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ITT we make fun of people who do crossfit because of how pretentious they are.


File: 1712200184215.jpg (42.85 KB, 562x630, unnamed.jpg)

The abandoned building next to family dollar?


File: 1712200939410.gif (99.95 KB, 220x175, crossfit-pullups.gif)

you will never do a pull up



File: 1712208679542.jpg (34.13 KB, 584x436, 1659472377732.jpg)

based. crosshit when trying to do anything


Do you know about the whole thing regarding rhabdo the clown? About people getting rhabdomyolysis and a funny clown in the manuals of crossfit to warn people against training to hard. lmao.

Honestly if you like crossfit, good for you. If you're an arrogant prick, you'll be an idiot regardless if you do crossfit. Crossfit attracts arrogant assholes but it doesn't make you one.

In terms of getting fit, if it works for you, cool, but I don't recommend it at all.


It's better to not "get fit" than to cripple yourself while trying to get fit. Crossfit teaches people unsafe practices that result in life altering injuries.


Working out and gym culture in general is stupid but CrossFit gotta be the biggest cope for people that couldn't make it in a real sport.


What happens in 29 minutes?


>Working out and gym culture in general is stupid
actually you are stupid and so are crossfitters. a full strength workout can be done in under an hour, once you get efficient, apart from that you only need a bit of hiking to exercise your feet and whatnot


no point.


channer brain


Absolutely no point in working out for most people as you can achieve good body composition with proper diet and walking. I used to be a hardcore gymrat when I was younger, didn't realize how stupid it was until recently.


Gymcel cope.


different people want different things


Other people want the wrong things.


>you can achieve the body you want by walking


They said "good body composition", not "the body you want". Of course walking won't turn you into a girl.


Just change your entire bone structure bro


Walking won't build more than very marginal muscle mass. Heavy resistance training is good both for stressing your muslces, bones, nerves, and cardiovascular system, but increased muscle mass is actually good for your health. As long as you don't take it to an extreme. It can literally help you avoid diseases and keep your quality of life higher as you age (especially for women btw, e.g. strength training helping prevent osteoporosis).

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