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 No.468508[Last 50 Posts]

Edgy general

Post edgy unpopular opinions that you have.

I think that we should treat sakaioids the same way that we treat nazis


we already have an "unpopular opinions" thread filled with the most predictable shit you can imagine


all the victims of communism deserved it


I've remembered all the romanov stuff and "think of children revisionism" by leninhat poster lol


If the children survived the monarchists would have used them as symbolism. It was an unfortunately necessary choice by lenin


monarchists still very much do.
killing them solidified their royal martyrdom and symbolism really.


I am part of the malthusian left and think that we need depopulation programs


We should have human test subjects for scientific experiments (criminals, mostly).


Lenin did not order their murder. He did endorse them afterward though.


With guidelines and anesthesia of course. We have to drawn the line to separate ourselves from the fascists somewhere.


I think the petit-bourgeoisie and lumpen is a bigger threat to communism than the bourg, simply because of its volume. The middle class are used as a shield for porky for this reason. The immediate enemy is within the ranks of the less wealthy than the higher-ups. We saw this with the kulaks who resisted collectivisation.


Cruelty is not exclusive to fascism


It should be.


Humans are violent beasts, like our cousins, the chimpanzees. We can't escape that deadlock.


You're not talking about revolution.


Leftist violence should be an unavoidable but tragic consequence of protecting the rights and freedoms of the working class. It is an act of self defense.


The socialist project is kind of over, and the next big liberatory mass movement will probably happen in like a century, once history churns through the current contradictions.

In the meantime, "being a socialist" is a surrogate activity like any other, like being a retro video game speedrunner or a tabletop rpg nerd.


No. Revolution is explicitly *our* violence against the bourgeoisie. Thats why the socialist state represses the bourgeoisie in a direct reversal, until the bourgeoisie are eliminated (executed). The difference is that they need us and we dont need them.


All activity which furthers history is revolutionary


So post-marxism is the way to go?


is this why people hate trotskyites?


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lol I literally wrote that post as a satire of leninhat and the number of people who go "yes hahaha yes, this but unironically, children are just like their parents and can't be reeducated. we must kill them! they are genetically just stuck that way!!!!" is astounding.


Prove me wrong


We are all slaves to the historical process, so it doesn't matter what you choose to be, until we get to that one week where decades happen.


Lenin says social-democracy (basically what would become Leninism has its origin in petty borg intelligentsia):

>We have said that there could not have been Social-Democratic consciousness among the workers. It would have to be brought to them from without. The history of all countries shows that the working class, exclusively by its own effort, is able to develop only trade union consciousness, i.e., the conviction that it is necessary to combine in unions, fight the employers, and strive to compel the government to pass necessary labour legislation, etc The theory of socialism, however, grew out of the philosophic, historical, and economic theories elaborated by educated representatives of the propertied classes, by intellectuals. By their social status the founders of modern scientific socialism, Marx and Engels, themselves belonged to the bourgeois intelligentsia. In the very same way, in Russia, the theoretical doctrine of Social-Democracy arose altogether independently of the spontaneous growth of the working-class movement; it arose as a natural and inevitable outcome of the development of thought among the revolutionary socialist intelligentsia. In the period under discussion, the middle nineties, this doctrine not only represented the completely formulated programme of the Emancipation of Labour group, but had already won over to its side the majority of the revolutionary youth in Russia. (Lenin, What is to be done?)


Its still good to be grounded though
If you are naive you lose your place in history all the same


This is also why fascists appeal to proles and "trade union consciousness" via syndicalism and so forth. The "intellectual" class are executed to obscure a positive direction for resolving contradictions.


Imo the west has already achieved post-scarcity and only limits production and distribution to make profits. A socialist government could get rid of all poverty in one 5 year plan.


Free market economics make so much sense but at the same time it would lead to the splintering of society back to city-states with competing currencies, causing the inability of mass culture, and so undermining the international project.


Thats not really edgy. Its actually fairly nuanced and dialectical.


Its probably edgy to a bunch of people here


Maybe the edgy conclusion is to say that we *need* a state to preserve a certain level of clunkiness and inefficiency in order to maintain a society, which is on the verge of fracturing. The state persists as a type of artificial anti-community which binds people together who do not want to be together. But thats exactly why we need it.


What about the Chinese making Puyi into a model proletarian?


yeah but leninhat is applying the genetic fallacy to class origins and he is shooting himself in the foot since the origin of marxism and leninism is from bourgeois intelligensia.


We're more closely related to bonobos, who aren't violent and solve their disputes by fuckin. Pop sci got y'all all fucked up.


leninhat thinks he's a prestige TV main character making "tough decisions"


Not unlike most imageboard users.


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Unpopular (idk if edgy) leftist political opinions: EU is a historically progressive institution.

Unpopular edgy general opinion: Given the unspeakable suffering inflicted upon sentient life by factory farming, death of any human that supports it is morally a net positive. In fact, even if we imagine some idyllic happy farm, or a primitive hunter-gatherer society, you still kill to eat or to survive, and as such, you loose right to complain when the same happens to you.


Communism does not make sense without a component of morality.
To believe that communism is a goal worth achieving, one has to believe that (needless) suffering is a bad thing, actually. Both your own and of humanity as a whole. Which is a moral position.

I sidestep this issue by simply believing that communism is an inevitable outcome of the dialectical process, but not feeling one way or another about this fact.
Kinda like how satanists implicitly accept the Christian/Abrahamic model of the world, but do not care about its prescriptions.


Except we *dont* solve our issues with sex, but with violence, retard.


"Might makes right" is shorter


It doesnt, that is my point.


"Might makes right" is an axiom
Its like saying "ice is cold"


The "morality" is the class interest of the proletariat.


Ok, so? What are you saying?


Like you said.
If you support animals being killed you shouldnt complain when you are killed. Might makes right.
Also, animals kill eachother btw.
And i am personally against factory farms. It destroys the nobility of animals and hunters alike. Its an unfair fight. Thats why i also hate faggots like joe rogan and their mechanical bows and rifles. Get your hands dirty.


This pasta is legendary


>Unpopular (idk if edgy) leftist political opinions: EU is a historically progressive institution.
I didn't know Zizek posted on leftypol.

Zizek has been catching shit from socialists because he believes in the promise of liberalism, but does not believe that liberalism itself is capable of fulfilling this promise universally. This is actually the same position that Marx started from.
But he does not necessarily agree with Marx about the hows and the whys of actually accomplishing that promise of liberalism. That makes him a post-Hegelian, but a non/pre-Marxist or whatever. He says as much himself.

