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 No.81[Last 50 Posts]

What is the real story of September 11, 2001? Was it an op? Did they let it happen? Was it actually just gross incompetence? What do you think and why?


Saudi Arabia



alex jones has the answers, anon


>September 11, 2001
>Still thinking this "year" actually happened


It was an inside job


It was a big psyop to boost the meme market and raise the value of 'jet fuel can't melt steel beams' meme by big steel companies.


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When you realize the WTC towers never existed in the first place it all starts to make sense.


Factions of American intelligence agencies and finance capital were among the main beneficiaries of the attacks. Basically it was an inside job. Listen to the trueanon podcast episodes on it (name is satire of qanon not rightoid bs). No it wasn't something fantastical like holograms or jews, that shit was spread later to make 9/11 investigators look like crazy right wingers. Mossad had a minor role in the plot and there were mossad agents undercover as a moving company watching the attacks, this was later socered up with right wing "dancing israeli" schizo shit to make these investigators look right wing and to make them look schizo and antisemitic. Right wing grifteres only contribute to this phenomena even further.


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- This all happened Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and George HW Bush's watch
- US textbook publishers based in Texas produced Islamic religious fundamentalist textbooks for the Mujahideen. These textbooks are still used by the Taliban to this day. These textbooks included math problem that used jihad and violent combat situations as examples.
- The CIA provided Afghan fundamentalists with stinger missiles, and trained them to use these missiles, which they used to down several Soviet Helicopters.
- Congressman Charlie Wilson himself traveled to Afghanistan hoping to get a chance to use a stinger missile to kill soviet soldiers from afar.
- Several Saudi princes and business magnates did "war tourism" in Afghanistan. Showing up to shoot rifles on camera, and then leave. Basically the 1980s version of faking something for social media clout.
- The CIA coordinated with the Pakistani ISI and Saudi Arabians (including Osama Bin Laden, *some argue*) to arm, train, and fund the Mujahideen.
- All of this was to bait the Soviet union into a costly "Vietnamese-style quagmire" in Afghanistan, which their military was not equipped or prepared to fight. Some scholars, mostly in the US, still "debate" whether the USA was arming rebels in Afghanistan before the Soviets intervened even though Carter's National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted as much.
- The socialist government of Afghanistan (which only really held power in *Kabul*, and other urban areas, it should be noted) appealed to the soviet union for aid several times, and were turned down, because the Soviets did not want to get stuck in that kind of war.
- Eventually the Soviets intervened after Taraki was assassinated by Hafizullah Amin, and Russian border towns were being attacked by Mujahideen.
- The Soviet intervention united Mujahideen factions which were previously infighting under a nationalist and religious identity.
- An increasingly desperate Hafizullah Amin attempted to appeal to the religious and nationalist sentiments in most of the country by pretending to be religious and handing out Qurans at speeches.
- KGB special forces and red army infantry actually fought each other in Kabul due to logistical confusion. The KGB was trying to assassinate Hafizullah Amin, who had assassinated Taraki, while the Red Army was instructed to protect him. This resulted in Soviets killing each other early in the war.
- Leonid Brezhnev, echoing George W Bush in the future, promised a quick and decisive police action in Afghanistan. The soviets were there for the entirety of the 1980s.


The absurdity of America's response to 9/11 cannot be understated:

