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ITT, we post our favorite Youtube clickbait thumbnails
280 posts and 221 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


not clickbait, just true


Now this is MY KIND of justice


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thanks 'phat memer' very serious analysis i'm sure


somebody call the PLLLIGCE


this came up after watching a few finance videos lol


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This one reminds me a bit of the face in the HUD of the first Doom game.


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ai garbage


just saw this kino


Not even a clickbait, just a very amusing thumbnail.


imagine watching this trash.


oh boyy! gender discourse!


what in the goddam…


they know he's not a god right?


i want alice to call me an evil patriarchal figure and shoot me in the head in her french accent

no im not bitter over my french ex wym


>Palestine scaref has a Jerusalem cross on it


*atun shay films witch finder general accent*

ah brothers it is always a pleasure to find such staunch faith and love towards our lord and saviour jesus christ even in these the end times


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This one annoyed me because it totally flips reality on its head and fetishizises a byproduct of US imperialism (chronic overwork of the subjugated population) as "based trad work ethic."

>Depict South Korea as le epic beardy white aryan

>Depict Burger Reich occupying South Korea TO THIS VERY DAY as a crying Asian woman
>Haha South Koreans are so badass for going to school for 12 hours per day. No I'm not going to interrogate why that is, I'm just going to assume it's part of their inherent badassery.
>Burgers are such babies for… not wanting to be as miserable as the countries their military cocupies.

Such twisted logic. Funny thing is the person posting this probably didn't even think of it at all. They were just fetishizing the "oriental academic grindset" or whatever.

Didn't watch btw


im bothered by the fact that they are calling south korea southeast asian


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It has energy of a Hieronymus Bosch painting.


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Not exactly a clickbait… but why do videos get uploaded with titles that are basically full sentences or short summaries? Is it an algorithm trick?


Most adults always fetishise Asain youth for the tortuous academic workload they have to go through.

"Theyre such good kids. If only my kids were looe that."

Yet, these same adults will complain about having to work eight hour shifts for four days a week.
Also alot of those adults also never like academic stuff being imposed on them.


Well just imagine the video was just called 'Sword God', that tells you nothing, not many people are gonna click it just to find out, whereas the sentence summary gives you some reason to watch the video if you think that sounds good


Why have we as a society decided that allowing literal babies onto the unregulated and unregulatable internet is a good idea?


You say that, but look what internet did to old boomers who werent familiar with it.


There's nothing wrong with giving kids at large internet access. They need to become internet literate sooner or later. But putting youtube on autoplay in front of a kid that's so young that they can't even speak in full sentences is just asking for trouble.


this is one of the few proactive regulatory ideas about childrens consumption.
Most people are reactive and ignorantly generalise all childhood age numbers as the same.

Humans under age four are babies.
Also people wanna try to treat childhood as some socio-physical hugbox.

I also think we should have comouter literacy classes.


Also forgot to mention people would park kids in formt of the TV or a controlled loop of childrens cartoon VHS tapes.

The real problem isnt the electronic media but the lack of interaction from parents and lack of free range play outside.


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You're reaching to find a 90s analog equivalent but there really isn't. The sheer amount of novelty on the internet does not compare. You had to buy tons of physical media and tapes were more expensive than blurays. Generations aren't all exactly the same but with different coats of paint. The fact that you have so much computing power in your pocket is a massive game changer, do not understate that.


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And you think there wasnt any endless novelty back then?

We had cheap thrill magazines and whatnot.


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>memetov ribbentrope
porky will never forgive the USSR for flipping their own script on them.


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ladbibletv is a mine of gemmies


None of these countries invaded Poland with Hitler


>Be "all of these countries"
>Let Hitler rearm for 10 years
>Let hitler take 100% of all the territory he demands
>Try to create military alliances with hitler

There was nothing that the allies could have done differently, they were justified at their times

<Be soviet union

<Kills 76% of all german soldiers in WW2
<Makes an "agreement with hitler". Instead of him taking 100% of the land, he takes 50%, while the soviets save the Estonians, Ukraines, Byelorussians, Latvians and many other peoples from nazism in 1939
<Is the main responsible for the victory of the allies in WW2

Stalin was evil, his actions will never be pardon by historians.


neither did the USSR


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socialism is when squidward


Squidward was pet boug, so that checks out



mental outlaw's thumbnails are truly works of art


wtf is the context for the first one lol


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Don't know who this is, probably a lib, but he pot porky in thumbnail


I think conure is a leftist


my hobby: extrapolation


Jucheist thumbnail

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