So he believes that liberal (moral) values / way of life are good, actually, the problem is the hypocrisy, and the fact that westoids achieve their way of life at the expense of the rest of the world.
This explains his bothsidesism. To him, living under a liberal democracy is unmistakably better for the actual people, than living under an oligarchy or a theocracy. A more "pragmatic" socialist position is more of a "lesserevilism" or "means to an end" mentality (perhaps uncharitably on my part, but I'm playing devil's advocate here), where it doesn't matter if the multipolar / anti-imperialist forces are more regressive / reactionary / oppressive towards their own people than liberal democracy is towards theirs, as long as they are a progressive force on a "world system" level. Zizek disagrees and picks a "third position" (lel) - the movement that brings about liberation, has to be explicitly, universally a liberatory one, rather than one that is liberatory only incidentally, or pragmatically, or opportunistically (etc). So, to him, explicitly progressive resistance towards imperialism - sehr gut, resistance towards imperialism coming from entities that are themselves regressive/oppressive - meh.
The idea that regular, peoples' happiness in those countries must be sacrificed to oligopolic / theocratic regimes, at the altar of multipolarity, so that the rest of us might have a chance at liberation (to be honest, realistically speaking, merely concessions from the bourgeois), even though "we" (read: westerners) already enjoy more freedoms and comfort than the ones we want to be sacrificed, does seem to be a ghoulish one. Let's cheer on Putin's oligopoly and deride the russians who want to "upgrade" to liberalism, so that our elites might get scared enough to gives us more workers' rights. Yay.

If I were to put words in his mouth by distilling his position into a "metaphysical" one, it is that the main contradiction of all liberatory movements is opportunism. The concession towards material circumstance and historical moment, that corrupts the "pure" vision at its inception, because the product of a dialectical process inherits the contradictions of its "parents". USSR had to concede its the idealistic / emancipatory vision to the material circumstances of being besieged by literally the rest of the world, which changed the calculus of how to actually maintain and protect this infant socialism, which lead to decisions and structures that inevitably led to its failure / destruction (subversion of the centralized management). The original sin, if you will. The worldly/material corrupting the ideal/spiritual essence of the movement. I guess that's why he calls himself Christian Atheist.


Well that is the secret of liberalism. It is the true progressive force of the world. Marx identified as such. But it is a progress made in the anarchy of market relations which, when the time comes, must crush free association for profits. Marx wanted rational controls over the means and mode of production, but as socialism displays, this leads to poverty by the lack of an excess which is pooled into the liberal economy, and which is discarded in rational production.
Every system has its contradictions. Zizek just tries to ride out the wave of preserving the best elements of what is politically available.


This is going into the Dengism Elder Scroll


So called impostor syndrome is just mediocre people correctly identifying the fact that they're mediocre in a mediocre environment, but too cowardly to admit as such.

Truly competent people don't get impostor syndrome, they are competent enough to accurately asses their own abilities against the standards of their field.


both are false


>Marx wanted rational controls over the means and mode of production
no he didnt, this is dengoid cope


1) Music can't be art.
It's just a tool to change, or support the current, state of mind.
Maybe if music can balance: good sound, hearable lyrics, and deep meaning – that it can become art.
2) Music fans are the worst type of fans, and it's a mental struggle not to strangle them.

>Inb4: you listen to music!


Mostly unironically. Though I am trying to prove myself wrong by listening to more music


Music is the only 100% pure form of art.
And the fact that autistics like you can't appreciate it is the proof of that.


You've wasted your life.


Protestants are the main cause of suffering and strife in the west, possibly the world. I don't care that the first communists were protestant, they all need to go.


Papist claws wrote this post


I'm not a catholic nor am I defending catholics. Protestants are worse and have done more harm to society.


Leftists should adopt anti-intellectualism to distance ourselves from fashy nerds


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there's a nerd who tried to crossdress as an anti-intellectualist, see how that worked out for him


speak for yourself


So this whole israel thing could be solved with a mass orgy in gaza?


yes. i would agree to go to palestine and volunteer to have SÈX (for world peace). only by unifying their bodies can the palestinians and israelis unify their borders under a sècular one state solution


I have never listened to music intentionally, it just feels self aggrandizing and mundane


Everyone is entitled to their preferences, but what the fuck.


Human instrumentality shills.



Even if it is those things does it feel good though?


How have you not been moved by music? How is music not art? I'd be way more suspicious of other forms of art.
I feel like dancing is a very good way to "feel" the music. Of course not all music is fit for "dancing" in the proper sense. Music conveys so much for me. I really want you to figure out how to appreciate it because it is truly a wonderful experience.


Do you not understand that the whole point of communism is in giving a head to the headless production of goods?


We solve our problems in a lot of ways, our brains are bigger simpleton


Peace is just the tension held between war.
Read heraclitus. He was influential on marx and lenin.


A very very select few artists can make me feel pumped up or sad I guess, but again, that just makes me feel self aggrandizing and cringey like I’m living in a corny training montage or 2007 emo edit, ultimately killing the emotion I otherwise would get from the music.


Leftists should adopt being dripping wet to distance ourselves from water


=* Leftists should adopt being drip=

Ftfy both


btw daily reminder that this was written by the incel who got btfod in some other thread for only listening to anime and videogame osts




You're free to interpret it like that.
In grander analysis, the thread demonstrated that music fans will race over who can be the biggest gate keeper, for enjoyment for them is always a lower priority.

There's good ones, like >>468853 (not responding since I don't want to waste your time), but in general it's a miserable experience.
I'm just going to accept my "brain damage", and listen to music to stay up to date with culture, (as painful as it is with some artists, *cough* *cough* lil uzi *cough*).


Work is a bad thing. Even leftist work is bad.


then how will stuff get made and get distributed ?




Most people are fucking morons that deserve climate change and WWIII
Most of leftypol are retarded liberals with a red aesthetic that ought to be beaten up


life is suffering even if you never had to work a day in ur life, so this is something that communism cannot even fix unless we become cyborgs or something.


Take a step further and take the efilism pill anon


just do drugs


I think people who explicitly care about pornography, make it into a hobby, or generally discuss and share it, are weird and I do not understand them.

I think sexuality isn't that important.


ur 2nd statement contradicts the 1st


Bin Laden would have been a great singer and otaku media journalist if he didn't go down the path of trying to fight the bad guys in Washington and get corrupted by the abyss.


This country shouldn't exist, it should've been part of Germany.


No it doesn't.
For example, I think bottle caps are not important, and thus find people who collect them to be weird.
It's pretty straightforward actually.


the dutch were colonial brutes


then why single out porn instead of i.e. video games, stamp collecting, etc?


The Belgians deserved all the shit the Germans did to them in WW1


Carlos the Jackel was right about most things


No they didn't
They deserved much worse
The Belgians have never got what they deserved, which would be the same death toll as the Congo and the proceeding decades of instability

Belgians got off light for the shit they pulled


Video games and stamp collecting are important, it is specifically sexuality that is not important


i think no hobby or pastime is really that important


I had an old Congolese man as my landlord and when the Brussels attacks happened he said "don't feel sorry for them they got what was coming"


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says the liberal that uses red aesthetics lol
L + ratio + you don't understood theory + i live in ur walls


Isn't it important to partake in it for your mental health though?