* 9/11 was orchestrated by a Saudi multimillionaire heir to a construction and real estate company (Osama Bin Laden).
* [Afghanistan had been on a road to socialism until the USA backed the far right mujahideen against the incumbent Taraki government. A government that was actively educating women and redistributing wealth.](https://archive.fo/XoLaF) All to give the soviets a bloody nose by forcing them into a costly intervention to defend an ally at their border.
* The Bin Laden family has close ties to both the Saudi Royal Family as well as the American and British private sector.
* [Bin Laden was called an "anti soviet warrior" by an English newspaper in the 90s. ](https://external-preview.redd.it/GAehtUD6RJjbSGBBwotabY2fpuUkftcDxU0bnSv57aA.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=8b0e31087ea1f587d7498e72941a981b7c7c41db)
* 9/11 was carried out by [15 Saudi extremists, 2 UAE extremists, 1 Egyptian extremist, and 1 Lebanese extremist.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hijackers_in_the_September_11_attacks#Hijackers)
* [American intelligence at the very least knew something was happening in advance and did nothing about it.](https://archive.is/Cdb8d)
* [The most substantive warning came from an Afghan member of the anti-Taliban northern alliance in April 2001.](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=September_11_intelligence_before_the_attacks&oldid=1066753944#April_2001_Massoud_speech)
* In retaliation for 9/11 (allegedly), America invaded and destabilized Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, and Yemen. All countries that had nothing to do with the planning, funding, or execution of 9/11.
* [Yemen in particular has millions starving to death, the largest cholera outbreak in modern history, and a completely destroyed sanitation/agricultural/electrical infrastructure because of a Saudi bombing campaign using US weapons and US planes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6V0bNuv1yM)
* America has destabilized every country in the Middle East *except* for the countries that the hijackers came from.
* America has backed Afghan reactionaries in the past as a proxy against the USSR and the PRC. [Most notably, Operation Cyclone was carried out in order to topple the Socialist government in Kabul and bait the USSR into a costly occupation.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cyclone)
* [American military officials have admitted in public before that the US presence in Afghanistan was never about fighting terrorists, and was instead about destabilizing China's belt and road initiative, and staying close to Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFIAXqkdWzU&t=9s)
* On top of all this, America has had the nerve to sanction Afghanistan and [hold $7 billion of its foreign currency reserves captive](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/NyxVOYE25E.jpg?format=webp).
* And *NOW THIS*, they want to *loot* and *redistribute* that stolen national wealth to the families of victims of 9/11: something the people of Afghanistan had nothing to do with, and yet have paid dearly for with tens of thousands of lives and the future of their entire country.

The only reasonable conclusion: America is a rogue gangster state run by sociopathic reactionaries.



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most likely it was the saudis that done it


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crucially with the approval of factions within US intelligence and US administration and US private sector


probably a tight clandestine network of well-armed, well-educated men who had been fighting a secret war against the US government for years known as al-Qaeda
also reminder that Iraq and Afghanistan were built on unnecessary paranoia around 9/11 in the first place, and conspiracy theories only reinforce the status quo


How did they know about the NORAD exercises?


>Vigilant Guardian, the semiannual NORAD exercise that had been running in conjunction with Global Guardian for several days and which postulated a bomber attack from the former Soviet Union. Vigilant Guardian is a Command Post Exercise (CPX), meaning it is conducted in offices and with computers, but without actual planes in the air. The exercise involves all NORAD command levels.[5] Out of a range of scenarios being run on September 11, 2001, one was a "traditional" simulated hijacking.[6] According to General Eberhart, after the first attack, "it took about 30 seconds" to make the adjustment to the real-world situation.[7] Because of an increased number of staff, the exercise would prove to be an enabler of rapid military response for NORAD and its NEADS component, as senior officials who were manning NORAD command centers throughout the U.S. were available to make rapid decisions.[


Or I guess another question is why was every defence agency in the country doing a drill on the same day?

>Aside from military exercises, a National Reconnaissance Office drill was being conducted on September 11, 2001. In a simulated event, a small aircraft would crash into one of the towers of the agency's headquarters after experiencing a mechanical failure. The NRO is the branch of the Department of Defense in charge of spy satellites. According to its spokesman Art Haubold: "No actual plane was to be involved – to simulate the damage from the crash, some stairwells and exits were to be closed off, forcing employees to find other ways to evacuate the building." He further explained: "It was just an incredible coincidence that this happened to involve an aircraft crashing into our facility, as soon as the real world events began, we canceled the exercise." Most of the agency's personnel were sent home after the attacks


military drills, known for being rare events
this is only a tiny sampling of the little paranoid, weirdly reactionary nitpicks that the jingoist media apparatus peppered everywhere when diagrams of Osama’s underground batcave or whatever became a little too ridiculous


A whole lot of strawmanning going on in your post lol. I'm trying to understand your angle? So you're an Al Qaeda fan and you're mad people are trying to rob them of credit?


i think we just have a glow roach scuttering around the site spreading the most outdated MSM lines


just pointing out “it was the nameless faceless a-rabs” but leftist somehow is just part and parcel of War on Terror reactionary populism


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Not just incompetence, but arrogance. To America, the idea that someone would dare attack the US was unthinkable. It's not the first time American arrogance got the best of them, either, as anyone familiar with the name "Pearl Harbor" knows.


