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Which conspiracy theories should I subscribe to as a leftist (aside from obvious ones like cointelpro or the JFK assasination and shit like that) and which one should I write off as schizo shit


maybe you should subscribe to some b*tches


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here's a few that I believe which causes some controversy amongst other leftists:
>hyperborea is real, but it's more of a Slavic thing than a German/Scandinavian thing
>soy causes feminisation
>mossad had some role in 9/11
>there is large scale child sexual abuse happening within the LGBT rights movement
>the media pushes anti-white rhetoric in order to divide the working class
>the freemasons have significant influence over governments, much more than anybody is willing to admit
>the decline of the post war consensus and european social democracy in the late 70s-80s was largely manufactured by capitalists working in collaboration with politicians. It was not caused by market forces.
>I am inside some kind of false reality, nothing is actually real


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But in all seriousness I would say while there are real conspiracies in the world but your world view shouldn't be about subscribing to particular conspiracy theories. The reason why is that basically the problem with conspiracy theories is that they tend to individualize the problems of capitalist society instead of analyzing them from a structural basis. So, instead of seeing things as the logical extent of capitalisms crises one sees things as a plot done by bad individuals. And this isn't to say that bad individuals don't exist or have no responsibility but the question is less "Who is doing the bad acting?" and more "Why are they doing the bad acting?

This is where I would argue that people like QAnoners go wrong. Admittedly a lot of those who believe in conspiracy theories are people who are labor aristocrats, petty bourgeois, or working class people that have been successfully brought into the petty bourgeois mindset. That said a large reason why people subscribe to said ideas is because it is a much more entertaining to do so instead of having a consistent class analysis of society. Viewing the world through conspiracy theories whether real or fake tends to make one feel like they're the protagonist in their own movie. Ironically many conspiratorial conservatives as much as they tend to "hate Hollywood" really want to be a protagonist in a Hollywood movie. This is partially an effect of the rise of suburbs post WWII and the isolation one has with the rest of the masses and therefore an over reliance on media consumption which comes with that. The Internet has accelerated this individualization combined with media consumption especially after 2020.

In conclusion the point is that while conspiracies happen ones analysis should not be based on them. Sure cointelpro happened and is still probably happening. Yeah, admittedly the JFK assassination is pretty SUS. The CIA and FBI possibly did have something to do with the assassinations of MLK Jr. and Malcolm X. But when one relies on these conspiracy theories even the ones that are very possibly real as their analysis instead of seeing the flaws of society coming from a systematic root which incentivizes the ruling classes to act in a certain way it sees the ruling class as full of individual bad actors and if these bad individuals didn't exist (and when I say that I don't mean this in a revolutionary way where the ruling class is taken out of power but I mean it as in if a "benevolent actor" was in power with the structure of society unchanged which is what a lot of right-wingers want) then the problems in our society would just go away. This of course is naive and doesn't reflect the whole reality of how society works.


Subscribe to the ones that are so well established and obvious you'd be a retard not to, like how chris chan is the smiley killer


Choke on luffycock mommy


every conspiracy theory is true if you secularize the schizo language and replace jews with capitalists. sometimes its misdirection though, like jonestown wasn't about brainwashing the people in the cult, it was a northwoods style op to brainwash the public against hippy communes. moon landing wasn't fake but it also didn't matter and thats where the stories come from. aliens cover up for radiation experiments and assassin training.

alex jones shit about psychic vampires is real if you change the words to "alienation" and "exploitation"


> the JFK assassination is pretty SUS
>if a "benevolent actor" was in power

Been thinking about libs and electoralism lately. I think these two things together need to be part of everyone analysis or they aren't a serious person.


See the >>>/edu/ conspiracy thread.


And let's not forget how retards like Alex Jones help in keeping the public from taking conspiracy theories seriously.


luffyposter is cia


Nah Alex Jones actually HAD some good takes but progressively went off the rails as things continued same as Ike.


