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Since all the threads here are boring and suck, I've decided to make a thread dedicated to my degenerative fetish, tg/tf


this is way too specific, my person. who has more images of this extremely niche fetish lying around on their computer?


oh its not "tg or tf" but "tg and tf"


Been looking for a TF pic where Ruby and Cinder get merged together, sort of like pic rel by fanterfane but it was a different artist


Also I'm looking for a gender bender doujin where a lonely sorceress teleports a young man into a tower she's sealed into, and after having sex turns into a futanari and makes the young man a woman for a change of pace. Can't find it since.


Most threads – very likely like yours – suck because people aren't posting to it.
Many reasons why, such as lack luster topic, low posterd and such – but a big one is people just want to consume, not contribute.

Will this thread die since you OP will are waiting for others to bring in your fetish, or will you contribute to it and grow your thread like my femboydom thread?

Especially mobile users.
Those on pcs must have a torrent(s) of the shit, a lot of time, and have harnessed the power of wget or somthn.


1 - due to the March 8 namefag thing, you can tell that I'm not OP
2 - Stop shilling your literal faggot thread all over the place.
3 - Both OP and myself contributed, posting on topic with images. You're a retard.

It really isn't that specific. It's niche but pretty common to find tbh, and actually intersects with other niche fetishes such as Rule 63


Ok that catgirl one is super cute. The Transformmistress always makes such good TG/TF comics.

And here's a few TGTF stuff I found.


My thread is at 1000+ images/videos, and takes up over 40% of the server space, I earned the right to shill it.

>Both OP and myself contributed,

And how long will that last?


File: 1710079494826-1.png (942.83 KB, 1200x950, 1654859447258.png)

File: 1710079494826-2.jpg (75.95 KB, 481x680, 1642831287247.jpg)

File: 1710079494826-3.jpg (65.76 KB, 850x455, 1643062674274.jpg)


File: 1710079578267-0.jpg (2.05 MB, 800x5526, 1651115504945.jpg)

File: 1710079578267-1.png (886.38 KB, 2000x890, 1650867512496.png)

File: 1710079578267-2.jpg (513.75 KB, 1535x660, 1681899806457579.jpg)

File: 1710079578267-3.jpg (305.24 KB, 2048x1765, 1596120245240.jpg)


File: 1710080666286.jpg (122.79 KB, 950x639, Lupin Werewolf Heaad.jpg)

No, you don't earn the right because this is not twitter or youtube where making 1000 posts or videos would mean something. Also your 1000 images is because nearly every post is 4-5 files of ripped porn spammed in massive increments. People have long since lost interest in the thread which is why you're the only one bumping it. And inb4 the recent Shay influx, that was also a single anon, and clearly saging as the thread remained on the bottom until you entered it again.

>how long will that last

It's /siberia/, I contribute when I have something to contribute.

Now fuck off.


>Also your 1000 images is because nearly every post is 4-5 files of ripped porn spammed in massive increments
Lol, opposed to what, creating all the porn by hand and posting once a day or somthn?

>People have long since lost interest in the thread

Throughout its entire existence people have shown interest and not posted; femboydom is very difficult to discover, and even types (like the real one) are harder to find.

>until you entered it again.

I didn't do that bump.
I was planning on posting saying that ut wasn't femboydom but since I made them shay meme I kinda deserved it – haven't posted it though since I was going to do it during my next batch (it'll be comics/hentai).

Also why would you know about it not being bumped?
I only know since I noticed the bump when I was admiring my monster.


>Lol, opposed to what, creating all the porn by hand and posting once a day or somthn?
Opposed to nothing, you single-handedly spammed your own thread into relevance and have the gall to brag about it. Do what you like, but that doesn't give you clout.

>Throughout its entire existence people have shown interest and not posted

Sure, which is why it keeps sinking to and past Page 16 constantly?
>Also why would you know about it not being bumped?
Because then someone bumped the thread and I saw it in overboard, the dozen posts of Shay which did not appear on overboard even though they had been made recently, which means they were s*ged.

Shilling in other threads when your shit has nothing to do with this thread's content is nothing short of attention-whoring. You've posted nothing of substance and don't even have an interest in this thread. Stop being a faggot.




Oh wow, I forgot that existed




>Opposed to nothing
You're right.
Opposed to nothing; dead fetish/topic threads.
Seeing how you only post one image at most in these responses, this thread will die like the gorilla thread, or the rest.

Such is the consequence of people doing nothing but consuming tiktok/instagram/youtube feeds, and as a result perma-lurk.

>you single-handedly spammed your own thread into relevance and have the gall to brag about it. Do what you like, but that doesn't give you clout.

I brag about it since: a, it is brag worthy like getting 3 or 4 digits; b, the thread contradicts all other threads existence, because of dedication.
My mental disability sociopathic nature has allowed that thread to live all this time, yours will most likely croak even with an audience.

>Sure, which is why it keeps sinking to and past Page 16 constantly?

The thread has posts not from me bumping it and praising its quality.
You can tell which're my post since I stick out more than a flag poster (if you're crazy enough to remember my posting style :) )
And that's ignoring how much of a bitch it is to get femboydom.The only other porn general harder to find than it would probably have to be fake yaoi.

>I saw it in overboard, the dozen posts of Shay which did not appear on overboard even though they had been made recently, which means they were s*ged.

You got logic at least.
You can figure my response with:
>Shilling in other threads when your shit has nothing to do with this thread's content is nothing short of attention-whoring
>You've posted nothing of substance and don't even have an interest in this thread
Other than: I'll stop after this; I've done enough procrastination.

>Stop being a faggot




This image looks like how I feel
Anyway, I did it I bumped the thread


File: 1711310759438.gif (1.39 MB, 320x240, Tayuya transform.gif)

I always thought curse-mark transformations were underutilized in R34


File: 1711310947951.jpg (125.18 KB, 1024x686, Ruby Rose The Mask.jpg)

Don't care, didn't read.


This needs an extra panel where the mask says "I'm also a gun!"


True, very fitting for RWBY



This is regular TF. Also hot as fuck. Artist?


File: 1711405423018.png (4.19 MB, 2796x1318, ClipboardImage.png)


Animated stuff is rarely good, but here's a smooth one.


Very bisexual of you to post this.
>degenerative fetish
Nah, it's very tame in comparison to what gets posted on this board.


tayuya > temari
man what were they thinking killing her so early


File: 1711910142820.jpg (3.16 MB, 5002x2983, Tayuya art.jpg)

I liked both characters.


File: 1712266862642-0.jpg (82.18 KB, 480x720, kitsune mask 1.jpg)

File: 1712266862642-1.jpg (101.56 KB, 480x720, kitsune mask 2.jpg)

File: 1712266862642-2.jpg (202.17 KB, 1000x1500, kitsune mask 3.jpg)

Any mask-transformation stuff? There used to be a lot but it's kinda hard to find now.


File: 1713199289001.png (667.09 KB, 1280x625, ClipboardImage.png)

Dragon crown


File: 1713244344893.png (9.25 MB, 3864x2083, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1713254507664.jpg (349.25 KB, 1218x1324, double henge kiba trick.jpg)

Bump to save from raiders with semi related stuff


Imagine if the entire series was like that, ninjas being cunning and fights won by outsmarting instead of the power creep and wizardry we got.


Almost the entire series WAS like that, its simply that the scale of the back-n-forth increased as time went on. Even in the Kaguya fight Naruto and Sasuke were using ninja-tricks to land hits on an otherwise much stronger opponent.


Surprised Birdy The Mighty isn't a more popular subject considering the popularity of TG/TF as a fetish.

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