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I forgot they even planned to crash them into buildings. Improved version.


> reminder that Iraq and Afghanistan were built on unnecessary paranoia around 9/11 in the first place
no they were built on a desire to access lucrative markets for oil in Iraq and minerals and opium in Afghanistan, and improve arms sales to NATO countries who would join a US-led coalition. The United States also froze Afghan assets and stole billions upon pulling out of the country 20 years later, and used them as reparations to 9/11 victims.

>conspiracy theories only reinforce the status quo

Anticommunist Karl Popper coined the term "conspiracy theory" to discredit Marxism-Leninism. He asserted Marxism Leninism was a "conspiracy theory" that the bourgeoisie deliberately preserve their class status. There's furthermore a difference between pointing evidence of something fishy and absolutely bonkers right wing shit like David Icke. When Socialists in the 1950s accused the CIA of overthrowing Jacobo Arbenz, they were called "paranoid" and yet when it was proven later by declassified documents, nobody cared anymore. The most substantive warning about 9/11 came from an Afghan member of the anti-Taliban northern alliance in April 2001. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=September_11_intelligence_before_the_attacks&oldid=1066753944#April_2001_Massoud_speech

This warning was ignored

Watch this:


You have the actual leader of Al Qaeda himself, Osama Bin Laden, a Saudi multimillionaire, and member of an aristocratic family closely tied to the Bushes, with a history of being used by the US as a proxy force against the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 80s, during Operation Cyclone, which overthrew the government of the Socialist Saur Revolution, and you have Goerge HW Bush MEETING WITH THE CARLYLE GROUP and a MEMBER OF THE BIN LADEN FAMILY on the MORNING OF 9/11. These are all proven facts, not conspiracies. I don't know what the truth is, I just know how much fishy shit is going on.


>Anticommunist Karl Popper coined the term "conspiracy theory" to discredit Marxism-Leninism. He asserted Marxism Leninism was a "conspiracy theory" that the bourgeoisie deliberately preserve their class status.
literally just lying




>This level of pilpul


sorry you were caught lying about something that’s easily falsifiable through a simple search



whoops. i was wrong, karl popper didn't *coin* the term, he just developed its use into an anticommunist meme phrase

>gets pedantically hung up on the etymology of the term conspiracy theory

>doesnt acknowledge the video i asked to watch
>doesn't acknowledge that the Bin Laden family and the Bushes were close and had business with each other
> doesn't acknowledge that Al Qaeda was the direct result of Operation Cyclone to overthrow the Socialist Afghan government

it's ok, i'm gonna feel real smug when it's all declassified when I'm 85


>it's ok, i'm gonna feel real smug when it's all declassified when I'm 85
Not unless the revolution happens. But they probably have kill switches that can destroy all the records they have before anyone could get to them. I guess we could have a proper official investigation at least.


but it’s not used as an anti-communist meme phrase, it’s used for people who cloud their prejudices in paranoia who are almost always right wing


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not even talking to me, talking to someone else

>YOU were lying

<i wasn't lying, I showed the page from the book I had read
<literally yelling at another person who merely agrees with me
<assumes malicious intent rather than honest mistake at misremembering vijay prashad saying karl popper "developed" rather than "coined" the phrase
>showed a wikipedia article and nothing else
>so hung up on dumb etymology


jesus christ anon, is it really lying when they post the source for their claims? It's not like they made it up. Saying they're wrong about a specific part of their claim (that Karl Popper was the first to use the phrase) is another thing


you're probably right, but this reminds me that in the russian revolution they had to get staff to show them where records were kept so they could prove certain crimes and shit. Probably won't happen now in the age of encryption but there's also a 50% chance that there's one sticky note master list of all the passwords, so place your bets


no more wikipedia for you, its caustic to intelligent thought and life itself


>it’s used for people who cloud their prejudices in paranoia who are almost always right wing

i've been called a conspiracy theorist for citing declassified CIA documents. It's definitely leveled against several different sorts of people regardless of their political orientation


Maybe. But these people are paranoid fucks. I think they planned for everything. Besides even digital files. I bet places with paper files and other physical evidence have incendiary devices built into the rooms that can blast everything at the touch of a button.