>israel finally releases picture of babies burnt in microwave by hamas terrorists



Shut the fuck up, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about interpersonal violence.


They are still brutes that deserve death.


I believe if you do eugenics to prevent terminable diseases and SEVERE intellectual disabilities (i.e. like you can't go to the bathroom on your own as an adult) through the use of non-violent and voluntary methods of sterilization that its leftist.


I don't like Warhammer 40k.


death penalty should be abolished but in the meantime bring back the guillotine. The other options (hanging, electrocution, the gas chamber, firing squad, and lethal injection) are way more barbaric imo


>Morality is a theistic bourgeois construct
Where's the lie?


United Kingdom should be turned into an exclusion zone.


Phil Greaves is right about everything being fascist


whenever i see a comment on twitter, reddit, youtube, or anywhere else on the internet that begins with "As a…", i cringe.



Most communists are unknowingly larouchites


As a fellow cringer, I agree


Here's my "unpopular" opinion. Threads/boards dedicated to "unpopular" opinions always turn into containment zones for airing reactionary takes. And containment zones don't work (look at /pol/ and all the mass shooters etc. that came from there)


I disagree, but my solution involves much more active moderation, which is unreasonable since they're volunteers.

Idk, maybe unpopular opinion (that aren't right wing) boards/threads should auto delete.
Like you can vent about a bad date, but it gets deleted so it doesn't fuel incel behavior since it promotes moving on.
If this site was more popular, it'd be cool to experiment with a board where people are banned for a day for not being funny enough.


You sound like someone who doesn't have a sense of humor.


>muh fun
the last resort of the idiot


Whats wrong with fun?


your shitty posts arent fun




what a compelling response


The left needs to drop a lot of this feelings shit if they want to be successful.



???? thats literally where we are


Mental patient moment


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Context is everything.


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Female athletes should be allowed to take steroids.
It would make those sports less boring.


I think that those "got my balls DRAINED by a hooker" threads are the most sophisticated threads on siberia.


Are they serious or is it just the meme spam of the month like leninhat was?


all professional athletes take steroids.


trotskyists won history because schachtmannist neoconservatism won and basically the whole world operates according to the logic of capital so world revolution is now the only feasible path forward


athletes in general take all sorts of performance enhancers, there's like a metagame, so to speak, around skirting anit-doping restrictions. the world anti-doping agency supposedly found out 44% of athletes took enhancers, but I'm pretty sure the number is actually close to 100%. i don't even know why these restrictions are in place if no professional athlete actually follows them. i guess to discourage the audience from taking them? the ruskies were the only ones that had the balls to just outright officially sanction anabolic enhancers and they were banned lol.


We can only speculate, and this is the reason why these threads are so intellectually provocative. It's neo-meta-post-modernism, you wouldn't understand it.


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>Inb4 lol flag

Crime is actually good. Sort of. If somehow theoretically you managed to eliminate crime altogether (including benign things like breaking windows or setting garbage cans on fire) you will do two things:
1. Cause your population to become docile and their fighting spirit to wither away. This will make resistance in case of foreign occupation, fascist coup nonexistent and your people essential servants because thats what they have been doing their entire life. People unwilling to take risks and thus slaves.
2. Expanding on point 1. It would require essentially a fascist state to achieve and make tyrranny a necessary tool. It literally cannot be done otherwise. That's why the reichstag fire got hitler so much power and why fascist states always get praised for "cleanliness and safety" Miss me with that "we'll all cooperate" hippie bullshit. So if people are not allowed to do crime or fear being victims of a crime, they will fear the state instead.

As I am somewhat of a theorylet and quite young it may not sound completely coherent but essentially, the law and crime are like the ying and yang. They balance each other. Therefore the eternal game of cops and robbers is necessary and if you ask me has its own little charm, even if people die. This is probably one of the philosophies i can say i came up with organically and likely one of the few to have put it into words.

Tl;dr crime is based and it should even be encouraged through cartoons and shows (victimless petty crime that has light penalties) after the revolution. Punishment is cringe but should exist in a purely "consequences" form to encourage would be criminals to innovate in not getting caught thus building intellect.

If you anoms can point me to people who had similar theories i'd love to read them and maybe put my own thoughts in a book some day.


Haven't read any books on it stuff, from what I've briefly learned, marxists that believe and aim for the elimination of crime approach this as something that can only succeed in a fully communist society.
>No private property
>No state
>No money
<replaced with labor vouchers; non-comodified money)
>No commodity production
<Instead of things being made for the interest of generating capital, they're made off of need
<By extension: planned economies, something possible with pens and paper, and absolutely can be done with pre-2000s hardware.
Only challenge is if this is a process/ withered away, (communists approach); or done over night, (anarchist approach).

A society like that will have reduced to even zero crime since crime is highly linked to material conditions, and isn't spontaneous except for rare situations like mental illness, (which also can be handled within the society through therapy, education, and other stuff).

There is no need for a fascist society to accomplish this feat, and the only reason it seems like that is because you're working within the framework of capitalism.
Same with it making people, "docile" – (unrelated it's an annoying and shallow critique).
Or the various other capitalist ideology crap – >"people unwilling to take risks and thus slaves."
<competition doesn't need a state;
>"That's why the reichstag fire got hitler so much power…",
<Even though he got that power from being given chancelor because the rise of the soviet union, and companies all over invested into the country which also allowed Germany to wipe away its WW1 debt; etc.

Christ, read a book library.


>mental illness
Literally a social construct. Foucauld was right about psychiatry.


Abusing steroids is extremely bad for you in the long run and makes the competition more about who can dope hardest instead of who is best at training. The issue with PEDs is that there is not a clear division between PED and general drugs or supplements that are good for your health. The restrictions on them and testing for them reduces usage to a more manageable amount.


>You: doing a complex rationalization of crime
<Me: "LMAO, laws are spooks, why even care?"


How would you explain ones that have a very clear material existence, such as schizophrenia or adhd?


there is no empathy to be had with the bourgeois and people should stop feeling sad or solemn when bourgeois and their families die in natural disaster or freak accidents. I will laugh at Ashley whitegirl whose dad is a senior financial executive at scheistcorp when she dies in a drunk driving accident because some uyghur had a bad day at the factory and started drinking his steel reserve to early.



Nietzsche was right, the industrial proletariat is inherently reactionary and the intelligentsia either copies those reactionary values or is brainwashed with woke moralism, another form of ressentiment politics. The lumpenproletariat is no better with it being the breeding ground for neo-Nazis. Most proles are beyond salvation IMHO and are dragging freethinking proles and lumpens back with their false consciousness and bourgeois ideology. This is happening not only in the first world but in the third world too, with bourgeois politicians, actively defended and excused by the so-called leftists, reinforcing nationalism and traditionalism.


Sir this is the unpopular opinions general.
I'd be disturbed if this was actually unpopular

Also, agreed.
These people say stuff like >>473996 , but have very clear exceptions.
Like pedos being a common one; and with >>473996 , trans people, which they'll slander by calling pedos.



