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I am a male prostitute AMA


Are you a top or a bottom?


What was it like writing Hellraiser?


What are your clients like?


How did you get into the business? What do I need to be like to make money that way? What is your sexuality, are you gay4cash?
I am a fine looking athletic young man, not a twink though, is there a demand fo that?


Do you feel any guilt for throwing your wealth and fortitude to the wind, to chase a psycho-sexual fantasy in the bohemian sort of petite bourgeois adventurism?


Do you have a big dick ?


whats the price of rice in china


Ever thought about blackmailing clients


op isn't answering anything. op lied, people died


i'm dissapointed in you for not answering the people in this thread. a curse upon your kin.


You're not Petit bourgeois what are you saying lol
Sad :(
I have several gay friends that do sex work. One does only fans, the other does only fans, and a host of other things, including prostitution, gogo dance, bachelor parties. I guess I can answer on his behalf?

So this is my friend, not me. He's a very close friend I've known for more than a decade.
Bottom. Power bottom, but also slave.
Varied but not young. Usually middle aged though, like 40-60s. For bachelor parties, well younger, 30s.

Usually monied. Usually very respectful.
My friend isn't a full time prostitute, just sometimes accepts money from guys on grindr.
He's living his best life. Likes to have sex at least once a day. Record is like 6 different fucks in a day. All unpaid. He likes being watched and admired, so he likes gogo and bachelor stuff. He's Petit, could live off parents but scrapes by on his own.
Below average.
I'm guessing same as here wherever here is, except cheaper.


a prostitute would be lumpen, retard


Have you ever read infinite jest? You should read the chapters about Matty the male prostitute if nothing else.


what is the meaning of life

between CNY 5.55 and CNY 11.10 per kilogram

Unique IPs: 15

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