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New skibidi


Can i get a quick material analysis on this new episode?


nu skibidi fell off

too many characters suddenly gained the ability to talk in a series that appealed to many due to the characters' non-verbal (or gibberish) communication. Also too too much inspiration from the crappy spinoff series


I think he can't use the skibidi song anymore due to copyright


you can


So some of thee skibidis aren't on toilets anymore, but some magnet propulsion system?


TCM juliterally one line though. Pretty aure he is going to remain silent again from there on.
I guess the Astro Toilets are actual leaders or high ranking offcers of the Skibidis. Whilst the invasion force led by G-Toilet initially used the toilet form as a way to catch humans off guard before assimilating them, these are using sophisticated anti-gtavity bodies in order to fly to any part of the world in an incredibly short amount of time, fitting their implied role as overseers of the invasion. As G-Toilet proved himself unable to stop the Alliance, the Astro Skibidi Toilets decided to execute him and assume command of the invasion force themselves.


Valve's former lead writer Marc Laidlaw has apparently watched the whole series up episode 71 and weirdly enjoyed it.


I'm not watching this


t. boomer




It is amazing how much emotion he conveys with nary a word said by the main characters. Even when TCM finally spoke up, it makes extreme impact due to it marking a breaking point in the series where all the remaining silliness is put aside.

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