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i like mouths


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Most poorly designed aspect of the body. Intelligent design my ass. Tooth decay is inevitable, most mammals don't live anywhere near our average lifespan. We compound it with agriculture rich carbs which decay teeth faster than anything else.


Counterpoint: god made it intentionally defective to instill humility and promote martyrdom as a result of the the fear of decay


>Tooth decay is inevitable
I'm sincerly sorry for taking away your toothbrush bucko.


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Twigs superior to petrochemical toothbrush.

Weston price already solved all this shit too. Grains are the devil.


Communists are gonna take his toothbrush


I'm coming for your twig uygha


what the rizz? you know I was just looking for a thread to hornypost in though. last night I had a random moment walking to my friend's house when I remembered laying on my dentist's operating table for him to check my teeth and being too tired to like move really due to sleep deprivation but I wasn't wearing a bra and I noticed he stared at me really intently and I got the sense that he was turned on even though he had a wedding ring on his hand. anyways he spent like 30 minutes massaging and groping the inside of my mouth with his fingers and I just layed their and let him go at it and idk if it was just because I was really high but it was like one of the most sexual experiences in my life. I was wet as fuck. It was kind of weird and gross ig and the female nurse there was like getting visibly pissed and trying to put me down in front of him. I mean I get it if she thought I was hitting on him ig but I was just tired as fuck and trying to be receptive and not move too much to smooth the whole thing over as much as possible. He was a good looking guy and had like a really intense but cool stare, kind of like Christian Bale or Arnie Hammer or some shit. maybe I just really wanna suck cock or something. actually I keep dreaming about sucking dick even though I am somewhat more attracted to women and like 60 percent dom anyways. fuck I wish he found an excuse to feel my tits and thighs, I could see him eyeing me up. he looked like (a much hotter version of) my landlord that was sexually obsessed with me so idk maybe I am projecting most of this. idk why I am still thinking about this but yeah fuck I am so horny it is unreal

anyways what I wanted to ask, is wanting your dentist to put his cock in your mouth and hold your head with his big ol yaoi dad hands and massage your tits bourgeois?


also I am a sexually attractive woman with an athletic/hourglass figure and I eat pussy and like theory so give me attention b4 I pass out, and in return I'll allow you to imagine shooting a big load into my mouth and me swallowing it with a smile on my face. I don't really feel like bpd spamming my ex rn


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jesus christ
Personally I am of the opinion we should abolish sexuality




would save a lot of time and bodily injury desu


Good night (or whatever), anon. That's a pretty high level hornipost. I'm impressed and I'm not that easily impressed.



I feel slightly uncomfortable
But you're cool anon


These posts were written by a man btw


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So what




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Is it true women enjoy getting their throats fingered?


Let me see if my Marine Biology is as rusty as I think; that's not a horn-shark jaw, but it is that of a groundshark of somekind… I'm gonna guess Zebra or Nurse shark, did I get it right?


i do
i also have a spit kink
what is she spitting up did she like have split pea soup just to throw it up




Yeah and an ugly face.
I hacked into your face cam, and sweety, when drawing your eye brows, look into a mirror next time ♥️


you trully know the femoids, anon


kill yourself



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