The Grateful Dead were actually pretty good.


The problem is that the concept ofa mental illness is applied to anything socially undesirable, not necessarily to conditions that make the individual suffer. Not only is that a slippery slope, it's also a form of institutionalized moralism alongside the criminal justice system.


You'd be surprised how unpopular this opinion is on this particular site. Even on SJW subreddits its more popular than here.


revolution always comes from an elite, and vanguardism is only successful because it outsources the revolution to intellectuals
organising with the proles as a whole is useless; the vanguard parties should largely only operate internally and popularise themselves by engaging in bourgeois democracies rather than demonstrations. today, popularity is power, and only mainstream avenues can do this including youtube, MSM and twitch.
the soap box is dead, or rather, transferred to new mediums.
selling your socialist "newspaper" in the town square is more pathetic than being an armchair communist tweeter.


Saddam Hussein was justified in his use of nerve gas against Kurdish civilians.


Why do you hate Engels?


Protestants have done more damage to the good nme of Christianity than the Catholics.

People dont notice because Protestantism is a franchise while Catholicism is corporate.

Protestants are always forming a new club anytime they have a beef with the pastor or fellow member.

Theyre always forming cults in the hinterlands of the US where they can freely abuse and neglect women and children.

Nazism is a result of German Protestantism.


Lookism is based.
Sorry but romantic love requires some semblance of reason to initiate.

Looks, charisma, skills, amd.money are essential for relationships not mere fondness.

People who compain about men or women being obsessed about looks are sore losers.

The liberal-reactionary agenda against standard beauty is sign of this.


The issue with beauty standards is that not everyone likes them. I like muscle girls. The traditional beauty standards tell me that my tastes are shite and I can go fuck myself. What am I supposed to do, enforce my preferences on everybody else so women will start working out more? Well, then you will complain instead. Beauty standards enforce some specific tastes as hegemony from which not only those to whom they are applied suffer but also those who do not share the "normal" tastes.


Discrimination against unattractive people goes far further than just relationships, it affects their careers, their ability to make friends, their experience in the justice system, and so on


Fair point. Whe I say stabdard besuty, I mean healthy vigorous.

Muscle girls are criminally underrated.

Im talking about more the "fat acceptance" or transphobic femimism against beautiful transwomen.

Unfortunately so.
But thats because again, people assume romsnce is some undefined aethereal thing tgat you ever have or dont.
Cynics or jocks whom call out romantic pursuit for what it is sre shut down.


>stabdard besuty
>healthy vigorous
Those are definitely not synonymous. "Standard" is whatever conservatives consider "normal," and that may actually be the opposite of healthy.


Thats not what lookism means anon.


you are not left.


By conservatives do you mean contemporary or traditional historical?


Contemporary of course. "Normality" is always normality relative to the current time. It would be anachronistic to apply the standards of Ancient Rome to the modern day.


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Contemporaneously I am doodooing on you face. How do you respond?


The fuck are you doing in this thread?


My opinion is edgy and unpopular.


It's not an opinion. It's a stupid question. This is my opinion.


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So your response to doodoo in the face is to just take it then?


- Universal healthcare only works in a credit system
- homeless people should be put in camps to reform them through re-education and labour
- the stratification of society is normal, lets say between intellectuals and idiots, or the civilised and profane. Communities naturally segregate from eachother this way like fandoms on the internet. The town and country is marx's famous example.
- there should be no IP
- being fat should be a punishable offence
- the division of labour in a contemporary society is necessary and efficient
- human and animal experimentation is fine
- children should be taught how to hunt and prepare animals to give them a sense of where food comes from
- euthanasia should be available and normalised. Death must not be something to be feared.
- the death penalty should exist
- national service should be instituted
- cigarettes, vapes, alcohol and all drugs should be highly taxed to discourage use
- children should be taught how to use firearms and part of their general education should include qualifying with a firearm license
- one handgun and rifle per family should be a mandate
- pornography and prostitution should be illegal


Whats your relationship with your dad? Did he used to beat you?


Arming the homeless


This is not unpopular. This is the core true goal of leftism. Lenin and Stalin would be proud.

Most other takes of leftism is just enabling defeatism.

One problem with your post is the mandating of military service and the lack of backyard agricultural classes and lack of legal vetting for procreation.


>homeless people should be put in camps to reform them through re-education and labour
Marxists when they see the lumpenproletariat: "Yikes, so gross! Get this thing away from me!!"
>Communities naturally segregate from eachother this way like fandoms on the internet
Yeah, I just "voluntarily" joined my nation instead of not having any other option, just like a fandom, weeee!
>the division of labour in a contemporary society is necessary and efficient
Typical market socialist.
>children should be taught how to hunt and prepare animals to give them a sense of where food comes from
Typical vegan.


Division of labour will inevitably becomes inefficient. Especially as competition ramps up and social safety net collapses you will have people who spend decades studying specific fields just to remain competitive and can't afford to transition to a new field when their job gets automated or wiped out in an economic burst, meaning you will get all these overeducated, hyperspecialized jobless people who are wasted on the streets


this the crux of the problem with contemporary schooling.
Evertyhing all about specialisation.
Its the main engine behind student loan debt


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My relationship with dad is very unstable. Its basically non-existent apart from the sperg rage i repress that is taking years off my life.
Different sectors of the economy may shrink but they will never disappear as our social realities become more and more complex and codependent as globalisation continues. Marx's idea of general labour is basically a discourse on the deskilling arising out of automation, which still continues today ofc. I still think though in rudimentary ways you can have postcapitalist markets like we see on the internet, which even now are given imperative roles for production. Some people make millions playing video games, wether they should or not. It shows where value is going.
The issue is the opposite. Some kids will never learn math, so should find something else to pursue. Its not like people go to university to continue a general education - its to get good at a specific thing because thats what makes them useful. In ancient greece a general education was reserved for the aristocrats, just like the gymnasium. This is also where plato's idea of the guardians come from, as the supremely generally-educated members of society, but unfortunately it just doesnt work for most people. The transmutation of lead into gold will only remain as an alchemical myth.


An interesting discourse on deskilling is in brave new world where its said that science just works as a type of mixing of ingredients together, so chemistry takes the reins as the passive science in this scheme. Whereas the world controller got in trouble for excelling in physics (clearly the "true" science to huxley). This could be analogous to pop science today where science is so conceptually simplified that it has lost its object.
This is why the generalisation of certain fields causes their stagnation. To me, the advent of socialism means the stratification of an allocated "intellectual" class apart from the academy.
This to me is also why fascism and reaction is expressly anti-intellectual.


>The issue is the opposite. Some kids will never learn math, so should find something else to pursue. Its not like people go to university to continue a general education - its to get good at a specific thing because thats what makes them useful. In ancient greece a general education was reserved for the aristocrats, just like the gymnasium. This is also where plato's idea of the guardians come from, as the supremely generally-educated members of society, but unfortunately it just doesnt work for most people. The transmutation of lead into gold will only remain as an alchemical myth.

