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Aether wins his 50/50
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the thing is I'm an unironic radtransfem. there's nothing I can say that won't be construed as being prudish and sex negative.

that being said, I don't care what individual people do because it has no political relevance. I still think that trans women using grindr is kind of questionable, and probably doesn't usually come from a place of trying to be gender nonconforming or whatever and has more to do with there being a core of people with brainworms who normalize it being a thing for trans women to be in a space that is m4m. part of it is probably also because there aren't really any spaces left that are exclusively for lesbians, much less for trans women, because everything is all just "queer" now and we've just decided to pretend like even the most basic bitch intersectionality stuff doesn't have any material implications.

but again, individuals choosing to do whatever have no political relevance other than being a symptom of these sorts of things. I have no desire to police anyone. just stating my opinion that I find it all very sussy.


that's actually not at all how HRT works. estrogen changes a person's sex drive.


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Hey look some good news.

>probably doesn't usually come from a place of trying to be gender nonconforming or whatever and has more to do with there being a core of people with brainworms who normalize it being a thing for trans women to be in a space that is m4m
I get where you're coming from but trans women have a hard enough time fitting in so just let them have that tbh. It's not like grindr doesn't allow bisexuals.
>everything is all just "queer" now and we've just decided to pretend like even the most basic bitch intersectionality stuff doesn't have any material implications.
Well people are stronger together, so that's a big part of it. I think the best of both worlds is banding together but also communicating and enforcing boundaries within shared spaces so people can carve out smaller more exclusive spaces alongside the more inclusive ones.
>just stating my opinion that I find it all very sussy.
It's probably mostly a personal thing and maybe you could ask yourself where these feelings are coming from.


imagine hating yourself this much




also men who have like zero percent chance of doing the whole "what the fuck, I was attracted to a MAANNNN???" bit and potentially getting violent after finding themselves attracted to a trans woman


I am sex negative because I think sex is gross. Especially sex with men though I haven't had much sex with women so idk.


I think pooping is gross. Should I be pooping-negative?


Yes. IV tube transhuman socialism.


colostomy bags are kinda grosser


Many moons ago girl asked me if she could make a grindr profile for me (on my phone). I said yes, go nuts. She then used that profile to find rando's to hook me up with. Other women took over.
That's it.


Yeah man, there are totally less lesbian spaces than gay spaces.
Delusional retard. Go outside.


Feminists have fought for centuries so that women aren't reduced to their capacity to grow babies and now TERFs are undoing that in record time.


>Just act like you would with any other girl you liked
Not sure how to do that. Not like I've got much experience. I don't normally talk to girls that I like.

Should I ask her out or wait till she makes a move? I'm not even sure if she really is into me or if my dumb autist brain convincing me of something.

Doesn't going out technically make me a transhumanist chaser?


Make the move first, be brave. Otherwise you could both just be waiting for the other. As for what to say or how to act, just treat them like a friend I guess, if you have shared interests then engage in them together or go out on a date to somewhere to do an activity you both like.


I had no idea Grindr was for men, what do lesbians use?


Oh and don't worry so much about 'chaser' discourse, I find it's a bit silly, but the gist I get is that if you actually treat them well and aren't secretly transphobic then you aren't a chaser


>thinking lesbians would ever use a sex app

oh my sweet summer child…


I've never been out on a real date before. Is it okay if I take her to an arcade? What's a good location for a first date?

Her being trans does freak me out a little. She has a dick and that freaks me out. If things get physical its going to be a problem. Does that make me transphobic?


>le lesbian bed death meme


>She has a dick and that freaks me out. If things get physical its going to be a problem.
LMFAO then why even bother


Nobodys ever shown interest in me.


>I've never been out on a real date before. Is it okay if I take her to an arcade? What's a good location for a first date?

Yes that seems like a fine location. Though they can get expensive so make sure you can pay for some games lol. I like museums as a date location but obviously depends on the person. Going out to eat is also a solid option.

>Her being trans does freak me out a little. She has a dick and that freaks me out. If things get physical its going to be a problem. Does that make me transphobic?

Well I dunno, like, what are you expecting sex wise? Are you gonna be happy if she lets you put it in her butt? Are you just not wanting to play with her dick or bottom? I think that's fine, but if you're gonna be freaked out and repulsed in general then maybe it's not a good idea.

I mean I'm sure there are some lesbians that like casual sex with strangers but it's certainly not common.