I mean that's if it still exists. It's probably customary for each director to blast all the shit that happened in his era when he leaves. I remember they were told to release some unredacted copy of some file and they said "uhh whoops, looks like we don't have the unredacted copy of that. :(" Maybe they did and they were lying or maybe they really don't keep incriminating shit out of that level of paranoia.


Basically we just reaped the benefits of our usually shit stirring actions since we needed a new war. The burger fears peace and harmony



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I remember looking in my burger history book as a kid, and in the back they had a list of countries with a small amount of info on them. They listed what was the number 1 export of each country, and the USA was the only that said "weapons."

I guess now our biggest export is oil since all the oil producing countries keep mysteriously falling down flights of stairs.


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Libs are like.





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source, i want these docs


What's the demand for opium now? Isn't fentanyl better and cheaper?


You know all that's really going to do is fuck up your two fingers. You have to complete the circuit through your heart to kill yourself from a wall socket.


irelands largest export is… blood?


"It's mostly biotechnology products that fall under the blood category even though no blood is used during their production. They are biological therapeutics that are very expensive and lots are produced in Ireland."




Why is it so hard to believe someone hijacked a plane, especially before the post 9/11 impenetrable pilot door? Why is your mind a flashback to the 00s?


Why did the US fail to intercept them due to coinkidink drills that were going on at the exact same time?


Why didn't they shoot a plane or civilians out of the air merely because it was hijacked? Are you smoking crack?


Not that you are capable of reading or comprehending even if you could read.


>Of the many unanswered questions about the attacks of September 11, one of the most important is: Why were none of the four planes intercepted? A rough answer is that the failure of the US air defenses can be traced to a number of factors and people. There were policy changes, facility changes, and personnel changes that had recently been made, and there were highly coincidental military exercises that were occurring on that day.


>highly coincidental
Is highly coincidental a euphemism for unbelievable bullshit?


Kill yourself troll. A thread died for your 00s era weedhead doritos bullshit.


Get a job or something instead of shitposting alone all day and cultivating mental illness


People who don’t believe in “conspiracy theories” are literally retarded.

Turbo “every thing is fine” normie brain virus. Peak smug Reddit attitude.

Shout out to all my conspiracy pilled massive, u da real g’s. All these fake ass concern trolls just frontin.

Keep stuntin, keep representin, read those homie declassified files

These hoes ain’t shit


Struggling against false realities doesn't help anyone.


Yeh I guess Osama Bin Laden was never at any point funded by the CIA. Had nothing to do with drug running from Afghanistan either.

What a c c c crazy coincidence. I think the White House was telling the truth on this one. I mean, it’s not like they literally planned to do exactly this in cuba before or something and they definitely don’t have a long history of false flag attacks


>y-you must believe that…
>the federal govt lies therefore it can't say anything true
Poisoning the well and strawman.


Don’t you just hate it when you fly a plane into US defence headquarters completely unopposed at an impossible angle, and the only camera footage of it gets confiscated by that same military so nobody can see how cool a stunt you pulled.

Frustrating I know. Enough to make you climb onto a random leftist image board and start typing about how it actually never happened


>le logical le fallacies
Contend with the information I put forward


You didn't put anything forward but stupid fallacies and some extraneous bullshit I'm not interested in (red herring).


You think the US govt would do that? Just kill a bunch of people for geopolitical aims and blame it on a brown man?


You don’t find it weird that Osama worked for the CIA previously? (Afghan mujihadeen) (drug running) Or that the us has a long history of doing stuff like this? (Gulf of Tonkin) Or that they planned to do exactly this in a different context before? (Operation northwoods) ?


Curious information which may be construed as evidence and proof aren't the same things. If you produced proof I'd be interested. Seeing as hundreds of millions of people have taken an interest in this conspiracy theory and not produced one bit of proof I'm calling retarded attempts at revival of the conspiracy twenty years later trollops bullshit.


>Jimmy Hoffa went missing decades ago
>not one person was able to provide proof he is dead
>he must still be alive.