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>soy causes feminisation
Nah, soy by itself doesn't do that, it's a number of factor alongside soy.
>mossad had some role in 9/11
This is only a controversy among liberals, it's an accepted fact by most truthers of any political inclination, and even the CIA (if I recall) has some confirmation on that.
>the media pushes anti-white rhetoric in order to divide the working class
Yeah despite liberals on the site bitching about it, this is true - racial division is a classic idpol tactic by Porky since the 19th century and before, pic related.
>the freemasons have significant influence over governments, much more than anybody is willing to admit
They ARE the government - The entire Bush family is in this shitshow since at least Prescott and his support of the Nazis and they'd been famous occultists, you only have to look at the demon baby shit from the London Olympics to see that (and the Bohemian Grove).
>the decline of the post war consensus and european social democracy in the late 70s-80s was largely manufactured by capitalists working in collaboration with politicians. It was not caused by market forces.
Yeah, obviously the free-market is a myth. Glowies are a term that exists for a reason.
>I am inside some kind of false reality, nothing is actually real
highly debatable and frankly pointless to discuss, if you are in one there is no real method to leave and whose to say that this reality doesn't matter? You can only better your reality so theoretical Matrix discussion is just an escape.
>hyperborea is real, but it's more of a Slavic thing than a German/Scandinavian thing
It'd be based if true, but I have no real clue on the matter.


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Eisenhower met with Aliens in 1954, and many of his military officials came out of the wood work to say it was true. Thus the large amount of UFO abductions that spiked from the 50's onwards was because of this secret deal with the Zeta Grey Aliens. Then the Barny and Betty abductions happen after the deal was signed.


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Ok Fox and how do you propose that we prove this to Director Skinner?


Well lets look at the reasons why Eisenhower would be out secretly at night at a military base. Then later said the disappearance was because of a dentist appointment. Now where have we seen similar cover ups. Roswell of course when the first reporting were of flying sauces then military came and had them change the subject to weather balloon.


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But that could be explained by him needing to preserve the secrecy of his X-planes and other military projects.


Embedding error.
Video Related is something to pay attention to


Hello retard. Good OP for once. 9/11 was indeed an inside job. And America funds all major islamic terrorist organisations.


literal schizo
Cows milk is more estrogenic than soy


nuclear bombs are fake and were made up to help enforce the yalta post-war order




they were made up to sell fallout games


I have returned and come to say this, why is it so sudden that the military is now being more open about UFO and the Space Comrades than before when they were covering it up constantly. Curious I say I believe with the decline power of the US its trying to find a new way to get the citizens riled up against a new "Threat" to America. Hence Spaceforce was created and not to take out asteroids or some shit the militarization of space is against the Space Treaty another treaty in which the US violates to weaponize Space itself!


I don't think 9/11 was literally an inside job – as in, I do think "Islamic terrorists hijacked planes and crashed them into the WTC" is probably the most likely explanation – but it was at the very least allowed to happen and possibly outright """encouraged""" by the US govt


>Cows milk is more estrogenic than soy



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/pol/ is basically the collective bitch of some gusano porky


Cows are being pumped full of estradiol to increase udder size and thus yield, lots of that ends up in the milk.
Xenoestrogens in soy do basically nothing at all.


>estradiol = more estrogenic milk
That isn't how estrogens work FFS. It's like that retarded /GET/ thread from years ago talking about horse semen being estrogenic because of how digestion "converts testosterone to estrogen"
I'm not saying the "muh Soy estrogen" /pol/ memes are real, but basic normal bovine milk is less estrogenic than Soy, that's it.



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the federal reserve was formed on jekyll island in georgia, in secret, a year after all opponents to a central banking system were killed on the titanic. what's more, a central bank is still unconstitutional, but the federal reserve being formed as a conglomerate of private banks being allowed to print money was the work-around for it.

In November 1910, six men – Nelson Aldrich, A. Piatt Andrew, Henry Davison, Arthur Shelton, Frank Vanderlip and Paul Warburg – met at the Jekyll Island Club, off the coast of Georgia, to write a plan to reform the nation’s banking system. The meeting and its purpose were closely guarded secrets, and participants did not admit that the meeting occurred until the 1930s. But the plan written on Jekyll Island laid a foundation for what would eventually be the Federal Reserve System.
The sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912 shocked the world and attracted so much controversy that a number of conspiracy theories have been put forward regarding the disaster.
1913: The Federal Reserve System is Born
From December 1912 to December 1913, the Glass-Willis proposal was hotly debated, molded and reshaped. By December 23, 1913, when President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law, it stood as a classic example of compromise—a decentralized central bank that balanced the competing interests of private banks and populist sentiment.

A supposed counter
>The maiden voyage of Titanic indeed had three of the wealthiest Americans living at the time: John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Straus (most conspiracy theorists mispell his name "Strauss" which gives a clue as to their level of accuracy). According to the theory, as J.P. Morgan was planning to form The Federal Reserve, he killed off any potential threats by ensuring rival millionaires Jacob Astor, Isidor Straus and Benjamin Guggenheim, who all allegedly opposed the forming of a central bank, perished aboard Titanic.
>This theory got a surge of support when the pro-Trump online conspiracy-theory group QAnon mentioned it in Nov. 2017. However it is not new. According to The Washington Post, "compared to other Titanic blarney, the J.P. Morgan theory is relatively new, but QAnon didn’t invent it — it’s been echoing inside Internet rabbit holes for years." ("Fact-checking QAnon conspiracy theories: Did J.P. Morgan sink the Titanic?" August 4, 2018 by Erick Trickey Link to article)
>A headline in The New York Times, Monday 16 October 1911, page 10, reveals that Straus actually supported the forming of a federal reserve bank.



