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Yeah socialism seems cool in theory, but then the Japanese Adult Video industry wouldn't be able to conduct its predatory practices to produce so many amazing sexy sexy videos of girls getting FUCKED for hours by dozens of men for pocket change. How can you convince the broad majority of young men to support socialism when it would mean the death of JAV?






A trip to the yuri mines


moderators, twist OP's balls 360 degrees four times


stop being a porn addict in my most humble, noble, modest, unassuming, lowly, unpretentious, unimposing, meager, reserved and yet undeniably correct opinion


I'm a gravure guy himself


Dayum, you might be right, I never considered this.


based imagination appreciator


t. marx


File: 1711165875396.gif (141.38 KB, 220x124, low-tier-god-ltg.gif)


I say this.


I prefer amateur homemade porn.


As if most homemade stuff out there wasn't revenge porn posted without the girl's permission.


Not everything has to be a oppression olympics. There is plenty of homemade porn where couples or girls want to show SEX.





Socialism has yet to recover from this trvthnvke


Only Japan makes porn, duh.


I wish the world would unjapan itself


jav fuckin sucks


Amateur porn.

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