>Guardian research found online pharmacies in places ranging from India to Hong Kong and Portugal offering hormone treatments without a prescription, typically ranging from around £10 to £30 for 28 days’ supply of a starting dose of feminising hormones.
>While some suppliers state their websites can only be used by people aged 18 and over, there appear to be few, if any, barriers to younger people making purchases.
>There is also an extensive array of online sellers, some UK-based, who prepare mixtures of hormones themselves – often for injection – in a process known as “homebrewing”.

the hacker known as 4chan-ass article


oh boy can't wait til they make hormones a class A drug, thanks for raising awareness of this scary issue guardian TERF scum


>What's a good location for a first date?
Something simple that lets you focus on meeting each other. Arcade is more second date material, because the bing bing wahoo games and other people walking around are going to get in the way of interacting with each other directly. It's still a good idea for a later date because you can see what they're like in a different social context. It's more like "hanging out" than a date tbh, so if you are more casually meeting someone then it would be more appropriate for your first time doing something together, but not so much as a "date."
>Her being trans does freak me out a little. She has a dick and that freaks me out. If things get physical its going to be a problem. Does that make me transphobic?
Ok well be respectful and tell her that's a new thing for you and you're not sure how to feel.


If its somewhere to eat it should be casual right? Nothing fancy but not some fucking taco bell slop right?

>Are you gonna be happy if she lets you put it in her butt?

Probably no not right away. Idk I'm a virgin but anal sounds extreme from what I've seen/heard online.

>Are you just not wanting to play with her dick or bottom?

Yes dicks freak me out. I don't want to see it/touch it. I've never had sex but the rest of her body doesn't bother me. It just takes me a while to get used to another person's touch. Hope that doesn't upset her. I don't know how I'd explain that without implying her body is bad.


What if I take her to the movie theater?


Yes casual is okay. McDonalds a bit low tier like you said.

As for getting used to touching someone I think that's okay but you're probably gonna have to live with seeing her dick, whether she will want you to touch it I can't say, the tgirl I've been with she didn't want me to but who knows. I don't think it's gonna be a good time for either of you if you are upset if she gets naked. Sorry if that's harsh, but I don't want you to have a bad time and she doesn't deserve that either. So I think you do have to think it over. It's ok if you have to get used to it but if you're just flat out repulsed it might not be a good idea.


Do women not like sex?


Lesbians are famously glacial in sex terms. There's no male horniness driving it forward so can take ages. yes yes 'not all' etc but there are generalities.


So I should just reject her? Seems kinda harsh if she's into me. Is there a way I can keep her as a friend?


Yeah and who says that, heterosexual men? All the testimony about lesbian sex seems to be about how much better it is heterosexual sex and such. If they do not enjoy it why would they praise it so much?


Well you said she never asked you out in the first place right? So just don't ask her out if you don't want to have sex. Just do friend things together and if she asks you out just say that you aren't looking for that kind of thing right now or something like that.

Not saying they don't enjoy it but for women sex is much more emotional (yes yes generally) and they generally aren't allured by the idea of doing it with someone they just met over a clinical hookup app.


Okay. I'll just do that. Kinda sad but I'll just do that I guess.


Sorry anon. Maybe you can try to get some more cis girls.


Nah I don't chase women. Bad life experiences. If someone's interested in me first than maybe but otherwise I'd rather just stay away from all that. Bit of a downer but I guess if your not sexually compatible your setting the whole relationship to fail. Thanks for the advice anyway.


There is minimal opportunity to interact with someone while watching a movie in a theater, compared to other options. That's more for if you are just hanging out platonically or for a later date after you have established a rapport and don't have to worry about misinterpreting signals vis-a-vis physical contact in a dark room where you can't verbally communicate much.


That's not a "no male horniness" thing as much as male vs female socialization and two lesbians typically both having it hammered into them to be passive and reactive rather than taking initiative or else you're a SLUT.


What's a good date location if you struggle with face to face interaction?


Some kind of activity where there's something to fall back on and not just awkward silence.


So if we're eating and there's an awkward pause I should just start drinking/eating food while I think of what to say next?


Yes I think that's okay as long as it doesn't go on too long, but something a bit more active might be better. Like idk maybe minigolf? Idk I'm kind of not thinking of anything right now, there's probably better things.


That might be part of a problem, but also, its silly to assume a queer woman living withing a liberal community, freed from traditional gender roles both in terms of day-to-day life and inner beliefs, is still shackled to them in this one very specific sphere.


It really only takes one shitty person in your childhood impressing this stuff on you making you afraid for the rest of your life.


cuz ur a chvd


It's a myth bandied around by misogynists and lesbophobes that lesbians have no sex ("lesbian bed death"). Anyone who knows lesbos can confirm this is comically wrong, as these sluts can't keep it to themselves.

Post proof you're not a cis man.


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bruh even musk is telling jk rowling transhumanists live in her head rent free


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are bottoms oppressed under patriarchy?

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