What I meam trades are more general than STEM jobs.
Our society worships academia is the new religion. Kids are only seen as useful to recite rote trivia.

Yet, adults themselves are dismissive/not used to academia. But they impose it on kids as matter of life and death.


Most people just dont want to go into trades though. In a reverse situation it would be that which is forced on people.
Conservatives complain about all the college kids going into the humanities but what it shows is that these people want to be *more* than just a service worker or a plumber or whatever.
Ofc the market gives us the sad facts of life that we probably arent going to be more (including myself) but its about ambition, and conservatives want to crush ambition.
I agree though that academia is not for everyone. I purposefully chose not to go. I have been a drifter since but its whatever. At least i can self-educate using the internet.


>Most people just dont want to go into trades though.

Thats the problem.
>Conservatives complain about all the college kids going into the humanities but what it shows is that these people want to be *more* than just a service worker or a plumber or whatever.

Tbh, this one thing conservatives are kinda right about. We have so many young people with a five/sex-figure student loan debt.

>Ofc the market gives us the sad facts of life that we probably arent going to be more (including myself) but its about ambition, and conservatives want to crush ambition.

Our society indoctrinates people into ambition.
We are told to go out and "change the world."

Everyone is pursuing STEM or business or law and we have little to no vacancies in the white collar world.
And alot of these white collar industries dont operate on the rules as whats taught in college.

They dont respect college graduates.


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This mask looks hot as fuck on women despite it being associated with neo nazi larpers. Black bloc Anarchists missed on the opportunity to appropriate this skull mask from siegetards when Trump was in office.


>Black bloc Anarchists missed on the opportunity to appropriate this skull mask from siegetards when Trump was in office
Well, too bad, now it's a neo-Nazi marketing tool.


How do you appropriate something that was always a far right symbol

Also it's just edgy shit, skulls are a symbol of evil I'm sorry


Communist books have a lot of words.


That's not edgy that's just… true.


Thats So Raven?


Higher education should not be free.
If you want to continue your education after age thirteen, you should either pay out of pocket or do community service every spring.

Earnest students whom are struggling with academics shouldnt be shouldered along. They should be directed to trades.

Also, child labor within itself ismt exploitation.
Kids working in factories for pennies a day is exploitaton. But if its mowing lawns and trimming trees for twenty dollars per job, then it isnt.

Yhe real reason why society wamts to reduce young peoples participation in labor is to justify peter pan syndrome.


there is nothing fundamentally wrong with necrophilia or cannibalism


If everyone wearing a uniform were to be sterilized, almost all mankind's problems would be solved in a couple of generations.




Materially speaking, John Brown had zero effect on black liberation.
Whitoids assign undue importance to his figure to assuage themselves of guilt.

Yet another case of liberals worshiping ineffectual idealists who accomplish nothing but look virtuous while doing it.



IMHO it depens a lot on the context of the country we are talking about and how other demographic socialist plans are working. It can be acceptable in some cases but it is not an absolute principle.


>sorry schoolchildren, this is for the best


Unequal exchange is anti-marxist nonsense



This but unironically. We need to make the nationalism spook unusable by thinning every people into each other, until nations are unrecognizable.


Morons be like "the west isn't democratic" and then say shit like this


How do you know this Congolese man believes the West isn‘t democratic.


because he's white


>>495992 nta
because it violates the marxist ltv and the definition of rent (from capital, vol. 3)

most marxist parties in latin america rejected the unequal exchange theory back in the 70s. in fact, the political line on the issue today is the same as it was back then: unequal development. for some reason people here think that cockshott's arguments are new or extravagant when they have been the mainstream marxist position since the debate started

<En la traducción "tercermundista" que hizo Emmanuel de Prebisch, las clases sociales fueron remplazadas por hombres abstractos y las naciones presentadas como bloques uniformes. Convirtió al obrero de los países avanzados en el culpable del intercambio desigual y la explo­tación del obrero del país atrasado, como si el Mercado mundial fuera un lugar de encuentro de individuos y la burguesía una mera intermedia­ria de la apropiación de trabajo ajeno de un proletario a manos de otro. Para sostener este enfoque absurdo introdujo categorías extravagantes como "monopolio obrero", "intercambio de trabajo vivo", "composición orgánica del trabajo", que ilustrarían la explotación del hombre subde­sarrollado por el individuo desarrollado. Sugiere directamente que exis­tiría una relación estadística entre el intercambio desigual sufrido por las naciones pobres y la mejora del salario en los países ricos en el ultimo siglo. Emmanuel omite lo elemental: es la burguesía la que fija los salarios, controla el Mercado mundial y la clase obrera carente de la propiedad de los medios de producción no decide nada, ni se beneficia con nada ajeno a su propia lucha a escala internacional.

guess the author


I don't give a fuck about the russians' "right" to speak russian in whatever country they live, or express their "russian identity", just like


>colonialist thinking
Very un-reactionary of you.
>"russian identity"
The main issue I have with it is that it's chauvinist. Just like any other ethnonationalist identity. Though I have no objection to celebrating Russian culture other than the fact that patriotism is a spook that is the source of those kinds of chauvinist ideas to begin with.


Russians are not colonized.


>Russians are not colonized.
I didn't say they were. That's not an excuse to support assimilationist policies.
>Iran is not bombed.
<Let's bomb Iran!


Western Stalinists these days in general have decided that symbolically supporting any non-western nationalism is progressive at best and inherently socialist at worst.


Well I find the whole premise of russians having been forcefully assimilated to be false. It was just media spectacle for internal consumption, just like beheaded babies, WMDs, crucified boys and smashed incubators.
Up until live ammunition started flying, at which point it predictably became true, as everybody knows, the surest way to have a population be overtaken by reactionary sentiment is for them to get invaded by an external entity.
But I guess internet communists didn't realize that non-western states can also participate in consent manufacturing and media spectacle, and accepted it at face value.

Russian language was not afforded state recognition, but that's a completely different debate then the the fantasies of roaming bands of language police paramilitaries.
One might ask about the status of the Ukrainian language in Russia, before or after the political tensions started.
The language issue is especially interesting if you consider the position that Ukrainian is just a dialect of Russian anyway. If so, why not just speak the dialect? And if Ukrainians are just Russians, what are the Russians so worried about getting assimilated into?


I think most communists these days are just dogmatists of various sorts.
Nobody practices marxism as a method, only as an ideology.


>Nobody practices marxism as a method
I don't even know what this would entail. I'm so burned-out by the petty beuracracy and general sloganeering that I've resigned to petty opportunism (I steal notebooks and pens).


It's not even a matter of supporting/opposing the Russian invasion, that's a whole 'nother issue (I myself ideologically oppose it). But reactionary policies of "collective responsibility" and straight-up Russophobia and assimilationism are something I cannot support.


