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/roulette_archive/ - Archive for the roulette board

For the boards that didn't make the cut
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File: 1641146105507.jpg (120.21 KB, 1364x2512, Swolephin.jpg)


I want to say that we should uplift dolphins? Why not because they are already pretty smart and look how swol they can get man, you have no idea. We as Posadists should do this as having space comrades seeing with have swolephins will only make them like us more.


why not sharktits


>we should uplift dolphins?
we should figure out how to do that


If anything, the dolphins would be uplifting us.


You sure the Dolphins should be uplifting us? I mean it would make sense to always eat fish and take a swimmy swim in the Vacuum of space, so long and thanks for all the fish.

Agreed Comrade and lets make them fucking Swole as fuck to show their dominance.


File: 1642361159016.jpg (Spoiler Image, 455.04 KB, 1527x1074, shork grill week.jpg)

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