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Fuck femdom, lets see some femboydom

(Also, is there anyone lucky enough to have found a real life femboy top, and is in a porn video?)(Spoiler Pornographic OP Images)
401 posts and 1136 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1713576579656.jpg (112.53 KB, 857x1106, 1713540801153671.jpg)

<reminder to siberia:
Porn makes you a NPC


>porn numbs your feelings

based tbh

emotionality isnt an inherent virtue


no emotion no motivation


<Reported benefits (of quitting porn/masturbation) include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.


Ok and do you actually have any scientific evidence of that?


well im glad this /pol/ screenshot with a sourceless infographic said so




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>The coomers resist the psychological operations of the right
>coomers win once again


File: 1713590314680.png (325.05 KB, 720x1280, ClipboardImage.png)

BTW the term for this is josou seme in hentai, if you're searching tags.

Example: Dmitrys - Brat Attack (pic & link rel)


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Not enough good art for Berwyn from Corruption of Champions II


>Bridget as a super-muscular femboy
Just noticed this ITT; should be canon.


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The Manifesto uploaded to Internet Archive


>The last Tor-image post on /siberia/
- circa March, 2024


File: 1715470586580-0.png (1.76 MB, 1500x2000, titty astolfo.png)

File: 1715470586580-1.jpg (1.16 MB, 2480x3508, titty astolfo2.jpg)

Have some cursed tittystolfo


1) aimaitei unami
2) Aoreyo
3) Bright
4) Darkeros
5) Drachef


1-5) etori yuuya
Not to be confused with the arc-v protagonist :^)


1) Etori Yuuya
2-3) fuzume
4) Haoro
5) ITO


1-3) Itose Ikuto

(Somehoww this was too big…)


1-2) Itose Ikuto
3-5) Iyarin

Iyarin may have more, idk, nhentai nor imhentai didn't have more. Expanding the scope of where I get more femboydom will be something I'll do later.
Like checking out this site: >>525448


1) Kanzen-Nenshou or Kihito or Kaibutsu Tanku
2-5) Makuro


1-3) Miniru
4) Nikuyaki
5) PoPer


File: 1715581535757-1.pdf (10.67 MB, 182x255, Aoikun.427897.pdf)

File: 1715581535757-3.pdf (1.16 MB, 177x255, Tsubasakun.247094.pdf)

File: 1715581535757-4.pdf (13.13 MB, 181x255, Yumakun.489184.pdf)

1) PoPer
2-5) Saigado


1) Sjima-Oji
2) snao
3) t-hoodie (Some day I'll post their game in the femboydom game dump)
4) tanaka aki
5) TheRiceGoat


1) tsukumaru
2-3) Yamamoto Manami
4-5) kanimaru


1-5) Kanimaru


1-3) Kanimaru

That's the rest of the bump.
Basically I just researched all the porn I saved on my tablet, or looked up all the porn the creator of one of the porns I saved on my tablet on either nhentai or imhentai, (if the tag doesn't work, try the other site).
Sorry for taking so long, (holy shit has time flyed), I've kinda just left touching this stuff on the weekend when I'm off my meds. The rest of the week is dedicated to applying and crap.
Also, I'd include some new OF videos, but I need a new downloader for coomer.party since I cant install the old one since it's made around the fact that you can actually just install it and not run it in a virtual environment.

Anyway, time to answer some "viewer mail"!

Draw it, get an ai to make it, or pay an artist 100 dollars or somthn.

(Most important response).
That is the most popular term, but not all sites are made equal (most don't have content of femboys being on top), and also search engines suck so you use anything you can work with.

Here's an example of the ridiculousness, the fourth file (which I included to round up the image count to 1200 :^) ) for example:
> (https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9547246)
The tags on the site don't use either "josou_seme" or "femboydom"!

If you want to search for femboydom stuff on rule34.xxx for instance, I'd reccomend appending this to the beginning of the search bar:
 ( femboydom ~ trap_on_trap ~ femboy_on_male ~ josou_seme ~ trap_on_female ~ femboy_on_female ~ dominant_femboy ~ femboy/female ~ femboy/femboy ~ girly_dominant )

I mostly check out porn on my tablet now, so I don't go as crazy on tag searches anymore, (hard to beat the confort of laying on your back while fapping) – so I'm probably missing a tag or 2.

With how badly burned I've been from anti-porn, (taking symptoms of bigger problems and tieing it to porn), I find it challenging to respect the anti-porn bros for pushing something that is most likely both a self harm cult and a pathway to nazi crap – perhaps though there's something of a kernel of truth, like the hatred towards George Sorrows (spoiler alert he's bad because he's rich, not his religion).

I don't have the time to search, and idk if you're still looking for this, but the @ does link to this:
If you really want the sause, you can do the following:
>Img source website like sausenao
>Sherlock python program that looks up websites with a given username
>Manually go to different hentai site/boorus inserting the username
>The hentai sites/boorus but you search up a tag combination
<Something like "josou seme + caption + devil", or many other variations
>Do everything above but with the creator of the captions (and see if they have any information
Would be funny if this was a captain alex situation and the captions was the default.


File: 1715608589589.png (199.76 KB, 1027x1200, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks, got to get around and look into that.
But I got a bigger problem.

Last time I was using "master pdf editor 5", wand this time I decided to use img2pdf terminal tool and used the command:
 img2pdf *.jpg -o output.pdf

Turns out, the manga downloaded had the images in different formats, so the fifth file in >>532962 for example, was outputted as a 4 page pdf, instead of the amount of pages that're in imgrel.

Sorry about that, I'll reupload the files sometime this week, (really busy with applying, and dealing with the bullshit of ansi).
It's a shame though, since it puts a blemish on the total femboydom file collection by adding blatent duplicates.

In the mean time, all the file names have the nhentai or imhentai number appended at the end, so you can look up the porn if interested.


You're an autistic, crazy bastard, but I salute you. Godspeed.


Anyone still alive?


Sorry, didn't post since the weekend I have time to do this stuff I was spending it on committing voter fraud and single handley helping jellyfish win the leftypol election.
If the electiom was the 20th, I would've done a cross thread promotion.

I'll get to it, right now I got to build a new chair since the last one is a gaming chair, and gaming chairs are just fucking awful for you back/tailbone.


File: 1716652015998.jpg (48.5 KB, 1080x1080, trap be nimble.jpg)

It's really something when I'm starting to parse and understand this schizo-babble. LMAO




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Séx with snekbois whose thighs can coil around my neck and whose throats could eat and digest my body in one gulp (aka throat goats)


Damn OP you're crazy for this one. This is probably my favorite hentai trend of the past few years but I still can't imagine dedicating this many posts to it lmao.


File: 1718683645663-0.webm (3.79 MB, 1280x720, 1617585159666.webm)

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File: 1718683645663-3.webm (3.92 MB, 920x500, 1617942417157.webm)

Femdom > Femboydom



Cont set1


File: 1718748658719.jpg (80.59 KB, 680x680, america is a trap.jpg)

>US Imperialist
Is this femboydumb?


The fact that this fetish makes people genuinely mad is very funny.


>The fact that this fetish makes people genuinely mad is very funny.


Some of the people starting shit with the OP (not all of them) are clearly mad about the fetish and not just the fact that it's a porn dump thread. Not that those have ever been forbidden in /siberia/ either.


>Some of the people starting shit with the OP (not all of them) are clearly mad about the fetish and not just the fact that it's a porn dump thread.
What people? Areyou talking about the obvious shitposts? Are you sane?


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