I think people with serious inheritable illnesses shouldn't be allowed to have biological kids (without genetic counseling or something)


>Up until live ammunition started flying, at which point it predictably became true, as everybody knows, the surest way to have a population be overtaken by reactionary sentiment is for them to get invaded by an external entity.
>But I guess internet communists didn't realize that non-western states can also participate in consent manufacturing and media spectacle, and accepted it at face value.
I understand. I was obviously referring to the post-invasion Russophobia and pretty much agree with you completely here.
>The language issue is especially interesting if you consider the position that Ukrainian is just a dialect of Russian anyway. If so, why not just speak the dialect?
The Ukrainian and Russian are the dialects of the OLD CHURCH SLAVONIC! TAKE THAT, PUTSOLINI!



This thread is genuinely entertaining, good job, anons.


Well can you provide a counter argument instead of just calling names?


Well, if we accept the notion that we shape the world with our actions, which in turn shapes us, I'd say doing literally anything other than shitposting on the internet is better.
Either the grillpill, or going out and volunteering for soup kitchens and the like, will make you a better communist than a thousand internet arguments.

I wouldn't know though, I'm addicted to both alienated labor, and alienated internet spectacle, which makes me a perfect capitalist subject.

I see a funny parallel here with how the west orientalizes the middle east, yet the "backwardness" and "barbarity" of the middle east is the direct result of western meddling.
Russia "occidentalized" Ukraine, and yet it was russia's actions that turned Ukraine into a reactionary nazi shithole.
Something dialectical about it.


I think there's something to be learned from how capital steers society without showing its hand.

Why the heavy handedness of banning something, when you can, for example, normalize, encourage and support adoption, so that people with inheritable illnesses are more likely to adopt than to breed, all the while experiencing it as a subjective freedom, rather than a restriction?


I mean I'm all for a soft touch but I still feel that it's immoral to have kids when you know there's a good chance you'll give them some terrible illness


>calling names
Noooo, anon, I'm genuinely fascinated. Eugenics are certainly the most controversial subject in leftist circles, I'm surprised someone brought it up. Pretty sure Marx disliked eugenics too for being counter-revolutionary.


>I see a funny parallel here with how the west orientalizes the middle east, yet the "backwardness" and "barbarity" of the middle east is the direct result of western meddling
Well, Putin is kinda similar to Bush so… Bush who talks like Ben Shapiro and looks like Duche. What a combination.


Well I personally have some resentment about all the mental illnesses I have which my mother also has. I know she didn't do it out of malice but my life honestly kind of sucks and I don't want anyone else to be in that situation.


That's why (liberal) eugenics still has supporters pretty much… We don't talk about Nazi eugenics, this is /pol/'s brainrot, of course they shill for it.


Liberals are the main enemy

Anarchists, Stalinists, Maoists (same thing as Stalinists), and Social Democrats are all revisionists

Gun ownership should be mandatory in a workers state, except for counterrevolutionaries who should be completely disarmed, disenfranchised, and have no rights the workers are bound to respect

Environmentalism is bourgeois

The working class cannot develop a socialist consciousness without the intervention of the radical intelligentsia

I won't eat the bugs

Bodily autonomy is a totally bourgeois concept

Terrorism and Communism is Trotsky's best work


>Liberals are the main enemy
I'd add, that the left's fascination with and lionization of fascism is a mistake.
Liberals are strictly worse than fascists, simply because liberals are more competent.

We live in a world where drone strikes are seen as part of every day normal reality, but localized street violence is hysterically elevated to the level of a catastrophy.


Liberalism is in fact more of a threat to society than reactionism because reactionaries are generally incompetent unless being commanded by a porky while liberals have the power of the status quo and elites.


>anarchists are revisionists
As if anarchism is an offshoot of Marxism, HA! Don't be ridiculous, anarchism is its own tradition that existed before Marxism. It comes from a simple idea that the state or any other powerful institutions cannot be trusted.
>Gun ownership should be mandatory in a workers state, except for counterrevolutionaries
Huehuehue, so you recognize that the proletarian class is full of reactionary elements? This is what I like about Leninists: they straight-up admit that the proletariat does not possess an inherent revolutionary potential.


>environmentalism is bourgeois
Do you mean liberal environmentalism or Bookchine's "social ecology." Because Bookchin doesn't like being called an environmentalist.
>The working class cannot develop a socialist consciousness without the intervention of the radical intelligentsia
Again, the fact that you're a Marxist and not a Nietzschean boggles my mind since you clearly seperate yourself from the masses.


Escapism sucks. No, like, all of it sucks, not just overindulgence in it. It prevents me from being aware of the present moment, numbs my suffering, why should I even engage in it? And no, don't quote Tolkien on me, I disagree with his statement. Escapism isn't genuine entertainment either, I'm not escaping anything when I hear a good joke or see a good drawing. So what's the point for me? Why not embrace the pain like Nietzsche recommended?


Rightoidism should be cured with gas chambers. Let them taste their own medicine.


Yep, that's pretty much the reason Fredrick Brennan wrote an article in The Stormer or what have you.
While understandable, do keep in mind resentment is not a good basis for politics.
Eat the bugs, pussy
Embwace the pain


Maxim Gorky was right. The Communist movement should not associate itself with queers.


weak bait


It's not bait. I can show you more proof of the reactionary tendency among the queers, here:
>"The more clearly developed the natural heterosexual inclinations of the juvenile are, the more open he will be to the revolutionary idea; the stronger the homosexual tendency within him … the more easily he will be drawn to the right." -Wilhelm Reich, German Marxist who even supported homosexuality
Or how about Ernst Röhm? Or Mishima Yukio? Do they not count?


That's not a form of argument.
Guilt by association.


The DDR was also a safe haven for homosexuals and they were fully part of the Warsaw pact, you're still doing the association game


Which is more spectacular banning or encouragement? Which is more spectacular, edginess or kindness? Humanity notices negative qualities above positive ones, and spectacle is only capable of reproducing more spectacle. As such the most attention grabbing shit is always funs in some way or another.


Fair enough. Then we'll talk about superstructures instead:
Article 22:
The following are recognized as forms of property:

Socialist property of the entire population: in which the State acts as a representative and beneficiary of the people as property owner.

Cooperative property: that which is sustained through the collective labor of partner owners and through the effective exercise of the principles of cooperativism.

Private ownership: that which is exercised over specific means of production by natural or legal persons, Cubans or foreigners; with a complementary role in the economy.
Article 28:
The State promotes and provides guarantees to foreign investment as an important element for the economic development of the country, which is based upon the protection and the rational use of the natural and human resources as well as respect for national sovereignty and independence.

The law establishes regulations with respect to foreign investment within the national territory.

vs Korea:

Article 20:
In the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea the means of production are
owned by the State and social, cooperative organizations.
Article 22:
The property of social, cooperative organizations is collectively owned by the
working people involved in the organizations concerned. Land, farm machinery
and ships, as well as small and medium-sized factories and enterprises may be
owned by social, cooperative organizations.
Article 23:
The State shall enhance the ideological consciousness and the technical and
cultural level of the peasants, increase the role of the property of all the people
in leading the cooperative property so as to combine the two forms of property
in an organic way, and shall consolidate and develop the socialist cooperative
economic system by improving the guidance and management of the
cooperative economy and gradually transform the property of cooperative
organizations into the property of the people as a whole based on the voluntary
will of all their members.

