otherside and doing very deliberate things and having people respond in very specific ways. Mind blowing stuff. The scariest part of realizing it's real is figuring other people must've figured out how to do this stuff too. Makes you believe in all that illuminati government MK-Ultra psychic gangstalker shit.

Now I think most people in power are basically retarded. If any of them have any psychic power I doubt any of them are really cognizant of it, or not at a masterful level.


NTA but when I was 20 I was on a rave with a bunch of friends and while rolling one of them had a seizure - let's call her Katy - and I sorta "thought at her", something like
>What's hurting you? Show me, it can't be that bad.
and then I got a really bad feeling, adjacent to fear. A few moments later her seizure ended, and she was looking at me, not quite accusingly but sort of challenging, and I looked away in shame because well, it did feel pretty bad.

A few days later I had a dream of being a little girl on a beach with my parents, and one of them saying "Katy, please, join us, the water's lovely!" and I woke up drenched in sweat and shaking.

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