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furry general

This board lacks a proper furry general, thus the reasonable existence for this one. and because /trash/ sucks

Anything included in this list can be here:
porn/porn dumping, murrsuiting, fiction/fanfiction, taboo fetishes should be tagged with a proper warning)
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it's not a source, i'm suggesting you edit it. share your knowledge with others if you're confident in it.


i'd consider it a (close) forerunner


Walt Disney really loved drawing Mickey Mouse in a nazi uniform with his shirt open and bulging pecs and a furry happy trail running down his belly.


Nazifurs aren't exactly that common


It began with Osamu Tezuka.


>Is the person who singlehandedly created a new fetish around anthropomorphic animals a furry?
Is this a joke?


Disney didn't invent funny animals, there would have still been furries today if he never existed


Hey smart guy, let me ask you this. Can you provide a firm distinction between 'anthropomorphic animals" and "furry" that
a) isn't just "I know it when I see it"
b) isn't you providing individual examples and asking us to extrapolate from there, and
c) doesn't exclude a large amount of self-identified furry content?


usualy humanoid facial and body porportions. however once you get to feral territory it becomes indistinguishable (aside from sexual content) from say The Lion King. Also overdesigned unnatural colored fur/skin/feathers with colors not found in that species or combination of species, like a neon pink dog/kangaroo chimera with neon great feathers and a dragon tail.


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fursuits are great revolutionary gear if you think about it. it protects your identity; it protects you physically; it makes you appear larger and more intimidating to the opposition; their extreme sex appeal makes everyone want to join the cause and so forth


>sex appeal
It's so weird, man. It's like hentai addiction turned up to eleven.


thats like just youre opinion man


i am not a furry
can someone in a fursuit or a fat furry please hold me tight
you don't have to speak just hold me tight


It's a pretty common opinion


yeah and its still wrong


That's just, like, your opinion, man. I've never met a furry who wasn't a 2D porn addict.


why can't you people stop talking nonsense and just hug me


sounds like a you problem
ok *hugs you* :3


please don't let go please please please just stay here this is nice and warm i don't five a fuck what you look like just stay here with your arms around me please please


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u good?


Not a problem and not exclusive to me but good try deflecting with sarcasm


yes please don't let go of me i just needed someone to hold / hug me dont go i am sorry i an weird just stay here wirh me



sorry i am not the other osrson you are responding to myou saying hug made me feel really clingy please don't think i am weird soemrhinf is wrong with my head


Digitigrade legs enhance ass and look stronger.


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*hugs you tight*


its cool, just hope youre doin well my man <3


*hug back* please don't leave me either, i told you i get clingy just stay here and talk i brg you

likewise, what are you up to?


enjoy your bunions and arthritis


not much, sittin, chillin, browsin, drinkin


I do Ph.D. research for a Uni about 20 miles for mine, low level GPGPU stuff, long story short I use cuda. https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit
I use it as a programming lanauge that runs on a GPU, I have some work to do for the Uni and it is making my brain hurt managing regisdteries inside of a GPU.
I am also feeling really bad and need somone to hold mne, I just want ot be held and its a constant gnawing need at what I can only describe as my soul.
I have just eaten and becuas of not having any food I am basically running around my room full of energy becuase you said hug and I have just had food.


I had to write some OpenCL for a course, it was kinda fun.


Thats pretty cool, OCL is what I started on for FPGA stuff, why did you like it?


It's strategically placed padding, they're not actually bending their legs like that. That would be agonizing.


yeah im a fuckin idiot


you are not an idiot you made me feel a little less shitty, take it from someone who is at the forefront of computer programming, i would take 1,000 empathetic your kids, then 10,000 cerebral my kinds.
I am going to be honest to you i feel hollow and emptty and like shit, my eyes are watering up and i want someone to hug me, nothing bad has happened i just want to be held are you still good for a hug?


well at least im good for something
gimme a hug ^w^


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I think of all the slavery in the global supply chain that lead to these expensive toys for eccentric imperial core hobbyists


*hug* being empathetic and there is worth more then any of the nonsens low level slop improvements I am making to tensor cores, i need you to know this.
i feel hollow and like shit, please stay here with me anon.


Large amount of furries are us infantary man, it is imperial core but if you tried that shit they would splatter your shithead brains with 306.
However, you could also try being nice and find you make some good friends.


ill be here as long as u need me buddy
i mean it's probably less than the average smartphone or computer since fursuit makers make they suits by hand with fake fur and foam


>wire in some cases
>fake fur
Like logistically you'd be concerned with clothes being made at all, stopping some statistically broke queer / otherwise marginalized nerd from then putting those together fasionably for a costume isn't going to halt imperialism.


Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?


How your 6/21 went, anons?


"furry" content is produced primarily by-or-for members of the furry fandom, an identifiable community or meta-community of people.
"anthropomorphic" content simply contains anthro animals. it can be anything from hieroglyphics to Bluey to that yugo flag fursuit from <2020 /leftypol/.

something like Zootopia is an edge case, being produced by some furries, some non furries, mostly for non furries but with awareness and explicit exploitation of its tertiary fandom appeal. Undertale, I suspect, is not furry. Anthrotari is obviously furry. and I'm really just making this post to shill that obscure VN because i liked the demo a few years back. my classification system is good, but this website is stupid and it's casting pearls before swine to attempt to categorize anything in good faith here.


hey fuck you, that game looks cool and i'll play it, how dare you insult leftypol



Sorry I will be honest today has been shit, I could really use someone here, I am falling apart at the seems and this nonsense cuda slop isn't helping


no need to apologize anon


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>supposed to be 6-part episodic
>only ep 1 released in 2021

so it's dead right? not much point playing it in that case


Considering that Furries are willing to spend thousands of bucks for a mediocre YCH…

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