I'll let you guess which country allows gay marriage and which one doesn't.
Another thing, here's a short list of countries that legalized homosexuality before 1991: Norway, France, Sweden, Poland, and finally the Netherlands. So exactly how is homosexuality not linked to reactionaries?
Also, for >>507140 it was not a "safe haven", groups like HIB were banned, and homosexuals were merely tolerated, not respected. It's only when the liberal reformations came around (Perestroika) did they start changing their opinions. It's the simple truth: liberal superstructures are born from liberal economies.
Sources: https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/Cuba_2019 - https://www.ncnk.org/resources/publications/dprk-constitution-2019.pdf/file_view - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Norway - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_France - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Sweden - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Poland - https://en.wikipedia.o
rg/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_Netherlands - https://www.umass.edu/defa/sites/default/files/The%20Gay%20and%20Lesbian%20Movement%20in%20East%20Germany.pdf


Also, apologizes for any bad formatting


You're still playing the guilt by association game, you haven't shown the mechanics of how LGBT people or relationships are incompatible with socialist values or economy.


>Which is more spectacular, [personality trait] or [another personality trait]
I don't think you understand what "spectacular" means.



Read The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. That book explained the purpose and form of a proletarian family, and a homosexual union is against it.


Point out the passage right now


>Marxism is when heteronormativity and the nuclear family unit
This board is speedrunning reactionary astroturfing rn.


Hey it's the unpopular opinion thread for a reason, which means on some level he knows bringing any of this irl would be wrecker behavior


"Unpopular" doesn't necessarily mean "reactionary" though. But it feels like it's an excuse for people to spread reactionary ideas.


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You're not a real communist if in the case of revolution, you wouldn't be willing to shoot your landlord uncle, your petit bourgeois brother, or your reactionary mom.


limp dicked faggot due for eternal rape under the lgbt dictatorship ☝️😹
thank u 4 da TRVTHNVKE zased anon……


very homoerotic picture


it's often the greatest homophobes that make the best homoerasts


the anschluss was historically progressive, and i support the idea of a modern day anschluss or a red anschluss.


Women who throw period pads into the bathroom bin give me the ick.

I know that's where they belong, and I don't know where else they should put them, but still. Gross.


They really should make flushable tampons and pads, if I were in charge of a planning committee it would be the first non food product to get immediate priority in research if not production


Why don't they make tampons and pads red, so that the blood is not noticeable?
Seems like an obvious marketing tactic.


>Highlights issue
<No solution to solve it
What're you, a game reviewer with 100k+ subscribers?


There being no ethical consumption under capitalism doesn't mean that all consumption under capitalism is equally unethical. For instance, buying from companies that use child labor, or companies that engage in factory farming is more unethical than buying from those that do not. And if you have the time, resources and mental health to look up where the products you buy come from, but you do not, then you're partially to blame for the atrocities commited in the creation of said products.


Yeah all that's true, but the reason for why the quote is used to shut down people is so the idea that you can make capitalism still work, or you can fight capitalism through an individualistic trend rather than a movement, or using said problematic things means it has to be done that way rather than spme very clear alternative (computers don't need slaves to be made) – is stopped from being made.

Except with the, "partially" – to what end?
Does me taking away nestle $100 of profit that year since I stopped buying their products trully "partially" fighting against it?
Am I "partially" supporting it when I instead turn my 10 hours a week that I have because of my privileges from researching how to not support it, and rather to studying theory?
Ideally do both, but it's easier said than done, especially if that 10 extra hours is actually 5 or whatever.


>I have never lived with a woman. Everyday realities disgust me


Reading theory doesn't make you a cog in the machine, you do it so you understand what you're fighting against. That point aside, your premise is correct, boycotting nestle won't even take down NESTLE


I grew up with two older sisters and a single mum. I'm just honest about the weird petty things that slightly about me lol


Slightly annoy*


It's only a bit of blood m80


And yet when I leave my cumsocks in the wash bin I'm called disgusting


Yeah, from a woman's pussy. And as a gay man that's doubly disgusting


I'd put them in the wash myself tbh because they are grotty



You guys don't use tissues?


Tissues are bourgeoise.
Socks are proletarian.


>Am I "partially" supporting it when I instead turn my 10 hours a week that I have because of my privileges from researching how to not support it, and rather to studying theory?

I don't think it takes even 5 minutes, comrade. You just google "[company name] unethical practices" and bam, there it is.


Sakai was right


This. Petty bourgeois are bourgeois. Most westoids are pertty bourgeois imperialoids


You need to research what you're switching to as an alternative.
Especially a problem if you need baby food


babbies are bourgeois, don't even bother giving them food


you sound faggy.
Be glad they go in the bin.
Alot of women dont even bother throw them away probably.


misopedia is bourgeois.
Its one thing to not want to be parent. (In fact, too many idiots are procreating)
But hating the existence of childten is not cool.


Ok. Fair point. Youre probably one of the few people whom dont worship women on here


Ok m8, you have a form of verbal diarrhea. Why do you have to comment your inane opinion on every single fucking thing you see?
Also you can't read tone or identify a joke but that's a given. Point is, control yourself.


You can say the n-word, but after you have to kiss a black person.

(No, this is not me making an excuse, that just so happens to be the "consequence" of saying it).


can i choose the person



Yeah can i choose i busty thicc black girl to make out with?


With their consent


Hu Jintao was right about the Maken. Anti-idealist thinking is the reason, why a "brain-jack tool" is being used to dethrone a chinese god. A tool, which was actually advertized to "heal" mental illness. Off course, the Maken will oppose China in the Gestalt of the president of the USA. This is when your brain starts to TWITCH® in a scrumptious way, never realizing that matter (Materie) is nothing more than a MEME. Even fucking Chris Chan knows it OMG. (Dimensional merge)🔚


OP said unpopular opinion thread not schizo thread.


you ain't maken sense uygha


Jean BaudrilLARD, this boi is based and he is shredding the consoomer ideology like a BO$$. I'm reading currently his book THE CONSUMER SOCIETY and it's hot!! In the section about the "fun-system" he basically anticipated FOMO. "Why is this opinion unpopular?", you might ask. Because most people (including many leftists) are believers of the consoomer cult! The essence of ideology is, what you don't question! And consumerism is such a powerful ideology, that it transcends the entire political spectrum. Yes, consumerism is more powerful than capitalism itself! Rightoids know, that consumerism is shallow and stupid, but they try to give our existence some meaning through religion, which is equally retarded. What does the left has to offer? Fully automated luxury gay consumerism/communism?! OOF.


