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What are Hegelian dialectics of crop production in northern and southern China


land of northern china is good for growing wheat, southern china is good for growing rice



monsoon region etc etc


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Enclave here, why isn't ur video feed working?

ugh, ur a wise guy huh? Look, I'm tracing you right now pal, lets see how smart you feel with eternal security all over ur fricking ass.


I remember reading some rightoid schizo race-diet theory that the reason why the Han are a tall-ish people with some mongol-like & warrior characteristics is because they ate wheat, while the reason why the Cantonese and other southern Chinese are short & darker bourgeois shopkeepers and merchants is cause they ate rice.


Do these people realize that North Africans eat wheat too


sugma hegelian dialecdicks


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hegelfags can't explain this



>Hegelian dialectics of crop production in northern and southern China
Nothing to do with metaphysics and everything to do with material reality of climate.


Yeah but how does that influence their phenomenology of spirit


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>"Tomato Europe" mostly approximates the territory of the former Roman Empire in Europe


tomatoes grow good in a Mediterranean climate and are mostly grown by countries that colonized the New World first, where tomatoes are originally from


Potatoes are from the New World too Though


What the fuck did Europeans eat before colonialism? It seems like everything that tastes good is not originally from Europe.


Wheat = gooning
rice = no-fap semen retention


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hegelites can't explain this either


If this is an unironic question you need to read a book, for real.


this is a big dick


No, they are right.
Even back at the zenith of the Roman Empire the goto flavoring was fish sauce.
There is nothing in Europe. Arabs brought rice and spices, sugar came from the colonies in the Americas.

If you were the average person in Europe before the spread of colonial spices and crops you would be forced to eat oats, rye, wheat or barley as main dish for most of your life. Yes, of course there was meat, and there were fruits, cheese and honey, but the staple food were those food crops that even grew in the north. Olives were expensive I might add.

Then theres the question what one might drink, tea or coffee as average income? Forget it. Beer or wine, if you can afford. Water if you had access to spring water or deep wells.


That's unironically why they did a colonialism


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