Take your own contrived argument and direct it back at yourself. You're the one making unfalsifiable claims. The burden is on you to provide evidence for your made up bullshit, not for me to disprove it. Next you'll tell me about our lord and savior jesus christ?


No you made the unfalsifiable claims.
>Why is it so hard to believe someone hijacked a plane, especially before the post 9/11 impenetrable pilot door? Why is your mind a flashback to the 00s?

Prove your scenario first.


No I'm not going to write a research paper on why 9/11 happened to satisfy some troll.


If all you can do is characterize and use childish insults then you're just cementing yourself as a disingenuous troll who isn't even a leftist.


they're right


Because all the 9/11 didn't happen poster all provided proof in their conspiracy theories and didn't troll at all? Or did none of them provide proof and all of them were trolling?


>Because all the 9/11 didn't happen poster all provided proof in their conspiracy theories and didn't troll at all? Or did none of them provide proof and all of them were trolling?

9-11 didn't happen poster what the fuck are you talking about?


>muh liberals
The only remotely leftist thing you've posted in here is some brief memery about the CIA which honestly I don't think qualifies as leftist.


The one or two posters in here saying 9/11 is the result of George W. Bush and/or the CIA paid a terrorist twenty bucks to kill himself into the Twin Towers and Pentagon. They need to go back to the 00s and stay there.


No, suck my dick.(bad faith)


No you are deliberately misconstruing what people are saying and pretending to be in good faith when you are pretty much just baiting for replies by asking people for evidence and pretending to be sincere and then saying "no that's ridiculous you are crazy" without giving any actual refutation. This is rule breaking on /leftypol/.


Ok I cleaned up my posts that weren't adding anything.


Do you think they actually found passports of the hijackers amongst the rubble?


(Mods plz leave thread alone)


He's like the typical lib. They only know enough about a topic to know generally what the government wants them to believe, but they haven't researched it at all themselves so they can't even propagandize correctly. It's like the Ukraine situation.


The deleted replies are the user deleting his own posts. I banned the guy baiting for 1h as low effort bait/derail is not allowed on leftypol. Please refrain from further derail of the thread and if you want you can discuss in >>>/meta/


Explain yourself my friend


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Reminder the supposed "mastermind" has never been put on trial yet.
20 years after 9/11, mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed still awaits trial. What went wrong?

>It should be the trial of the century, but most Americans long ago stopped paying attention.


What episodes?


The hijakers were inside a plane, the victims were inside the tower.

the mastermind was inside the CIA


9/11 was good because it killed amerikkkans. One based thing the CIA ever did.


Eye opening. Thanks Sage



>impyling this is the only time based CIA has killed Americans
they also poisoned Americans with Zinc Cadmium Iodide, which is pretty based if you ask me.

They also forced American troops to have vaccines which caused them to have debilitating health conditions in the first gulf war. At this point, the CIA is basically anti imperialist.

Nah but really if you look my other posts it shows the main points. Really there is a mountain of evidence, from the pilots being trained in a CIA air school, to the places they lived being rented out by a partner of Rudy Guiliani, whats more new evidence keeps on coming out.

The official narrative, when you really look at it, is just patently ridiculous. In which case, why would they tell such a ridiculous lie, such as finding the hijackers passports in the wreckage, after a fired that raged for weeks, which supposedly were blown from the exploded fuselage of the plane, and managed to make their way from the burning wreckage to the ground, completely undamaged. if the truth was they were attacked by terrorists?

The main point, is that Osama had been a CIA asset for nearly two decades at this point, starting of course with the Soviet Afghan war when he was propped up as part of the Afghan Mujihadeen. He then ran herion through Bosnia (you might in fact think of Al Quaeda as the eastern counter part to the Medillin cartel, which was also a fed op and running during the same time period)


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Yeah, I posted the reply before I read the thread. Thanks though, I wasn't totally sure about 9/11 before I read through your replies, and k had never done any serious investigation. You are doing a service, you are one of the best posters on this board.


Thanks mods for killing this thread. Very cool.


There is no reason whatsoever this should haven been moved to /x/.