People with colored hair cannot be communists


Religion is yet another form of consumerism.
Rightists are just as guilty of consumerist tendency.


No matter the loudness of screeching about muh traditional values or sexual liberation, interpersonal relationship and family structure bend over to material conditions.


What are you going to do with all the members in any communist org that have homosexual relationships? Kick them out? Attempt to convert them? The RCP USA tried that and it only produced interpersonal trauma.
The conditions of contemporary capitalism are dissolving the old heterosexual norms yes


Feudal aristocrats weren't having consensual sex with people of the same age like contemporary LGBT people are


No one who uses the word "fetishize" to mean "finds sexually attractive" has an opinion worth listening to.

Every time I see someone say something like "we need to stop the fetishization of revolutionary women" I immediately put all of their opinions directly where they belong: into the fucking trash.


This made me laugh.

One the one hand I understand you, on the other hand, who cares.

But I can take it a step further: all politicising of sexuality, especially male youth sexuality, is trash material.
Its just victims of a dry spell and/or arrested development.


What are fascists? They're just weird hyperliberals who obsess over cringey dumb shit


>we need to stop the fetishization of revolutionary women
nobody says this unless youre the loser who made the thread about The Left(tm) needing e-girls (lmao) to "spread the word" (lmao) to "the masses" (lmao)


on the subject of the thread im gonna say that calling yourself or individuals "revolutionary" over irrelevant shit like having the Right Ideas is stupid behavior too. i guess thats an unpopular opinion on this pseud hole


Anyone who calls themselves a 'revolutionary' without having struggled along with the proletariat, is at best deluded and at worst a hobbyist larper. Revolutionaries are not found on the internet, nobody is one here, neither me nor you nor anyone else.


lmfao "we are the most progressive part of the proletariat" sure bro but can you mobilize 500 people (at least)?


Arrested developmental culture is not talked about enough and is shot down when discussed while posts about sex/romance and demands for oversized wages are allowed and common.


It's cause you are fundamentally uninteresting and suffer from major arrested development yourself. And it is plain to see.


If you're happy in life, you're a mental bourgeois and you can't be leftist


I haven't seen it on this board in particular, but I have seen it a few times. Typically it was in reference to the YPJ, though I've seen them saying that finding female Soviet snipers, female Red Guards, various famous communist female figures, etc, hot is bad for some reason too.


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Laughing at disabled people is cool


Yes, people who laugh at disabled people are very cool. Which is why they should get locked up in a freezer permanently, so they don't lose their cool.


let me guess Tism?


debilitating back pain, from my massive cock, and broken pelvis from fucking your mom so much. And tism, yes


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Artists who:
>Speak of art as this diety/religous entity
>Are irrationally and illogically angry at ai/llms and will dismiss it at every turn
>Massively reject any analysis of art other than their own self (anti death of an author)
<Usually seen while commiting dogmatic analysis/evaluation of an art
>Massively support copyright and will pretend it's some objective thing rather than a very punishing vauge concept
<So much to point to how it's observed in the law, a red flag in either ignoring how it's still very vauge, or how abusive it actually is.
>Spread lies to make their arguments
<Such as the lie that react content steals views from the original video, even though the people who saw the react video are at best almost entirely are an audience the video failed to grab – such like piracy can't hurt sales since the people who pirate aren't the ones who can buy or have the buying power to buy the media, (supported by studies done by the EU even).
People like them – twitter artists, and imgrel – are liberals who've been scratched; fascists.

This take would be popular if the topic was maga hogs, which already do said above, but also cry about how they're "canceled" (not massively liked by the platform).


5 subhumans
>copyright is fascism
I dont claim them


I bet most people who hate coomers are secretly envious of the youthful energy coomers have. It must be awesome being a coomer. Imagine half your daily interactions feel like the basketball scene in Catwoman.


Cuba allows and regonizes same-sex marriage (something recent but still), also i think it's legal in North Korea but not recognized.
Normally you see more far-right states being homophobic and prohibiting stuff, like the other part of korea…

I personally think the tendecy is that, in socialist societies, people will turn less homophobic with time because of the tools socialism gives, again, Cuba as an example, pre-revolution it was VERY conservative and intolerant, but after the revolution, slowly but surely, became more progressive. It wasn't instant, but again, with time things turn out better.


File: 1711860056606.png (Spoiler Image, 192.15 KB, 427x442, rumia nom.png)

i think there's no problem with cannibalism if done correctly and it can be very romantic too


Based. I would eat human meat if it was freely available.


in the ideal communist society people will be able to donate their meat for consumption, i'll fight for that!!


All the most vaunted leftist figures the 1800s and early 1900s ramble like a motherfucker in their writings.


Dikeism/Faggotry/transhumanistsm are bourgeois decadence and should all be forcefully put into asylums and cured of their mental and hormonal disease


as opposed to the 2000s?


we should fight for a world in which trans people do not exist

(if gender is abolished & hrt freely available the idea of a "trans person" will be meaningless)


Spanish fucking sucks and is inferior to English in almost every way (except spelling). It weirdly makes me against immigration living in a border state and having hordes of hispanics who can't speak English. I don't give a fuck hearing people speak Chinese or Hindi, just Spanish really gets under my skin. Everything takes twice as long to say because 1. words are usually more syllables than English, and 2. ridiculous avoidance of compound words in favor of prepositional phrases. I just wanna say "birdhouse" not "the house for the birds". Go look up any book in English, I guarantee you the Spanish version is over 100 pages longer.

Other romance languages suck too, but at least French got rid of a shit ton of needless syllables. Latin stomacus > English stomach, Spanish > el estómago. Not only does Spanish retain the ending despite not having cases, it ADDED an extra syllable to the beginning of the word and on top of that requires an article most of the time. I hate this fucking language and how popular it is. Why couldn't mexicans and puerto ricans speak literally anything else.


Homophobes, Queerphobes in general should be physically eliminated and it's abhorrent chvd mods allow them here


Best opinion in this thread


Spanish is fucking disgusting and is a torture to the ears

Romance languages in general (except the French) are horrible but Spanish takes the take


Skill issue. Spanish is great.
Probably a eurofag.
Latin American Spanish is the real Spanish. Except Argentinian and Chilean. Fuck em.
Queerphobia is expressly forbidden here. Report it and it will be gone.


I have seen blatantly queerphobic comments in this very thread and jannies didn't do shit


I'm all for Muslims converting old abandoned churches into mosques, and many have kept the church look, but some just make them look like they were dropped completely from the middle east. It's no Biggie but i wonder why some do that.


Variety is the spice of life, and I suppose it makes it feel more homely for the first gems, but of you've been here for 3 generations then you're practically British in every way, so why not adopt some of the aesthetics of the rest of society?

Not really a song opinion but I have wondered it.


>muh protestants!
Shut up papists. No prots, no industrial revolution, no communism. You lazy fucks.


Prots are responsible for every world war


The industrial revolution was a historical inevitability. People were going to figure out how to mass-produce things sooner or later.

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