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Reality shifting is the belief that one can shift their conciseness into another reality through certain methods. The belief is based off the Multiverse theory and reality shifters believe that they can shift their conciseness into any universe they think of by meditating and self affirmations.

As absolutely batshit insane as this sounds, recently hundreds of people are claiming that they shifted online. The belief originally exploded into popularity on social media and is popular among kids and teens that want to visit their favorite fictional universes like harry potter and marvel etc.

The reason I bring this up is because I wonder if this may be another example of the increasing shittyness capitalism. Kids and teens who are gullible to believe this may be doing it as a form of escape from the shitty hellhole that capitalism has created. Thoughts?


> gen z
< illiterate
< worth millions
some major contradictions at work


Please stop saying doing this.


It's a meme. I don't understand TikTok memes but generally they're commiting to a bit. Like I doubt the people making paper-mache laptops for their cats actually think it'll keep their cats off the keyboard, but they commit to the bit because it's silly. Though the reality shifting bit is a more mean spirited, pretending to be delusional for le heckin ironic maymays.


So is this lucid dreaming or just maladaptive daydreaming?




can you use this to go to anime


Yes. Most of the reality shifting community are only talking about shifting to their favorite anime, movie, or book.


How to do it?


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The most popular shifting method is called "the raven method" and to do it you first need to be half-asleep.

Next step, you need to put on headphones and then look up on "reality shifting subliminals" on youtube, and then click on any one of the videos and play them through your headphones.

afterwards you are supposed to lay down on your bed and spread your limbs out like a starfish so that your limbs aren't touching each other.

Finally, you have to close your eyes and count from 1 to 100 while imagining what the reality you want to shift to looks like, sounds like, and smells like etc.

When you reach 100, you supposedly shift.


if this dude can make millions streaming NBA2k why can't you get rich?


Is this guy legit illiterate? What the fuck


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Are zoomers thinking they made some kind of radical discovery? Because I did that shit a lot in the 90's. I called that "imagination".


I think this was originally a thing about shifting to an alternate timeline of reality or to the past but via your own consciousness (like transferring your current consciousness to your past self), but a bunch of losers corrupted it to be actually shifting to some fictional universe.


The kids aren't alright.


I just call that daydreaming, been doin since these kids parents were kids.


I’m shifting to the reality where communism happened.


I wonder if the artist who drew the girl from that meme draws furries. Something about the mouth shape.

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