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More like obscure information (in the West) but
The (real)National-Bolshevik party tried to create ethnic Russian state in North Kazakhstan, but their weapon-caching operations were revealed and this plan was toppled by Russian intelligence.
Limonov was arrested in 2001 because of this. They were in contact with Kokshetau-based cossack ultranationalists and planned an insurrection, you can read nazbol "manifesto" on Kazakhstan here:


As a side note the reason the symbol of the Nazbols is a grenade is because the nickname for that type of grenade is "limonka" in Russia, thus a reference to LIMONov


Bob Marley apparently got killed by the CIA


I think this board, although a bit slow has been fairly successful.


>Which conspiracy theories should I subscribe to as a leftist
Elite pedophile-blackmail rings. Assume all porkies are decadent degenerate hedonists unless they prove otherwise.


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>Our foreign trade agreements and the exact total of reparations that can never be paid must be made public. We demand to be precisely informed of the uranium deposits in our country, on their exploitation and on the concessions to the Russians in this area. We demand that Hungary have the right to sell her uranium freely at world market prices to obtain hard currency.
<Let us sell Uranium privately to anyone (NATO)
>We demand the replacement of emblems foreign to the Hungarian people by the old Hungarian arms of Kossuth. We demand new uniforms for the Army which conform to our national traditions.
<Return our nationalist symbols REEEEEEE
Totally not suspicious tho



these are the most lukewarm moronic takes ever, do better



The tallest people in the world, and the healthiest observed African tribe(s) in the 20th century ate/eat a diet of almost exclusively millet (a crop with a lot of phytoestrogens) and LOTS of milk.

Ergo; I think its safe to say that they phytoestrogens in vegetables and "estrogens" in milk are not affecting human health/appearance negatively, quite the contrary.

This whole "muh estrogens making me feminine!" conversation is so asinine.

A. You arent feminine, you just have tits and are overweight.
B. The reason you are those things is because you sit on chan boards all day and obsessively worry about milk/soy instead of exercising, getting air, and eating something other than fast food.


>Elite pedophile-blackmail rings. Assume all porkies are decadent degenerate hedonists unless they prove otherwise.
Not all porkies eat babies and fuck child prostitutes because they like it, they do it because a shared crime is a mechanism to ensure loyalty, and prove they are ruthless enough.


more on the JFK assassination theme - look to the history of fascism taking power (in other words, times where democracy is removed)

There is a huge wealth of examples of the bourgeoisie taking away democracy when it's inconvenient. And then many more examples of politicians getting elected by popular vote on promises of reform, and they don't do anything of their own accord (don't even need either the USA or their own bourgies to coup them - they just cuck out and basically admit they're the same old political class and nothing will ever change from the top)



>A. You arent feminine, you just have tits and are overweight.

>B. The reason you are those things is because you sit on chan boards all day and obsessively worry about milk/soy instead of exercising, getting air, and eating something other than fast food.

FUCKING PREACH IT. Manly men in the past were manly because they were moving their bodies outdoors and lifting shit constantly during the day. Exercise and daylight promotes testosterone release. They weren't sitting motionless indoors all day. Sitting motionless indoors all day is what will make you feminine.

The good news is that it doesn't fucking take that much actual effort to exercise enough to maintain testosterone levels.

About an hour a day walking fast outdoors, with a few pushups, pullups and air squats through the day is enough.


I was so pissed when I figured out soy wasn't actually feminizing and I was paying more for nothing but a less pleasant milk experience.


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>>479 (me)
I unironically fell for one of those "how to achive trap aethetics" guides, but I had no money or financial independence so I thought if I consumed as much soy as possible it would make up for not having any of the fancy teas and herbs.
I feel like the "soy is feminizing' thing was started by the soy industry to sell more soy.


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these two are standouts everyone should know about


What do you guys think of weather control? Cloud seeding is a thing so it's much more of a possibility. Do you think the US uses it maliciously or is this an excuse by climate change denialists who don't want Exxon mobil to stop giving them checks?
>mp4 of some 4chan pandering vtuber invalid


are ssri drugs mkultra triggers?

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