This board could use more activity.


stop making extra boards that nobody will ever use


ok listen up morons.
1) There is a 9/11 and a CIA thread on /edu/
2) This thread is siberia tier /x/-shitposting, literally the theme of the current roulette.
3) Use auxiliary boards and stop bitching about your shit being moved because of its irrelevance to the main board.

This message brought to you by the Union of Board Anons


Shut up jannie


>E-everyone iz le janny!
Go back to reddit.


CIA possibly let it happen.
I highly recommend everyone read “The Watchdogs that didn’t Bark” for more info.


The only interview I can find with the authors is here



>Why didn't they shoot a plane or civilians out of the air

<Vice President Dick Cheney, in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center deep under the White House, authorized Flight 93 to be shot down, but upon learning of the crash, is reported to have said, "I think an act of heroism just took place on that plane."

IT would have absolutely happened. As a matter of fact, if it was an inside job, having one of the planes be on its way to the white house would have given the white house plausible deniability. And wouldn't you know it, that's the one plane that didn't make it to its target. Black box unrecovered. Just a crater in a field.


>binladen family.mp4
>carlyle group
that carlyle group shit is SHADY

youngkin worked at carlyle group since 1995 and became co-CEO in 2018. At the time of 911 Bush Sr was its director, it was heavily invested in war contractors, did business with the bin ladens and in fact was having its investor meeting in DC on the day of the attacks with bin laden family members in attendance. also at least two of its subsidiary companies did insider trading related to the attacks immediately prior to 9/11. One of those companies, Stratesec, was in charge of security at the WTC since the late 90s and its COO, iran-contra guy Barry McDaniel, was also an executive at Carlyle and was influential in stopping the recount in Florida in the 2000 presidential election.

ALSO, funnily enough, beginning in 1996 stratesec worked alongside another company called Ensec (founded by Charles Finkel, an arms dealer to Saudi Arabia) to upgrade security in the 👁️basement👁️ of the WTC. When this deal went through, Ensec brought on as its director none other than Terry McAuliffe, who was Youngkin's opponent in the latest gubernatorial race. In the 00s, between being chair of the DNC and Hillary's presidential run, McAuliffe also worked for Carret Investments having been hired by Alan Quasha who, in the 80s, bailed out Bush Jr.'s oil company, and was also connected to BCCI.

So it was a race between two guys who helped do 9/11 or at the very least were firmly and knowingly embedded in the milieu that did. God bless Princess Blanding for running so that I could vote in the race at all


>doesn't know the difference between intercepting and shooting down
Read a book retarded lib deboonker.


94-99 i think


Nobody has proof because the people in charge of the conspiracy control the investigation. Expecting normal people to be able to produce proof of this is absurd because this isn't an investigation of crimes committed by every day civilians. This isn't some controlled experiment in a lab setting where hypotheses are tested transparently and openly in a peer-reviewed way. This is something for which it is only possible to gather secondary and tertiary evidence. George HW Bush being president of the Carlyle group and the Carlyle group meeting with Salem Binladen on the morning of 9/11 should be enough to justify our suspicion, let alone all the other "makes you go hmm" type things. That's what we have. Things that make us go "hmm" not incontrovertible proof. Why? Because the fucking people we are alleging are responsible are able to cover everything up and impede thorough investigation. How can we prove our allegations when to do so would be life threatening to us?



Furthermore there are several plausible motives for the bush family ranging from "heavily invested in arms sales and oil" to "wanted to destroy records of past crimes held in WTC buildings"


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It's just like upthread.

>you are tin foil right wing conspiritards

>the obvious answer is the oficial explanation of the George HW Bush administration
<ok what evidence do you have for that theory

>No I'm not going to write a research paper on why 9/11 happened to satisfy some troll.


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You don't need evidence to condemn an institution if you can show how its mechanisms of operation necessarily establish a pattern of behavior. Glowies have committed so many crimes of the same nature that they are guilty until proven innocent.


> show how its mechanisms of operation necessarily establish a pattern of behavior.
especially a pattern of obfuscating past behavior


man, this video with the fed just "standing by" is really funny, they really don't know how to be inconspicuous


My only hope for this one life is that the truth gets out one day and the US establishment gets lynched over it.


They won't be lynched because the actual people involved will be dead and Americans are deeply servile people despite their LARPing surrounding their revolutionary origins.

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